Is Something HUGE About to Change History?
I asked DS a bunch of questions that I will share with you today.
This is no more naps Roger coming to you today with some potentially historic news.
Is something unbelievably huge about to happen on Earth?
Well I asked the Divine Sound Current (DS) and my angel team if indeed something big was about to unfold.
Now please realize that any predictions of the future can change. Because we all have free will and so the future is not locked in stone. So I am in no way guaranteeing that these things will happen.
But you will see DS's answers to my questions.
Some of you are not going to like these answers. But don't blame me, I'm just the messenger.
* Here are DS's Answers to My Questions *
Is a major financial collapse of the Globalist Satanic Banksters going to happen in 2023? - Yes
Will this be a global financial system collapse? - Yes
Will this be a catastrophic financial event to people in countries all across the world? - Yes
Will this lead to the collapse and loss of power of the globalist satanic banksters? - Yes
Will the genocide, murdering, raping, pillaging, child torturing and thieving acts of our bankster governments and media start to be made public via mainstream channels in 2023? - Yes
Will the new rulers who take over control of the planet be good guys? - No
Will the new rulers be better for humanity than the current Satanic cabal of Globalist Banksters and NWO planners? - Yes (It should be quite an improvement but they are still on the evil side.)
Will the new rulers of the planet still try to enslave humanity? - Yes
Will there be a mainstream media disclosure of real ET or extraterrestrial beings within the next two years? - Yes
Are the current true rulers of Earth actually human? - No
Are the main leaders and or the behind the scenes Puppet Masters on Earth controlled by extraterrestrial beings? - yes
Are some or all of these current main human leaders of Earth 100% mind controlled like robots by these extraterrestrial beings? - yes
Is it possible for Humanity to physically ascend in consciousness from third dimensional (3D) to fourth dimensional (4D) bodies? - yes
Will Humanity physically ascend from 3D to 4D within the next 5 years? - No
Will Humanity physically ascend from 3D to 4D within the next 25 years? - No
Will Humanity physically ascend from 3D to 4D within the next 40 years? - Yes
DS told us back in 2020 that predicting the future can never be certain due to the free will factor. If one person makes a single different choice it could completely change how history unfolds.
And quite frankly I have been expecting a global financial collapse for well over a decade now and it still has not happened. So we'll see what happens.
However, I do have something MEGA HUGE to share with you that could totally change the course of your personal history. I'm talking about something totally game-changing.
Here's an example of what I mean.
Last night I only got about 5 hours of sleep. And yet it's after brunch and again I did not need to take a nap.
Remember, up until recently I have been taking naps almost daily due to a lack of sleep. Yet it has been over a week since I have taken any nap or even felt the need to.
In fact I feel so wide awake and bursting with energy I can't believe it. I have never in my life felt this wide awake, alert and happy on only 5 hours of sleep. In the past getting only 5 hours of sleep used to make me super unproductive and feeling miserable all day long.
And I haven't had any coffee or caffeine whatsoever. You know I would never consume that stuff. But I just had to say it to be absolutely clear.
But no naps Roger has been busy as a beaver since he hasn't needed to take any naps anymore.
This past week I have developed two different Fitness Systems.
One of the systems is a major update to a classic fitness program of mine. And this new update literally doubles the effectiveness. And that there is ZERO hype in that statement. You will know exactly why when you see the update for yourself.
But this other fitness system is the real game changer. And it is much more in depth.
It is the most energizing fitness program I have ever used. This is why I am full of energy after just 5 hours of sleep. Now, I don't recommend sleeping only 5 hours but this just goes to show you how powerful this really is. This actually wakes you up far better than drinking coffee does.
All it takes is just 3 minutes to super oxygenate your entire body and make you feel wide awake.
And that my fine feathered friend is just the tip of the iceberg or what this can do for you.
This new no equipment fitness system has the incredible ability to heal, detox and anti-age the body as well. It is great for rehabbing injuries too. In fact in many ways it surpasses the benefits of the Holy Grail Antiaging Fitness System (HGAFS) I have been talking about recently. Though you will get best results by using both of these together.
The big advantage of this new system is that it requires no exercise equipment whatsoever. Hence, you can do it wherever and whenever.
Heck, even while I was making my lunch and using my Vitamix I was also doing some of these energizing exercises with my legs.
Gosh they make you feel so good. It gives such an incredible natural high. Once you experience this for yourself you're never going to want to stop doing it.
I am not yet going to reveal the name of this new fitness system. I will save that announcement for a future email.
But I just want to get you on the alert that I'm about to pre-launch the system at a significant savings. And there are going to be some awesome complimentary bonuses as well. Including the new and improved version of one of my classic exercise programs I mentioned earlier.
One of those bonuses will be very limited because I have to spend my time fulfilling each one.
And the limited bonus is going to be somewhat on the wacky side. I have never offered a bonus such as this in the past. Well I don't think it's wacky at all but maybe some of my more skeptical readers will. It is something I started doing like 15 years ago and it produces some astounding results for myself and for other people I used it for.
So get ready to pounce on my next email as soon as you get it because like the saying says, the early bird catches the worm.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
Hi Roger and thank you for this post!
Two questions: There are less than two months left of 2023, will the financial system really collapse this year?
And the more important one: I heard a lot about ascending from 3D to 4D, but other than it not exactly referring to a mathematical 4th dimension, I don't know what that really means. So what does it mean and how do we make sure we will be part of this ascension? My current understanding is that 4D man will simply be less materialistic and more spiritual.
Mario Barbu