Will I Stop Aging After I Get Kidney Filtration?
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Will I Stop Aging After I Get Kidney Filtration?
Yesterday I told you about a hidden factor that causes aging and disease that virtually none of the anti-aging experts have any clue about whatsoever.
And this isn't a minor thing, this is a major factor.
Without a high level of kidney filtration you will be accumulating poisons and acids in your body all throughout the day. And they will accumulate for years and can't get eliminated. And that is a cause for many of the diseases if not most of the diseases humans experience these days.
Now there are other hidden causes of aging as well.
Another big one which is more commonly known is having clogged bowels or a clogged colon. Many people carry waste in the colon stored as out pockets for years if not decades. And many people have constipation. And that means those toxins in other words your feces are not getting out at a high enough rate either.
This is another super common source of acid and toxin build up in the body. And even if you somehow have kidney filtration but clogged bowels you're still going to be damaging yourself quite a bit.
Hence both of these are huge factors and whether or not you can have ideal health.
But the question for today's email is this... Will regaining kidney filtration stop me from aging even if my colon is clean?
And unfortunately that answer is no.
That is because there are many other sources of potential damage to the cells of the body that must also be stopped if you want to stop aging.
The reason why regaining kidney filtration is so important is because poorly filtering kidneys leads to damage throughout the entire body. If your kidneys stop filtering it can very negatively affect any organ in the body. Because acid starts building up and wherever your body is weakest or wherever your defenses are weakest that is where the acids will start doing their damage and start breaking down that particular organ or gland or bodily system.
And once you regain kidney filtration it does not necessarily heal all the damage you've already accumulated.
So if your thyroid has been damaged due to acidosis from a lack of kidney filtration it's not just suddenly going to heal itself without making other changes. Regaining kidney filtration may very well stop further damage to your thyroid. But you still have to deal with the negative effects of a thyroid that's not working properly. And now that will age you.
Yes, your own malfunctioning organs will age you!
Although getting kidney filtration is a good step in that healing process. Because you've stopped a major source of damage throughout the entire body. And regaining kidney filtration makes it much easier for you to alkalize your body because you're finally removing toxins that have been stored in there for years and possibly decades.
And to heal your body you must detox and alkalize it. Amongst other things that must be done.
An obvious example from my own life is that period recently where I was barely getting any sleep for 3 weeks. My kidneys were still filtering but I wasn't sleeping very much at all. And there's no question that my face showed visible signs of aging in those 3 weeks. And I'm sure I had other damage as a result of not sleeping.
To stop aging or to at least slow it down dramatically you have to stop as many of the sources of damage to the cells as possible.
Another example from my life is when I was getting those ulcers and stomach aches. I did have kidney filtration back then. And yet I started getting painful ulcers that made it hard to eat anything.
Why did I start getting these ulcers?
Well 30 plus years of eating cooked food already did a lot of damage to my digestive tract. But I was a raw foodist and yet I still got those ulcers.
But one thing I wasn't doing back then was eating fully nutrient complete. There were some major nutrients that I was not getting enough of on a daily basis for years. And of course a lack of nutrients will start to cause damage. How can you fully repair your digestive tract if you're not getting all the nutrients you need to repair it? It's not going to happen.
And it's possible that when I lived in Mexico I picked up some kind of dangerous parasitic bacteria that also damaged my digestive tract. DS told me that was a factor as to why I had major issues with my digestive tract.
Plus since my digestive tract was already weakened due to my cooked food eating years, when I started experimenting with trying to eat massive meals or doing just one meal a day that may have been enough to put me over the top. Eating huge meals with lots of different ingredients at the same time was a MAJOR stress to my already weakened digestive tract.
The other thing that happened is I started taking huge doses of iodine a week or two before I got my first ulcer. And for some people they're sensitive to iodine and it can definitely damage their digestive tract if taken in large doses.
So the key lesson today is that there are a number of sources of potential damage to the cells.
And getting kidney filtration is a hugely important step to Healing the body. But if your adrenal glands are already weakened you're still going to be suffering with the many negative effects of weak adrenal glands even after you have regained kidney filtration.
Plus if you have neurological damage already as in the case with Roy Walford who had Lou Gehrig's disease, gaining kidney filtration is not suddenly going to heal your Lou Gehrig's disease. It is a vital step in healing it but there are other things you need to do as well.
This is where healing herbs come in.
Yes I had my kidneys filtering largely starting in 2015. And that definitely started to clear up some problems I had.
But if I really wanted to heal I had to start fixing the damaged glands, organs and bodily systems that I had already damaged over the years. And one of the absolute best ways to do that is to take the appropriate herbs.
The first herb that DS (The Divine Sound Current) ever recommended to me was the one that healed my digestive tract. That single herb changed the entire course of my life. Within 2 months of taking it my digestive tract was in a lot better shape than it was before. It was much harder for me to get stomach aches or to get an ulcer.
Then within three or four months of taking that magical herb I was barely getting any stomach aches. And I was able to eat raw foods that before automatically triggered stomach pains and ulcers. And I was able to eat later at night and not suffer automatic stomach pains as a result. So my digestive tract was gradually healing itself because of the single herb.
And DS said that this herb is extremely healing for the entire digestive tract. And he also said it is very anti-aging. It also happens to be great for healing the liver.
Damage to the digestive tract is one of the most common forms of damage that most humans eating a typical Western death diet encounter. How can you not encounter damage to your digestive tract if you're drinking coffee everyday and soda? How can those acids not be damaging your digestive tract?
How can eating extremely acid-forming foods like hamburger or meat not damage your digestive tract?
And yet these so-called anti-aging experts don't address these issues at all. It's like they have no clue what they're talking about at all. Is it any wonder that even the anti-aging experts age too?
Herbs are a vitally important aspect of healing damaged cells, glands, organs and bodily systems.
And in section # 4 of my Antiaging Breakthroughs program, you will learn my top 10 body healing and anti-aging herbs. Including this remarkable anti-aging herb that healed my entire digestive tract.
I believe it's been over 3 years now since I've had an ulcer thanks to this herb. My digestion is just so much stronger as not even funny. In fact my digestion is much stronger than it was in 1995 when I made my first attempts at eating a 100% Raw Food Diet.
So if you want to take your health to the highest level you must heal the damage that your body has accumulated over the years.
And healing that damage IS what anti-aging is.
If you want to return to a state of health and peacefulness and Bliss and joy from the happiness of a healthy body then I think you're going to love all the incredible goodies I have waiting for you inside of Antiaging Breakthroughs.
But get a move on as there's only about an hour left to save $50.
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Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"