All our lives we have been taught to believe that aging is caused by time.
The longer you live the more wrinkles and grey hair you will get.
The longer you live the more likely you will get arthritis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes etc.
The longer you live the harder it is to heal from injuries and the slower you will move.
The list goes on and on.
And if you look at virtually all humans, aging does seem inevitable. Even the raw foodists I know are aging. So all my life until 2020 I just assumed that aging was inevitable. That the only thing you could do was to slow it down.
What if I told you that is one of the biggest lies ever taught to humanity?
Back in the summer of 2020 Divine Sound (DS) taught us what the real cause of so-called aging actually is. Which I will get to in a minute. And it has been three years now where I have gotten to test out what he taught us and so far it seems that he is 100% correct.
Because I have barely aged in three years. And in many ways my body is younger than it was 10 and 20 years ago. Yes, my rate of aging has slowed down dramatically.
I think the only reason I showed any signs of aging at all is due to going through some bouts of sleepless nights due to tooth nerve pain. That is a whole other story. And just so you know that tooth nerve pain was definitely not caused by eating raw. I had an old mercury filling open up and spill out on several of my teeth and that stuff has been super acidic and sticky and melting some of my teeth away rapidly. It has been an hellish experience but I finally found a way to gradually clean off that mercury filling and so the damage is less and less.
But even with the least sleep in my adult life over the past year I have barely aged at all. And lack of sleep is most definitely going to age you more quickly.
Outwardly I have WAY less gray hair. I'd say that I now have less gray than 10 years ago. See the PS for more info on that.
I have less wrinkles.
And my digestive system has never been healthier. Plus many other internal organs like my kidneys, adrenal glands, heart and thyroid are in far better shape than they have ever been in recent decades.
Is my health perfect? No
I still have some issues to fix at 56 years of age from previous damage. But I'm doing way better than before the summer of 2020.
And yes I just turned 56 last Saturday so check the P.S. because I am running a very short post birthday bash celebration that I think you're gonna love.
What is The Real Cause of Aging if Not Time?
One day we had a session with DS where it was dedicated to the subject of aging. He had already hinted to us that it was not what we thought in a previous session.
DS told us that aging is not caused by time but by DAMAGE to the cells.
If you can stop all sources of damage you literally can stop aging for as long as you want.
DS told us that people used to live a lot longer. He said in Biblical times that reaching 100 years of age was common. And that some people who took better care of their health were able to live 200 or 300 years or more. Overall they actually had better diets than people do now. Though their sanitary systems were not so great.
Think about this.
When I go to the park I see many animals. But there is really only one animal where I can see obvious signs of aging. That animal is the common pigeon.
You can see younger looking adult pigeons and ones that look positively ancient.
But when I look at the doves, I can NEVER determine which ones are the senior citizens. The adult doves just look like adults. Same with the rabbits. Same with their predators, the hawks. I have never seen an old looking hawk or snake or skunk.
If the animal eats all wild foods then generally they are not going to age unless subjected to some kind of poisons.
So why do the pigeons show such signs of aging and the other animals do not?
It's because pigeons eat the most food given to them from humans. And usually that is cooked food. Stuff that should never go into the body of a human nor that of any other animal. They eat lots of bread, popcorn, hot dog scraps and on and on. Basically anything and everything that a human can think to give them.
So this cooked food which is high in oxidants and low in antioxidants damages the health of the pigeons. In the park they are the only group of animals that shows obvious signs of aging.
Remember My Antioxidant Equation:
Cooked food is high in oxidants + low antioxidants = rapid cellular damage and accelerates aging
Raw Food Diet of fruits and vegetables is very low in oxidants + super high in antioxidants = youthful, happy and healthy body
Another interesting thing is that with all the animals that don't age I have also NEVER seen one that is overweight. Even the pigeons manage to stay relatively lean compared to humans.
Yet these days 85% of humans in the United States are overweight. With a large portion of those people being obese and morbidly obese.
Of course, there are many factors that can do DAMAGE to the human body.
Factors That Can Damage the Body
1. Cooked food diet - Junk foods
2. Polluted air and water
3. Fear and stress
4. Toxins in cosmetics, hand creams, soaps, shampoos etc.
5. Lack of sleep
6. Lack of nutrients in the diet
7. Kidneys that aren't properly filtering out toxins from cellular waste metabolism.
8. Clogged and impacted colon
9. Illegal drugs
10. Prescription drugs and vaca-cinations
11. Excessive sunlight if you don't have proper inner antioxidant protection from eating the right raw foods.
Smoking cigarettes or dope
Drinking alcohol
I'm sure there are other damaging factors but this gives you an idea. If you can avoid damage you can literally stop aging. And yes it is easier to avoid the damage than to fix it later on.
But one can most definitely repair the damage done to the body. I have been doing that quite intensively over the last three years.
So why do wild animals die then if they have bodies that can last forever?
Well DS told us that they just have a certain length of time to live before their intended life cycle is up. Unless they are injured or killed by another animal they leave or die because they are ready to move on to a new or higher form of life in their next lifetime. They don't die because their body has become disease ridden.
One more thing.
Compare wild wolves or coyotes with dogs fed by humans.
Dogs seem to get most of the diseases humans get. And they often get very overweight as well. Plus they very definitely show signs of aging.
But these truly wild dogs (only if they rely 100% on foods that they can naturally find in their environment) will never become overweight and never look like senior citizens. They will never have arthritis like is so common with dogs that are constantly fed cooked grains in their kibble formulas.
Our pets are dying and suffering because of the crap we feed them.
So, are you starting to see that aging has nothing to do with time but everything to do with cellular and DNA damage?
The body of a person on a Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet like I teach will produce lots more stem cells than someone who eats cooked food. So when your cells get old you can just make brand new cells and go on and on in virtual perpetuity.
Why age?
It isn't necessary and it has nothing specifically to do with time?
Want an easy and inexpensive way to fade away your grey hair naturally and reverse baldness? Then check out the PS below to learn more about my recent discovery of a very potent and 100% natural hair fertilizer.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. I'm running a 22-hour post birthday bash sale. For the next 22 hours only, you can get all of the healing and anti-aging secrets found inside of my Light Energy Nutrition group at a big discount. You get the first two months for the price of one.
I rarely do this so if you've been wanting to join LEN then now is the time to do it.
And you will also receive six instant bonus gifts including the Fabulous Hair Fertilizer that quickly reverses grey hair, baldness & creates rapid hair growth.
I must say that so far, this is the fastest working and most effective anti grey hair herbal treatment that I have used. I have had good but gradual success with another herb in the past but the results from this are far more rapid and it costs a LOT less money.
Plus it’s super convenient to use. I'm so pleased by how much younger I look as my grey hairs are disappearing before my eyes. Yes I have seen a dramatic reduction in my gray hairs in just 30-days.
I have also seen quite a few people who had different kinds of baldness show before and after pics of their hair having grown back by using this hair fertilizer.
What I have also found is that this stuff makes your hair grow like crazy. I’ve had to trim my hair which I normally never do. It works just like fertilizer does for plants but instead for the tiny plants on your head that we call hair.
This is just one of six incredible instant bonuses you get when you join LEN while this post birthday bash is in progress.
Go here to get the full details:
Thank you Mario. Much appreciated.
Happy birthday, Roger!