Update: The Good Side of Kevin Trudeau
I should have included this in my orignal post and have added it in
I added this section below to the original post on Kevin Trudeau. This adds a bit more balance. It shows some of the positive things he has done for society.
Especially how KT was directly and correctly challenging the FDA and putting himself at extreme risk by doing so.
New Section Starts Here:
So that is it from my email to my friend.
However, I also want to point out that Kevin Trudeau has some very positive qualities too. He directly challenged the medical cartel (Medical Mafia) in the United States and corrrectly pointed out that we have a complete lack of free speech in the United States when it comes to medical or herbal treatments etc.
In one informercial for his Natural Cures book (that I saw on TV around 15 to 20 years ago) he pointed out that it was illegal for him to say that eating oranges is a CURE for rickets. And yet we all know that oranges are high in vitamin C and that having enough vitamin C will heal you if you have rickets. And yet he specifically said that on the informercial to directly challenge the FDA and their monopoly on free speech.
No wonder the US government was so eager to put him in jail.
I definitely recommend you check out his book “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About.” It has a lot of good insights. Especially for way back in 2004.
Do I agree with everything he teaches in that book. Definitely not. At this point I have far more advanced healing knowledge than what he revealed in that book. I have figured out (with the help and insights of DS and Dr. Robert Morse) more about the true causes of disease in general than he did. But he was getting surprisingly close for way back in 2004.
And I do NOT endorse eating meat and or dairy and some other dietary recommendations he has made in his book.
His ideas are too mainstream (and not true human species food) and will never lead to ideal health or the highest happiness and spiritual vibrations that can only come when you eat Light Energy Foods or raw plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, herbs etc. as I teach my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) members.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
But he is spot on about the additives in food and the kinds of damage they do in the human body. And also in a recent KT show he discussed wheat in the United States and how that is very different from the wheat in Italy.
Of course, I do not endorse the eating of any kind of wheat as it is not a natural human food and is mucus forming. But if you were to eat it you would be far healthier if you ate real wheat that was not crossed or hybridized with a completely different plant species. I think it was crossed with something like a goat weed though I am going by memory.
They did this to make the wheat plant shorter. But it caused all sorts of health problems for people eating this kind of “wheat”. Though I learned about this specific wheat hybridization from a Youtube video by Dr. Bobby Price not Kevin Trudeau. But Kevin had tremendous insights into the problems with American wheat as well.
There are thousands of toxic chemicals allowed in the US food supply that are not allowed in Europe and other countries. This is a major reason why the majority of adults in the United States are overweight and obese.
It’s generally not because you are overeating. The majority of people are overweight because the chemicals in the foods they are eating are making them extremely unhealthy. The endocrine organs are being damaged by these chemicals and no matter how much they try to diet and lose weight they stay fat because their hormones are WAY out of whack.
So I would say that KT is a mixed bag. He has his postive points and his negative points. He is very charismatic. And yet he is most definitely a trained conman. So whenever you watch him you have to be vigilant in catching him when he starts spewing half truths and using other manipulative techniques to try and make you believe in lies.
Many people get fooled by someone who gives a lot of truth that is contrary to the mainstream narrative. And then they turn off their own truth detecting apparatus and just blindly trust everything else this person says.
But this is a trick that is used by all the disinformation agents in the world. They give you maybe 90% truth and the rest is intentional disinfo.
So you always have to be on your guard regardless of how much truth you believe that person told you in the past. And I would recommend that you always be on guard with me as well or anyone else you follow.
It’s just good practice to be able to discern truth at all times. And these conmen often use a little bit of truth to get your guard down and then they start spewing their lies like KT did in this example. And in this example I believe he purposely lied by ommission.
People are constantly getting fooled by this method.
What most humans don’t know is that there are many PAID disinformation agents in all of the important fields like health (nutrition), science, politics etc. Yes there are even raw food gurus who are PAID disinfo agents. These are people paid by the NWO Globalists to make them seem like they are real truth tellers and only want the best for humanity.
When in fact, the majority of these so called “Truth Tellers” don’t give a crap about you. They just want to be rich and powerful. And they will lie and cheat to get what they want at your expense.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
Hey, Roger! Great articles.
I feel the same about Kevin being a mixed bag of sorts. I had his books as well. I will say he has awakened many folks to natural health and healing.
It's a shame he was locked up for 8 years for trying to bring awareness to the masses. I believe it was because he felt he was untouchable and was exercising his free speech rights.
He sure got his wakeup call from that incident.
Would like to know if you are aware of an individual named Peter Ragnar who also shared many insights on health and well being and spirituality through his books and courses. He posted a few videos on YT, but is now living a secluded life and is no longer active.
Take care and be well.