I recently received an email from a subscriber that praised eating lots of “protein” to start your day from some kind of nutrition “expert” whose email list he is on. And at the time he thought it was really good information. So much so that he decided to start eating eggs again.
I am going to share his email and my response to him with you in today’s post.
All my life starting as a little child this idea of protein being the king of nutrition has ALWAYS been pushed in mainstream culture. I learned it from my parents and in public school as well. The main question I was brainwashed into asking about nutrition was… "Am I getting enough protein?"
As if it were some kind of precious and rare nutrient. I’m sure you were exposed to the exact same kind of thinking.
Could it be that just about everyone is asking the wrong question?
These days the very high protein Ketogenic and Carnivore diets are the ones most pushed in mainstream culture.
What most people don’t consider is that there are intentional and diabolical reasons for this protein programming by the same power groups who brought us the fake bolognavirus pandemic as you will soon see below.
The fact is that complex proteins from animal foods have been scientifically proven to be toxic and carcinogenic to the human body. Protein is a poison, not a staple health improving nutrient. Stay with me until the end of this article as I will fully explain this seemingly nonsensical statement. And by the end what I just said will make total sense.
Unfortunately, most health conscious people fall for these lies and their health is ruined as a result. And yes I have fallen for these lies myself in the past. However in my process of becoming a raw foodist I learned the truth about protein. And I have lived that truth for over 23 years now and hence I know from experience.
And these days I have so much more knowledge about true human nutrition that I know with 100% certainty when someone is talking out of their asses when it comes to nutrition and "protein" in general.
Today I am going to share with you an email that I recently got from one of my long term subscribers. Obviously, he doesn't quite get what I am teaching if he is following this ignorant "health" teacher. And yet this subscriber claims to be my disciple.
As my disciple I highly recommend you unsubscribe from that guys email list because he doesn’t have a clue as to what he is talking about.
Below I'll share what he wrote to me and then give you the general gist of the email he forwarded to me along with a bunch of his friends and or family members.
BTW, this is a greatly expanded reply to what I initially replied to him. I think this uncommon but oh so TRUE information, is going to shock some of my readers and open the eyes of others who have been taught the protein lie all of their lives.
Protein is like a nutrition religion but is it a false religion?
Watch below as I vanquish the Pathetic Protein Pimps who have almost zero understanding of true human nutrition.
Below is the short email I saw from my subscriber where he was thanking the Pathetic Protein Pimp.
Hi Rob and Riana.
Thank you very much for your info about protein. The protein with all 9 essential amino acids - the precious thing we need indeed. This is why being raw vegan I again turned to the ROV = raw ovo-vego diet, Kind regards
This of course means that he has reintroduced eggs into his diet when he says OVO. Seemingly to get more of that PRECIOUS protein into his body. Not sure if he is eating the eggs raw or not.
And the point of this article is the email he forwarded to me from another troglodyte spouting the miraculous benefits of starting your day with a protein heavy meal, shunning carbs and having a ton of protein in the diet overall. As if it were some kind of miracle nutrient.
Of course, at the end of his email, this nutrition "guru" promoted a 100% useless and health damaging vegetable based protein powder.
My Reply to my Subscriber:
Honestly (Subscriber Name),
Sorry that I need to say this so bluntly but... This is really very bad information you are forwarding here. Beginner nutrition nonsense designed to confuse and deceive whether the author is conscious of this or not. Eating lots of "protein" will only make you sicker and age you faster as I am about to show you.
Contrary to popular belief the people who generally eat the lowest levels of protein have the greatest health. Even if your protein is only 3% of your total calories the people who eat this lower level of protein thrive. There have been studies done on this and they can't even seem to find a low level of protein that is ever damaging to the people eating it.
People starving to death from a lack of calories or Kwashiorkor (you've seen those unfortunate pictures of the African children with huge bellies who are starving to death) have been tested and fed a diet that contained only 2.5% protein and yet their health recovered fully. Hence Kwashiorkor, is not a lack of protein but simply a lack of calories and nutrients overall.
Yes, it is still taught today that Kwashiorkor is a protein deficiency when it was proven to be a lack of calories and not protein. Continued lies from the Medical Mafia and Silly-Con Alley.
There is a group of aboriginal people that live in the interior highlands by Mount Hagan of Papua New Guinea that get most of their calories (or about 80 to 90%) from sweet potatoes which is a very low protein food. Apparently their daily percentage of protein based on total calories consumed is just 4.4% on average or about 25 grams per day.
Yet they’re quite muscular and hardly get any of the diseases that are so common in Western culture. They have normal hemoglobin. Plus their serum albumin or protein in the blood which is an indicator of overall amino acid status in the body is at healthy levels.
They do extensive physical work, obesity is almost non-existent and they are virtually free of heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer and diabetes.
The sickest of people who often were on their deathbeds were healed by going on an ultra low protein diet. The famous "Rice Diet" by Dr. Walter Kempner is a perfect example of this.
That diet was a miracle for healing all sorts of different diseases (initially chronic kidney disease before there were dialysis machines) and yet he limited protein levels at 4 to 5% a day for the patients living at his Rice House facility as part of Duke University.
(NOTE: It is not necessary to limit protein to just 4 or 5% if you eat fruit and plant based proteins which are simple amino acids and not complex proteins. Dr. Kempner did not understand this but he came up with his diet over 80 years ago when the field of nutrition was in its infancy. You can easily consume 7% protein from raw fruits and veggies and be perfectly healthy. In fact, when eating a lot of greens it is next to impossible for me to have even just 5% protein because veggies are loaded with amino acids.)
Human mothers milk is only 6% protein and yet a baby can more than triple in size or weight in their first year. That is the time of their lives when they need the most protein because never will a human grow as much as in their first year of life.
The reality is that humans do not need a lot of protein. Much less than other animals. And as adults we certainly don't even need anywhere close to 6% protein like babies do. And if I were being technical we don't need ANY protein whatsoever. I'll explain that in a minute.
However, last night I consumed 8% protein. I know because I track ALL of my nutrients daily by using Cronometer.com.
Remember, I have been eating all raw for over 23 years now. And I have always been able to build more muscle if I simply exercise more. The point being, I always have more than enough amino acids in me to build bigger muscles. And I never eat any eggs, dairy, fish or meat whatsoever.
Fruits and Vegetables Have an Abundant Supply of Amino Acids
Bananas for instance contain ALL of the nine essential amino acids. As do just about every other kind of raw fruit and vegetable I have ever analyzed. This notion that we need to eat protein rich foods like meat, eggs, fish and even beans to get enough protein is 100% false as I have proven to myself over the last 23 years of being all raw.
In fact, every kind of sweet fruit I ate yesterday, of which there were about 7 different kinds, contained all 9 of the supposed essential amino acids. I know this because I can easily check it in my nutrition tracking app Cronometer.com. I highly recommend you get a free Cronometer account and start tracking your nutrients there.
The list of sweet fruit I ate that have all nine of the essential amino acids:
Honeydew melon
Wild Blueberries
And ALL of the greens I ate yesterday, of which there were many, also contain ALL of the 9 essential amino acids.
Why We Shouldn't Even be Talking About Protein
The human body cannot even use protein directly. Hence, it is very misleading to say that humans need to eat protein as in coming from slaughtered animals or their milk. You can live your whole life in greater health than the protein eaters by never eating a single complex source of protein like meat, fish and dairy or animal foods.
What we really need is the building blocks of protein which are amino acids. And they are in ALL whole foods. All fruits and vegetables contain a full spectrum of amino acids. If you simply get enough calories from a variety of whole raw foods, you will always have more than enough protein without ever having to think about it.
It's automatic because there is an overabundance of amino acids for humans in all whole raw foods. This is because protein (actually amino acids) are one of the easiest nutrients to get more than enough of in the diet as our needs are very small.
The over exaggerated importance of protein is a HUGE myth promoted by the evil puppet masters who control culture and want us to eat meat, dairy and other high protein foods in order to keep our vibrations lower, make us weaker, sicker and to shorten our lifespans. This way we are much easier to control which is their goal.
Plus it supplies them with endless extra cash by treating the diseases they create with this protein religion via the Medical Mafia. The vast majority of people on this planet are simply too ignorant of true human nutrition to understand that their favorite foods are actually poisons that are shortening their lifespans by at least 500%.
How to Get Extra Energy by Dumping the Protein Habit
When we eat something that is a high protein the body needs to spend extra energy breaking it down into amino acids before those amino acids can be used. This wastes a lot of your daily energy when you eat eggs. Yet when you eat raw greens or fruit you don't have to spend this extra energy breaking down the myriad of amino acids because they are free amino acids and not bound to a complex protein structure.
The body can much more easily utilize the amino acids from fruits and vegetables than from something like eggs. This means you get the amino acids you need while saving lots of energy that would be otherwise wasted on digestion.
This translates into having loads of extra energy. Test it yourself and you will see. Eat a meal of eggs one day for breakfast, then the next day eat a meal of assorted fruit but the same amount of calories. You should feel a lot lighter and have a lot more energy on the fruit meal. That is presuming you don't have excessive adrenal gland weakness or poor nutrient absorption. But that is a story for another day.
Protein like eggs is VERY hard and energy intensive for the body to digest. But even worse is that it is acid forming. Yes eggs are an acid ash food. And continued eating of eggs damages the digestive tract and often leads to colon cancer because of this acidity.
A properly done raw vegetarian diet has ALL the protein (amino acids) you need without the dangers of eating high protein foods which damage the kidneys too by the way.
Hence, eggs in my opinion are very far from being a healthy food to eat.
Blissings to you and yours,
Remember, no one should even be using the term protein as something that is needed in the diet. We need ZERO protein. And protein being an acid ash food actually damages the digestive tract. This is why there are such high rates of colon cancer (and most other cancers) in cultures that are heavy meat and dairy eaters. And why the highlander aborigines of Papua New Guinea have virtually zero colon cancer.
But we do need amino acids and there is an absolute abundance of them in all WHOLE plant foods.
Just get enough calories from whole raw plant foods and include lots of greens in that and you will have way more amino acids (not protein) than you'll ever need. It's really not something you need to think about.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Nature Healer - Creator of the N.A.T. Heal All - Clean Cell System
Healing Modalities: Rapid Healing Raw Foods, Herbology, PeeTox & Detox Systems, Nutrient Complete Nutrition, Healercise, Hydrotherapy, Root Cause Dis-Ease Detection and healing feedback and guidance from DS the Ultimate Healer.
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 57-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 23-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. I personally never worry about getting enough protein anymore. However, there are eight other nutrients that I do pay a lot more attention to. These are nutrients that most raw foodists are deficient in.
In my Raw Complete (or Nutrient Complete) system of raw food nutrition, I teach my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) members how to easily get all of the nutrients they need to thrive on a Raw Food Diet. And this is the only effective anti-aging diet on the entire planet. All other diets lead to a state where your cells are dirty and become diseased as a result.
Plus I teach LEN members how to heal their past damage from eating high protein cooked food diets via herbs, detox methods and exercise methods that heal the body like my Healercise system. Healing the organs of elimination like the kidneys and bowels is crucial if you want to become young and dis-ease free.
Even eating Raw Complete is just a part of the picture because past damage could lead you to unknowingly poison yourself daily via your own cellular waste products even though you are consuming the healthiest diet on the planet. This happens when your lymphatic system becomes congested, blocked and acidic. And most people in Western culture have some level of a clogged lymphatic system.
Many, many people who have tried to go RAW have failed simply because they weren't getting enough nutrients and their health started to gradually deteriorate because of it. Raw Complete finally solves all of that and it makes eating raw a long term sustainable diet.
And on top of that it is mouth wateringly delicious when you use some of the simple recipes I also include as part of LEN membership. Though to be honest, just simple raw foods without a recipe are so delicious that you don't always need to make recipes.
Inside of LEN you'll also discover the secret I learned from DS about how to quickly grow new taste buds. The result being you start to enjoy foods you used to hate. Before going raw I used to hate so many different raw greens that I now enjoy eating each and every day. Greens like mustard greens, dandelion greens, arugula, celery, nappa cabbage etc. Heck I even used to dislike kale and now I adore eating it as a mono meal.
You can train your taste buds to become addicted to the healthiest foods on the planet. And when that happens it requires ZERO willpower to stay raw because you enjoy it so much.
Get all of the above info and WAY more here...
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
P.P.S. I've got something really exciting coming for you soon. In fact, I'd say it's a 1 in 10,000 year breakthrough for humanity.
This will be life saving and youth restoring info. So stay tuned to this youth restoring channel.