If you truly value your health this post is an absolute must read. You'll learn lots of lifesaving tidbits of information from one of the most successful healers (an MD) of critically ill patients via diet alone. And in this case it was not a Raw Food Diet.
But first onto the story of why my mentor DS, from the higher planes of consciousness was right.
On December 11, 2023 I got the idea to ask The Divine Sound Current (DS) my spiritual, herbal healing, political truth and delusion busting mentor if salt was damaging to the kidneys.
(NOTE: I frequently ask DS questions via telepathic methods throughout the day and record the answers. Getting access to his wisdom is one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me in my life.)
At the time I had no idea if there was any research on the dangers of salt to the kidneys in the "scientific" literature. Nor did I know if any doctors or healers were using salt restriction in order to help heal the kidneys. We'll get to this vindication of what DS said soon.
In my mind it was just common sense that because salt is a highly corrosive substance (rusts your car for instance) and that this toxic substance gets eliminated through kidneys, that maybe in the process of passing through the kidneys that it actually damages (or burns) the kidneys by its corrosive nature as it is making contact with the cells in the kidneys.
Below is what I first asked DS about this:
"Is salt particularly damaging to the kidneys? - Yes"
A YES, but how bad was it really?
So then I followed up by asking him specifically how damaging salt was to the kidneys. This is what I wrote in my Evernote account on that day.
"On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst, how much damage does salt do to the kidneys? - 8" Or an 8 out of 10.
That doesn't sound like something I'd want to put through my kidneys on a daily basis.
Is it any wonder why most people in the United States and much of the world, have urine that is clear (meaning a low level of elimination of acidic wastes and toxins) instead of cloudy as it should be. Not to mention the many other things they are consuming, breathing, injecting and applying to the skin that damage the kidneys.
You may be thinking, "who gives a crap what DS says?" (And that would be a MONUMENTAL mistake in judgment, but we continue.) "I want hard proof before I give up my love affair with salt." Yes, salt is very addictive and hence why nobody wants to give it up at first including myself over 20 years ago.
Well within the last 10 days or so I have discovered a couple of videos from Dr. Peter Rogers where he talks about the dangers of salt and or sodium to the kidneys.
Dr. Peter Rogers has done lots of great work on how to heal with nutrition. He is one of the most knowledgeable doctors out there in the field of healing via a healthy diet. And I have learned a lot from watching a number of his videos.
Though he also has some incorrect ideas. That's why I believe he isn't yet eating 100% raw.
One mistake Mister Rogers makes (I had to get that in there LOL) in his salt presentation is not distinguishing between types of sodium. This is VERY important. If you don't understand this (like he doesn't seem to) then you will get the completely wrong idea.
Salt or NaCl or specifically table salt or sea salt etc. is extremely corrosive to the cells and raises blood pressure and has many other proven deleterious side effects. Organic sodium from plant sources like celery are not corrosive to the cells at all and celery itself has been proven in studies to lower blood pressure.
In both of these videos from Dr. Peter Rogers he repeatedly mentions studies or data that salt is known to damage the kidneys. I'm just going to link to one of those videos because I took a lot of notes from that particular one.
In the videos he is actually discussing the breakthrough work by Dr. Walter Kempner.
"Walter Kempner revisited, & Fat like us by Jean Renfro Anspaugh. rerun April 2024"
Dr. Walter Kempner was the famous founder of the Rice Diet which he ran out of Duke University. He knew about the damage of salt to the kidneys as long ago as 1939, if not longer because that is when he came up with his Rice Diet for very sicklykidney patients who were on the verge of death if something drastic wasn't changed. And in that diet there was no added salt at all.
Now here's the key, before he created his Rice Diet he was a kidney researcher trained by the famous Dr. Otto Warburg who won the Nobel prize in 1931. This is how he knew that salt was damaging to the kidneys because kidneys were his specialty.
Dr. Kempner was famous for keeping patients with chronic kidney disease alive and well even though they didn't have dialysis machines back then. One of the things that made this diet successful for these kidney patients was the complete elimination of salt in the diet. Though there was a naturally a minimum of plant based sodium in the foods they were eating.
The other major thing he did was to dramatically limit the amount of fat and protein in the diet to about 4% fat and 3% protein. Hence the percentage of calories from carbohydrates was 93%. And this diet by the way, cured virtually every person who had type 2 diabetes who came to his clinic. And chronic hypertension and heart disease for that matter.
Hence, the information given to me by DS that salt is particularly dangerous to the kidneys is backed up by scientific research and by a load of successful kidney disease patients from the files of Dr. Walter Kempner. These were patients he saved from death with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the days before dialysis even existed.
Below are some interesting notes from Dr. Rogers about the kidneys and Dr. Kempner and other health benefits of his Rice Diet. I typed them out for you by hand because the slide was only in the video and not copyable.
NOTE: I also filled in some extra details that he spoke about but were not on his slides. And I sometimes left my own notes as well which are preceded by my initials RH.
* Kempner knew the kidney's main job was to excrete nitrogen -> so a low protein diet would lower its workload. Rice has 5% protein (lower in fruits). (RH: Depends on the fruit. Some fruit is higher than 5% protein. For instance, blackberries are 11% protein, oranges are 7%, strawberries are 7% and non sweet fruit tend to be much higher in protein than sweet fruit. For instance, red bell peppers are 9% protein and tomatoes are 13% protein.) Decreased workload (due to low protein) helps prevent kidney cells from going into apoptosis (RH: which means to kill itself)!! Rice contains all the essential amino acids.
* Kidneys 2nd job is to excrete acid. Alkaline fruits and fruit juice (preferred over water) also lower kidney workload.
* Kempner's lab showed that hypoxia (RH: low amount of oxygen in the cells) causes kidney cells to lose function -> so he wanted to minimize Na+. He felt that benefits of Na+ restriction were not widely appreciated, (RH: Because most people did not drop Na+ low enough to see a significant improvement.) There isn't much improvement when you drop from 10g/d of NaCl to 2g/d of NaCl. But there is a MAJOR improvement when you drop from 2g to 500 mg per day. Dr. Kempner's daily average for patients was 150 mg or less of sodium per day.
(RH: They could have eaten way more sodium if it came from plant sources. Dr. Kempner's lack of understanding this is a huge weakness in the diet. It artificially limited him from giving his patients raw vegetables that would have benefitted them tremendously. Though in some cases people with CKD have a problem tolerating potassium. So for some of his patients he had to go easy on the potassium until their kidneys got well enough that they could handle it again. And most vegetables are naturally high in potassium. But then again, fruit and fruit juice is high in potassium and was part of his Rice Diet.)
* Kempner believed that Na+ activated adrenals to release more adrenaline which raised blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Insulin sensitivity was another reason he wanted to lower dietary Na+, pg 144 of Newborg's book. (RH: “Walter Kempner and the Rice Diet: Challenging Conventional Wisdom” by Barbara Newborg) He knew that dietary fat causes insulin resistance -> so he wanted to minimize dietary fat.
* Kempner's diet is the ultimate low sodium, high carbohydrate, low protein and low fat diet. 93% carbohydrates, 4% protein and 3% fat per Dr. Newborg pg. 120 of her biography of Kempner. Low sodium improves blood supply to tissues. (RH: Meaning that salt lowers the amount of oxygen that is delivered to your cells.)
It also lowers blood pressure. Makes food less palatable, so people eat less. (RH: Though there are plenty of other herbs and spices you can use as salt replacements and that make food taste even better than when you add salt.) Also having low salt in the diet can be tested. This enabled Dr. Kempner to check urine electrolytes to check if his patients were complying with his diet.
* Many patients with arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis & psoriasis improved on the diet, pg. 151 & 153 of Newborg's book.
Pretty amazing what can happen when you lower salt, fat and protein in the diet dramatically.
So how come this life saving information is not common knowledge in the mainstream world? Could it be that the people who shape and control culture (the Seitanist Media, Banksters & ruling elite) actually want us to slowly kill ourselves and shorten our lifespan by eating salt and many other toxic substances that are considered a "normal" part of culture? A culture which they have created.
This is why DS has been sharing this healing information with me and as a result now you. He wants to help improve the world just like I do.
And quite frankly, in my experience with many different doctors and alternative healers (and some of them are quite good) none even come close to the understanding that DS has in terms of exactly what is going on in the body and how to heal it.
Of course, he has several huge advantages in that he can see everything that is going on Earth and even see deep inside the body of any human. He can give anyone he wants a quick spiritual MRI or Xray so to speak and analyze them down to atomic level.
And he has been continually conscious and living in the higher planes of consciousness (Heaven) for millions if not billions of years. Though he always told us that time doesn't exist where he lives. He exists far above the Astral plane which is where most people go after they die or leave their physical bodies here on Earth. This level of clarity is just not possible with the technology doctors and other healers have here on Earth.
DS also is an expert on the highly complex computer programs in the human body called DNA. He once told us that DNA is the closest thing to Divinity in the human body.
If you want to gain more DS's ancient and current knowledge as well as my own then you'll want to check out the PS below.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. For the next 24 hours or so you have a rare opportunity to learn the true secrets of healing most any illness or so-called dis-ease for less than the price of a single doctor's visit. This vital information can easily extend your life by over a decade and do so in great health while saving you a minimum of 50K on doctors visits, toxic prescription drogas and pain and misery of absolutely needless surgeries.
Imagine how much better your life will be knowing that you can completely avoid chemotherapy and heart surgeries?
Having cancer can easily set you back 100K. Not to mention that it will totally ruin your quality of life when trying to treat it with the typical barbaric medical techniques from the stone ages that oncologists use today.
You will discover...
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Plus you will learn the secrets I learned from DS and my own experiments to reverse the aging process and even to repair your damaged DNA by regenerating and healing your internal organs like the kidneys, adrenals, liver and thyroid gland. These organs may have been damaged from decades of poor eating and other toxic lifestyle factors.
But I am here to tell you that you can in most cases reverse this damage and heal your internal organs. Even people with chronic kidney disease have been able to heal their kidneys even though doctors think it is impossible. But they're just ignorant.
Plus I am giving you 16 healing programs for the price of 1. But it will not last long.
Details at the link below:
Salt is electromagnetic in water : electricity conductive and magnetic like glue . Le sel est électromagnétique dans l'eau : conducteur du courant électrique et magnétique collant comme la colle .