Star Trek "The Deadly Years" Aging, Cancer & Dementia
Terrified Young YouTuber Fell for the BS, Hook, Line & Sinker
Today we're going to do something really fun. Well at least I am going to really enjoy writing about this and I hope you enjoy it too. Although in reality I have been writing this post for many days.
You will find a ton of valuable information inside. And if you are a Star Trek original series fan like me, you may like this even more.
I'm actually going to react to a young woman (I think she's in her 20s) Youtuber's reaction to a Star Trek episode called "The Deadly Years" and hence why she spoke about how terrified she is of "aging" in her reaction. And the two specific things that tend to be associated with aging that scare her the most.
Contents: Quick Links to Points of Interest in This Post
* She Shows Early Signs of Dementia - Has This Already Happened to You Long Ago? *
* She Reveals Her Two Big Fears Related to the "Inevitability" of Aging *
* Our Reactor Goes Into More Detail About Her Fears Regarding Aging *
* Signs of Aging Mentioned or Depicted Visually in the Episode *
* How to Tell if You Have Early Signs of Dementia and or Brain Damage *
* Girls Were Way Hotter Back Then *
* The Fatter You Get the Shorter Your Life *
* Are Cancer and Dementia Caused by Old Age? *
* What is the Real Cause of Cancer? *
* She Shows Early Signs of Dementia - Has This Already Happened to You Long Ago? *
What is ironic is how she actually shows having early signs of dementia and she doesn't even realize it. Believe it or not, my own first signs of dementia happened to me when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I'll explain what I mean later on.
Now "I'm just an old country doctor" so don't let me forget to tell you about this early sign of dementia later on. (If you know this episode really well then you know I was just using a Dr. McCoy quote from that same episode in the previous sentence.)
And by the way, I will be revealing some spoilers of this episode. So if you never watched this episode of Star Trek, which they long after the fact started calling it TOS "The Original Series" then you might want to watch it first before you continue reading. When I was watching Star Trek reruns in the 1970's it wasn't called TOS, just Star Trek.
I must have first watched this episode when I was 5 or 6 years old. And for me it's definitely one of the episodes I liked quite a bit. I was a big Star Trek fan and I guess I still am. I must have watched all of the 79 original series episodes a minimum of 5 times each.
That was a thing a lot of us kids did back in the 1970s and 80s. We'd watch Star Trek reruns over and over again. And it is fun for me now to see the young people of today watching Star Trek for the first time and seeing their reactions.
Anyways, today for the purposes of improving your health knowledge I am going to react to the reactor. Because quite frankly she has had the wool pulled over her eyes big time. Though unfortunately she is quite in the norm of the vast majority of asleep society. Unlike my enlightened YouthGuruItes.
I am not here to criticize her. She seems like a nice and sensitive person and is just expressing her beliefs at this point in time.
This episode is really interesting due to what I teach. Because it spells out the myths about aging precisely. In fact, what they say about aging in that episode that was filmed in 1967 (the year I was born) is pretty much the exact same beliefs about aging that doctors hold in 2024.
It's unfreakingbelievable how little modern medicine has advanced. And that my friend is because the Medical Mafia doesn't want it to advance intentionally.
* She Reveals Her Two Big Fears Related to the "Inevitability" of Aging *
OK then, so first let me paste in a little text of what she said in the video transcript related to the "aging" topic of this post:
This is my biggest fear right now is cancer. My second biggest fear is dementia as far as like happening to me or like somebody close to me.
Now she is saying this because this classic episode is about some of the main characters of the Enterprise like Captain Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy (Bones), Scotty and Chekov beamed down to a plant and caught some kind of disease that aged them approximately 30 years per every 24 hours. Well for some reason this didn't affect Chekov at all.
And hence they showed them going through all sorts of the typical signs of aging. (Or is it really something else? We'll get back to this later.)
And of course, they put the ship in a life or death situation caused by this rapid aging because Captain Kirk was deemed unfit to command the ship due to a suddenly very poor memory and an inexperienced desk jockey Commodore Stocker was put in command and he foolishly went directly through the Neutral Zone as a shortcut in order to get the ship to a Starfleet medical facility as rapidly as possible.
This of course, got the Romulans to attack the ship and because of the mistake of travelling through the Neutral Zone the ship was about to be destroyed by the Romulans while Commodore Stocker was pleading with the Romulans to let them go. But of course, the Romulans supposedly did not take prisoners back in those days. So it was seemingly a hopeless situation as two Romulan ships were firing on the Enterprise and inflicting damage.
* Our Reactor Goes Into More Detail About Her Fears Regarding Aging *
OK then, let's get back to what our young Star Trek reactor said in her reaction. This came from after she saw the whole episode:
really when you put yourself in the
position of one day your body won't work
the way it used to one day your mind
won't work the way it used to and that's
a really scary thing that maybe somebody
my age shouldn't be worrying about right
now but it is scary and I feel like the
the mental the cognitive part is is most
scary and that's why I think it's so
important to try what we can to keep our
bodies healthy to take care of our
bodies and to take care of our mind and
those things are so uh closely linked
together but eventually no matter what
you do time will catch up with you and
that's an
inevitability that is really scary to
think about and
I know that a lot of my audience is a
lot older than I am 50s 60s
70s maybe older actually I have
Unfortunately this young woman has fallen for the societal and Medical Mafia brainwashing about aging. In fact, that Star Trek episode "The Deadly Years" is a perfect model of the lies we are constantly fed about aging.
Of course, it is true that as people get older they tend to experience all of these symptoms. I have experienced many of these problems myself at one point or another. But is this due solely to time or how long you've been alive or is something else actually at work here?
Let's examine it by first looking at the signs of aging as depicted in "The Deadly Years" episode itself.
I've made a list of the main ones I found below:
* Signs of Aging Mentioned or Depicted Visually in the Episode *
- Wrinkles
- Hair Loss
- Grey hair
- Loss of hearing (Arlene Galway mentions this to Dr. McCoy. This was the only episode she appeared in.)
- Arthritis - Captain Kirk feeling shoulder pain. Dr. McCoy (Bones) diagnosed him with advanced arthritis even though in the episode Kirk was only 34 years old.
- Loss of memory. Captain Kirk having major memory problems. He forgets vitally important things to be able to do his job of commanding a Star Ship. Forgets that the Romulans have broken code 2. (Interestingly the young reactor said a poor memory is already normal for her.)
- Spock felt excessively cold on the ship when he used to be just fine at the normal temperature. Adjusted the temperature in his quarters to 125 degrees.
- Captain Kirk falls asleep in the captain's chair. That of course is the first and only time that happens in Star Trek TOS.
- Captain Kirk having a limp as he is walking around. Probably due to his sudden onset of advanced arthritis.
* So the question is, are these things caused by the age of the body or by something else? *
Below I tackle many of these supposed signs of aging to determine the true cause.
These are very much considered typical signs of aging. But is it possible that there is something else going on here that is causing these problems most people call aging? Do these symptoms have anything to do with time at all?
Let's start off with arthritis. This is something I have personal experience with as I already had arthritis starting around the age of 27. Yet now I have no symptoms of arthritis at the age of 56 which is almost 30 years later.
If arthritis was fully caused simply by time, then my arthritis should have totally crippled me by now. Yet it is 100% gone. How can that be?
My arthritis went away completely when I switched to a Raw Food Diet. That for me stopped any further progression over the past 30 years. So in that case my arthritis was not caused by my age but due to my previous incorrect dietary choices. This will be a common theme as you will see.
You can learn how to do the Raw Food Diet in a long term sustainable and thoroughly enjoyable way that I call Raw Complete by becoming a member of my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) group.
Arthritis is simply due to damage in the body. It is damage to the kidneys, the adrenal glands, the lymphatic system and quite possibly the parathyroid glands. If you heal the damage (and you most certainly can) then it doesn't matter how old you get you will not have or ever get arthritis.
And the same thing can be said about each and every one of those symptoms mentioned in the "Deadly Years" episode.
None of them have to do with age. They have to do with damage to the cells, glands, organs and systems of the body. Damage caused by acids and toxins, not by time.
Here's another story related to those symptoms.
I used to have fairly bad hearing loss in my early 30s. I definitely could have used a hearing aid.
This was definitely not due to old age. I got that hearing loss from hearing loud sounds from my cheap blender at the time and due to going to a video game arcade that had very loud music in it.
And guess what?
I have largely healed that damage to my hearing. While my hearing has not yet returned to perfect, it is way better than it was over 25 years ago. I'd say my hearing has improved 60 to 70% or more compared to how bad it was back then. And my hearing was the worst it was in 2020.
Luckily my incorporeal healing mentor DS (who is in charge of the Divine Sound Current) gave me the instructions of what to do to heal my hearing damage back in the summer of 2020, and by golly it worked.
That is another thing LEN members have learned... how to restore your hearing (if it is a similar cause to my hearing loss which was simply overstretched out eardrums due to exposure to too much loud sounds) in a simple, inexpensive and painless way.
By the way, DS tells me that this method I used to reverse my hearing loss will also help to fix tinnitus.
So I had hearing loss already over 25 years ago and yet now my hearing is much better.
Another so-called sign of aging that is not age related. It is damage related. Damage that can be repaired.
What about wrinkles, gray hair and baldness?
Well these days I have less wrinkles than I had in 2020. Yes I still have wrinkles and I could do natural or non surgical things that could improve them even more (if I spent the time and money) but no question I had major crow's feet wrinkles just completely disappear from my eyes in the fall of 2020. And lately I found a way to reduce my wrinkles even more.
My gray hair is much less than it was in 2020 too. I went into that in detail in my Dudestrem program which is also currently available to LEN members as an instant bonus.
As for baldness. I am happy to say that at almost 57 years of age I have a VERY FULL head of hair. In fact, I hardly lose any hair at all.
Back in early 2020 and before that I was losing more hair than I am now. Though I never had a bald spot. It was concerning at the time but not bad enough that I could notice any major hair loss. But I sensed it could be coming.
Most men my age in the United States are either bald or have major hair loss. In fact, I would say it is extremely rare for a male of my age to have an absolutely full head of hair like a teanajer.
So does hair loss have to do with time or age of the body or is it something else?
According to DS, if you are experiencing any signs of hair loss it is likely because you have imbalanced hormone levels. Again this is not related to time. And he told me that it has a lot to do with damage to the pancreas and the adrenal glands. Of course, it can also do with a damaged thyroid gland. And weak kidneys or poorly filtering kidneys also play a part in causing baldness.
My ex girlfriend had to take thyroid meds. And she had major hair loss. Losing big clumps of hair. But she went raw and was able to drop the meds, heal her thyroid and have all of her hair grow back and in a much higher level of hair quality too.
If you ate a lot of meat and dairy early in your life (even if you went vegetarian or vegan later) your hormones may be off and hence causing your hair loss even if the vegetarian or even raw vegan diet that you are on now is not causing your baldness. Hair loss and baldness has NOTHING to do with how old your body is. It is actually a sign of sickness or dis-ease.
Heck, my two cousins in Canada, were mostly bald just after turning 20 years old. That is certainly not old age.
Heal your body overall and heal your pancreas, adrenal glands and thyroid and watch as your hair starts growing back regardless of your age. There are other things you can do to help stimulate hair growth.
For instance, there is the herbal hair fertilizer formula that makes hair in males and females grow like crazy. This is something else you can find inside the LEN members area.
* How to Tell if You Have Early Signs of Dementia and or Brain Damage *
OK then before I forget (forgist das nicht - a telepathic message in German I just got from my deceased father) I wanted to tell you how to know if you have early signs of dementia. And this is very simple.
If your memory is not as good as it once used to be then almost certainly dementia is already setting in. You already have brain damage.
I remember one day when I was in school and I was maybe 7 or 8 years old or so and I couldn't remember someone's name for the first time in my life. That was strange for me because up to that point I remembered everyone's name that I had ever met without even trying. But suddenly I couldn't remember the names of new people I met so easily anymore.
I remember another boy in the class at another time saying to me "how could you forget names?" He couldn't understand why anyone would forget a name because it was so easy and natural for him. Well maybe it's because he didn't yet have the level of brain damage that I already did at that young age.
Well guess what, a lapsing memory is not a sign of aging. It is however a sign of lack of circulation in the fine capillaries of the brain. Yes this means your brain is slowly dying from a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. And the obvious symptom is the memory starting to go downhill.
My memory is now better than it was when I was 8 years old. The things I can remember now from 30 or 40 years ago astonish me. These are things that I had no chance in hell remembering back in early 2020 before I met DS. For most of my life I have never considered myself to have a good memory.
My new and improved memory seems almost like magic. I don't know how it works at retrieving this formerly lost information, it's just weird how names of people can pop into my head that I haven't even thought about in decades. Names that in early 2020, I would not have been able to recall at all.
Just last night for instance the full first and last names of two of my college girlfriends came into my head. I just thought about them and the names were there. I last saw them over 35 years ago. And previously I could not recall their last names.
In fact, due to my improved memory a couple of years ago I suddenly remembered the name of a girl in my Spanish class (Rachel Manubag) from 8th grade in West Orange, New Jersey. That was around 1980 or 44 years ago. She was quite the hottie and when I moved to Piscataway with my father we were writing letters to each other. Which unfortunately I stopped doing since I moved on to a new life by living far away from her with my father.
* Girls Were Way Hotter Back Then *
The girls back then on average were way hotter than most of the young women of today. And that is largely due to how fat everyone has gotten these days. Not that we were eating great diets even back then. It's just that people found it easier to stay slim back then. I surely ate a LOT of junk food. But our food supply has gotten much worse since the 1970s and 80s.
Plus the prescription drugs that people take these days make them fat too.
I even remembered the name of an old college professor from Rutger's University, whose name is Colt Murphy that I hadn't thought about pretty much since I was in his class around 1986-88 or so. Yet my best friend from college who is my age and absolutely loved this guy (we sat next to each other in Colt Murphy's statistics class) and my friend ended up later doing graduate study in the exact field this professor taught but could not remember his name. He loved this guy way more than I did and yet he could not remember his name.
These days this friend of mine has an absolutely horrible memory. Yes he is suffering with dementia whether he realizes it or not. But I'm sure he just thinks it's part of the normal aging process.
Yet my memory is now better than when I was 8 years old? So much for age related memory loss? It's total BS.
I introduced my friend to raw food eating decades ago after we graduated college and he gave it a little try and then rejected it because of some problem or another in trying to adapt to it and now he is paying the price with his health. Not to mention that I suspect he went back to doing lots of drugs like he used to do in college before he got on the spiritual path that we were on together.
I helped him clean up his life in college. But in the end he rejected the higher way of living and has now descended into his own state of hell. He doesn't even believe in God anymore even though he had the most amazing spiritual experiences back in college. I know because we did everything together back then. But his memory is so bad now that he doesn't even remember these many miraculous experiences he had. Many of those experiences he had were experiences that I shared with him.
Like the time we were doing a mantra meditation in our Satsang group and he heard this most amazing angelic female voice chanting with us in the room who wasn't part of our group. When we got out of the chant he asked me if I had heard her too and I said yes. Then we asked everyone else who was there and they also heard this angelic voice. But if my friend hadn't mentioned it to me I would have completely forgotten that we heard her singing.
And it was definitely not a voice from any of the other females in the group.
How can someone forget the experience of Divine Love? Something I witnessed him experiencing many times. I was able to feel him get into these states of Divine love via my crown center chakra. Doing drugs and eating the Death Diet will ruin everything that is beautiful and important in your life.
Old habits and addictions die hard. And since he couldn't break his addictions he has been slowly ripping apart his body and mind and readying himself for an early grave.
Like I said, this new found memory of mine seems to work like magic. I can't rationally explain how I can now recall so many names of old friends and celebrities from say the 70's and 80's that I had long forgotten about. If I tried to remember these names in 2020 I would not have been able to remember most of them.
Is my memory perfect? Definitely not but it is way better than it has ever been in my adult life. And that was because I was experiencing the early signs of dementia at around 8 years of age. And quite frankly this lack of memory is common for most people at an early age.
All I had to do was to start taking a potent brain herb formula that DS recommended to me and now my brain functions better than ever.
So memory loss is also due to damage not old age. It's largely damage from eating cooked foods, meat, dairy and drinking alcohol and taking prescription and illegal drugs plus the breathing in of polluted air etc. Most cooked food is very damaging to the circulation all throughout your body. Not just your brain.
And memory lapse is an early sign of dementia. It means you are experiencing brain damage. Hence, our 20 something reactor already has brain damage and she doesn't even realize it. Of course, neither did I until recently.
And it's obvious (to me at least) to see that she is a bit on the overweight side already. Though I don't know if she realizes this or not based on our total lack of standards these days when it comes to body weight. But she could easily use to lose at least 20 pounds if she wants to be healthy.
* The Fatter You Get the Shorter Your Life *
Did you know that the fatter you get the shorter your life is going to be. And that is backed by several reliable studies. Each 20 pounds heavier that you get the shorter your life (on average) will become. Hence due to the kind of foods she is eating on a regular basis she is well along the path of getting dementia, cancer and a whole host of other so-called "dis-eases". Yet it's not due to old age but due to poor lifestyle factors.
So she is RIGHT NOW and daily creating dementia, cancer and potentially many other diseases for herself that may show up in more obvious ways in the next 10 to 20 to 30 years. No doubt her memory will get a lot worse during that time.
Are you starting to see that time has nothing to do with aging?
It's not time that is the problem, the problem is DAMAGE to the cells, glands, organs and bodily systems from the toxic American Death Diet and many other toxins people are exposed to these days. And in most cases that damage can be fixed and you can become years if not decades younger in a biological sense.
Well you say "your cells can't divide and replicate forever". And that is quite true. I understand a cell can replicate itself about 60 times before it wears out and dies.
But that is why we have stem cells so that we can create an unlimited supply of new cells. Unfortunately, people who eat a Western Death Diet have very low levels of stem cells in the body. But according to DS the best way to generate lots of stem cells is to eat a Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet. Hence, we may be able to create new cells indefinitely if we eat according to our natural primate diet and avoid the many other different sources of cellular damage.
DS also told us that there is a special fruit that is very good for helping the body produce new stem cells. You can find that info inside of the LEN membership as well.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
At the very least we should be able to live youthfully and healthfully from 150 to 300 years or longer if we can simply avoid damage to the cells of the body. And especially so if you learn how to repair and heal the cellular damage that has already happened to you.
And these two things of course, are exactly what I teach my YouthGuru clients how to do.
* Are Cancer and Dementia Caused by Old Age? *
OK then, let's quickly talk about our Youtube reactor's two biggest fears regarding aging. Things she believes are inevitable with enough passage of time.
Here's what she said again:
This is my biggest fear right now is cancer. My second biggest fear is dementia as far as like happening to me or like somebody close to me.
Now I definitely get why she is so afraid of cancer. I used to have that same kind of fear.
It seems so deadly and terrifying and that you can't do much of anything about it.
Then why is it that even 125 years ago or so that cancer was quite rare here in the United States? And in some cultures around the world cancer is still quite rare.
If she knew a little about nutrition she would know what I just wrote in the last paragraph. And then she could try to hunt down the societies or cultures where cancer is a rare thing and learn from how they eat and live. And then make some changes in her life.
But cancer becomes a lot less scary when you know the exact cause of it as I now do.
* What is the Real Cause of Cancer? *
And it is very simple. Cancer is caused by systemic and long term exposure of acids and toxins in the body. When these acids start to penetrate inside of your cells then you start to get major cancer symptoms.
Although major damage to the cells usually happens decades before you get to this stage.
And why is it that these acids get in the body?
Largely due to a poor diet. And then that diet starts to damage your kidneys and the lymphatic system. When the lymphatic system gets clogged it means your garbage disposal system is clogged. And hence you start storing acids and toxins instead of eliminating them.
Do this for enough years and your body's many natural defenses against internal acids start to break down and then your cells become cancerous.
The weird thing is that even if you eat an ideal Raw Food Diet that is nutrient complete or Raw Complete as I teach, you still could be dying from acidosis. And that is because in most cases the lymphatic system stagnation from your cooked food days does NOT fully heal your clogged lymphatic system simply by going all raw.
Once you are eating a Raw Complete Diet as well as having unclogged your lymphatic system then you will most certainly prevent the burning of your cells. Which is wrongly called a disease or cancer.
If you burnt your hand on the stove would you call that a disease? Just take your hand off the stove and you won't get burned anymore. And the same with cancer, get the acids out of the body and then the cell burning must stop.
* What About Dementia? *
Now as for her fear of dementia.
How much living can you be doing if you can't remember anything? By that point your life is pretty much over. And you are simply existing in a useless shell of a body.
Well the great news is that most definitely dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease etc. can all be healed. And they most certainly can be prevented too.
And it is important to know that there is a higher rate of dementia in people who eat meat, fish and dairy.
Today the link between animal products and many different diseases is as strongly supported in the scientific literature as the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. For example, subjects who ate meat, including poultry and fish, were found to be twice as likely to develop dementia (loss of intellectual function with aging) as their vegetarian counterparts in a carefully designed study.65
Fuhrman, Joel. Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss (p. 101). Little, Brown and Company. Kindle Edition.
I have been fortunate to learn (and use with my coaching clients) how to reverse memory loss in people with dementia in as little as 3 days. This is done by using a potent 3 herb formula at the right dosage that works wonders for the brain.
There is one herb in this formula that is the key that unlocks the power of the other brain herbs. This is something that 99% of the people who use Nootropic herbs have no clue about. But it is the key to rapid reversal of dementia and the rapid improvement in memory of anyone at just about any age.
I have used it for myself and for my clients and it really works quickly. One of my senior citizen clients with a bad memory problem started having a dramatic improvement in her memory in just a few days. Previously, I had her on a great brain herb but she felt no improvement in two months or more of taking it daily.
With dementia it is more about a lack of blood circulation to the brain which eventually damages and kills off brain cells due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients. But that lack of circulation is often initially caused by a clogged lymphatic system.
And honestly, there are several other ways to defeat dementia.
You will discover all the exciting details in the P.S. below...
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. Announcing "The Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain" Live Event on Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 12 noon Pacific Time.
This live video streaming event will be free to attend for my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) members. And soon I will have a link up where non members can join this event too.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
It will run for about 90-minutes or longer and after that you will know the secrets for reversing dementia in as little as three days to two weeks. Yes, the overall healing of the body of people with dementia can and will take quite a bit longer. But the memory and brain function can come back rapidly if you know what is causing it and the trick to reversing the problem.
Unfortunately, the great brain building herbs you may already know about DON'T work that well for most people with dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's etc for a number of reasons. The main reason is because something in the body is blocking those herbs from doing their job. Get rid of the block then suddenly the memory starts to come back rapidly.
There are a few other reasons why these herbs may not work that I'll be discussing. That way you don't make the same mistakes as everyone else.
As I mentioned before, I have used this successfully for reversing memory loss and dementia symptoms on my clients and myself.
And I have seen case studies of several dementia patients including those diagnosed with so-called Alzheimer's and failing memories who got their memory back in 10 days or less by using the simple yet largely unknown healing method I'm going to be sharing with you. Get rid of the thing that blocks the function of the herbs and then quick and miraculous healing starts happening.
*** Main Topics Covered ***
1. Nutrition - The Best Way to Eat to Prevent Dementia:
Yes a Raw Complete Diet like I teach is absolutely ideal for healing the brain but you can also get excellent results from a properly done vegetarian or vegan diet.
But you can't just eat any old version of a cooked vegetarian. If you do this wrong your brain function can get a LOT worse. And unfortunately, a ton of vegans, vegetarians and even raw foodists make this mistake that will damage your brain. Unfortunately, this mistake is more the norm than not.
All you have to do is make this super simple dietary adjustment and you will quickly improve brain function dramatically.
I have made this same dietary mistake for just a few weeks and it devastated my memory and brain function. I was shocked that my memory improving herbs weren't working anymore. But when I changed that simple thing in my diet my memory started improving dramatically within a week. And it got even better in the second week after I made the change.
If you get this part of your diet wrong then memory boosting anti-dementia herbal formula below won't help you very much. And there is a specific and scientifically proven reason why this happens that I will be explaining at the Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain live event.
2. Herbs - Anti-Dementia Three Herb formula:
Use these commonly available and inexpensive herbs as shown (which is definitely not what the average person would do when taking these herbs) and you will improve your chances of demolishing dementia and memory loss in record time. The key herb is the one that removes the blockage in the body. Remove that blockage and the brain herbs start to take effect rapidly.
3. Brain Boosting PHYSICAL Exercises:
There is a certain part of the physical body outside of the brain that when used properly exercises the brain like nothing else. Do these very FUN exercises (that also give you a natural high) and you will start to produce new brain cells or neurons and new connections between those brain cells. In short, you will make your brain bigger, stronger and smarter while improving your memory and creativity.
This program is not just for people with dementia but for anyone who wants to achieve peak brain performance.
4. Brain Boosting MENTAL Exercises:
Here I will show you some fun things you can do with your brain to boost your brain power. The stronger you make your brain the less likely you will be affected by the ravages of dementia. Doing this is like rewiring your brain and adding in double or triple the wiring to your brain.
Do some of these physical and mental exercises along with the above steps and you will have a super brain that will work perfectly for the rest of your life. Remember, dementia, senility, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are NOT caused by aging but by damage to the body that can be reversed and or prevented from ever happening.
5. Quick Start Section:
Here is where I will show you the few things you can do right away to start reversing dementia of all kinds in record time. You don’t have to do all or any of the exercises to regain memory and improve brain function.
I’ll show you the key things to get started with.
6. Question and Answer Session:
And yes, you will most certainly be able to ask me questions during and especially at the end of the presentation.
I also will be providing links to written information and or videos I have already compiled for previous clients on this same topic.
In short, you will learn everything you need to know to not only prevent dementia but to reverse even advanced cases and keep your brain sharp as a tack past your hundredth birthday. And you will learn how to dramatically boost your memory without working on a memory course or training system.
If you would like to attend this live event and you're not yet a LEN member then you can join here:
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
Hey, Roger. In the mid 60's my dad and mother used to spoon feed my sister and I a yucky tasting white liquid called Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil while we pinched our noses and held our breath.
I guess they were convinced it was a good supplement to keep our brains working right and perhaps other reasons. But I can clearly remember the routine protocol of downing that awfully tasting liquid without regurgitating it.
I too watched the Star Trek series as a kid,
thanks to my dad who was a big fan of the show along with Lost In Space.
I wasn't as big a fan as my dad was, and until not too long ago I came to appreciate what the writers and producers of the Star Trek series were conveying to the audience besides a show about outer space exploration.
Apparently, the producers were ahead of their time as I am reminded of author Robert Scheinfeld, who wrote "Busting Loose From The Money Game". A book dedicated to a method of inner shadow work which he calls "the process" intermingled with concepts of quantum physics.
In it, he references the Star Trek crew as having a core principle called the "Prime Directive" which guides the actions of the crew as they explore space.
He compares the prime directive of the Enterprise crew to that of life being a game we play as we explore what happens when we limit unlimited power and the infinite ability to express creatively and limit
infinite wisdom, abundance, and true joy, that is our natural state.
One of Scheinfeld's favorite TV shows is Star Trek: The Next Generation and the character "Q" who displays omnipotent power. He says there was even a series of published books based on the "Q" character.
"Busting Loose... " is a pretty interesting book, in my humble opinion. It is based on a different way or angle of perceiving life and how to navigate it with all of its ups and downs.
Over the years, I've come to realize that a major part of healthy living is primarily controlling the thoughts and beliefs one has regarding sickness and healing. Secondly, is feeding the body natural foods.
Most importantly, I believe one has to guard one's thoughts from mainstream media and the docs in the medical community who thrive by injecting the public with fear and stress about sickness, disease, and ill health, and their constant reminder that most diseases are incurable and require routine medication.
So, I agree that that young lady has been brainwashed into believing certain things about aging and sickness being an inevitable part of life.
I'm sure your brain exercises and protocols will keep the mental faculties in top shape.
Have a good one, Roger.