This Potent Antiparasitic & Antibiotic Herb Could Save Your Life
Plus it's Low-Cost & Tastes Good Too
Imagine having at your disposal a low-cost and super potent herb that could save your life due to deadly bacterial infections, fungi and parasites of all kinds. It's like being able to get a prescription antibiotic without going to the doctor. And yet it is FAR safer than prescription antibiotics because it doesn't kill off most of your good bacteria like prescription antibiotics do.
This is a time tested and proven herb that has incredible antibiotic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
I call it The ParaSmite Herb because it smites (or hits hard and as a result kills) an extremely broad range of parasites both large and microscopic. And yes it kills the very common and problematic candida albicans or yeast overgrowth too.
How can this herb save your life?
Well certainly from infections and parasite infestations. Loads of people around the world "apparently 7.7 million per year" die every year from infections that antibiotic drugs can't kill. Many forms of bacteria mutate and become immune or resistant to antibiotic drugs but not to this herb. It works every time.
The great news is that the ParaSmite herb is equally potent and at the same time much safer than your typical antibiotic. It kills microorganisms like bacterium, fungi, yeasts, etc. to larger parasites including all worms and flukes. And it does minimal damage to the good bacteria in the gut compared to medically prescribed antibiotics.
* Here is an Example of How Someone's Life Could Have Been Saved by Using the ParaSmite Herb *
There was a 40 year raw food guru from Australia, Dr. Robert Lockhart who died November 30, 2019, due to a rare tropical infection called melioidosis. Had he known about and used this antiparasitic herb at the first sign of trouble (even much later than the first sign of trouble actually), he almost certainly would still be alive today.
Instead he chose to dry fast (no food or water for three days) to beat this infection but while dry fasting is great for detox in general it can't touch the parasite killing power of this herb. So the dry fast was a waste of time and effort because it did not kill this infection and it made him weaker at the same time while this deadly bacteria was eating away at him.
The problem is most of the Natural Hygiene style raw gurus have been trained to completely shun herbs. They don't believe in taking herbs. And that ignorant belief needlessly cost Dr. Robert Lockhart his life.
Yes he eventually went to the emergency room when he realized the dry fast did not work and things were really dire. But by that time it was too late. Likely with regular antibiotics his life could have been saved as well had he used them much earlier. But maybe not. And you know there is a whole load of problems from taking prescription antibiotics because they also kill off a lot of your good bacteria in the process.
That however is much less of a problem with antibiotic herbs like the ParaSmite herb. Yes it can even kill off some of your good bacteria but it is in much smaller numbers than would happen from taking penicillin and other prescription based antibiotics.
And even if the ParaSmite herb by itself didn't do the trick, if he also added in these two other potent antibiotic herbs (W) and (R) it should have knocked this bacteria dead very easily within a week or two max if he took them consistently throughout the day. These three are EXTREMELY POTENT antibiotics and antiparasitic herbs. When combined together they kill just about every dangerous bacteria, fungi and parasite known to man. And there has been a ton of scientific research done on the effectiveness of both (W) and (R).
There is less actual research or studies on the ParaSmite herb. Though it has plenty of traditional use from old time herbalists and patient success stories to back up why it is so potent.
And taking this very pleasant tasting herb as a tincture or powder is 100 times easier than dry fasting for three days.
The problem with so many raw foodists who are trained in Natural Hygiene is that they have a closed mind to the immense healing power of herbs. This man died simply due to a lack of knowledge and or a closed mind. He could have easily nipped this in the bud without the pain and suffering of fasting (and dieing) at the early stages by taking potent antibiotic and parasiticide herbs like the ParaSmite herb, and the other two herbs.
The ParaSmite Herb has also been very successful in dealing with these specific issues.
Yeast overgrowths like candida albicans
Black Mold Infections
Fungal infections
Tropical Ulcers
Athlete's foot
Chronic Boils
If want to learn exactly what the ParaSmite Herb is, where to get it cheap and what else it can do for you. Then for about the price of a large smoothie at your local health food store, you can join my Substack community to see the paid portion of this post and all of my other premium content. And you will learn the identity of the other two herbs (W) and (R) mentioned earlier in this post.