90 Yr Old Man Died Then Revived After a Heart Attack With This Magical Herb
Hear the true healing story of this 90 year old Oregan man that most docs would say was impossible.
Today I'm going to quickly share a true healing story with you that most doctors would never believe possible.
A healing that overcame death because this man's heart stopped beating.
And it wasn't the paramedics that saved him but his daughter, by giving him the instant circulation herb. You could also call it the defibrillator herb.
OK, so here's what happened...
A 90 year old man from Oregon had a massive heart attack. When the paramedics arrived he was pronounced dead because his heart had stopped beating.
His daughter was there and knew of the miraculous healing powers of the instant circulation herb. So even though her father was dead she put this herb in the form of a liquid tincture in his mouth. Within a few minutes his heart started beating again and he came back to life. But at first he only regained partial consciousness.
As he was being driven to the hospital his daughter was with him and gave him more of the instant circulation herb. By the time they had arrived at the hospital he regained full consciousness and felt so well that he demanded to be taken home so that he could finish mowing his lawn.
He didn't even need any treatment from the emergency room doctors.
The doctor asked the daughter what she had been giving her father. She told him it was cayenne and he said it was the closest thing to a miracle he had ever seen.
A miracle for him because he didn’t study herbs and had no clue the incredible and proven ability of cayenne to give an instant and massive boost to circlation. But for natural healers who use and understand the power of cayenne pepper, this is an everyday event.
That is the power of cayenne pepper, an herb that can save your life if you are having a heart attack or a stroke. In fact, in more than one instance it has brought heart attack victims back from the land of the dead.
It also works amazingly well for people who go into a state of shock. Shock means a major drop in blood pressure due to many possible factors like an accident, trauma, heatstroke, blood loss, allergic reactions, severe infections, poisoning and burns.
And going into shock can cause damage to your organs rather quickly due to a loss of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and organs of the body. So in reality it is very similar to a heart attack or stroke in terms of the kind of damage that can happen due to a lack of blood flow.
But if you have cayenne pepper you can quickly increase the circulation and raise the blood pressure in cases of shock.
You should always have cayenne pepper powder and or cayenne tincture with you wherever you go in the case of an emergency. Not just for yourself but for helping others.
I call it the “Master Key Herb” because of its incredible versatility and potent healing power.
This is just the very tip of the iceberg when it comes to cayenne pepper.
When you learn how to use it right and combine it with other herbs it becomes a blockbuster healing breakthrough of the highest magnitude. It speeds up healing time dramatically. And it helps people to heal the unhealable.
Imagine… not only can you prevent a stroke but it can quickly heal damage from strokes in a matter of days when combined with the right other herbs and used at the right potency. Yes, stroke victims regain their ability to speak and move their limbs in a matter of days instead of months if ever.
Same with Alzheimer's patients they usually achieve major improvements in their memory in 3 to 10 days.
I told you this was a blockbuster healing breakthrough.
Check out the more than 47 different ways the Master Key Herb combined with other herbs can help your life or that of a loved one below...
NOTE: The Master Key Herb is also a very potent tool in defeating cancer because not only is it great for improving blood circulation it also helps to clear out blockages in the lymphatic system and fluid. And on this page below I share with you three of the best anti-cancer herbs.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"