A Message From Jesus, Krishna & Buddha
You Won't See This Important Message of Spiritual Unity & the Past Lives of Saints Anywhere Else on the Internet
Being as today is celebrated as Christmas or the birth of Christ, I thought you might like to hear some of the things I have learned about him this year.
Yes I have been directly communicating with Jesus and with Krishna a lot today and in the past. What I have learned from them is something I NEVER expected to be true. This is an incredible message of spiritual unity across MANY religions as you are about to find out.
What you're about to read is information that almost no human on Earth has knowledge of. I only know of one other person that likely knows most of this stuff. I have never seen this discussed in any books. I discovered this information by asking my angel team extensive questions starting early this year of 2023.
I suspect what you learn today is going to totally blow your mind.
But before I continue I need to include a disclaimer.
DISCLAIMER: I am getting much of this information via asking higher plane spiritual beings for their answers and getting answers telepathically. The problem is that in many cases I have not been able to verify if this information is correct. And in the past, these types of communications have sometimes been co-opted by beings with negative intent who have lied to me. Yet at other times there is information that I get intuitively that I have an inner sense of knowing about or claircognizance (through my different chakras and especially the crown chakra) and it feels like absolute truth.
However, I constantly test these answers over and over again. For instance, I will test answers that I got from DS (Divine Sound) in 2020 now. Or answers I got at the beginning of this year I test now and see if I get the same answer. What I am getting is this... the answers are super consistent to a very complex history of questions I have asked in the past.
Though that is definitely NOT a guarantee of truth either. In any case, I continue to work on refining my methods of telepathic communications so that the lower level spiritual imposters are not able to come in and take over the answers I am getting.
I suggest you take what I am writing below as simply something to ponder on your own. Use your own intuition and or other outer world methods of discerning truth to see if you agree with what I have recently come to learn.
OK then, how to get started with this?
I'll start by telling you what I learned about Jesus in the early part of the year. Just keep in mind that I have never been a Christian in this lifetime.
In fact, I was initially brought up to be an atheist. I was a hardcore atheist up until my teenage years when I started to get curious about spiritual things.
It wasn't until I was about 20 years old where I had a life changing event. On that day my consciousness exploded out of my mind and into the higher planes of Divine Light and Love. After that experience I finally KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that I was more than just a mind or body, that I was a Divine being that lived on after death of the physical body. That happened in the late summer of 1987.
Before that I had a mental understanding from books that I was a spiritual being. But I knew I hadn't experienced it yet. That spiritual awakening in the summer of 87 changed all that. I knew it because I became it.
In any case, I've always resonated much more with teachings from Hindu religions and Buddhism than Christianity, Judaisim or Islam. I only bring this up because it is a relevant part of the story. Please just keep an open mind as you continue reading. This post is not about disparaging any particular religion.
But I will be talking about past lives EXTENSIVELY. If you don't believe in past lives then maybe you should open your mind. If you're not willing to open your mind then you'll be better off by not continuing reading.
Now back to early in 2023. I finally developed a more accurate way of communicating with my spiritual mentor DS (The Divine Sound). Previously in 2020 I had extensive communications with DS through my then girlfriend who was highly psychic and had incredible mediumship abilities. So for several months I had communications and teachings coming to me from DS via my ex of which we usually made many audio recordings of.
And I must say the things he taught me and us have absolutely revolutionized my life on multiple levels. His communications were absolutely the real deal. There is simply no way she knew all of this stuff.
However, when she left I no longer had access to this deep level of communication with DS. For at the time I was literally able to ask him questions and then he would respond verbally through my ex girlfriend.
Sorry for taking so long to get to the point but the story is much better for new readers if I get into the back story a bit.
This past year has been an incredible revelation for me. As of today I have found out about 47 of my past lives. I have also discovered that I have a whole bunch of guardian angels and spirit guides.
The first spirit guide I found out about was actually my grandfather. I discovered this on July 24 or 25 of 2020. As we were communicating with him on his birthday and eventually he blurted out that he was actually one of my spirit guides. I was very much able to spiritually feel his unique spiritual presence but he was talking to me through my ex. I could not hear or see him but she could.
So until 2023 I only knew of my grandfather being one of my spirit guides. I have since found out a whole bunch more. Including a very spiritual friend of mine who passed away a couple of years ago. After he passed on he went on a training program so that he could be one of my spirit guides and guardian angels. I think he was training for over two years before he was ready to do the job.
And on the day that he graduated he contacted me. I felt his bright, happy and distinctive vibration and I had some thoughts transmitted to me about him. Then I started asking some questions and I realized he had just become my latest guardian angel. The reason I even asked him about this is because he implanted the idea in my mind just after I first picked up his presence.
Now for some reason back in early 2023 I asked DS if Jesus was one of my guardian angels and spirit guides. To my absolute shock he said yes.
I felt embarrassed in a way because I never paid that much attention to Jesus before. Though my highly intuitive spiritual friend was often giving me hints about Jesus and his important role in the world. It is likely my friend knew that Jesus was one of my guardian angels but he wanted me to figure this out on my own.
In fact, my friend is an incredible past life expert. He has many memories of his past lives and that of many other people including myself. Plus he has other ways of vibrationally verifying if a person was someone in a past life. He could feel the vibrations of the now living person and if they were pretty much the same as a historical figure from the past he could determine if you were that person or not in a past life. His spiritual perception and vision abilities are off the charts.
And it turns out that several of the past lives I figured out, my friend confirmed. In fact, the first past life I figured out on my own he confirmed without me telling him who it was. He told me first and then I told him yes, that is exactly what I was told.
In any case, early in 2023 I first figured out that DS was actually one of my spirit guides and guardian angels. Then the third spirit guide of mine that I discovered was Jesus Christ or Sananda as he is now called. I soon started discovering way more of my spirit guides of mine.
For some reason I am very lucky and I have many such spiritual guides and guardian angels. They have been helping me all my life to be able to discern truth. I have found that because of their help that I am usually getting to the truth of the matter when many other people end up being deceived by the lies put out by the opponents of truth.
Like determining the truth that a vegetarian Raw Food Diet really is our ideal diet. So many people get confused about this. They have a few negative experiences and then they think raw is not the answer. But they haven't delved deeply enough into the causes of their difficulties.
Luckily due to my contact with DS and my study of the Dr. Robert Morse materials I have found out the exact reasons why some people struggle with going raw. This is info I have covered in the past and won't get into here today.
The point being is that I am constantly able to get to the deeper truths in life than just about anybody I know. Most everyone is being fooled by one delusion or another. It is thanks to my many super wise spiritual guides that I usually end up penetrating through the myriad of mainstream lies about one thing after another.
But it gets even better. Earlier this year I learned that I have had the protection of at least five archangels for my entire life. Back in college there was a female friend of mine who saw those archangels around me one day when we were watching TV. That was a spiritual experience that changed her life and mine. Though she just described them as angels. It's only this year that I found out they were my archangels.
My archangel protection is another reason I eventually end up seeing through the delusions that hold so many people back. The bulk of humanity is suffering from one delusion after another. There are so many lies out there that are taken for granted that it is mind blowing.
So much that most people take for granted as an obvious truth is really a lie.
OK then, I think that is enough background info to start telling you the message from Jesus and Krishna.
Last night I already knew that I was planning to write this post. So I started tuning into Jesus to ask him some questions. What surprised me is that soon after Krishna was trying to catch my attention as well. I intuitively knew it was related to what I wanted to write about Jesus.
And via my interaction with both of them I started to get an idea of what I could put into this post.
My first concept of something to share was that a few days earlier I got the idea to ask Jesus if he was really born on December 25th or not. I'll share the answer I got to that later in this post. Even my father who became a Christian in his mid forties did not believe that Jesus was born on that day or even in that month. I believe this is a common belief for 7th Day Adventists and maybe even other Christian denominations.
But now getting back to Krishna. Just so you know, he has been my guru in many past lives and in this lifetime as well. Though I also like to think of him as Babaji from the classic "Autobiography of a Yogi" book written by the great Paramhansa Yogananda.
I learned long ago that the great Babaji was actually Krishna in a past life. And I have confirmed that with DS and with several other sources including my super intuitive friend who was in constant daily communication with Babaji / Krishna.
So what I need to tell you is that in this past year not only have I discovered a lot of my own past lives, I have also discovered the past lives of many other beings. Including some past lives of my daughter but also of beings like Krishna and yes you guessed it ... JESUS CHRIST.
Now I am aware that most Christians are taught not to believe in this concept of past lives. So if that is the case you may want to exit this post now.
But before I reveal what I believe to be some of the past lives of Jesus I want to include here a super relevant quote from "Autobiography of a Yogi."
The Mahavatar (Babaji/Krishna) is in constant communion with Christ; together they send out vibrations of redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for this age. The work of these two fully-illumined masters—one with the body, and one without it—is to inspire the nations to forsake suicidal wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism, and the boomerang-evils of materialism.
This is really the essence of my message today. But it goes WAY deeper than just Christianity and Hinduism. Thanks to me discovering the past lives of so many historical spiritual luminaries I have found an unbelievable unity in the major religions of the world.
Yes, Jesus and Krishna actually work together for the upliftment of humanity.
Yogananda said it years ago. And now I know that to be true from my own experience.
What I found out earlier this year is that Jesus was alive during the life of the famous Hindu Avatar Krishna. Not only was he alive then but he was one of Krishna's best and absolute closest friends.
In that life he was named Uddhava. He was a deeply wise and spiritual being. He had mastered both the wisdom path of God or Jnana and the devotional or Bhakti path to God. This is very unusual.
Out of all the many spiritual saints during Krishna 's lifetime, Uddhava may have been the one with the highest spiritual attainment besides Krishna himself.
He was originally yogi via the path of wisdom but learned how to be a bhakti from him spending time with Krishna's gopis (while on a mission from Krishna). He saw their incredible devotion to Krishna and the high spiritual state these poorly educated females attained and he wanted to have what they had. So he learned to be a bhakti devotee like them.
And he lived with Krishna for over 100 years. In fact, there is a whole book called the Uddhava Gita written about the spiritual teachings between Krishna and his disciple Uddhava just before Krishna was about to leave his physical body for good.
Sorry if that seems like blasphemy to some of my Christian readers. But is it so hard to imagine that Jesus may have had past lives both before and after he was the super famous Jesus Christ?
He was already a very advanced Soul but spending over 100 years in close proximity to Krishna is some fantastic spiritual training. That certainly was incredible preparation for his future life as Jesus.
Here is another past life I have learned about Jesus.
He was indeed Elisha - Eliseus (Greek) of the old testament of the Bible. The Jews believed that Elisha was going to reincarnate in the future as some great spiritual savior. I think the Jews for Jesus believe that Jesus really was Elisha.
And so now we have a tie in with not only Christianity with Jesus and Hinduism with Krishna but also Judaism with Jesus having been Elisha.
But there are other beings who are on this same spiritual team all working together who were also in the old testament. Including the prophet Elijah who was Elisha's guru. Also King David and his son King Solomon are part of this same spiritual team as well.
To top it off Moses of the Old Testament is also on this same spiritual team of God realized Souls who are working to uplift humanity.
Because of my knowledge of past lives and who these beings are, I know that Elijah, Moses, King David and King Solomon are on the same spiritual team as Jesus and Krishna. So far we have three major religions involved in this team but there is way more Unity to come.
And realize I never expected this to be the case in a million years. So it's not something I was hoping to discover. I think it's just how things really are.
Until this year I had no idea there was such unity among the major religions of the world. Because their main leaders have all worked together in past lives.
Now here's a huge thing I learned from DS in 2020. DS told us repeatedly that Jesus said that Buddha was his right hand man.
It turns out that Jesus and Buddha are in reality best buddies. And in truth they have very similar spiritual beliefs. And they have worked together in a number of past lives with each other which I won't go into here now.
So now we have a fourth major religion with the same spiritual team or group of high Souls behind it.
Yes, I am on this team too and that is why I have been lucky enough to have been given this knowledge.
What about Islam, is there a tie in there too?
There are at least three saints that Muslims revere and worship that are most definitely on this same spiritual team.
Moslem saints:
Baba Lokenath
Sai Baba of Shirdi
I do believe that all of these highly advanced God realized Souls were also revered by Hindu's. So they were from India and both religions worshipped them. They were adept in both religions.
I have been told that Lahiri Mahasaya who was a disciple of Babaji / Krishna was actually Kabir in a past life. Lahiri Mahasaya was one of the great spiritual gurus of 19th century India. He is written about extensively in "Autobiography of a Yogi."
Hence we now have five major religions that have representatives from this same spiritual team.
But wait there's more... LOL
Guru Nanak the founder of Sikhism, which is the fifth largest religion in the world, is a part of this same spiritual team.
What about Zoroastrianism? Well via my past life research I found out that Zoroaster the founder of Zoroastrianism is also a part of this team.
So now we are up to 7 religions of the world that have major tie ins, if not were founded by members of this high spiritual team.
At this time I know of at least one more such religion. Likely there are more but I think that is all I have figured out so far. Though I may have forgotten some.
Lao-Tzu - Founder of Taoism is also part of this team. I believe Lao-Tzu was originally Boganathar who was a famous Indian guru and Siddha before he dumped that body and took on the Chinese body of Lao-Tzu. Boganathar lived for a very long time (I believe over 1000 years) in the same physical body.
Anyways, that makes 8 religions all with major representation from one spiritual team.
And Lao-Tzu is alive on Earth today in a physical body and someone I know. Though I do not believe he knows yet who he once was.
In fact, several of the beings I have mentioned already as leaders in these religions are actually in human bodies right now here on Earth.
For instance, I believe that Babaji (who is Krishna) is apparently still alive in his forever youthful body here on Earth. Some people believe his body to be over 1000 years old. See "Autobiography of a Yogi" to learn more about the incredible Babaji.
Also his student Lahiri Mahasya is apparently alive in a resurrected physical body that is a replica of his body when he was Lahiri Mahasaya. But he and Babaji don't live in mainstream society. They live in the Himalayan mountains and are working for the betterment of humanity and the planet there.
Moses is someone living here in the United States right now. So by the way is John the Beloved - the foremost disciple of Christ. For they are one and the same Soul. That is yet another tie in with Christianity and this spiritual team.
Hopefully this information can bring about more unity and friendship between religions. I think most humans on Earth have had enough of religious wars and crusades and of wars in general. Certainly Jesus himself did not support the crusades made in his name. That's what I got from him when I asked him about it.
The bottom line is that God is God. We shouldn't all be fighting to say which religion or guru is best. For it seems that most of the big religions of this world all emanate or have major representation from the same team of super highly evolved Souls.
So it's sort of like one BIG religion of God. Yes there are many differences. Some of those differences come because the original teachings of these God realized Souls have been changed by less than ethical people.
And now on to what Jesus told me his actual birthday is.
Whether this is true or not I can't know for sure.
But the date I got when I asked him (and I double checked multiple times) for his true birthday is... (Keep in mind he had to adjust because there was a different calendar in use during his lifetime.)
Birthday of Jesus: September 30, 26 BC
Yes they supposedly got the year wrong by 26 years. It looks like the year zero should have been 26 years earlier.
And Jesus told me that he is not particularly happy that his birthday is celebrated on the wrong day. But at least there is a little spiritual upliftment every year during these holiday times for the people who celebrate Christmas. Though for most it is just about food and gifts these days.
Anyways, that's it for this post.
I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Please share them in the comments.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & Eternal Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
Wow, Roger! WOW,WOW, WOW!
This is the kind of teachings I want to learn from you. More than anything else!
There is way too little information on this and way too much on herbs and such. LOL!
This is, to me, much more important.
Please, keep this important information coming!
Don't get me wrong, it's very important to keep our bodies healthy since they are our spirit's Temple but this kind of teaching feels very close to my heart.
It's like I'm in a famine for this spiritual food.
I thank you most deeply!
Hello Roger and thank you very much for this post!
Yes, most serious Christians (those who have studied the Bible, not those who just blindly follow tradition) know Jesus wasn't born on 25th December. In fact Christmas has pagan roots, as well as Easter with the rabbit. I'll try to remember 30th September 26 BC as the coming of Jesus on Earth. Though what I learned while I was Christian is that it is blasphemy to celebrate the birth of Jesus, as he is an eternal being from before time was invented, with no beginning or end.
I'd be curious to know more about Jesus' name Sananda, I heard it before, but I know nothing about it. I'd also be curious about Jesus' lives on other planets and aliens, if you know anything about that.
About Lao Tzu I can tell you I've read in a credible source that him and Buddha are the same person, he split his spirit in more than one body at a time. He likes to be known by his name, Zamolxe. Zamolxe is a great spiritual master revered as a god by ancient Dacians, who were very spiritual people, until they got conquered by the romans. Dacians thought themselves immortal, they believed in reincarnation and so did not fear death. I've read that they were somewhat punished for keeping their spiritual knowledge for themselves, not willing to share and spread it to other people.
Yes, it would be nice if there was just one religion in the world, after all there is just one God. The problem is evil people would like that religion to serve their satanist purposes, so we need to be careful.
When I was a kid, I thought hinduism to be the most bizarre religion of them all, with their several gods and idol worshiping. Then I read a bit the Vedic scriptures, and it seemed to me to contain some true spiritual knowledge. I was also surprised at buddhists making idols of Buddha and worshipping them, and I realized that every religion on Earth has two sides, one containing the spiritual truths, and the other that contains the silly rituals and mockery of God, having been turned away from true faith by people with bad intentions. I'd say all current religions have been corrupted and they need to be urgently cleansed or destroyed for the spiritual wellbeing of humanity, but we need to be careful, as we don't want worse to come like atheism or satanism.
Sorry for the long post and I wish you blessed days!