How to Unclog Your Nose in 10-Seconds & My Strange Morning Routine
And is My Spartan Fitness System Crazy Difficult?
Woke up, fell out of bed. Dragged a comb across my head.
Actually that is not how I started my morning and thank you to the Beatles for that famous line from their song “A Day in the Life”.
Today you're going to get a behind the scenes peek into the strange things I might do in a typical morning these days. These are strange in the sense that most people wouldn't even think to do many of these things.
And some of the things I do might even be considered as crazy to a large percentage of people in mainstream culture who don't understand our Divine nature. Of course, popular culture is “intentionally” designed to dramatically dumb down and weaken the population so that they are easy to control.
Sadly many people are brainwashed by their own religions in such a way to actually cut themselves off from all the help God truly wants to give them. Ironically these kinds of lies have been implanted into the texts of some mainstream religions by the evil ones that the founders of those religions where fighting against.
Anyways… As you'll see below, I do a lot of different things to heal my body and improve myself.
Also most modern day nutrition "experts" and or personal trainers would say I am doing something very wrong before and after my workout.
“You might think I’m crazy” (thanks to “The Cars”) and that you could never do that or that what I do is so incredibly difficult. But after years of eating a Raw Food Diet this is very easy for me to do. I have done this hundreds of times. Going raw gives you all sorts of advantages that seem like superpowers to the average cooked foodist.
And I'll share with you a simple and inexpensive tip to unclog your nose starting in 10 seconds. A deep clog may take a few minutes or so. But this stuff is super potent at blasting open the nasal passages.
What I Did on the Morning of Friday, October 27, 2023
I woke up and laid in bed for a few minutes before I got up.
Entered the time I went to bed and woke up that day into my Evernote account.
Took an herb formula in a single capsule with a tiny little bit of water that helps to heal the gastrointestinal tract and ensures proper bowel function. I also take one capsule at night just before going to bed.
Went to the bathroom and had a large bowel movement in less than 5 minutes of being awake.
Then I put a single drop of peppermint essential oil under both of my nostrils to open up the breathing passages. Man does that open up the sinuses rapidly. It's like the sensation of eating a York Peppermint Patty through your nose. LOL Remember those commercials?
My nostrils tend to get clogged up a little bit after a night of sleeping. But this peppermint essential oil opens them right up for me in like 5 to 10 seconds. It only takes longer if I have a very bad clog.
I have a deviated septum so I tend to be more prone to getting my nose clogged even though I do not eat mucus forming foods. Though when I sleep in a stream of fresh air all night my nose never gets clogged.
Also there have been some studies concluding that breathing peppermint essential oil can make you smarter and increase brain function. I like inhaling it anyway so why not. It's also great to do just before you're doing some kind of workout or sports activity because you'll be able to breathe a lot more deeply.
Next I spent about five minutes coating my hair with my Hair Fertilizer Formula. This not only grows hair rapidly it also helps to reverse multiple kinds of baldness or hair loss. But I use it specifically because it is great for turning gray hair back to your original hair color. And it seems to be fading away my remaining grays quite well.
Then I did my special herbal treatment for my ears to improve my hearing. While I was laying on my side doing that I was reading a Kindle book about Hanuman the Hindu monkey god and enlightened Soul. I got that book several years ago but it was only this year that I found out he's actually one of my spiritual guides and guardian angels.
By the way, the book I'm reading about Hanuman was written by Vanamali. She's a great author of a lot of these books about the Hindu gods. If you're into reading that kind of stuff she is a good author because of her excellent English skills and because of her spiritual knowledge and realization. She is one of the good guys on the planet. I also love her books on Krishna.
While I was doing this ear treatment and reading I was also chanting mantras.
And I was talking to the Divine Sound (DS), the ancient sage Durvasa and Dattatreya who was also Sai Baba of Shirdi in a more recent lifetime. Plus I was also tuning into Hanuman while reading the book about him.
After that I took the Master Key Herb (MKH). The MKH works to wake you up like coffee but it does not have all the damaging side effects of caffeine. And it is great to take shortly before a workout. Not to mention that it is incredible for improving circulation and regulating blood pressure.
Then I followed that up with taking a very potent spiritual, athletic and anti-aging herb. It was the second herb ever recommended to us from DS. And I have been taking it now for over 3 years. I'll be talking about that herb and many others in a future section of my Antiaging Breakthroughs program.
Next I took a pee into a large clear glass mason jar. And I was glad to see that my kidneys are still filtering like a champ. My urine was filled with particles and very cloudy. That is how I know that my kidneys are working at a high level. This is very important to gain kidney filtration if you want to have radiant health and to stop the aging process.
Right after that I applied a special anti-wrinkle herbal ointment to the area under and around my eyes. What's great about this specific herb is that it penetrates many layers deep into the skin with its skin healing properties. I know it works quite well because I only used it on one side of my face. That side of my face my wrinkles have improved the most and are far less deep than the other side. However these days I use this ointment and another on both eyes.
Then I checked Amazon shipment tracking and saw that my rosemary herb was delivered to my mailbox. I was very excited about that because that is one of the six herbs in my Brain, Nerve and Spiritual herbal formula that I'm going to be making into a tincture starting on the full moon tomorrow.
Then I went outside and fed the wild birds like doves, quail and pigeons as I do on most days. It's gotten to the point where the pigeons know me and fly right up to me. I had a whole flock of pigeons surrounding me and then landing right near me before I fed them. I just hope they're not getting overly dependent on me.
When I got back inside I did a protection meditation and I asked God some questions and got his answers.
Afterwards, I drank a cup of sweet herbal tea. This particular herb is possibly the greatest anti-aging herb known to man. It has so many proven healing properties that it just blows my mind. This herb puts ginseng to shame as it is way more potent and has far fewer negative side effects. Plus it is much cheaper than ginseng. And there are hundreds of studies proving the many miraculous healing properties of this herb. I'll also be talking about this herb in Antiaging Breakthroughs.
Then I did a Lightning Speed Fitness Program workout for about 15 minutes.
Next I did 30 repetitions of a new version or twist on my classic Forbidden Tibetan Energy Exercise (FTEE). Then right after that I did 30 repetitions of the original way of doing it. That new twist plus how to do the original FTEE will also be revealed in Antiaging Breakthroughs as I complete it.
Soon after I did a 16 minute workout of what I now consider to be The Holy Grail Anti-Aging Fitness System. Boy does that workout make me feel great. There is just no other exercise like it. Plus it is fun to do while it is actually helping to heal your body.
Next I did my Atlas exercise which is great for shoulder and core strength. I also stretched out my right shoulder for 1-minute as I have injured it recently and so I've been doing a lot of rehab on that shoulder.
Then again I asked God a few more questions of things I wanted clarity on.
Then I went food shopping. Yes I still have not had breakfast and barely any fluids. Only just enough water to take a small amount of herbs and the cup of herbal tea. The bulk of my herbs I take with my breakfast and or lunch or dinner meal. Most of the time I drink this tea after my workout. And I only started drinking this tea recently.
What I am trying to say is that I am very used to doing full workouts before I have had a thing to drink or to eat. And I might not even eat soon after my workout if I am really busy like I was today. I have been doing this for decades already so it is a habit.
So far I have been doing about a 17 hour dry fast today. (Minus what I mentioned above.)
And yes I did two full workouts and other exercises mixed in without eating or drinking anything before or after.
I have found that being a raw foodist makes it much easier to skip meals and to dry fast. I just don't feel that super urgent hunger (or thirst for that matter) that I used to experience all of the time when I used to eat cooked food.
And throughout the morning I was taking notes of what I was doing this morning so that I could share them with you in this email.
After about one and a half hours of raw food shopping I finally ate my breakfast and had some fluids in the form of juicy fruit. And yes by that point I was quite hungry.
So there you have it. A quick peek into the kinds of "strange" things I tend to do these days as my morning routine.
Check the PS below for a special announcement that could change the trajectory of your life and bring you back to a state of youthfulness.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. If you would like to learn more details about many of the youth restoring herbs and exercises I spoke about in this email and a ton more healing goodies then check out my brand new Anti-Aging Breakthroughs program. I have put it on MEGA sale through this Friday.
I decided to run this sale again because the last time I gave you just under 24 hours before the deadline. And I know for most of my subscribers that was definitely not enough time. So this time you've got 4+ days to check it out and see if it is right for you.