My mother was a really great cook.
Everyone who tried her spaghetti sauce, fried chicken cutlets (better than Kentucky Fried Chicken or KFC as it is known these days), deviled eggs and potato salad just loved them.
I adored all of those recipes back in the day when I was still a young lad eating meat, dairy, cooked food and loads of junk food like all of my other friends.
Now I must admit that I really didn't care for her Beef Stroganoff recipe which she made occasionally. The adults seemed to like it but I did not. I don't remember if my younger brother disliked the Beef Stroganoff as well.
But when it came to making mashed potatoes, she usually just opted to use the premade Betty Crocker mashed potato buds mix in a box about 90% of the time instead of making home made mashed potatoes from scratch.
I really love mashed potatoes and have missed tasting that hearty and fillng flavor as a raw foodist.
For many years I didn't realize that you could even eat potatoes raw.
Then maybe 8 years ago or so I realized you could eat raw potatoes. I really liked eating them and started to eat a whole bunch of them. But then one day I got sick. I later found out it was supposedly ptomaine poisoning. But that only lasted about a day and I felt better after that.
From then on I was leary about eating raw potatoes.
But recently I figured out the secret for doing so safely. I have eaten well over a hundred raw potatoes this way and never get sick from eating them this way.
The key is that you MUST fully peel the potato. Never eat the raw potato skin. And make sure you completely peel off any of the "eyes" of the potato that may start growing.
VERY IMPORTANT: If you peel the raw potato (and it was already rather old) and you see green skin underneath. Then just completely discard that potato. It can end up poisoning you.
Now getting back to making raw mashed potatoes.
A year or so ago I tried making raw mashed potatoes a couple of times but it really didn't seem to work.
Then about 6 months ago or so I made an accidental discovery.
One day I decided to make some raw potato juice. And by the way, raw potato juice is very healing... especially to the digestive tract. It turns out that raw potato juice tastes great to me as well.
Then I tried tasting the left over pulp of the potato juice. And wouldn't you know it, it tastes just like mashed potatoes. It was just awesome. I was stunned.
And since the high water or juice content of the raw potatoes is gone it's much thicker than if you just blended up the whole potato.
BTW, raw potatoes without the skin are about 79% water by weight.
Unfortunately, making potato juice just to create mashed potatoes is extremely time consuming. And you either have to drink a ton of juice and or just discard that precious juice and save the pulp for your mashed potatoes recipe.
So I still didn't have a practical way to make large quantities of raw mashed potatoes.
That was until Friday, November 22, 2024 which was the first time I successfully made unbelievably delicious raw mashed potatoes that were really thick and not leaking water everywhere.
The key was using two specific ingredients to thicken up and flavor the mashed potatoes. But I had to use both of them. Either one on their own did not do the job completely.
I call that first recipe "Raw Garlic Mashed Potatoes".
Benefits of this mouth watering recipe:
Fantastic savory flavor - Makes your taste buds sizzle with excitement.
Very filling - You will probably end up eating a bit less each night because of how full it makes you feel. It's a stick to your ribs style raw food recipe. (NOTE: I shared this recipe with LEN members during the one of my Death Cure Detox classes and my friend reported back that he made the recipe and specifically noticed that it was quite filling as well.)
Cheap ingredients including raw potatoes. Lower your weekly food bill.
No added fat whatsoever. Makes it delicious sticking to a low fat Raw Food Diet.
Use in place of cooked mashed potatoes.
Fairly nutrient rich as this recipe includes additional nutrient dense raw foods that are not just raw potatoes but that add tremendous flavor.
Buttery Flavor: One of the raw plant ingredients which is also super nutritious provides a slight buttery flavor to the recipe and yet there is no dairy at all.
Make in About 10-Minutes - This is quick and easy recipe to make. All you need besides standard kitchen equipment is a high powered blender and a peeler to peel your potatoes.
The full instructions for making my brand new "Raw Garlic Mashed Potatoes" recipe are included below in the premium section of this post.