Boy oh boy am I in dire straights right now.
And as a result I could really use your IMMEDIATE help. But I am going to try to make it as much of a win-win situation as possible. So that you also potentially benefit by helping me out in my hour of need.
Here's the scoop... I'm very low on funds. And it seems like everyone was out to get me financially. That is a story for another day but I was literally robbed by the government. It was just a horrible month financially.
Paying the rent this month is not possible at the moment with my current cash reserves. And I have to pay it by tomorrow. And to make matters much worse I have been suffering with lots of exposed nerve pain in my teeth which has made it very hard for me to fall asleep at night and hence to get work done. Though I am still managing.
Two nights ago I could not fall asleep until about 8:20am and ended up getting only a few hours of disturbed sleep. Last night I improved it to around 5:20am. But it was still a very rough night (really sleeping in the daytime) of sleep. I have been struggling like this since June 21, 2023.
NOTE: To make a long story short, this tooth pain was not caused by my raw diet in the slightest. It was caused by an old mercury or amalgam filling from when I was 17 years old opening up and spilling onto several of my other teeth in varying amounts. And boy is that stuff extremely sticky but even worse it is HIGHLY CORROSIVE. It causes rapid tooth decay.
Luckily after over a year and a half I finally found a way to start cleaning that amalgam filling off of my teeth. And so the rate of new damage is much less now.
So life has been an incredible struggle lately. Hard to function when you are sleep deprived and have pain recurring every 15 or 20 minutes.
And it's a really scary feeling thinking I might not be able to pay the rent.
So here's what I propose.
I was about to launch a new healing service. It's a self-service Custom Heal All Protocol via herbs, raw foods and detox techniques. And this can be for just about any disease or health problem imaginable.
And I was going to start out by charging a low introductory price of $200 for this service. For this takes several hours on my part to put it together for you. As you will see further below.
But anyone who sends me a donation of at least $100 by noon tomorrow or 7.5.23, Arizona time, I will give you this customized herbal healing and detox consultation as my way of saying thanks to you at half the original intended price.
And you can wait to use this Custom Heal All Protocol for up a year in the future. So if you don’t have a pressing need right now or don’t have the time right now don’t worry. Put in your pocket to use later.
The kind of healing true knowledge I have gained ever since I started communicating with my spiritual mentor Divine Sound (DS) is just mind blowing. Yes you can heal much better via herbs and detox than with using toxic drugs that always have negative side effects. I've seen so many cases of incredible healings when the healer actually knew what he or she was doing.
For the last couple of years I have been doing a very deep study of healing techniques from the best true healers on the planet. By best I mean they get the most dramatic healing results with their clients with the least negative side effects. And I have been deeply studying herbology and personally experimenting with a ton of different herbs. Currently I have 161 notes in my Evernote account filled with lists of herbs that are useful for healing all sorts of health problems.
One of the main keys to healing is to remove all of the blockages that are causing dis-ease. And now with extensive knowledge of how to use the Master Key Herb I can help you get more rapid self-healing results than ever.
Just a few of the things I can give you great help with:
Heart Disease
High blood pressure and low blood pressure
Poor circulation - cold hands and feet
Stroke Damage - Rapid Healing Method - See dramatic improvement in a week not 6 months.
Overweight despite cutting calories - (Yes I know how to help your body fix itself so that you can finally release the weight that was not possible even with extreme dieting and exercise.)
Arthritis - Got a super powerful protocol for reversing all sorts of arthritis damage.
Crohn's Disease
Chronic Constipation and impacted bowels and or diverticulosis and diverticulitis.
Hemorrhoids - Simple and almost failproof solution that should work in about 30 days.
Really the list could go on and on. Even earlier today I posted a solution for Dupuytren's contraction for my Substack premium members. If you're wondering if I can help with your specific health problem then just send me a quick email to:
support ( at ) superbeing ( dot ) com
Once one has a decent grasp of what are the major causes of disease like a stagnant lymphatic system which usually starts with poor kidney filtration then you can really make rapid strides in healing.
Recently I have developed several advanced techniques to achieve kidney filtration. Without proper kidney filtration you just won't heal properly. And this is an epidemic problem in humanity these days. Most people are not filtering properly and hence they cannot eliminate acidic toxins. And those acids will eventually rip you apart from the inside out. These acids burning at different points in the body are the true cause of most so-called dis-ease.
Get kidney filtration, clean up the bowels and the lungs and healing miracles tend to occur. And potent herbs can help you do all that and more.
Here are the details on what you'll be getting based on an email I sent to one of my customers.
Custom Heal All Protocol
The best way for me to help you is to have you do a customized healing protocol consultation. This is a self help system. Not where I coach you long term. And hence it is more affordable.
I show you what herbs to take and when. Plus I show you what detox methods you need to get your healing started.
I'll have you fill out two questionnaires.
1. Is my standard Raw Food Diet questionnaire.
This will help me to figure out all the basics regarding your current and past diet.
2. Is a detailed health assessment
By studying your answers in depth this will help me to determine the root cause or causes of the problem. I will have a much better idea of the state of health of your organs, endocrine system, lymphatic system and circulation based on your answers.
After I review the questionnaires we would do a 1 hour consultation via phone or Skype for me to learn more about you and your situation.
Once I have this information I will send you a customized herbal healing and detox protocol via email. These will be recommendations of what to do for the next 3 to 4 months to heal your problem.
The cost of the herbs and any other things you need will of course be separate.
If you wish to do this then please send me $200.00.
Remember for the time being (due to my severe financial crunch) if you send me at least a $100 donation I will provide this Customized Heal All Protocol for you.
Please send your donations here:
Any level of donation you can afford would be something I would be very grateful for. So if you can only send $5 then that is great too.
I can't thank you enough for helping me out. Your contribution means the world to me.
Another thing that would really help me is if you become a LEN member. Currently you will get 6 instant bonuses worth $653.31 when you join the Light Energy Nutrition family. These are the same bonuses I made available on my recent 56th birthday bash celebration event.
1. Fabulous Hair Fertilizer - Quickly Reverses Grey Hair, Baldness & Creates Rapid Hair Growth - Value - $99.99
2. The Master Key Herb Report - Instant Circulation & Triples the Healing Power of Other Herbs - Value - $200.00
3. Dudestream Recordings, Mind Map and Transcript - Value $155.55 (Current Price)
4. Complete Dental Self Care Package - Like Being Your Own Dentist But Without the Drilling. (This includes how to get your own MummyPaste.) - Value $100.00
5. "SVS Omega 3 Pumpkin Recipe & Nutrient Breakdown" - Value $20.00
6. Rapid Healing Ointment & Super Herb Resources - Value - $77.77
Find out more about LEN at the link below.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
With extreme gratitude for however you can help.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
Greg is right. How does amalgam spill out over your teeth? I had many amalgams as a child & in my youth due to a high sugar intake & lack of (what I now know I believe) BORON. I started taking boron as Borax in water after starting to develop arthritic pain in my right, overworked elbow at the age of 58 & got results within a coupe of months, Boron is used to make things like glass harder & more resistant to stress as in Borosilicate glass as used in chemical laboratory hardware & cooking glass otherwise known as Pyrex. In a similar manner it helps to strengthen teeth & bone as well as the joints in the body. Organic sultanas are a naturally high source of Boron & have often wondered if the kids I used to see eating a lot of sultanas & or grapes are the ones who have strong teeth with few or no cavities at all. I have experimented with health protocols all my adult life & can also share with you Roger & anyone else reading this that Iodine is a very good antiseptic & I have used Lugol's solution, 5-8 drops per glass of pure clean (non tap water) 3 -4 times a day to knock out tooth abscesses over a course of a few days to a week. Iodine is good for a number of other reasons too.. Also used coconut oil pulling to help clean out a cavity while waiting for treatment. Best way to remove toxins left behind from amalgams ( I have had all mine removed) is to use Zeolite products of which the best I have tried so far but the most expensive, being TRS laboratory made nano zeolite which can cross the blood brain barrier & remove heavy metal toxins as well as other nastie's from the brain. To your radiant health. Peter G
Firstly, how does amalgam spill over your teeth? It's not liquid. And secondly, if it really is all over your teeth you should've gotten it removed immediately as it is very toxic.