Unfortunately I am in another urgent financial jam. I am just now releasing a brand new program but I should have been done with setting it up at least a week ago. Yes it was a ton of work to set this all up.
And originally I scheduled the event for this past Saturday. Obviously I missed that deadline big time. Oops, more egg on my face.
Hence, I need to generate some sales like yesterday or as fast as possible to keep the lights on.
As usual, my dire situation is your gain.
So I have launched this new program at a MASSIVE over 50% discount until I can raise enough funds. This may not last long so make sure to check it out as soon as you can.
By the way, my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) members get full access to this event at no extra cost. And if you're not yet a member but are interested I have put LEN membership on a major SALE as well.
And I promise you this program is something you absolutely need. If not for yourself then for a loved one who almost certainly will need it. If you ate cooked food and especially a meat and dairy based diet for 20 years or longer then you already have damaged your brain whether you know it or not.
Even if you are eating a much better diet now, that usually won't fix your past dietary and other Laws of Health transgressions so easily.
And you thought you could get away with gorging on cheesesteak sandwiches when you were in college.
Yeah, I ate a ton of Philly style cheesteak sandwiches with my best friends in college and I absolutely loved every minute of it. And quite frankly I ate a LOT more crap than that in college. But now I regret having done so because it most definitely damaged my body.
They don’t call them cardiac arrest sandwiches for nothing. They’re a clog your veins special. And this includes the fine arteries and capilaries in your brain too.
This is something anyone over 45 years of age needs to know. Actually everyone needs to know this stuff, even dumb college students like I once was. Because most adults already have early signs of dementia and or Alzheimer's disease.
Plus you're going to learn fun ways to keep your brain in tip top shape even if you are 80, 90 or 100 years old. That’s the Bionic Brain part of it. There something for everyone here.
Dementia and Alzheimer's are absolutely fixable if you know how. Don't believe the BS from your ignorant doctors who claim that it is absolutely incurable. What may be incurable is their stupidity.
Announcing "The Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain System" live video event.
Get the jazzy details here...
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
Great article, Roger. I'd like to know what is your opinion on mushrooms when you have a chance.