Better Than Celery Juice? + Rare Heal All Opportunity for 2 More People
Choose Any Three of My Programs as a Bonus
Before I start with the main topic of this email, I just want to say, get ready to get blown away by all of the exciting new information coming your way in the next several days. I'll be sending you brand new and breakthrough herbal healing information for absolutely free.
For instance, you're going to learn in detail about what I categorize as a polycrest or "Heal All" kind of herb that is far superior in overall healing power to celery juice as made popular by the Medical Medium.
This single herb can effectively heal so many different organs in the body WELL, that it is mind blowing.
But the best part about it is that it tastes freaking delicious. I can't get enough of it and neither can a friend of mine that I shared my new recipe with. Imagine an herb you desperately look forward to eating every single day. It makes healing your body simple, easy and fun.
It is especially delicious when added to a Savory Veggie Stews recipe. But it also tastes amazing as a mono meal all by itself.
Yet most people have no clue how awesomely delicious and super nutritious this herb really is. For most of my adult life I rarely ate it. And even for most of my years as a raw foodist I almost completely ignored it. What a mistake that was.
And just like celery you can find it in your local grocery store or supermarket. But it is leaps and bounds more powerful than celery.
This info is coming your way very soon in an upcoming post.
What else is coming?
You also have an opportunity to join a life revolutionizing group healing event that will NOT be free. It will require the use of some wampum or moolah. However the fast action takers will be able to save at least $300 off the normal pricing.
And for those really bright people there is an even more affordable way to get involved by simply becoming a Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) member while getting three awesome bonuses of their choice.
I will also be making this available as a separate program in the upcoming days. But even at the lowest launch price it will be slightly more expensive to join than LEN.
Right now I don't have time to fully describe this event. That will be coming in a day or two.
Now onto the story...
The reason you haven't heard from me much lately is that I've been working on a HUGE project that is so monumental that I believe it's a 1 in 10,000 year breakthrough for ALL of humanity.
And by the way, if you are a Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) member you will get access to the regular level of this 30-day live group video event absolutely free.
Just to give you a tiny hint.
What if there were a way to live to 100 years of age but in the body of a healthy young person? Imaging reaching the ripe old age of 100 but having a body more like a 25 to 30 year old and experiencing almost zero of the aches and pains of aging.
Most of the Medical Mafia brainwashed public will think I'm off my rocker to make such a claim. Or they'll think I am way overhyping this just to make a quick buck.
But I have very solid, logical and experiential reasons why I believe this.
* Here's Why It is So Obvious That Humans are Dramatically Shortening Their Normal Lifespan:
Realize that starting as a toddler (as a baby if the baby is fed formula instead of mother's milk) children are being poisoning by their parents with cooked food, junk food, meat, fish, dairy, soda and pastries multiple times a day. And because they like this poison so much they end up willingly poisoning themselves like this for the rest of their lives.
Hence, is it really any wonder why the human lifespan is so much shorter than it could be?
Do you really think that if you consumed a non lethal though toxic dose of arsenic daily that you would be achieving your full lifespan?
It really is no mystery why modern day human lifespans are so short when you understand that the vast majority of humans 99.999% are poisoning themselves at least 3 times per day if not way more if they also smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs and drink coffee.
Plus they're not getting nor absorbing all of the nutrients they need along with being constantly poisoned. This creates a double edged premature aging whammy.
Your life could be entirely different than you have ever fantasized in your wildest dreams.
Imagine reaching115 years old and having...
No gray hair
No baldness
No wrinkles
No aches and pains
No slow wound healing
No hearing loss
No muscle loss
No arthritis
No dementia
And most importantly...
No signs of any disease whatsoever...
And that is because anti-aging and the healing of diseases is the exact same field. (Though most anti-aging scientists have no clue about this.)
For as I've demonstrated many times before, aging is not caused by time but by damage to the cells. And damage to the cells is what causes every sickness, malady or so-called disease on the planet.
I know you may be thinking this is an impossible dream to live without experiencing disease.
But in my experience... This is quite possible.
Especially if you start this system in childhood. For it's quite a bit harder to undo the damage than to prevent the damage in the first place.
But don't let that deter you.
This doesn't mean that this won't have a profound healing and anti-aging effect on people aged 40 to 80 and beyond.
I myself (I'm 57 years old) have reversed much of my own damage that I was accumulating for decades when I didn't understand these true Fountain of Youth concepts. For I too was poisoning my body multiple times a day starting at 1 year old or so until I was 34.
After that my main issue was dealing with the original problems created and because at the time I was eating a somewhat nutrient deficient version of the Raw Food Diet.
So there are still some things I am working on improving in my own health.
In the near future I'll be posting the long list of things that have healed in my body since the summer of 2020. The radical improvements to my health have been astonishing and numerous.
In any case, I have pretty much stopped the aging/disease process in my body since the summer of 2020 which is 4 years now. And you can learn EXACTLY how to do the same in this upcoming live event.
My main setback was that period of time when I had so much tooth pain for several months that I was barely able to sleep. There were many nights where I only slept about an hour. And you can't stay youthful if you don't get plenty of sleep.
Even with that much lack of sleep the damage to my body was minimal. At least outwardly in terms of physical signs of aging. I did get one significant new wrinkle under my eye on the left hand side because of that.
But in fact, I have less wrinkles now than I did in the spring of 2020. And I have significantly less gray hair too. I'd say my grays have reduced at least 50%.
And soon I'll be showing you an experiment that started over 100 years ago in New York City, that successfully proved the immortality of the cell.
The experiment managed to extend the lifespan of these cells by about 500% and it only ended because they decided not to run the experiment anymore after doing so for over 30 years.
In fact, that tissue culture might still have been alive today or 90 years later had they continued funding this test.
Now this is just a hint because what I am actually going to reveal to you is much better than this.
Unfortunately, it has been taking me forever and a day to set up. And regrettably, I'm still not quite done setting everything up.
* My Urgent Problem is Your Opportunity *
As a result of this process taking weeks longer to set up than I anticipated... I absolutely need to raise some quick cash as rapidly as possible. Like by midnight tonight if possible.
Hence, I am gifting the first three fast action takers a unique opportunity. I have never done this before. This might be so enticing that it creates a mad stampede at my order page with people trying to secure their spot.
The first three people to become LEN members will get to choose any 3 of my 17 programs listed below as my gift to you. And you must join before midnight tonight Pacific or Los Angeles time.
NOTE: As of this time there are only two spots left.
Plus, remember that as a LEN member you automatically gain access to the 30-day live group healing and detox event that I spoke about earlier that starts on Saturday, September 14, 2024. This event will be recorded in video in case you can't make it live for any of the sessions.
Take a look at the many cool programs you can choose from below.
My Products List & Their Retail Price: (You Get 17 Products to Choose From)
The first 3 people to join my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) group (Or until Midnight Pacific Time) will get to choose any three of these programs below as a fast action bonus. Just email me after you have made your purchase with your three choices and I will manually give you access to the programs you have chosen.
NOTE: Please allow 24 to 48 hours for me to give you the access since I have to do it manually and it's not an instantaneous process.
Spots Left: Only 2 Spots Left
Raw Food Recipe Programs:
Savory Veggie Stews - $97.00
Savory Raw Carbs - $49.99
Yummy Greens - $33.33
The Spaghetti-Lean Secret - $19.77
Fitness Programs:
The Lightning Speed Fitness Program - $47.00
Push-Up Blaster 2.0 - $37.00
Instant Energy Exercises - $77.00
Two Second Abs (Premium) - $29.99
Hercuceps - Build Herculean Biceps & Upper Body Without a Gym, Weights or Exercise Equipment - $97.00
Cocainercise: “Natural Brain Cocaine Discovery Turns Couch Potatoes into Fitness Fanatics” - $27.00
Speedercise - Gain Muscle and Burn Fat in 10-Minutes Flat - $77.00
Healing Programs:
Dementia Fix & Bionic Brain System - Livestream Video Event Replay - $200.00
Antiaging Breakthroughs - $147.77
Dudestream - Dude You Can Fix That - MEGA Anti-Aging and Healing Event - $155.55
Flummunity 2020 - How to Stop and Cold or Flu Dead in Its Tracks - $49.99
Miracle Sprain Remedy - $49.99
(Heal a sprained ankle or any joint and start walking and running again normally a half hour later.)
Cavity Crusher and Bone Builder System - $77.77
(Say so long to cavities while building strong bones and nails. A natural way to reverse cavities and even repair bones damaged by injuries and arthritis.)
Please choose which three of the above programs you want and then run, jump and fly to this link below and join the LEN family before someone else steals your spot.
Actually you should join LEN first then choose later because someone else might beat you to it.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
NOTE: I will update this post on the Substack blog if the three spots are all taken already.
And thank you so much for helping me out of a financial jam.
And if you wish to help otherwise I am gladly accepting donations at the link below.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Nature Healer - Creator of the N.A.T. Heal All - Clean Cell System
Healing Modalities: Rapid Healing Raw Foods, Herbology, PeeTox & Detox Systems, Nutrient Complete Nutrition, Healercise, Hydrotherapy, Root Cause Dis-Ease Detection and healing feedback and guidance from DS the Ultimate Healer.
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 57-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 23-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"