What One Word is Responsible for 90% of All Diseases?
Fix this single problem and you will start to experience rapid healing like you never imagined possible.
Did you know that you can boil down the cause of most all diseases humans suffer to just a single word?
If you can get rid of this one word/problem your body will suddenly start healing rapidly.
Here’s the problem…
Even if you eat a great Raw Food Diet this single global factor can be your downfall. And as crucially important as getting kidney filtration is, this issue is much broader than even the massive lymphatic system, as you will soon see. For your mistakes from your cooked food eating days don’t go away as easily as you might imagine.
I know this from long hard experience.
The Medical Mafia has named hundreds of diseases... most all of them (not necessarily all) are caused by one specific overarching concept or problem.
Most of them aren’t really diseases at all. They’re usually caused by very simple antagonists. Not some mysterious disease that can never be cured.
The key word or problem here is…
*** BLOCKAGE ***
1. Blockages in the lymphatic system - (Including clogged kidneys)
2. Blockages in the blood or cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis etc.)
3. Blockages in the intestines and bowels (constipation, outpocketing or diverticulosis and diverticulitis)
4. Blockages in the nerves (What chiropractors, acupuncturists and reflexologists focus on)
5. Blockages in the lungs (Did you know that blockages in the lungs can cause high blood pressure?)
Your health is analagous to a water hose. If you crinkle, tangle and or bend the hose you will only get a trickle of water coming out. And some things (oxygen and nutrients) you must pump into your cells and other things (acids and cellular wastes) you must pump out otherwise you are going to experience cellular, gland and organ damage.
So you need the opposite of blockage which is circulation. When your circulation (inclding air flow) is working properly then in most cases you will have a state of fantastic health.
Bottom line is that disease (which is exactly what aging is) happens due to the destruction of cells and then organs in the body. And a major part of that cellular destruction can be tied into a lack of circulation in various systems of the body.
And blockages in the lymphatic system often end up leading to blockages in the other systems mentioned in the list. So it is one of the main causes of disease.
1. Lymphatic System - The vast majority of the diseases of modern man come down to blockages in the lymphatic system.
This is your body's garbage disposal system. If that gets clogged it means acids and toxins are stuck inside of you and burning and destroying the cells they get into contact with.
(This is why your body likes to store toxins in fat cells because the fat protects the non fatty cells from the strong acids. And this is why we have so many fat and obese people these days. It's because they are generally filled with toxins that can't get out due to these blockages.)
Dr. Robert Morse believes that 90% of all diseases are due to blockages in the lymphatic system which includes blockages in the kidneys, lymph nodes, lymph fluid and other lymphatic organs. And a blockage in the kidney means that they aren't filtering toxins properly.
Dr. Morse's estimate may be a little high but still I believe it is the main cause of most diseases.
If your kidneys are not filtering well it means you cannot take out the garbage. It's like you have a garbage strike inside your body and day after day, month after month, year after year and decade after decade more acids and toxins accumulate in the body. And acidic garbage will gradually start to break down and destroy your cells, glands and organs.
For those acids have to be put somewhere (if they're not being eliminated on a daily basis like they should) and eventually the body gets overwhelmed while trying to protect itself with cholesterol, fat and by the release of the anti-inflammatory hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands.
The body has many ways to fight the storage of all these excess acids (including the production of excess mucus which is another thick and viscous protective substance) but eventually these systems get overwhelmed and the disease process begins.
And then even too much mucus starts causing disease because it creates blockages and suffocation. Asthma I believe has in large part to do with excessive mucus stored in the lungs.
Your glands and organs can be suffocating in mucus.
According to DS humans don’t just get fatty livers. Every organ can become fatty in the body’s attempt to neutralize acidic wastes that are stuck in the body instead of being peed out.
This is also the cause of many rashes and skin problems. It’s the body detoxing acids and toxins out via the skin. For the skin is your third kidney.
And disease is mostly nothing more complex than cells in a certain part of the body from your feet to your eyes, brain and scalp being exposed to acids or being starved of nutrients.
Though there is another major problem… which is building your body or your cells with the wrong “raw” materials. When humans eat an unnatural diet (which all cooked food diets are) their body is forced to use the wrong ingredients to build new cells. Hence the development of abnormal or monster cells due to a lack of proper raw food building blocks. This leads to many autoimmune diseases. I may go into this more in the future.
Unfortunately humanity is going through a severe health crisis. Blockage of the kidneys is something that the vast majority of humans these days have. Even starting in childhood due to inheriting weak kidneys and adrenal glands from their parents.
Even after 15 years of eating 100% raw I found out my own kidneys were not filtering well. But I have indeed gained that function back and now my urine is filled with sediment which is really acidic wastes from my body's 100 trillion or so cells.
But it took a lot of effort to get my kidneys to the point they are functioning as well as they are now. Just eating raw was not enough. I had to do other things including taking certain herbs like parsely and do detoxes that are really good for the kidneys.
(In an upcoming issue of LEN I am going to be revealing an advanced Kidney Filtration Protocol. If you've been having trouble gaining kidney filtration you definitely want to check this out. I don't think anyone has put together a guide as comprehensive as this on how to get kidney filtration. You're going to learn every trick in the book.)
2. Blockages in the Vascular System - This may be the second biggest cause of dis-ease. Blockages in the vascular or blood system of course can cause all sorts of problems including heart disease and strokes.
But those blockages cause all sorts of other problems that most people have no clue about.
And of course, the arteries, capilaries and veins of most adults these days are quite blocked up due to the absolute health destroying artificial crap people eat every single day of their lives.
Acidic foods like meat and dairy cause your body to fight those acids by producing more cholesterol. And this is a major reason the bloodstream gets so full of cholesterol and hence starts becoming clogged or blocked.
What does the blood do?
It delivers oxygen and nutrients (why we eat) to your cells. The blood system along with your digestive tract is the equivalent of your body's kitchen.
What happens if you don't eat for a month or two? You will very likely die as a result.
The same thing happens to your cells if they're deprived of food due to compromised arteries.
What do you think happens to the parts of your brain that have to do with memory have arteries that are largely blocked off? That means that part of your brain will be starving for nutrients. And soon you will find your memory failing.
Even if you take great herbs designed to improve the memory they won't do you an ounce of good if your circulation to the memory section of your brain still has major blockages in the arteries.
Blocked arteries means that your body can't get proper or complete nutrition to the organ where the circulation has been compromised.
You could be eating the best diet in the world or Raw Complete as I teach it to my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) members but if your circulation is blocked or compromised you're not going to be able to heal.
Blocked circulation leads to malnutrition. Which eventually leads to nasty stuff like gangrene and then the need for amputation.
Your cells need a constant flow of oxygen.
And by the way, if you have cold hands and feet that is another sign of blockage in the bloodstream. The Master Key Herb solves that problem rapidly.
So when you combine a lack of circulation in the lymphatic system with a lack of circulation in the vascular or blood system you already have the cause of most diseases right there.
But blockage causes other problems as well.
However this post is getting long so I think we'll cover the rest of the blockage issues 3 - 5 in a future post.
I can say this though.
If you can get your bowels moving three times a day, get good kidney filtration, get your bloodstream unblocked as well as freeing up your lungs you will find that you start healing very rapidly.
If you want to learn my not so secrit weapon for improving circulation and hence your body's healing ability, then check out the PS below.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. Did you know that the Master Key Herb not only is incredible for creating instant circulation in the bloodstream but also it's potent at breaking up blockages in the lymphatic system.
This makes it one of the greatest healing herbs in existence.
This is why when used right way it has created so many miraculous healings. Like stopping heart attacks and strokes in 60 seconds or less. Of course, that is just the very tip of the iceberg.
To see what else you can heal with the Master Key Herb then check out the link below.
On that page there is a list of over 47 different things you can heal with the Master Key Herb and with other herbs that you use with it.
The Master Key Herbs makes other herbs work way better because it clears out BLOCKAGES in the bloodstream and lymphatic system.