How to Operate on Yourself
And what do hernias, hemorrhoids, stretch marks and varicose veins say about you?
And what do hernias, hemorrhoids, stretch marks and varicose veins say about you?
What does having any or multiple of these conditions potentially tell me about your state of health? And why can't doctors figure it out?
I initially learned this information directly from my healing, herbal and spiritual mentor Divine Source in the summer of 2020. Dr. Robert Morse also goes into this extensively in many of his videos and in his book, “The Detox Miracle Sourcebook.”
If you have any or multiple of these issues below you likely have a weakness in your calcium metabolism.
varicose and spider veins
prolapsed organ (like bladder, bowels, uterus etc.)
stretch marks
And taking most calcium supplements will only make the problem worse and potentially lead to getting kidney stones.
I'll get to the discussion on the calcium metabolism in a minute but first...
It's crazy that in this modern era of science and technology that the medical profession is still in the stone ages.
If you go to a doctor with a hernia he is more than likely to suggest surgery.
I know a guy I met at the park who spent thousands of dollars on multiple surgeries to heal his varicose veins in both of his legs. I saw the before and after and his legs looked much better.
The only problem with that is that he is treating the symptom and not the cause of the problem. He will likely get more varicose veins in the future unless he addresses the actual cause of the problem. While the surgery and drugs taken afterwards almost certainly weakened his health even further.
As for me I spent less than $20 and have largely solved my single varicose vein problem painlessly. (Though in my case it did not happen for the reason I'm going to state below. I actually injured myself by using hydrogen peroxide over 20 years ago.)
In most of the conditions I mentioned above, even osteoporosis, a doctor may recommend surgery.
But these kind of surgery solutions for most of our medical problems are a truly barbaric and primitive method of healing.
What if your body could be its own surgeon and operate on itself?
What if you could easily heal these problems by simply understanding the cause and then taking appropriate actions?
You have to understand that it is against the financial and power interests of the Medical Mafia to heal you. Most of their treatments, surgeries and drugs are designed to deal with symptoms while simultaneously weakening your body. You will hardly ever be in better shape after a medical procedure than beforehand. How can you be better if they're cutting veins, glands or organs out of your body in the name of "healing" you?
Their drugs are ALL toxic and ALL have negative side effects. This is a known fact in the medical profession.
You have to understand that the people and or secret societies behind the New World Order (and Bolognavirus) who want 90% of humanity dead and the rest to be slaves to the “elite class” are the exact ones who created the current barbaric and stone age medical system.
These are the same groups of people who control our global goverments behind the scenes and tried to force us to take toxic and experimental vaca-cinations. The same ones who locked you in your houses and tried to force you to wear masks that impeded your breathing and increased your CO2 to harmful levels.
Yes the Rockefellers created our current cut, burn and drug medical system. You can look this up and prove it to yourself.
So each surgery you get and each drug you take sets you up automatically for the next drug or surgery to follow. This is a demonic cash cow system that they operate.
It provides them at least two boons.
It’s a massive cash cow for them for the entire life of most humans.
It physically weakens humanity and makes them stupid and docile so that they are much easier to control.
I've seen this cycle happen to thousands of unfortunate people. They pay more and more money to all sorts of doctors while their health gets worse not better.
But most people are too ignorant of the laws of health to understand how they are being scammed by their doctors.
Yes this is an absolutely intentional scam. Maybe the individual doctor is not aware of the scam (if they weren’t so brainwashed it would be obvious to them) but the people who designed the medical system know it is a scam because they designed it to be harmful intentionally.
The average mainstream brainwashed person doesn't have the wisdom or experience to see that their doctors are in reality monsters and that there are solutions available right now that are light years better.
So... What do hernias, hemorrhoids, varicose veins etc. say about you?
In most cases it means that one of your glands has become damaged or weakened.
All of these problems have a lot to do with calcium metabolism. And if your parathyroid gland is damaged in some way you can end up having:
varicose and spider veins
prolapsed organ (like bladder, bowels, uterus etc.)
stretch marks
and more
Your parathyroid gland is responsible for your calcium utilization and metabolism. It has to keep the calcium levels in your bloodstream in a very narrow range between 9 and 10 mg/dl. It works like a thermostat for calcium.
If it gets too low then it orders calcium to be secreted from your bones by releasing the parathyroid gland hormone PTH. It can also make inactive form of vitamin D into an active form and that will increase calcium absorption in the intestines.
And when high enough levels of calcium are in the blood the parathyroid stops secreting the PTH hormone. It's just like your thermostat turning off the airconditioning when it has become colder than the thermostat setting.
Now of course if a doctor sees that your parathyroid is growing a tumor on one or more of the four parathyroid glands he may suggest to have it surgically removed.
Can you believe the idiocy of that? You very much need ALL four of those parathyroid glands working properly. Just like you need both of your kidneys.
This is absolutely curable without surgery.
And when you heal the parathyroid then you will have the proper levels of calcium flowing through the blood and problems like hernias, hemorrhoids, stretch marks and varicose veins may start to heal themselves or at least won’t get worse. This is where your body becomes your own surgeon. And it does a much better job than any surgeon could.
Tomorrow at 8am Mountain Standard Time my Substack email subscribers will be getting a special report (currently only for paid members) detailing some herbs that can help the body to heal ALL of the health problems I've mentioned in this email. It's called: Easy Way to Heal Varicose Veins & Hernias Without Surgery
If you are getting this post via email then you’re already on my Substack email list and this will be delivered to you at 8am tomorrow morning. But if you're just reading this on my Substack blog you will need to subscribe to my free Substack email list before 8am MST, 3.15.23 to get this normally paid report emailed to you free of charge.
And quite frankly these herbs are for healing the immediate symptoms. For instance I have about 85% healed a varicose vein I've had for over 20 years and I have 90% healed a hernia I gave myself a couple of weeks ago via an intense ab and core workout that I was not ready for.
Yes can you imagine being able to quickly, cheaply and easily heal a hernia? Likely the amount of herbs I’ve used to heal my hernia comes out to less than $10.
What I'm saying here is that you can start to heal these problems even if your parathyroid gland is not yet operating at full efficiency by the use of these potent connective tissue repairing herbs.
Though it would be wise to do whatever you can to heal the parathyroid gland while you're at it. But that is a topic I'll cover in more depth at some other point in the near future.
Today is about learning what causes these problems in the first place. This is something your doctor is never going to tell you. But he or she will prescribe you some toxic drug to "fix" the problem.
Yah, he’ll fix you alright.
How does the parathyroid get damaged in the first place?
Well it is usually due to acids and toxins in the body. The majority of humanity are bathing in the acids of their own cellular wastes. And acids are corrosive to the cells.
The other thing that could damage the thyroid and parathyroid glands would be nutrient deficiencies.
And yet another way they get weakened is by being squeezed and smothered by excessive fat. Too much pressure on a gland or organ will suppress its function.
All of the glands and organs can become fatty not just the liver. But it will become fatty to protect it from the excess acids that are circulating in your system. Hence why it’s so important to get your kidneys filtering.
Interestingly enough I am not particularly weak in my parathyroid and yet I got those two problems in different ways.
But if you find yourself prone to varicose and spider veins, hemorrhoids, hernias, osteoporosis, stretch marks etc. then you very well may have a weakened or hypo or hyper parathyroid gland.
This is more common problem for women than men. Especially after childbirth. But of course men can definitely suffer with a weak parathyroid as well.
Regenerate the parathyroid via nutrient complete raw foods, parathyroid healing herbs and detox methods and then you won't get these problems anymore.
Though to actually heal the problem you will likely need to use the herbs I mentioned in my special report for paid Substack members topically on the problem areas: Easy Way to Heal Varicose Veins & Hernias Without Surgery
Remember to get that report for free you need to subscribe to my free Substack email list before 8am MST on 3.15.23.
Don't ever let a doctor cut out one or more of your parathyroid glands. Let Nature's surgeon "your body" heal you via the Raw Complete Diet, herbs and detox methods.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
Thank you very much for this post, Roger! You might just have changed my destiny, possibly saving my life, as I was about to get scheduled for surgery for my hernia! But now you gave me hope that using all the knowledge you gave me, I might be able to heal it naturally, I'll do my best to heal it! Thanks again!