It's truly scary how the majority of the world falls for one psyop (Psychological Operation) after another. Luckily there are many people revealing these psyops in books and on the Internet. The problem is how to find this information in this day of extreme censorship from the SillyCon Valley tech giants.
Knowing psyops is vital to your wellbeing and in some cases can be the difference between life and death. Case in point the Bolognavirus scam. Based on the evidence I have seen and gathered, I suspect that millions of people around the globe have died after taking the toxic "medicine" that most of our governments and employers were trying to force on us. And even more people have been injured as a result. There is undeniable evidence of this fact.
Just take a look at the video "Died Suddenly" which you can find on Rumble.
So strange to see how many young people are suddenly dying of heart attacks. So many young athletes just dropping dead. There are a lot of people in Big Pharma and the Medical Mafia who need to be put in jail for the rest of their lives for this mass slaughter of humanity. But they think they are above the law because they're part of the elites. Yet I do believe they're going to get brought to justice in the end.
And even before that actual vaca-cine was developed... many people were killed by intentionally toxic medical treatments. The book "Virus Mania" by Torsten Engelbrecht (e.t. all) goes into this in-depth with a whole new chapter dedicated to the Bolognavirus scam. It has a ton of citations proving all of the claims made. And yes at least one of the authors Claus Köhnlein is an M.D. I highly recommend you read that chapter and book when you get a chance. It is vital reading because it exposes the virus psyop with tons of well researched facts.
The whole idea that viruses can cause all sorts of disease is itself a psyop that started around the time of the so-called "Spanish Flu." Which was also another psyop. Twenty million people did NOT die due to a virass. It was due to the vaca-cines and the “medicine” the "doctors" were doling out. The people who didn't take the vaca-cines and stayed away from doctors were just fine.
Same as has happened with the Bolognavirus psyop. I don't know anyone who didn't take the jab who regrets it. I myself haven't had as much as a sniffle in the past two years during the bolognavirus horror movie.
And now we move on to finding out whether nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons are as dangerous as we’ve been lead to believe by our governments.
In the cold war days pre 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall and the financial collapse of the Soviet Union everyone was terrified of a nuclear war destroying all of humanity. The phrase “mutually assured destruction” was a common one at the time. We were "taught" that a nuclear war would result in the destruction of humanity due to the radiation that would poison the planet for hundreds of years.
But is this actually true?
Boy do I have a treat for you if you haven't already seen this.
I have found the expert of experts on nuclear power. This guy was involved in the very early days of nuclear power. I think he was even involved in the Manhattan Project. He worked in all sorts of nuclear power plants. And even used to bathe in the nuclear containment pools for the fun of it. Yes he bathed in the warm ponds that were super radioactive. Yet he lived to 82 years of age with no radiation damage whatsoever.
Was he scared of radiation?
Not a lick. That’s because he worked with nuclear power before the real psyop began and how they worked in nuclear power plants was very different in those days.
I have two amazing videos from circa 1982 where he goes into great detail proving his points. At the beginning of the first video you will see his extensive credentials in this field.
I wonder if after you watch it you will believe him. Please take part in the poll below after you’ve seen these videos.
Galen Winsor - The Grand Nuclear Hoax
The Nuclear Scare Scam - Galen Winsor eats uranium to prove its "harmless"
This is mindblowing information.
I first saw these videos several years ago.
Now the question is do you believe him?
However, what Galen Winsor talks about is not the full story of this psyop. The rabbit hole goes much deeper. I’ll be sharing even more info on this in future posts.
I think you may be shocked by what you discover. But it’s actually very good news.
Please do leave a comment to this post below. I’d love to hear your insights on this topic and psyops in general. If what Galen Winsor says is true then humanity has been tricked big time.
Think about how many movies are promoting this idea of a nuclear winter and the idea that nuclear power could wipe out humanity or make whole cities and regions unlivable in the case of a nuclear meltdow. When in reality nuclear power isn’t that dangerous at all. And nuclear weapons don’t leave harmful radiation after a nuclear explosion.
So if you enjoyed this post please do hit the like button at the top of the post. By doing these things you help me get the message out and I really do appreciate that.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
The guy eats uranium, that blew my mind. It shatters everything we were taught growing up. Great video find, Roger!
Thank you for your fight against medical tyranny.
All they can do is babble “Trust the Science.” Now “Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton have joined forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here:
And while we're at it don't forget Tiffany Dover. Listen to the new music video WHERE HAVE YOU GONE TIFFANY DOVER?
BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here:
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