This past June 22nd, I sent a private email that only my free and paid Substack subscribers could see. The subject line was: "DS Reveals Deep State Deceptions + Elon Musk & Who Really Controls Twitter?"
I didn't post this publicly because some of the information was very sensitive. Top Secret and extremely controversial kind of information that Divine Sound (DS) revealed to me.
NOTE: I used to call DS as Divine Source, but I changed his public name recently to Divine Sound to more accurately describe who and what he really is.
And I got some questions in response to that email.
Here is one of those questions:
I'd also be interested to know what your thoughts are of RFK Jr.?
Now that is a very interesting question to me. Because I have seen him do a ton of work bringing to light the dangers of vaca-cines and of the corruption of Dr. Anthony Fauci and of the whole bolognavirus scamdemic.
On the other hand he is a Kennedy and I know from loads of previous research that the Kennedy family is actually controlled by the New World Order group that wants to depopulate the planet by 90%. And the NWO types are the puppet masters who actually created the whole bolognavirus scam in the first place.
But I thought that maybe he had left the dark side to work for the good of humanity.
Before I get to what DS told me about him, I also want to tell you about a presidential candidate that I actually gave a campaign contribution to over a decade ago. And yet I have since found out he is a disinformation agent and or controlled opposition. What's so weird is that his positions are generally so anti-establishment that it is hard to believe that he is controlled by the opposition.
But I did my research on him. I dug deeper and eventually I found enough evidence to convince me he was actually working for the bad guys that are destroying humanity.
Years later in 2020 I asked DS about him and I was told that my suspicions were correct. He was a paid disinformation agent and basically paid to lose the nomination of his party.
So you have to be very careful with who you support. Some people that genuinely seem like they're white hats or good guys are really working for the Satanists in the background. And yet others are genuine good guys.
Realize that even people I have supported at one time or another have turned out to be in the pocketbooks of the evil ones who want to enslave you. The point being that these are not my answers. This is what DS can easily see from the other side of the veil. He knows the true intentions of everyone.
It doesn’t matter if they are Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Green Party, Socialists etc. They still can very much be controlled opposition and or disinformation agents.
See my questions to DS below and his answers.
Also as a caveat. I cannot verify that these answers are 100% correct. So do your own due diligence on this. This is for entertainment purposes only. Though I have a strong intuitive feeling that this information is accurate.
7/1/2023 4:39 PM
Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a Good Guy or white hat? - No
Is he controlled opposition? - Yes
Is he under the control of the NWO? - Yes
Was former senator Ted Kennedy controlled by the NWO? - yes
One of the things that got me suspicious of RFK Jr. in the past was that I heard him praise his uncle Ted Kennedy on all the great projects he worked on as a senator. Well I have long known that Ted Kennedy was as corrupt as they come. So that already had me a bit suspicious about RFK Jr. but that was really in the background of my mind. I still had hopes he was working for the white hats.
After I asked DS and got a negative answer, I started doing more research on RFK Jr. Besides being a Kennedy he also went to Harvard. That right there is another NWO red flag to me. So many of the NWO people are groomed for leadership at Harvard.
Then I went and looked at some of the books he's written. One of them is titled "Climate in Crisis" which is of course about this idea of human caused climate change. And this is yet another tip off that he is NWO controlled. They have been pushing this agenda for decades in the schools and universities. Before it used to be Global Warming but when the planet cooled down they had to change it to climate change. As if the climate never changed even when humans weren't around.
Anyways, I don't want to get more deeply into this. But there are very strong political motivations for fostering and forcing this idea of climate change on humanity. And the people behind it are actually the worst polluters in the world. So don't buy it.
I say yes to reducing pollution dramatically but no to the Climate Change agenda. They are not one and the same.
More questions to DS…
Is former Republican congressman Ron Paul controlled opposition? - Yes
Is Republican senator Rand Paul controlled opposition? - Yes
Ron Paul is the former Libertarian and later Republican presidential candidate that I had given a campaign contribution to. Even his son Rand Paul often seems to do good work in the senate but he never goes far enough. And that is because he is in reality a controlled opposition agent.
Is Steve Kirsch a good guy or white hat? - Yes
Even though he nominated RFK Jr. to run for president? - Yes
I also decided to ask about Steve Kirsch who runs a fantastic Substack on the bolognavirus scam (really it is a must read) and now on the dangers of vaca-cines in general. It seems he has learned a lot and grown. He is doing a great job of exposing the corruption in the governments, media and the medical "scientists" who are doing everything they can to cover up the extreme damage from the bolognavirus jabs and even the fact that vaca-cines cause autism. This guy is so creative in how he is exposing these people. Just please get on his Subtack he will really make you think.
I love how he's willing to put up $100,000 to anyone from the Medical Mafia who can beat him on a debate and yet no one will debate him.
He had personally encouraged and pushed for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to run for president. So I was thinking that possibly he was a disinfo agent as well. But thank God, DS tells me he really is a good guy or white hat. It's just that he doesn't know that Kennedy isn't.
And finally a few questions that were triggered by my research on the books that RFK Jr. has written or has had written in his name. One of them is:
"Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury—a Known Neurotoxin—from Vaccines"
I figured why not check and see if mercury is really toxic or not. Maybe even that is a scam.
Is mercury toxic to the human body? - yes
Is mercury also a neurotoxin? - yes
Is the thimerosal (made with mercury) that is used in vaca-cines as a so-called preservative toxic to the human body and brain? - yes to both
Was thimerosal intentionally put into vaca-cines to damage the human body? - Yes
All I can tell you is that I have been going through a living nightmare from the single mercury filling I ever got in my mouth when I was 17. That filling recently opened up and spilled out onto several of my other teeth. That stuff is super sticky and a very corrosive acid. It has been eating away at my teeth and melted away large sections of two of my teeth.
The big problem is the exposed nerves. It is very painful. Sometimes it makes it very, very hard to fall asleep. I have lost a ton of sleep because of this over the past 9 months or so. But I refuse to go to the dentist.
OK then, that's it for now.
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Oh no, RFK isn't good! He really fooled me though, besides an inner feeling that he's hiding something, he seemed to me a much better alternative to Trump... Now I very much regret supporting him in a comment on Telegram... To think that someone is able to lie to such extent and then do the opposite... I was planning to vote in my country for the first time in my life, but I have more doubts about my country's supposed good guys than I had about Kennedy, it would kill me to know I picked wrongly, I guess it's safer not to vote at all as I always did.
Both Steve Kirsch and RFK Jr. believe in the theory of contagious viruses. Their belief is that the "pandemic" was real but an overreaction. I say it was never real and that contagion is a myth.
Read Jon Rappoport's seminal blog: The Pandemic Pattern--How the Illusion is Built.
Nonetheless at this juncture putting the germ theory to bed should not be a priority. I can live with both these gentlemen's efforts to warn the public about the killer jobs. Kirsch is better than RFK Jr. as he's been moving in the direction that all vaccines are bad.