Roger Haeske - The Youth Guru

When people ask me what I do, I like to have little fun with them by saying…

I cure death.

Usually that blows their freakin minds. How the heck do you do that… as their eyes roll?

Then I expand it and say…

I cure death, disease and old age.

Isn’t curing death and aging impossible?

Well in truth, we’re all going to leave our physical body at some point but I show Souls how to do so on their own terms while having a radiantly youthful and beautiful body at any age. You don’t have to die due to the horrific ravages of disease as most people do these days.

Yes, I have been blessed via decades of effort and serendipty to have discovered the real Fountain of Youth. I finally know what causes aging, how to stop it and how to reverse it.

I help my students experience the miraculous healing powers of Nature so that they can enjoy life to the fullest in a young, slim, energetic and happy body.

The Youth, Beauty and Bliss Diet

A big part of that is eating The Youth, Beauty and Bliss Diet which is a Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet as I teach my students. I have been eating a 99.9% Raw Food Diet since the late summer of 2001. But was eating lots of raw foods and trying to go 100% raw since 1996.

How I Help

I have been helping my 5,000+ clients and students to thrive on Raw Food Diet and get fit with Bodyweight Fitness for over 21 years now. I’ve taught raw foods to over 30,000 people since 2002 via my email lists. And people from at least 35 countries around the world have purchased my products. (NOTE: I counted this number over a decade ago so it’s likely many more countries at this point.)

But these days I’ve added a new wrinkle. I’ve been doing intense study and experimentation with herbs over the last three years. Only when you combine a Raw Complete Diet (which 99% of most raw foodists don’t do) with herbs and special detox methods can you experience the full healing power of herbs.

Most herbalists are still eating cooked food and still falling victim to the many diseases and health problems that come as a natural consequence of eating toxic foods. This inspite of them taking all sorts of herbs.

Taking herbs without also following the natural diet of homosapiens is like trying to build a fire by pouring water on it. No matter how many sticks and logs you put in the fire it doesn’t matter if you’re drowning it with water.

You can’t expect to fully heal yourself with herbs if you are poisoning yourself with the food you eat daily. Though people still do get beneficial results from herbs but it is of limited benefit because they still eat cooked food which is doing tremendous damage to the body.

By continuing to eat cooked food you may take one step forward by taking herbs while taking two or three steps backward.

For best healing results the prerequisite is a Raw Complete Diet. When you start with your natural diet then you can experience remarkable healing and rejuvenation results from taking herbs.

I work with clients one on one and in classes that I run from time to time. I also have products like my Savory Veggie Stews, Savory Raw Carbs and the Lightning Speed Fitness Program. And I have a private group called Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) in which I show people my latest raw foods, healing and youth restoring findings.

Roger Haeske at age 50.
Roger Haeske at age 50.

Youth Restoring System

In fact, over the last three years I have refined my youth restoring system so much that I have for the most part stopped aging. In many ways I have made my body 10 and 20+ years younger than it was just 3 years ago.

I also have less wrinkles and less gray hairs as well. But it’s my internal organs and overall health that has improved the most. So many things have healed and or improved that it is astonishing.

For instance, 3 years ago I used to get ulcers at the slightest poor food combining mistake. Or just from eating an avocodo combined with other foods. I was in absolute misery whenever that happened. Life turned into a hellish nightmare when I had to deal with those painful ulcers.

Imagine being in so much pain that you can’t eat anything for days. And or I had to severely limit what foods I could eat and eat hardly anything until I healed the ulcer. Which luckily I knew a technique to do just that. But it was only a temporary solution as my digestive tract was still damaged and prone to injury.

But I was very fortunate that DS told us (my Ex girlfriend and I) about a powerful healing herb for the digestive system. And now my digestion is much stronger than it was not just three years ago when I was having ulcers but much stronger than in 1995 which at this point is 28 years ago. No more ulcers or stomach aches. And I can eat avocados again without any pain at all.

Plus I gained some super powers due to the health of my digestive tract that I never experienced before.

  1. I now feel full from eating juicy fruit. Even relatively small quantities like 500 calories. (Used to be that I could eat an endless amount of juicy fruit “1,000 calories or more” but still feel hungry. That problem is now history because my absorption of nutrients has increased dramatically.)

  2. I have a much greater ability to resist sunburn naturally. (And this is because for the first time since starting to eat a Raw Food Diet my body is actually absorbing and assimilating much more of the antioxidants in the raw foods that I am eating. These potent antioxidants act like an internal sunscreen.)

My Extremely Fortunate Meeting with My Mentor and Spiritual Guide Divine Source

Interestingly enough, a big part of this anti-aging/healing knowledge didn’t come to me by research but by direct contact with an ancient and unbelievably wise being I call Divine Source (DS). I had the great fortune to meet him in 2020 and ask him questions on all sorts of topics including what aging really is and how to stop it.

I have about 50 hours of audio recordings with him answering my many questions through my highly empathic and telepathic ex girlfriend.

The main take away is that he told us that aging has nothing to do with time but instead that aging is damage. Yes even gray hairs, wrinkles and going bald are caused by damage to cells, glands, organs and the DNA of your body.

For instance, going bald is often the hormones being out of whack. And that is from damage to your endocrine system. Prevent that damage and you NEVER go bald. You are not doomed to your genetics. You can stop the damage and even reverse previous damage.

Yes… you can be 100 years old without a wrinkle, gray hair and with a full head of hair.

If you can stop the damage you stop aging. It’s as simple as that.

And if you can heal the damage you can make yourself biologically younger and your body youthful, beautiful, slim and energetic again like in your youth if not better.

Roger Haeske

The Youth Guru, Eternal Teanajer & Raw Medicine Man

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Learn the secrets to perma youth & radiant health by someone who's doing it -- The Youth Guru. Topics include the Raw Food Diet done right (Raw Complete), anti-aging herbs & youth restoring physical & mental exercises plus bodyweight fitness.


I cure death, disease & old age. Did you know that aging is optional? You can stop & reverse the aging process starting with a Raw Complete Diet + God's herbs. Then fix the blocked lymph system that causes most diseases via systemic acid burning.