Can We Reprogram Reality?
Have you ever wondered if it is possible to rewrite or reprogram reality here on Earth?
What if it were possible to reprogram the evil people who run most of the governments and media of the world?
And is it possible to actually change the laws of physics?
Well, for my quick answer I believe this very much to be a YES.
In terms of the laws of physics this is the realm of the highest of the spiritual Saints. Like Jesus walking on water.
Even in more recent times in the late 1800s it was seen that the Trilanga Swami was sitting on the water without sinking. And he was witnessed staying underwater for a half an hour at a time or longer. He performed these and all sorts of other miracles that thousands of people in India witnessed.
Can you also reprogram a person?
Can you take an evil person and turn him or her into a good person? Or can you take a troubled or fearful person and make them feel happy and confident?
And can you heal your own fears, traumas and false limitations?
Well I'll give you a very quick example of when this happened to a large group of people. This is something I first heard about from Dr Joe Vitale.
You can do an internet search for his first article about this "The World's Most Unusual Therapist" by Joe Vitale.
It's the story of Dr. Hew Len. Starting sometime in the 1980s he worked at a prison facility as a therapist for criminally insane and very violent people in Hawaii. But the thing was, he never talked to any of the people that he was working on. Or rather he didn't do any one on one sessions or try to help them in any direct physical means at all.
He just worked at this criminally insane ward meditating all day to heal his clients. He looked over the files of the prisoners there and then he worked on healing them through healing himself or rather his soul self. For in consciousness we are all one being.
The situation was so bad over there that most of the workers were scared to be there. They walked with their backs to the wall. The turnover of employees was very high cuz nobody liked working there. And they were taking a heck of a lot of sick days.
A lot of the criminals had to be severely sedated to keep them from being violent. And or they had to walk around in chains. And many of them were put into isolation units for most of the day.
Apparently there were three or four violent episodes per day (or week I don’t remember exactly) at this facility.
Well after Dr. Len was working there for a few months (seeing no one in his office) things started to change dramatically.
The prisoners needed less sedation and medications. They were becoming much less violent. The employees started to enjoy working there. And eventually a number of these former mentally insane people were healed and were able to completely leave the facility.
And after 2 years or so of working there they actually closed down that ward because there was no more need. There were only two mentally unstable and or violent patients left and they were transferred to another facility. Everyone else was healed and was able to be released.
This is a True Story
This is a documented true story that you can read about extensively in the book "Zero Limits" by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD.
Well I bought and read that book soon after I first came out in 2007. Boy was that mind blowing. It was paradigm shifting.
However the book did not contain the full techniques used in the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono system. Nor do I agree with all of the premises in the book but it's still a worthwhile read.
In fact I asked DS about Dr. Hew Len and to my surprise he told me he was a High Soul. In fact, in terms of what I call a Soul Score Dr. Len rated a 10 out of 10. And I went back myself to look at his pictures. I found indeed that he had a very happy positive vibration coming from him.
Unfortunately, he was very ignorant when it came to nutrition. But possibly in this lifetime in previous lifetimes he had achieved God realization.
Sadly he passed on in 2022.
But because I had extensive spiritual training and experience in the higher planes of consciousness already, I instinctively knew how to do my own version of what Dr. Len was teaching. But I did it in a very different way than is taught in the book.
The key really is understanding that as Spiritual Beings we are all part of one giant or singular consciousness.
And I soon after started a practice that I called "Spiritual House Cleaning." On most days for 15 minutes per day or so I simply started spiritually imagining myself cleaning my house as deep as the atomic level. Every brick and piece of wood and every wall. And all of the people living in my home.
I was cleaning out any negative energies from the previous people who used to live there. And cleaning out negative energies from the people currently living there including myself and other family members living with me at the time.
One funny thing I found that happened like clockwork. Whenever I did a Spiritual House Cleaning session I found that my partner at the time would suddenly get the urge to clean the house. And this was abnormal for her to do. I mean she liked to keep things clean but she all of a sudden started cleaning much more often when I started doing this. And this cleaning would invariably happen at the same time while I was actually doing my spiritual house cleaning visualization.
I even noticed my terrified cat started to become much less fearful. She started showing up more during the daytime and hiding less. She was gradually starting to lose her fears of this new house that we were living in and these new people in my life that she was terrified of.
I attribute this to the fact that there was more Divine love and light flowing through the house. And that was because I was putting it there. I was visualizing and feeling cleaning out every last atom and molecule in the place with special spiritual cleaning tools. Day by day as I continued to do the spiritual house cleaning in my inner vision I saw that the house was getting cleaner and cleaner on a spiritual level. It became more white and Light and the vibrations were happier.
And you could do the exact same for your house or yourself if you wish. You have the power to reprogram your reality as well. In fact you could use it to reprogram your government and your currently evil rulers and turn them into heroic Spiritual Beings.
More recently I did a spiritual house cleaning session for a friend of mine. Actually I did it for his wife. I was trying to get her into the Divine Light and Love and to create an interest in her to start pursuing spirituality.
My friend told me that suddenly she was thinking about going back to church. And this happened right around the time I was working on spiritually cleaning her. They didn’t even know that I was doing this. I told my friend AFTER I did it for him. He told me in a bunch of ways that she had made some changes in wanting to improve her spirituality and health as well.
As for myself, I've had many traumatic experiences in my life. And I've healed them all using spiritual practices of Soul cleaning myself. Sometimes it would take a year or more of work to overcome a severe emotional trauma. But the Light and Love of the Divine saved me every time.
Yes, during my worst times I would do spiritual exercises two and three times a day. I was getting into the higher Soul consciousness and reprogramming my own reality so I wouldn't have to live a victim of my own fears.
Without this spiritual ability to heal myself I would have been destroyed long ago.
I can't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't know that I was a Divine being. I suppose I would have been doing drugs and drinking alcohol and just totally destroying myself like so many people do these days.
These days I have way greater tools in doing stuff like this. I have become much more intuitive and I'm communicating with Angelic beings like DS daily.
I’m even now picking up direct verbal thoughts from my father multiple times a day. When he visits me he speaks to me in German and suddenly I start thinking in German.
His most common line to me is “Vas ist das?” Or “What is that?” in English.
In any case…
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