Recently I wrote a post entitled "Does Salt Damage the Kidneys?"
As you may know if you are a long time reader, I can't stand accidentally sharing untruths. And so if I ever find out that something I stated in public is untrue I like to correct that mistake as soon as possible.
Over the past year or so I have been getting much more reliable communication from my main spirit guide DS (Divine Sound). However there are times where I still get mistaken information. So please always keep that in mind that there is a possibility that some of the info that I'm sharing with you from DS is not actually coming from him.
And that appears to be the case with some of the information I shared in my previous post. So today I'm going to correct that information and share with you some new insights as well on this topic.
For the most part I feel that I'm getting at least a 90% correct rate on the information I am getting these days from DS and my angel team.
Hence, I always try to back up the information I'm getting from multiple outer world sources as well. Including my own experiences as well as established science, the experiences of other people and experts that I trust in those areas.
The problem with relying on so-called “science” is that science is controlled by a group of lunatic dictators that secretly control most governments and media of the world and who have a destructive agenda for humanity.
Look no further than the Bolognavirus scam that killed millions of people on this planet. No one would have died if it wasn’t for the medical system and the media propagating lie after lie.. So if you are knowledgeable on this topic then you fully understand what I'm talking about. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of the corruption in medicine and science.
So they do as much as possible to bend science to the very limited way they want humanity to perceive the world. And often what is being taught in science and the medical field is completely wrong. Though of course there is much that they teach that is absolutely correct. So I have to constantly wade through this correct and incorrect information to try and discover the real truth.
Also I am working on improving my communication protocols with higher spiritual beings so that only truth is revealed to me. As a result of this episode I put in a new layer of truth detection. Hopefully that will improve the quality of my results in the future.
I did a deeper protection meditation yesterday and today to try to find out what was true and what was false from that post. So I double checked the answers from DS on two different days and I'm now getting consistent results on those two days. One thing I was told was that some nefarious spirit had hijacked at least a part of my conversation with DS.
Of course the majority of the post was not information from DS anyway but things I and others like Dr Robert Morse and other raw food experts are in disagreement with about the medical system, “science” and about conventional opinion about salt in particular.
Honestly, science is much more like a religion these days than some real truth-seeking method that it used to be.
So let me go over what I said that turned out to be wrong.
DS said that salt or sodium chloride is never broken down into sodium and chloride in the body. It stays in its same form as the molecule of NaCl until it is eliminated. Apparently you could eat all the salt you want but the body will never convert it to sodium. Hence, someone who relies on salt as their main source of sodium can become very sodium deficient.
This I now know is incorrect. The human body can use salt or NaCl to supply the body with sodium. The human body is capable of breaking down the salt molecule into separate atoms of sodium and chloride.
And the information I am now getting from DS is an agreement with this.
But it won't break down the salt into sodium if your body already has enough sodium in it. (That is new info I got from DS today. And it makes a lot more sense to me than what I originally got.)
This also makes sense to me based on my personal experiences with consuming salt. Because as a person who does not regularly eat salt when I do eat it, I feel it burning me. Even the next day when I wake up after having eaten salt, I still feel it burning inside of me. And if it is burning me it must be still in the corrosive form of salt or NaCl even 12 to 16 hours after I had the meal.
So in my case I don't think my body converted the sodium chloride or NaCl into separate Na and Cl atoms. It just eliminated the NaCl from my body because I have plenty of sodium in my system already.
Why did I even figure this out about the salt not being absorbed in the body? Because I really wasn't sure the information I was getting was true in the first place. And I alluded to that in the previous post because I wanted comments from people who had other knowledge or experience. And indeed I got such information via an email from one of my subscribers.
Here is the email.
My dad almost died of low sodium last year... only giving him water drinks high in salt saved his life. The blood needs a particular sodium level to keep us alive... too much not good, too little you die. If he doesn't eat enough salt his sodium level goes down too low and he starts to act loopy like he's drunk. (hyponatremia)
I'm not sure if it's Na or NaCl, however.
Thanks for the emails.
That simple bit of information seemed to disprove the original point that I thought I was getting from DS. It turns out that particular info did not come from DS. So my apologies for giving you false information.
However, his dad did not need to consume corrosive salt to solve this problem. He could have just made himself one large celery juice per day and he would have easily solved his sodium needs without the many damaging side effects of consuming salt.
In fact celery and celery juice is known to actually lower blood pressure even though it is high in sodium. But eating salt raises blood pressure.
DS says that most Americans are sodium deficient even though they eat a ton of salt.
This of course turns out to be false information. The body can meet its sodium needs from consuming salt. Even though the body much prefers to get its sodium from organic or plant sources.
DS told me that if a teaspoon of salt was directly injected into the veins of the average human that they would die within 5 minutes.
This also turned out to be untrue and was not actually coming from DS.
So I started wondering... do doctors ever inject salt into the blood?
Then later that day I got the thought "but what about saline solutions that are used in hospitals in intravenous drips?" And it turns out that in those drips they use .9% salt in them. Or about 99% water and 1% salt.
So in this case it's all about the dosage. Likely a teaspoon of salt with a minimal amount of water to make it liquid so that it could be injected, would not kill the average adult if injected directly into the bloodstream. But instead if you injected 5 to 10 teaspoons of salt directly into the bloodstream that more than likely would kill you due to the extremely corrosive nature of salt. You would burn from the inside out and die of dehydration.
In fact in China some people used to commit suicide by eating about an ounce or so of salt at once. From what I understand it is a very painful death.
Another interesting thing I discovered years ago is that I dropped a lot of water weight when I stopped consuming salt.
Why is that?
Because salt is toxic to the body. But the body can easily defend itself by holding on to more water to help dilute the poisons in the salt. The extra water dilutes the salt and lessens the damage from the salt. Hence most people have quite a bit of extra weight in the form of water.
This is something all boxers, UFC or MMA fighters and wrestlers should know. They could probably drop 5 to 15 lbs of water weight simply by stopping the consumption of salt and replacing it with consuming natural plant sources of sodium like celery and honeydew melon. Because for them making weight is a huge part of their career.
They're constantly trying to fight in the lowest weight class possible. By not consuming salt and by also cleaning out their bowels they could be a heck of a lot lighter than the average cooked food MMA fighter for their height. This could make it so that they could easily go down one weight class compared to when they were consuming salt. This would make them bigger and stronger than their competition that's still eating salt.
After double checking with DS the last two days it appears the rest of the information I got from DS was correct.
For instance, I'm still getting from DS that on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most damage that salt consumption rates and 8 out of 10 in terms of damaging the kidneys.
You can see the original post here. Though I will soon be correcting the mistakes on that post.
Does Salt Damage the Kidneys?
I'd love to hear your feedback. Please leave a comment below so that we can go a bit deeper into this issue.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
All salts are not the same. The processed table salts with or without iodine are toxic which I avoid like plague. I make use of seal salt, though, for my asthma. A nightly rinse with warm saltwater, the last thing before bed calms my bronchi and gives me restful sleep sans wheezing. You may have heard too of salt lamps and people working in salt mines that have the cleanest lungs. I know it would be ideal to get our sodium entirely from plant sources, though I feel the use of unprocessed Celtic and Himalayan salts definitely plays a role in human health.