Does Eating a 1lb of White Sugar Daily Cause Diabetes?
That's 1,757 calories per day from sugar alone. Which does not leave much space for anything else. Or about 70% of the daily calories of someone who eats 2,500 calories per day.

I originally wrote this as an email to my list on Oct 25, 2022.
However, I am going to add to it a bit. In the original I let the video make the point about the experiments on medical students starting as far back as 100 years ago.
This time I’m going to add some written details on the first couple of experiments metioned (though there are more) so you can get an idea of the results without having to watch the video.
Below is the original email with some new additions.
Does Eating a 1lb of White Sugar Daily Cause Diabetes?
If you ask the average person on the street...
"What causes diabetes?"
Nine times out of ten they will say "SUGAR".
I know that many of my longtime readers and students know better than this. But I would bet most still wouldn't believe what I'm about to present to you below.
So... is there any direct proof that eating sugar causes diabetes? In my experience that is highly questionable.
Did you know this has already been put to the test multiple times? And starting as early as the 1920s.
Why not eat a pound of white sugar daily and see if that makes a group of young medical students diabetic. Then later put those same medical students on an ultra high fat diet and compare the results.
Here’s a quick summary of the a couple of the studies.
Done in 1923 - J. Shirley Sweeney MD
Mild transient diabetes created in medical students within less than two weeks by eating a high fat diet.
Recent study on medical students by Dr. Anderson.
Fed a pound of sugar embedded into their regular diet. They loved it.
This went on for 11 weeks and not a single student became diabetic.
Then they switched that same experiment and fed medical students (not sure if this was the same students or different ones) an ultra high fat diet. Within less than two weeks 70% of them became diabetic.
Similar studies have been run many times. They always were forced to shorten the high fat part of the study to two weeks or less because most of the students became diabetic.
So what is really causing diabetes, is it sugar or is it fat? Dr. Diehl goes into that in more detail in the video.
You can see the results for yourself of these crazy experiments here in this video by Dr. Hans Diehl. I've given you the time stamp so that you cut the line and get to where he talks about these studies immediately.
Medical student tests: Including the one pound a day of white sugar test.
I've known this information about the high fat diets causing transiet diabetes and the high sugar diets not causing diabetes from a previous Dr. Diehl lecture for well over 15 years already. Most of the information and studies have been out there starting 100 years ago but it is being intentionally suppressed in order to keep us sick, weak and to provide the Medical Mafia with an endless flow of cash.
For it is much more profitable to treat symptoms with drugs for the rest of a persons life than to heal the actual cause of the problem. Healing patients for good is a bad business model for these vipers.
That’s why they promote keto, carnivore and other high fat diets because they know it makes humans sick and weak in the log run. This is an information war and you must learn to discern truth otherwise you fall for the lies that the Medical Mafia spews through its paid and controlled keto, carnivore and high fat diet book authors.
In any case… the ENTIRE video is very eye opening. The average person would be shocked at what has been known about the cause of diabetes since the 1920's and yet the mainstream media completely ignores this life saving information. Yes the media is complicit with the Medical Mafia in trying to kill you through disinformation and outright lies. For the Medical Mafia owns and is in full control of the media. That should be obvious now after what happened with bolognavirus.
"Diabetes and Obesity Perfect Together" (Only a few people will get my joke there. Think former governer of New Jersey, Tom Kean and his NJ vacation promoting commercials "New Jersey and You Perfect Together.)
As you'll see in the video, there seems to be a direct correlation with weight going up and an increase in diabetes. Dr. Diehl has all sorts of colorful charts showing this relationship.
Type 2 diabetes has shown to be quite reversible by simple dietary changes. Add in exercise and you get even better results. Yes, if given the right lifestyle choices about 70 to 85% (I'm not sure if those numbers are 100% correct as I'm going off of memory) of insulin dependent type 2 diabetics can get off of insulin.
And this is without even going on a Raw Complete diet, taking healing herbs and using special detox protocols to heal the adrenal glands, kidneys and the pancreas like I teach members of Light Energy Nutrition (LEN). Diabetics and prediabetics will get way better results by eating their natural fruit based diet and combining that with healings herbs.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
Hmmm... Do you really think the media, which is controlled by the Medical Mafia wants you to be healthy? Hopefully the bolognavirus scam has woken up a lot more people to the real intentions of our medical system and of our politicians.
If you really understood the evil beings behind our Medical Mafia you'd be finding a way to be your own doctor. Though this particular doctor, Hans Diehl is one of the exceptions.
Anyways, I recommend watching the entire presentation from the very beginning because it has so much myth busting information to share and because he really makes a very entertaining presentation. He has tons of studies and personal experience to back up his results. So many hundreds and thousands of diabetics have improved by ditching the meat and fish, lowering the fat dramatically and eating PLANT foods as found in Nature.
Reversing Diabetes with Diet and Life Style - Hans Diehl DrHSc, MPH, FACN
If you want to improve your health but you're not ready to go on a Raw Food Diet, then that video is just what the Raw Medicine Man ordered.
He presents study after study to back up the claims that eating a whole food, high carbohydrate and low fat and plant based diet is the key to beating diabetes, obesity, heart disease and many other diseases.
This is exactly opposite what you’ve been told your whole life about diabetes. And that is because your whole life you have been lied to.
Does eating that high carb cooked vegetarian diet keep you perpetually young and beautiful?
Unfortunately no, because it has a lot of cooked food in it which ages the body prematurely.
If you want the Fountain of Youth you need to eat Raw Complete as I teach. If you want to live disease free it can’t be done with a cooked vegetarian diet. Certainly it’s an improvement over a meat based diet but it is FAR inferior to eating our natural raw fruit and greens based diet.
With all of this evidence readily available, you should start to wonder if the widespread promotion of Ketogenic and Carnivore diets by our lamestream media after so much evidence to the contrary, is criminal negligence.
End of email.
A few important extra points to consider:
Likely when you see the results you will want to watch the full video. As this experiment has been repeated many times with much the same results.
On top of that I highly recommend you watch this video because the results in healing diabetes that Dr. Hans Diehl and his colleagues have been getting for decades now are truly stunning. This is a very comprehensive presentation and will blow away with facts and years of real world results, all of this keto and high fat diet nonsense once and for all.
All of us have been lied to regarding what causes diabetes. But if you follow the money trail then you know that the medical establishment has a TON to lose if everyone went raw and started getting healthy. This is the real reason keto diets get pushed in the mainstream media and you hear crickets when it comes to a frugivorous Raw Food Diet for humans.
Just follow the money and the motivations of the Medical Mafia and things start to make sense.
We should also consider this.
Why is it that other primates that eat a ton of fruit like the bonobos (which have the closest DNA to humans) don’t get diabetes from eating fruit? They’ve been eating fruit for their entire existence on Earth without having a diabetes epidemic.
We are primates after all. Just like the chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and monkeys. We’re not cats (carnivores) hogs, bears or dogs (omnivores) or deer, rabits or cows (herbivores). Though we very much can and should eat a lot of greens like our primate cousins do as well.
Our diets should be similar to that of other primates not to that of lions or bears. So why is it that not a single bonobo or chimpanzee is worried about getting diabetes from eating fruit?
Did you ever ask yourself that question?
It’s because it is their natural diet and animals in the wild eating their natural diet (and enough of it) have way less health problems than animals that are fed cooked food by humans. Compared to human pets they’re like health gods because they are so much healthier.
Also consider this fact. The first taste buds that develop in babies is sweet. Children love eating fruit and sweet things even more than adults. And that is because it is good for them. Nature encourages them to enjoy eating sweet things.
It wouldn’t make sense that eating fruit causes diabetes if our first taste bud is that of sweet.
Simple carbohydrates in the form of fruit is what we humans were designed to eat. Fruit is also the cleanest burning fuel which takes the least energy to digest.
So think twice before you believe the lies put out by the mainstream media and social media sources. For it is in their interest to make you sick and weak.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
It blows me away every time you remind me via email that high fat diets are the primary cause for diabetes. Even for a long time subscriber, there's so much false information that you can forget the truth if you're not reminded of it every now and then. Thanks Roger!