My Energy Crisis
Back in the 1970s we had two major gas or energy crisis in the United States. Not enough gasoline was available and that sent the price of gas skyrocketing.
(That by the way was a purely concoted event by the elites. They artificially shut down the supply of gasoline but that is a story for another day.)
I however have been having a different type of energy crisis.
In recent months and years I have needed to take a nap on most days after eating my brunch meal.
And this is because I have not been getting enough sleep.
For instance last night I only got 6.25 hours of sleep or so. Normally I like to get at least eight if not 9 hours of sleep to be fairly well rested and get that on a daily basis.
I haven't even gotten 7 hours of sleep on a daily basis over the past month. Yes I had one or two days of 8 hours of sleep. But for the most part I was sleeping between 6 and 7 hours. When I was in high school in college and in my twenties I couldn't even function well on 7 hours of sleep let alone 6 hours. Back then I would have been a walking zombie and feeling miserable on that little sleep.
Well anyway this lack of sleep was causing me a problem. I would get so tired after my brunch meal that I needed to take a nap most days.
I thought this was completely natural due to my lack of sleep.
But something very strange has occurred recently. I can now sleep between 6 and 7 hours and not even feel the need to take a nap after my brunch meal. Which is normally my breakfast and lunch meal combined. It is like a 1200 calorie meal. So there is a lot of food to digest and process.
Yes I really do want to sleep more because I know the body functions better when you sleep more. But due to a few factors I will mention in a minute, my body is so much more energetic and functioning so much bette that I may need a lot less sleep than I used to.
Last month or so I have introduced three new things that seem to have improved my energy levels dramatically. I have so much energy now I don't know what to do with it all.
1. I started seriously doing again on a daily basis my Forbidden Tibetan Energy Exercise (FTEE).
I had not done that on a daily basis for years. Sometimes months would go by without me doing it even for one day. But I got into doing it again because my spiritual guide DS said I should try doing the FTEE in a new way. At first I could only do a very short workout in this new way. My body was a beginner at this new way of doing it. But after about a month I have built up to doing it just as well as I was doing it in the original way.
The FTEE is an excellent exercise for healing your endocrine system glands. And it just takes me 3 minutes per day to do this exercise. Hence it is good for your thyroid and adrenal glands etc.
2. I started taking a new herb which may be the king of all anti-aging herbs.
Well one of the many many things this herb is known to do is to give you a boost in energy even though it has no caffeine in it. Nor does it have any stimulants. It just makes you so much healthier that I guess it somehow gives you extra energy too.
3. I have started doing what I call The Holy Grail Antiaging Fitness System (H GAFS)
This has got to be the greatest exercise in the history of exercise. It has the most body healing benefits out of any exercise I have ever done before. And what it can do for your energy in 10 to 15 minutes a day is totally off the charts.
After doing this exercise I feel way more energy than before I do it. It's like burning calories to create extra energy. It makes no sense but it works like that every single time.
If I start to feel tired all I have to do is 3 to 5 minutes of this exercise and then my brain is full of energy and full of desire for life. And I can not only skip the nap but be in peak performance mode too. It makes me wide awake, happy and alert in the most pleasurable way.
And I can tell you that this has been great for my productivity.
Out of all three of the factors above for increasing energy, the number one most important one is the H GAFS. By doing this super addictive exercise your body creates new mitochondria. And your mitochondria is the energy factory inside of your cells. The more mitochondria in your cells the more energy you have. It's as simple as that.
And it has been proven that via the right kinds of exercise you can produce way more mitochondria in the body. Just imagine having 25% more mitochondria in every cell of your body. Think about how much those extra energy factories can do for your energia levels.
It's like you have all sorts of extra oxygen flowing throughout your body. It's an incredible sensation. I believe it's this extra oxygen flow that creates all of this endless energy.
By doing this unique exercise you get way more oxygen flow throughout each and every cell of your body.
By combining the Forbidden Tibetan Energy Exercise, the Holy Grail Antiaging Fitness System and the ultimate antiaging and healing herb you get a multiplied healing and energy boosting effect.
And I am revealing the full details of all three of the above and way more in my new Antiaging Breakthroughs program.
Save $50 when you get it before midnight tonight Pacific Time.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"