Unfortunately, I am in an urgent financial jam again and I could really use your help as soon as possible.
So if you could help this fella out it would be much appreciated. And I promise you from the bottom of my heart that I will make it well worth your while. As you'll soon see from my story.
But if you just want to help right away and get back to reading this later I'm going to give you some links in a second.
I have a brand new fitness program that I just launched yesterday. All I can say in a quick sentence or two is that the benefits of this program and the bonuses that come with it are off the charts.
One of the main benefits is that you will feel an energy explosion like you have never felt before in your entire life. I have more energy and mental alertness than at any time in my life previously. I mean I actually feel more energetic than when I was 7 years old.
Please let me emphasize that I am not exaggerating this at all. I'm telling you the God's honest truth as I always attempt do. There is something miraculous about these specific exercises that give more energy than any other kind of fitness program I have ever tried.
But there is so much more to it than that.
You can get it here on sale during the pre launch period with 7 complimentary bonuses. There is even an exercise that is excellent for reducing edema and or swelling in the lower legs.
If you are a LEN member you'll get Healercise included as part of your membership. Purchasing this program will help me tremendously. But I honestly believe it will improve your life more than you can imagine right now.
And if you wish you can also make a donation here:
Donate to Roger:
My problem is this. I still have not earned enough to pay for last month's rent. It is only partially paid and today is the last day to pay before things get really bad.
On top of that, my truck's battery went dead about 5 days ago. Before that I had it jump started but the next time I tried to start it the battery was dead again. So I can't go anywhere in my truck and I don't have the money right now to buy a new battery.
Part of my problem has been a lack of productivity in recent months and years. And yet over the past few weeks my productivity has skyrocketed. I am easily getting double work done than before a month ago. I will share with you how that happened.
A big problem I used to have was this need to take a nap after my large brunch meal.
I thought this was a normal result of not having gotten enough sleep. But these days I could even sleep just 5 hours like I did the other day and still be wide awake and mentally alert all day long. At least until it is getting close to bedtime and then I just want to go to sleep.
Yes I am getting tired earlier but that is good because I always used to go to bed so late. Now I have the desire to go to bed earlier because of a stronger sense of tiredness at night. This is also a huge Improvement for me.
However, this is also a result of doing the Forbidden Tibetan Energy Exercise which is very good at increasing melatonin production. And when you have enough melatonin secreted at the right time of the night you start to feel tired and want to go to sleep.
This is why I jokingly called myself no nap Roger in a recent email.
Taking naps in the afternoon was totally killing my productivity. Especially because the morning hours were taking so much time doing different healing and self-improvement activities and exercise Etc. So if I wanted to work in the afternoon it would be after my nap. The problem is after my nap it was already pretty much dinner time and hence I hardly got any work done.
Well over the past 3 weeks or so that has all completely changed. Because I uncovered a combination of life-changing and energy boosting secrits. The key has been combining them together.
I now have what I call "Energy on Tap."
Whenever I need a boost of energy I can just use my new Healercise fitness program for just 3 minutes and I'll have extra energy and super mental alertness for another couple of hours.
And of course, this extra energy comes without taking any stimulants. No caffeine or no caffeinated teas.
One of the biggest things I discovered was that for over 15 years I was only getting half the benefits of doing the Forbidden Tibetan Energy Exercise (FTEE). I finally found the right way to do it so I corrected that problem. And I believe it is a strong contributor to why I need less sleep these days.
I can now function great on 6 hours of sleep when in the past I needed eight hours to feel the same if not worse. And this has been true for 3 weeks already. I just think my body is a lot more efficient and it needs less sleep as a result.
I believe a big reason for this is that the Healercise exercises are incredibly good at getting your lymphatic fluids pumping and eliminating wastes. Maybe as a result my body is more efficient at detoxifying itself during the sleep cycle.
Another reason is because these exercises are super oxygenating to every cell in the body. When you try it for the first time, you're not going to believe how much different and More Alive the cells in your arms, legs, brain and throughout your body feel.
Again this I believe this has been happening to me because my body is being healed by these two healing and energizing exercise programs.
What a revelation it has been to me about how healing exercise can be. Of course I know about the raw food diet and using herbs to heal. But using exercise?
Well it turns out exercise can be super healing in many many different ways.
Anyways, I have recently updated FTEE to version 3 with all the new information I have discovered. (I told you I have been a lot more productive recently.)
And how did I discover it? Simply by asking DS a question about whether or not it was beneficial to do FTEE in a different way. He said yes I should be doing it this other way too. It turns out the way I had been doing it for years was severely limited. And hence I only healed half of my body.
The FTEE program very positively affects and even heals your endocrine glands but I was only getting half the benefit of the exercise for the past 15 years. And quite frankly I was hardly ever using it anymore anyway.
The other really cool thing about doing the FTEE3 exercise daily is that it's great for relieving constipation and or just increasing your bowel movements. Actually, Healercise helps with that too. I now feel that my peristaltic wave has gotten a lot stronger. And quite frankly I've been having a lot more bowel movements than in recent months.
For example, just this morning I had four bowel movements in my first hour of being awake. Two of them were small. One of them was giant. And the last one was medium sized. Then after my brunch I had another medium sized bowel movement. So already five for the day and I would likely get one or two more as the day goes on.
Well the good news is that you can gain instant access to FTEE3 as a special bonus to the Healercise program.
Please do go check out Healercise. I can pretty much guarantee that your life will be much better for it.
And the really cool thing about it is that you don't need any exercise equipment.
No weights
No exercise gadgets or machines
No expensive gym memberships
Though having a nice exercise mat is quite useful.
It's also a no and or low impact form of exercise. What this means for you is that you have a much lower chance of injuring yourself. And that is crucial for people in mid-age and in the senior citizen age range.
Just 10 to 15 minutes a day of Healercise and you will reap incredible healing benefits. I have also found that it gives me a great natural high right after doing it.
You can do it all in the comfort of your home or anywhere else you'd like to do it. It's great for when you're traveling too.
I have found that if I do just a 10 minute Healercise workout that I have extreme energy and mental alertness for at least 5 hours afterwards.
But there is one other element that I feel is contributing to my endless energy too.
And that is a certain new herb I've been taking over the last month or so. It is absolutely one of the greatest anti-aging herbs on the planet. And yet not that expensive. But few people know about it in the Western nations.
Plus it is also known for giving you an increase in energy. You won't get instant energy from it like caffeine. You have to take it for at least a few weeks before you start noticing the extra energy and extra mental clarity and happiness. I can't say for sure but I think this herb is helping me also and the energy increasing department.
And you will get a full rundown on that herb and all the amazing ways it can help you as another bonus to Healercise.
What I've written to you today in this email is only the very tip of the iceberg of what Healercise and the seven bonuses can do for you.
If you order Healercise or join LEN (LEN members get full access to Healercise) before midnight tonight Pacific Time it will help me out tremendously.
Or if you wish to donate in any amount I would be forever grateful.
Donate to Roger:
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"