Doing a high quality and thorough detox with herbs can literally save your life and improve your health in multiple ways.
But it can also be very expensive.
The reason being that you usually will need to take a number of rather expensive herbal formulas to get the results you want.
For instance, doing an herbal detox with two of my favorite healers could easily cost you $500 a month or more just on the herbs.
So how can we can we dramatically shave the cost of the herbs?
Well, I have a special trick for reducing your cost to pennies on the dollar that I don't hear anyone else talking about.
Did you know you can replace multiple herbal formulas with a single potent herb?
Some herbs are incredibly powerful and wide ranging while being inexpensive. And many of the most potent healing herbs on the planet can be found in your local grocery store or supermarket.
These are herbs I call "Heal-All" herbs. They are also known as polycrest herbs because of their abilities to positively affect many different parts and/or glands, organs and systems of the body at once. They don't actually heal all but they do heal a LOT of different things at once.
For instance, the Celery Slayer herb I talk about in this phree report below is one of those incredible herbs. By itself, it can easily replace 7 different herbal formulas. And still do additional things that those formulas were not designed for.
You can still get all the exciting details and read this full report for phree until midnight tonight, October 3, 2024, Pacific or Los Angeles time. After midnight, it will only be available to my premium Substack members.
The Celery Slayer Report - The Supermarket Herb That Blows Away Celery Juice and Heals Almost Everything
I also go into great detail of the many healing benefits of another "heal-all" herb on my “Death Cure Detox” page. And the incredible thing is that this herb is dirt-cheap.
That herb "all by itself" can replace at least 8 different multi-herb tinctures or capsule formulas when used correctly.
It is one of the most scientifically studied herbs on the planet. It can do so many amazing things for the body. You definitely know this herb, but you almost certainly don't know the majority of its MANY different healing benefits. And most people have no clue how to use it properly to get the best results.
Currently on that same page, I have a list of 29 different healing benefits that this inexpensive "heal-all" herb can deliver.
If you have heart disease, low or high blood pressure or poor circulation, you'll want to know about this herb. But trust me, that is just the very tip of the iceberg.
You can find out the many different things it can heal and the eight different herbal formulas it replaces on this page below.
It's about half way down the page. You can find it by searching the page using this phrase: "Benefits of this Incredible Heal All Supermarket Herb". Just use Control F on a Windows computer or Command-F on a Mac computer.
Would you like to learn more about these "heal-all" herbs?
I currently have a list of 22 such "heal-all" herbs that I have been curating over the last four years. I found them through my herbal research and from asking DS about them. I'll be sharing that list of herbs with all of the participants on the Death Cure Detox live group healing event I am running.
And we'll be using a number of those herbs during the detox. Several of which you can find in your local supermarket or grocery store as a fresh raw herb. And herbs in their fresh form are almost always the most potent.
Actually, some of these "heal-all" herbs grow wild as weeds all over the world. Hence, you may be able to pick them fresh out in nature and not have to pay a dime for them. Some of them are not weeds but still will grow wild in your neck of the woods.
I hope these herbal healing resources I have shared with you today will get you excited about starting or continuing your healing journey.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Nature Healer - Creator of the N.A.T. Heal All - Clean Cell System
Healing Modalities: Rapid Healing Foods, Herbology, PeeTox & Detox Systems, Nutrient Complete Nutrition, Healercise, Root Cause Dis-Ease Detection and healing feedback and guidance from DS the Ultimate Healer.
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 57-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 23-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. Now here's another way to save beaucoup bucks on your detox.
The good news...
I just added a mega coupon when you join my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) group. And the great news is that LEN members get phree access to the upcoming "Death Cure Detox." It's by far the most affordable way to attend the "Death Cure Detox," plus you'll get 14 different bonuses worth around $700 when you become a LEN member.
The bad news...
This coupon expires at midnight tonight Pacific or Los Angeles time.
Details here towards the bottom of the page...
Good day, Roger! I was inspired to inquire about your thoughts on organ regeneration and in particular the regrowth of organs which have been removed, if that is even a possibility. As you may infer, I'm referring to individuals who have been subjected to surgical removal or loss of their organs due to some form of chronic illness or disease or accident which limits their ability to function optimally. Organ transplantations have had limited success rates in most individuals and that has proven to be a detriment to many who rely on the medical establishment to assist them in their recovery after such surgeries. Would like to know your thoughts on this. Have a great one