Is This Proof That Salt is a Carcinogen?
Most people these days are absolutely terrified of getting cancer. And for good reason.
So since I've been talking about salt or sodium chloride so much recently this question popped into my mind.
Is salt actually a carcinogen?
In order to answer that we need to know a couple of things. So let's get a couple of definitions down.
carcinogen - Any substance or agent that tends to produce a cancer.
So we know that but we also have to know what cancer is to answer the original question.
cancer - a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
What they don't tell you is how those so-called "cancer" cells became abnormal.
Once you understand that you can fairly easily determine what is a carcinogen and what isn't.
Cells contain DNA that control the function of that particular cell. DNA does a whole lot more than that but let's simplify things here.
A cancerous cell is simply one where the DNA has been damaged so much that it gets totally out of control of the body's control system. And it's DNA programmed ability to suicide itself or apoptosis if it becomes too damaged is gone because that part of the DNA coding of the cell has been damaged by a carcinogen or multiple carcinogens.
This leads to the cell to become abnormal and it starts dividing and reproducing much more rapidly than when it was a healthy cell. It essentially goes out of control.
That is what cancer is. Simply a burned and damaged cell or cells.
This level of damage generally happens when acids and toxins overload the body so much that they start being deposited inside of your cells or intracellularly.
So the question is... Can salt damage your cells? And can salt damage the DNA of the cell?
Well let's see?
Multiple parents have been put in jail for murder by killing one or more of their children via intentional salt poisoning.
Back in the late 70s or the early 1980s several babies died in Binghamton, New York because in the baby formula they drank, the sugar was accidentally replaced with salt at the factory.
And how can you kill a whole human without killing lots of the human's cells?
We know that if you drink enough salt water that you will die of dehydration.
And if you put salt on slugs or snails they will die.
Many people have experienced salt burns from it being on the skin for too long after swimming in the ocean or in salt water.
When I lived in NJ I did an experiment. I put a ring of salt on some grass outside my window. And within a few days it started to turn brown and die. Within a week or so all of that grass under the salt died.
Below is from an outside website on what happens when you drink salt water. I also put in a couple of my observations as well.
How does salt water kill you?
When that chemical is salt, one of two things can happen. If there’s too high a concentration of salt coming in, the cells force out extra water to maintain balance, basically wringing themselves out. They stop functioning, you stop functioning. This is called death.
(RH: Salt kills cells. If it can kill cells it can also damage the DNA of the cell.)
Can drinking salt water be harmful?
Drinking seawater can be deadly to humans. When humans drink seawater, their cells are thus taking in water and salt. Therefore, to get rid of all the excess salt taken in by drinking seawater, you have to urinate more water than you drank. Eventually, you die of dehydration even as you become thirstier.
(RH: There is more going on here. Salt also BURNS the cell and can break it down. It is corrosive just like an acid. Another reason the body is getting so dehydrated is because the body uses some of its water to help dillute the salt. By dilluting the salt in as much water as possible the salt ends up doing less damage to the cells. This is why people who eat salt carry around a lot of extra water weight.)
What happens if someone drinks salt water?
In addition to depleting your body’s water supply, drinking saltwater can also lead to muscle cramps, nausea, and high blood pressure. If you were to continue to drink saltwater instead of freshwater, you would eventually experience even worse effects, such as organ failure, coma, and even death.
It should be quite apparent that salt is poisonous because even relatively small doses of salt can kill you. If that’s not a poison I don’t know what is.
Below are some quotes from an article written by Dr. Timothy Trader
When we take in more of any substance than the body can eliminate, it has to store the substance. When salt can’t be excreted, it is deposited in the body, causing the cells to contract and discharge their vital fluids. With the fluids goes all the vital components that the cell needs, including other minerals. This results in dehydration of the cells, hardening of the tissues, degeneration of the organs, and even cancer.
Excessive salt consumption is associated with stomach cancer,
A January 7, 2004 report of the National Cancer Center Research Institute at Kashiwa, Japan entitled “Salt and Stomach Cancer” again confirms this, stating that salt elevates—-even doubles-—the incidence of stomach cancer.
So now we even have a study that seems to confirm that salt is a carcinogen.
More from Dr. Trader:
In ancient Japan, the Samurai committed hari-kari to eliminate dishonor. Many of us have read how they stabbed themselves with a knife in this ritual suicide. There were other ways; one of them was a long and agonizing death, for those with the greatest dishonor. It was to take a sack of sea salt, just less than a pound, and a small amount of water, around a liter, and to consume both as quickly as possible. The result was destruction of the body from the inside, as well as dehydration. Death was not instantaneous, but by the next morning it was sure. Navy and maritime personnel all over the world are told not to drink sea water if they survive a shipwreck and are left without drinking water, because drinking sea water causes death by dehydration.
I suspect that even eating just two tablespoons of salt at once and you're gonna die a super painful death.
Salt most definitely can destroy DNA. If your body is exposed to enough of it and for a long enough time it will rip into your cells because of its extremely corrosive nature.
What is corrosive in nature?
Any substance which is able to destroy, damage or deteriorate other substance when come in contact is said to be a corrosive in nature.
We know that salt is corrosive to metals by speeding up the rusting process. Cars in northern climates where they salt the roads in winter get far more rust than vehicles in warm climates.
And what if your body's ability to eliminate toxins is compromised because you have poor kidney filtration and or a stagnant lymphatic system? That salt is staying inside of you and building up day after day, month after month, year after year and decade after decade.
Is it any wonder the extreme poor health humans suffer these days? Though of course, there are many other health damaging factors in the Standard American Death Diet than just salt. But you must realize that salt consumption is as toxic as eating cooked food.
The fact is that most adult Americans and the majority of children have poor kidney filtration. This means that the body cannot eliminate toxins properly through the kidneys because the kidney filters become clogged with toxins. Hence, salt (which is a known toxin) may not get eliminated and then the damage from salt would be multiplied.
Even in small amounts salt (not organic sodium from plant sources) is damaging to the body. Obviously the more of it you consume the more damage it does even to the point of killing you.
And hence, in my opinion (and I am right about this) salt is most definitely a carcinogen.
Salt is not a health food, it is just the opposite, it is a carcinogen.
This is yet another intentional and murderous scam by the puppet masters that rule our governments, financial system and most large corporatons to shorten the lives of humans and to line the pockets of the Medical Maphia.
So why aren't there any warning labels on salt like on packs of cigarettes saying eating salt can lead to getting cancer?
Is it because 99% of the people on the planet are salt addicts?
If a single government of the world were honest they would at least tell their citizens that salt is a cellular poison that is also a carcinogen. Maybe people would still eat salt but they would have done their obligation to protect the citizenry.
Yeah, so your government is corrupt too. Or at least really stupid and brainwashed. You'd think they'd hire some honest health experts to learn the truth to help their citizens.
Unfortunately, the goal of most governments of the world is money and power over its citizenry not to improve the lives of their citizens.
Just realize that the puppet masters actually want you sickly, weak and dying at a young age.
Because it is much easier to control a population that is weak and that dies young and that is poor. They become poor because of their poor health.
And I might add that toxic vaca-cinations of all kinds most definitely contribute to this early death and disease process.
Highly addictive and seemingly innocuous SALT is a perfect weapon for puppet masters around the globe to achieve this goal over the ignorant populace.
So is cooked food that is loaded with toxic chemicals and hormones BTW.
It saddens me that most people don’t get this. Every cooked food and salt eater on the planet is committing slow suicide.
If people actually ate a truly healthy Raw Complete diet like I teach my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) members the average lifespan would likely reach 100 years or more. And most of those years would be healthy and youthful.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
From my perspective it appears that the vast majority of humanity is asleep. They just follow the herd and the stupid herd mind leads them to a wasted life of needless misery and early death.
Virtually every person I see when I go shopping or take a walk is suffering tremendously. They believe if all their neighbors are eating salt then it is perfectly safe for them to do so as well. Their parents ate salt so it is normal and right for them to do so.
That is ignorant herd mind thinking at work.
And the puppet masters are fully aware of the human need to follow the herd and use that fact to their advantage in controlling humans.
One more important point...
Your body absolutely needs sodium but it does NOT need salt or NaCl at all.
I've gone years at a time without eating salt and I have zero symptoms of sodium deficiency. I stopped adding salt to my raw foods and overall diet in early 2002 or almost 22 years ago at this point.
I just got an email from one of my customers saying she hasn't used salt in her diet in 15 years.
My raw food mentor stopped using salt over 25 years ago.
The Yanomami tribe of Brazil consume no salt at all and they have low blood pressure (not low to the point of debilitation) that does not increase with age.
Of course, age is not the real season most humans see an increase in blood pressure as they age. That is mostly diet related. And a diet that contains salt is going to continuosly damage the body and raise the blood pressure, break down the cells and eventually cause cancer.
Just realize that most of the humans in the world have been duped by the salt marketers and the herd mentality because they do not know enough about nutrition.
Salt is absolutely a carcinogen and should be labeled as such. It doesn't matter if it's Celtic, Sea Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt or Real Salt either. They are ALL highly corrosive and damage the cells enough to cause death and cancer because they all contain large amounts of NaCl.
See my post about my recent experiment (I did this for you) of adding a little salt to my dinner recipes for just a single night.
My Experiment With Pink Himalayan Salt
If you think you are improving your health by eating these less refined salts then you are mistaken.
Any postive benefits gained by eating these “health food” store salts are completely negated by the fact that salt is a carcinogen and cellular poison. It’s a substance that simply should not be in the human body.
And there are many sodium rich plant foods you can eat that heal rather than harm you, so there is no need to consume salt. And those sodium rich foods will give you WAY better health results than any salt on the market. Hence a zero neeed to poison yourself.
Celery is a high sodium food and yet celery and celery juice is known to LOWER blood pressure whereas salt raises blood pressure.
Of course, for me celery does not continue to lower my blood pressure. It just keeps it in a healthy range. Whether you have low blood pressure or high, raw foods, herbs and detox methods are the answer for healing your blood vessels and regaining a healthy blood pressure.
What do you do for your sodium needs if you don't eat salt anymore? How do you overcome your addiction to salt?
What are super healthy and safe alternatives to salt?
The answers are here:
How to Beat Salt Addiction the Fun Way
Please share your comments below. I’d love to hear from you.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & Eternal Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"