Can You Give Me a Hand? - URGENT
Firstly I want to say thanks again to everyone who donated to me two months ago. That was extremely helpful and I got through my financial and my tooth pain predicament thanks to that extra influx of cash.
I'm embarrassed to say that I am in another emergency financial jam. And I have very little time left. Less than two hours by the time you get this.
To make a long story short, over the past couple of months I've been so busy working on the Custom Heal All Protocols that people donated $100.00 or more to receive that I have not had enough time to generate new income. And one of those protocols that I did took 500% longer than I expected. I went into great detail. In fact, I am still catching up and working on them now. And hence my time to generate new income has been cut severely.
Also in dealing with the jetlag of trying to adjust from falling asleep at 5am on average to 10pm on average I have lost a lot of time in that process as well.
And there have been some other emergencies I've had to deal with here. Including saving several dying trees and plants in the neighborhood that were no longer being irrigated in 120 degree high temperatures. Plus there is no hose, I have to water them by hand with 2 one gallon plastic jugs. In the past my watering of these plants took up to 2 hours per day. But I now only limit it to two trees and that still takes me 25 minutes or so. So that has been a huge time drain trying to save these beautiful trees.
But also in this past month I have stumbled upon two of the most amazing Antiaging Breakthroughs I have ever discovered. And have been spending time researching these more and experimenting with them. These new breakthroughs and much more will be coming to Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) members a bit later this month as part of our Anti-Aging Breakthroughs month.
And I have done something different this time. You can even access these Anti-Aging Breakthroughs without being a LEN member and do so for a greatly reduced one time fee.
In order to generate quick sales I have dropped the intended priceola by 50 smackers.
I'm telling you this new information is dramatically life improving. I have experienced so many healing and energy benefits (even my eyesight is WAY better) in such a short time (less than 7 days) that it blows my mind. I literally feel like I am twenty years younger.
So please check this out as soon as you can. And if you decide to purchase then know it has helped me to continue serving you.
Also I have made it so that you can become a LEN member for a 50 smackers discount as well.
Full details here:
Also if you wish to donate to help me out you can do so here:
In gratitude and humility for all of you have donated in the past and who will donate now.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"