"Saving Shit for a Rainy Day" - This is Why You Aren't Healing
This is Part 2 to yesterday's post: What One Word is Responsible for 90% of All Diseases?
This is Part 2 to yesterday's post: What One Word is Responsible for 90% of All Diseases?
If you haven't read it you might want to go back and check it out first. Even if you have read it, I have made several edits and improvements to the post just before writing this one. Initially I used some imprecise wording in certain instances and overall the post now has quite a bit more important details. Including one cause of dis-ease that is not part of this 90%.
What One Word is Responsible for 90% of All Diseases?
As you may recall if you read yesterday's post there is one key word that is directly or indirectly responsible for about 90% of the dis-eases or health problems humanity faces.
That word is BLOCKAGE.
I already went over the first two reasons yesterday. So today I'm going to cover the last 3 types of blockages. Now in reality there are many more kinds of blockages in the human body than this.
Certainly any organ can get blocked and therefore hampered.
List of Major Blockage Points:
1. Blockages in the lymphatic system - (Including clogged kidneys)
2. Blockages in the blood or cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis etc.)
3. Blockages in the intestines and bowels (constipation, diverticulosis and diverticulitis)
4. Blockages in the nerves (What chiropractors, acupuncturists and reflexologists focus on)
5. Blockages in the lungs (Did you know that blockages in the lungs can cause high blood pressure?)
3. Blockages in the intestines and bowels (constipation, outpocketing or diverticulosis and diverticulitis)
This is one of the main areas of focus of the many different types of natural healers over the centuries. And that is the cleaning up of the bowels and colon.
If your bowels are not eliminating regularly it can cause dis-ease conditions all throughout the body due to uneliminated acidic wastes.
What I was shocked to find out is that many people these days live with constipation as if it were a normal thing. They sit on the toilet for two hours for that once a week bowel movement.
Even if you manage to go at least once per day you are very likely still constipated. You should be having two or three bowel movements per day and or have a bowel movement shortly after a significantly sized meal.
Heck I have heard some incredible stories of constipation. Like people only going once a month. I thought that was bad. Then I heard a story of a woman only going once every two months. Then I heard an even worse story of a pregnant woman only having one bowel movement per trimester. Yes during her entire pregnancy she only had three bowel movements or once every three months.
Talk about storing acidic toxins in the body.
People have such a low health account these days that they're saving their shit for a rainy day.
No way you are gonna heal if your body can't take out its trash on a daily basis. Apparently some people are so constipated that their appendix explodes because of it. And certainly a large portion of diseases of the colon have a lot to do with a clogged colon.
Based on the testimony of many Naturopathic doctors and herbalists I know, it turns out that all sorts of dis-eases in locations all over the body start to miraculously heal when the colon gets emptied out of years worth of trash.
You’ve got to clear out the diverticulosis or outpocketing of feces that is so common to people on SADD (Standard American Death Diet).
According to a master herbalist and incredible healer, ulcers in the leg are like your second colon. And the only way to heal those leg ulcers is to first clean out and heal the colon. These ulcers are there spewing out pus and toxins (lymph fluid) that were not being removed in the normal way through the bowels.
He found that you could try all the healing methods you wanted directly on these leg ulcers but it never helped until the bowels were thoroughly cleaned out first.
Of course, those kinds of ulcers due to constipation can happen anywhere in the body. Not just in the legs.
This in essence is using your third kidney as an emergency method of excreting toxins. If your bowels and kidneys are clogged the body will try to eliminate toxins through your skin.
A clogged colon is similarly as bad as blocked kidneys that no longer filter properly. They are both channels of elimination. If the acidic toxins can't get out of the body they will burn your cells and cause what is mistakenly called disease. You can imagine this would be especially true for all sorts of digestive tract and colon diseases.
I have even read of a case of severe depression going away once this man got the years of hardened crap out of his bowels. He was constantly taking herbal laxatives and that was pretty much all he needed to do to overcome his depression in about 60 days.
4. Blockages in the nerves (What chiropractors, acupuncturists and reflexologists focus on)
I am not an expert on this but I know for a fact these kinds of blockages produce dis-ease conditions as well.
I can tell you a story of this woman I met at a raw food Thanksgiving party in New York City many years ago. This woman had been a raw foodists for about six months to a year or so. But she didn't feel much improvement. Funny thing is that I noticed her posture didn't look very good. She sort of seemed out of whack and bent over in her spine.
Well she told us that she didn't feel any improvement at all from eating raw foods. But when she finally went to get a chiropractic adjustment all of a sudden she felt so much better and so much happier. I can imagine how bad her posture was before she I saw her.
In her case her nerves were blocked in many places and the chiropractor helped her remove those nerve blockages and suddenly she felt like a new woman.
I've heard lots of healing stories from using reflexology as well. When you have blocked nerves these are the kinds of therapy that you need to get well.
5. Blockages in the lungs (Did you know that blockages in the lungs can cause high blood pressure?)
Of course there are a number of different lung diseases like asthma, COPD, bronchitis, pneumonia etc. And most of them have to do with blockages in the lungs.
And if your lungs are clogged that's bad news for your entire body because every cell in your body needs a constant flow of oxygen to stay alive and function properly. So of course blockages in the lungs are a huge problem.
And again these blockages are caused by poor diet and also by breathing in polluted air. I myself had heavily clogged lungs in my late teens through my thirties. And this came from a production of a ton of mucus from consuming lots of dairy products and grains. I remember one year in college where I ate like a half gallon of Breyer's Chocolate Chip ice cream every two or three days. That really ended up screwing me up big time.
Going on a 100% Raw Food Diet dramatically cleared out my lungs and I was able to breathe a lot deeper than ever before. But even to this day, I still have a little bit of that mucus left over in my lungs. I have been getting it out with expectorant herbs.
The tissues in the lungs can get damaged and blocked off. And interestingly enough this is a hidden cause of high blood pressure. This is because your lungs actually store about 10% of your blood. And if the lung tissue is no longer circulating air properly then it can raise BP.
So you can see that BLOCKAGE is a HUGE PROBLEM throughout the entire body.
Most if not all of the organs can get blocked as well. For instance your liver and gallbladder are known to get clogged and damaged from this clogging.
And the root cause of most of these blockages is the consumption of poisons via the toxic foods we eat and the toxic air we breathe or get into our bodies otherwise. And there are many other forms of poison out there including most cosmetics, soaps, toothpastes, water and certainly doctor prescribed drugs and vaca-cines.
If you want to be healthy you have to start getting rid of these blockages and eating a Raw Complete diet like I teach my LEN members how to do.
Unfortunately, so long as you eat cooked food you can never attain ideal health.
When you combine Raw Complete with the Master Key Herb and detox methods you can heal what mainstream doctors say is impossible to heal.
More details below in the P.S.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. The Master Key Herb (MKH) is fantastic at breaking up blockages in the bloodstream. But it is also great for clearing out blockages in the lymphatic system. And these are the two major dis-ease causing blockage areas in the body.
Maybe this is why (when used properly) so many absolutely miraculous healings have been reported from using the Master Key Herb both by itself and properly combined with other amazing herbs. The other great thing about the MKH is that it makes other herbs work a lot better.
Here's what it can do for you by itself and combined with other herbs...
"Instant Circulation - Stop Heart Attacks, Strokes & Internal and External Bleeding Almost Instantly - Excellent for High or Low Blood Pressure - Heart Disease - Cardiac Arrest - Myocarditis - Pericarditis - Angina - Arrhythmias - Atherosclerosis - Congestive Heart Failure - Tachycardia - Palpitations - High Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Fats - Pollen Based Allergies - Great for Improving Digestion and Bile Production - IBS - Chronic Indigestion - Hemorrhoids - Constipation - Dementia - Memory Loss - Tinnitus - Gangrene - Cataracts - Macular Degeneration - Glaucoma - Detached Retinas - Blindness - Weak Eyesight - Frostbite - Cancers of all kinds, Tumors, Stops Colds, Flu and Sore Throats - Increased Energy - Appetite Suppressor - Great Pain Reliever Including Arthritis Pain - Toothaches - Cold Hands & Feet and More"
If you want to take your health and happiness to a whole new level of fantabulousness, then check out the five amazing bonuses in my Master Key Herb bonus package. You'll get these as my gifts to you when you join LEN before midnight Pacific time tonight or June 1, 2023.