Heal Dupuytren's Contracture & Several Classic Raw Food Diet Mistakes
This is an email exchange with one of my former customers that I think you'll learn extremely important lessons from.
Below I am including part of a back and forth email series with me and with one of my email subscribers and former customer. Of course, I will keep her identity anonymous.
Also in this post you are going to learn the REAL cause of Dupuytren's contracture and what you need to do to heal it. (Yes I know many of my readers will have no idea what that is.) If you're interested just watch the videos I link to below and you will know what it is.
And if you suffer from Dupuytren's contracture this info may change your life. If you want personalized help from me on this issue just email me back. Because the videos although very good lack some details you may need to know to get the healing results you want.
It's unfortunate but people who dabble with the Raw Food Diet with just getting information (like books and videos) without the direct help or mentoring of someone truly experienced like me, just can never seem to get it. (And unfortunately, the vast majority of people who teach the Raw Food Diet will teach you how to eat in a way where you quickly become nutrient deficient. And or they don’t understand the very basic but vitally important and little known concepts I am about to teach you below.)
I had the very similar problems as this woman early on in my Raw Food Diet attempts. I was coming to many wrong conclusions about what was happening with my body while eating raw. Without my experienced raw mentors I never would have been successful at going raw and staying raw. And reading all sorts of raw food books like I did at the time just confused me more.
But even my raw mentors simply had no idea of all the very impotant concepts I have since learned on my own. What I now know puts me leaps and bounds ahead of anything my mentors taught me. And one of those mentors is quite famous in the raw community. Gratefully I have figured out the TRUE reasons some people fail to thrive with going raw. Which they absolutely did not know. And often is has nothing to do with how one eats raw.
My raw mentors have almost zero understanding of very important issues and why a small percentage of people going raw feel much worse after going raw. And that is because they don’t understand the importance of the lymphatic system. And especially the fact that many organs and glands in the body get damaged from years and generations of cooked food eating due to blockages in the lymphatic system.
When your organs are weak and sickly (which is almost universal with humans these days) it can make it hard for you to thrive with going raw and or to heal the issues that ail you despite eating 100% raw.
The HUGE mistake or assumption that most people going raw make is thinking that going raw will automatically heal them of virtually every health problem. Sorry but it's not that simple.
*** This is the end of the free preview. The rest of this post is for my premium subscribers ***