Currently I have some tough outer world circumstances that were making me quite fearful and putting me into a state of paralysis or inaction due to worry.
Luckily, I got this inspired thought telepathically sent to me this morning from my angel team. And I am feeling so much better it is incredible.
This post is my way of following the advice you are about to read. Hence, why I am feeling so great when earlier today I was in a state of fear.
So... what is a good way to overcome the paralysis of fear?
Answer: Just find a way to GIVE to someone or to be of SERVICE. The key is to give LOVE. To give is to expand your awareness. And when you are in a state of LOVE you cannot feel fear.
Certainly being in a state of love will make you much more resourceful and open to attracting good things into your life than being paralyzed into inaction by F.E.A.R. or False Evidence Appearing Real.
You can give to a friend, a neighbor or a stranger on the street. You can donate money to a worthy cause. You can also just give a genuine smile filled with love to a stranger.
You can donate food to the needy.
You can feed wild animals like birds or rabbits etc.
You can write an uplifting message on your blog or in social media. Just as long as it reaches at least one person.
You can also send Divine Love and or healing energy to someone remotely while you are meditating at home or wherever you are. You can send Divine Love to humanity or your town or to your state. Or visualize the planet and all of humanity as being at peace and in a state of happiness. This is a most wonderful way to be of service.
The key is to be of service to someone or something and give LOVE. To get out of your own problems and worries, focus on helping someone outside of yourself.
For when you give LOVE you break free of the fear that is gripping you and paralyzing you into inaction and into a depressed or terrified state.
Giving is living. And the more you give the more you get.
Giving Divine Love is the key to the highest spiritual bounty in life. When you give LOVE without expectation of reward it opens you to a treasure trove of spiritual and potential material gifts as well.
The greatest treasure you can accumulate is not money or physical plane power but Divine treasure. Divine treasure is the only thing you can take with you when you leave this Earthly plane for good.
And the number one way to gain Divine treasure is to GIVE LIGHT, LOVE and or HAPPINESS to those around you.
Trust me, you will feel better.
Giving expands the consciousness and leads you into higher and higher states of bliss no matter how fearful your outer circumstances. For DIVINE LOVE is real and lasts forever but the fears and troubles we have here on Earth are only temporary.
While giving and being of service may or may not directly solve the problem that is causing your fear. It should put you into a much more positive mood. For giving is really the greatest joy in life. And so many problems are solved simply by giving or being of service.
And the Creator likes to reward those who give of themselves.
What If You Can’t Easily Feel Love or Joy?
Though I do realize that some people have their body in such a state of poor health that they cannot easily feel LOVE or JOY. That was the case with me when I had my depression for 6.5 years starting in 1990 the year I graduated college.
For me the answer to permanently defeating the depression was to go on a Raw Food Diet. On the very first day I went just 50% raw by eating lots more fruit, I found my depression of 6.5 years completely gone. And as I increased the percentage of raw food in my diet I felt even happier and happier.
And this is because raw fruits and vegetables have happiness energy in them and they give your body more joy and more electrical conductivity so that you can feel higher emotions.
When you combine a healthy body that is highly electrically conductive and filled with happiness energy with GIVING LOVE or being of SERVICE to another, then you will find it easy to escape fear and slip into a state of BLISS.
And this post to you is my way of GIVING LOVE to YOU and of being of service to you so that I could escape my own fear.
What do you think? Is this a good idea you plan on using?
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. When it comes to the Raw Food Diet I have been through the ringer over the past 22 years plus and well before that in my early attempts at going raw starting in 1995. I have had so many ups and downs. I have made so many mistakes. But I've also been lucky to also receive Divine guidance in how to do the raw diet correctly. That was my contact with DS (the Divine Sound Current) starting in the late spring of 2020.
And of course, I was receiving Divine guidance all of my life just as is happening to everyone else. It's just some people are more aware of this guidance and help than others.
And over the more than 22 years that I have been all raw, I have been blessed to come up with the most effective and enjoyable version of the Raw Food Diet out there. No one else on the planet is teaching this breakthrough information that will totally revolutionize your life.
If you would like to learn my fun and delicious "Raw Complete" system of going raw that makes it easy to go raw and STAY raw, then there is no other place to learn it than in my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) group or by doing one on one coaching with me.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
P.P.S. This Saturday I am holding a live video streaming event for LEN members called "The Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain". And don't worry if you can't attend live. It will be recorded so you can view it anytime you wish.
Dementia, senility, memory loss and Alzheimer's disease is much easier to heal than you may have imagined. I have been fortunate to learn how to help seniors and younger people to dramatically improve their memory in as little as three days by taking the right herbs and in the right quantities.
Well that is the quick start thing that you or your loved one can do to get your memory and hence your life back.
Besides the herbal and detox protocols to do, I also cover the proper nutrition (one simple change is CRUCIAL to success), physical exercises and mental exercises you can do to defeat dementia and double or triple your brain power.
And if you have already noticed that your memory is not quite as good as it once was in your life, that is almost a certain early sign of dementia. It means you already have dementia but you didn’t know it.
So if you want to learn the simple methods of healing dementia, then don't wait (because you might forget LOL) join LEN today to gain phree access to “The Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain” live video event this Saturday starting at 12pm noon Pacific Time.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)