Coming Tomorrow: Celery Slayer & Historic Healing & Anti-Aging Breakthrough
On Tuesday, October 1, I'm going to give you a complimentary copy of my new special report, “Celery Slayer: The Supermarket Herb That Blows Away Celery Juice and Heals Almost Everything.”
This heal-all or polycrest herb is far superior in healing power and nutrition to celery juice, which has been quite the health fad in recent years. In fact, this single herb can replace at least 7 different multi-herb tinctures or capsules. Saving you at least $342 a month.
It can effectively heal so many glands and organs in the body WELL, that it is mind-blowing. And if you struggle with horrible PMS or painful periods this herb is fantastic for that too.
Plus, it's one of the finest herbs for alkalizing the body, which is so vitally important for healing.
But maybe best of all is that it tastes absolutely freaking delicious as a monomeal or in recipes.
This detailed report is not going to cost you a thing, but I’m only giving it away for 48 hours as a special gift to my subscribers.
After that, the full report is only going to be available to my paid Substack members.
I’m going to be making a MAJOR announcement about a historic healing and anti-aging breakthrough that, at first glance, seems so unbelievable you'll think I'm BSing you. But I assure you that I’m not.
This will be a live group healing event.
Jump on this right away because I'll be giving quick decision-makers massive savings (well over 60%) for the first 48 hours only.
Look for the announcement and the Celery Slayer special report on Tuesday.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Nature Healer - Creator of the N.A.T. Heal All - Clean Cell System
Healing Modalities: Rapid Healing Foods, Herbology, PeeTox & Detox Systems, Nutrient Complete Nutrition, Healercise, Root Cause Dis-Ease Detection and healing feedback and guidance from DS the Ultimate Healer.
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 57-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 23-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"