Seinfeld Poll Results + My Vote
And discover some of the other bad guys masquerading as good guys.
Last week I created a poll for you to vote on the spiritual vibrations of the Seinfeld actors. I also asked if you thought you were an empath or not.
I did not vote on the poll itself but in this post I will tell you my own vibrational findings.
Here where the results of the Jerry Seinfeld poll:
1. What are the vibrations you feel from Jerry Seinfeld?
Good guy
Bad guy
Not sure
I suppose you can take the poll results on the actor Jerry Seinfeld himself with a grain of salt because I had already claimed that he had positive vibrations in a previous post. So perhaps many of the people who voted had read that post and where influenced by my opinion.
Hence, Jerry Seinfeld got by far the most positive votes out of the four major Seinfeld actors.
Here are the poll results for the rest of the Seinfeld actors:
2. What are the vibrations you feel from Michael Richards?
Good Guy
Bad Guy
Not sure
3. What are the vibrations you feel from Jason Alexander?
Good Guy
Bad Guy
Not sure
Interestingly the George Costanza character or Jason Alexander got the most bad guy votes. I’m wondering if those votes were influenced by the character he played who was I would say the most evil of the main four Seinfeld characters.
But is he evil or a good guy in real life?
4. What are the vibrations you feel from Julia Louis-Dreyfus?
Good Guy
Bad Guy
Not sure
And finally the poll asking if you consider yourself to be an empath.
Do you consider yourself to be an empath?
Interesting that 40% of the respondents considered themselves to be full blown empaths. Well I suppose those kind of people would be naturally drawn to participating in a poll like this.
Only at this point in my life would I consider myself at the bottom rung of what a full empath might be. I am becoming much more sensitive to picking up the vibrations of people and even the vibrations of pieces of writing.
Yes this post itself has it’s own vibrations overall. All emails, posts, articles and books have their own vibrations that an empath (and you) can pick up on.
However, I find it difficult to pick up vibrations in certain situations. I don’t really feel vibrations of most people in large groups in public too often. (That may be a blessing actually.) But I do feel pretty good at doing it by looking at a collection of pictures of an individual.
Now in seeing some of the comments on this poll I realize that the average person or non empath anaylyzes a person’s vibrations very differently than an empath does.
They look at how humbly the person speaks or doesn’t. It’s all by outer appearances or how they act and not at all what an empath would do to FEEL the vibrations of the person. There are tons of beautiful and handsome models and actors who are very much on the evil side at the core of their beings.
A conman or conwoman is an example of this. Outwardly they are charming and seem positive and friendly but inwardly they are different. Unfortunately, Kevin Trudeau is an example of such a conman as I have written about in the past.
And I have gotten some clarification from DS on him. It turns out he is NOT one of the good guys. He did some great work with his Natural Cures book but overall he is a bad guy. I can feel his uncomfortable vibrations as I write about him now.
He is a scammer and will try to fleece you of your money if you join his GIN or Global Information Network.
Same thing with politicians who have beautiful sounding words (that usually mean the opposite of what you think) but who are truly evil and power hungry beings at their core who could care less about your wellbeing.
And according to DS, at this point in history about 75% of the people on this planet lean to the evil side rather than that of the good guys or positive vibrations people.
Of course, actors can hide their true vibrations very well to the average person. But they cannot hide their true vibrations to a genuine empath. The empath will just look at them or even just think of them and feel their genuine vibrations. Not the show they put on for the public.
The empath won’t be influenced by the person’s political party affiliation. And they won’t be influenced by how many valuable things this person has done for society. For instance, some of the disinfo agents in the fields of nutrition and healing may put out a lot of good info mixed in with the bad. They may even seem super friendly on the surface but what evil deals have they made to get so much fame and fortune?
The empath also won’t be influenced by how friendly or charming the person is outwardly. I know someone who is a very friendly person who makes tons of friends easily but whom my empath friends don’t resonate with at all. At the core this super friendly person has some seriously low vibrations.
The outer persona does not match what this person is really like inwardly.
Hence, why it is so important to develop your ability to feel the true vibrations of people. If we could all do this then we would instantly know who the bad guys are in life.
Many good people looking for truth are constantly being fooled by politicians who are controlled opposition or conspiracy theory authors or influencers who are in reality paid disinformation agents who are well paid by the bad guys to give you some truth but mixed in with lies.
If you developed you empathic skills (and yes you can learn how to do this) you would start to realize all of the people and corporations that have been lying to you all of your life.
Like how so many people these days are being fooled by Elon Musk and thinking that he is a good guy. That’s not what I get from him. And my account is still shadow banned on Twitter.
Musk is definitely NOT a proponent of true free speech on his X or Twitter platform either. If Twitter or X doesn’t agree with your opinion your post will be allowed to go out but it won’t reach most of your audience.
He says he believes in freedom of speech but not feedom of reach. But what good is speaking if nobody is allowed to hear what you say? That is not freedom of speech.
He is controlled opposition and he is very much controlled by the bad guys.
Yet he is fooling millions of people who are in real life good guys but they haven’t developed their research skills nor their empathic ability enough to know the true vibrations of a person.
The vast majority of the people on this planet are falling for one trick after another. If they became truly empathic they would be forced to stop believing in a whole bunch of lies they were brought up to believe by the evil ones who control our culture and our history.
So many lies have been taught to control humanity. For instance, like this idea that viruses are deadly and cause all sorts of killer diseases. In reality there is NO scientific proof for this at all. It’s all a con game from the Medical Mafia as a way for them to gain control over the populace through the manipulative force of FEAR.
How many of your family, friends and neighbors wanted to force you to take a potentially toxic vaca-cine because they feared for their lives? (And yes it turned out to be very toxic and deadly to many.) If they were truly empathic they never would have fallen for all of the lies surrounding the bolognavirus.
I knew from day one of their attempts to hype up the bolognavirus was a scam. I knew this not due to any empathic abilities but due to decades of study on these topics. I knew all of the so called previous pandemics were scams like the swine flu, the bird flu, West Nile Virus and even the Spanish Flu that supposedly killed millions of people around 1918 - 1920.
I suspect that many of my readers still don’t even know that this whole concept of AIDS is a 100% scam as well. It is most definitely NOT caused by the so-called HIV virus. There are other reasons for the destruction of their immune systems including the heavy use of drugs. If you do your honest research on this then you will know the truth about this as well.
So many things in this world that are taken as fact are indeed lies or delusions. So much of our history taught in public schools and in the media are absolute lies.
If you want to know the TRUTH about life it really helps to develop your vibration detecting or empathic abilities.
What I picked up from Michael Richards who played Cosmo Kramer.
For instance, I suspect many of my readers who voted in the poll judged Michael Richards the actor who portrayed Cosmo Kramer to be a bad guy because of his racial outburst during a stand up comedy routine he did years ago. I think he was responding to a heckler and he totally lost it. And he said some really nasty stuff. Especially since it was directed at Jewish people and Hollyweird is largely controlled by so-called Jewish people.
At the time this was very public and I think the videos of his tirade spread far and wide in the news and on the Internet.
Even though I knew about that, I did NOT use that information to factor in what his true vibrations were. I just looked at his pictures for a couple of minutes and eventually a clear vibration started hitting me.
What I get at first is not always correct. For some reason I often need a minute or two possibly to sift out negative vibrations coming from the computer itself.
Anyways, to my surprise I felt the vibrations from Michael Richards to be on the positive side. So I feel that overall in his life he is one of the good people. And that he has resisted the evil influences of Hollyweird.
And since I said there was only one other actor beside Jerry Seinfeld who I thought had positive vibrations of the four main characters then you already know my opinions on the other two actors.
Honestly the vibrations from one of those actors was quite heavy on the negative side. After a while I had to turn away from this person’s pictures because they became painful to look at. But the other one wasn’t that much better.
I wish all of them could have had positive vibrations. Because I really loved the Seinfeld show itself.
The other thing I mentioned in a previous post is that I was suprised to feel that the vibrations from Larry David the co-creator of Seinfeld where quite high or positive too. I think his vibrations felt even a little better to me than those of Jerry Seinfeld.
Yet, my first thought was that he would have negative vibrations based on the little I knew about him and that he was supposed to be like character George Costanza but in real life. Also from just seeing him act on some of his episodes of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” I built up a somewhat negative opinion about him.
But when I felt him on purpose, I felt something different, something quite beautiful.
I’d be curious to hear your thoughts in the comments section. Did you get the same results as me? Do you consider yourself to be an empath?
I know at least two people from the comments of these posts who did not fully agree with my findings. But they both admitted to not being empathic.
I’m especially curious to hear from some of the people who voted in the poll who feels themselves to be true empaths. Did you get the same findings as me or did you get something different?
Here’s the link to the original post to see all of the poll results for yourself:
And thank you for your participation in the poll if you did indeed vote.
I hope you were able to feel the overall high vibrations of this post even though there were some low vibration people mentioned here.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"