NOTE: 12.17.23 I have had to make several corrections to this post because some of the info I thought that was coming from DS actually came from an imposter. Details on the corrections can be found here:
I will be putting strike through text on the information below that was wrong. Though there is still quite a bit of information in this post that contradicts mainstream “science” and which I believe is correct.
What you are about to read is highly controversial and definitely not in agreement with mainstream " science". Off the top of my head I'd say there are about 5 points that completely contradict mainstream science and medicine. And much of it is new information I don't think you'll find anywhere else.
I started thinking about this recently because of work I was doing with a healing client who has been struggling mightily to achieve full kidney filtration. But she was still eating salt daily at the time even though she is otherwise following a Raw Complete Diet like I teach my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) members.
Below is the email I wrote to her.
So the question I was asking myself the other night was if salt was particularly damaging to the kidneys.
Well I did some research on this and there seems to be quite a bit of studies saying that high salt intake does indeed damage the kidneys.
But what about moderate salt intake? Or what about the average salt intake of a person in the United States on a Standard American Death Diet? Well as far as I'm concerned those diets are extremely high in salt intake or NaCl or sodium chloride. My perception of high salt intake is much lower than what the Medical Mafia would like you to believe is a high intake.
If you eat any of the typical packaged or processed foods they're going to be loaded with salt. If you go out to a restaurant the food is going to be loaded with salt. Salt is used profusely in most western cultures. And some people add salt to a recipe that already has lots of salt in it.
Below is what I wrote to my client about this.
Did you know that salt damages the kidneys?
The scientific research sure seems to say so.
I got a hunch about this last night. Likely an idea from my angel team. Yes apparently they gave me the mental nudge to make this connection.
So I asked DS (my main Spirit Guide) and he said yes, that salt is particularly damaging to the kidneys. Then I asked on a scale of 1 through 10 with 10 doing the most damage as to how damaging salt is to the kidneys. The score he gave me was 8 out of 10. If that is true it is pretty bad and from my experience I do believe it's true.
DS also confirmed that salt is a corrosive cellular poison. Real world proof of this is what happens to snails and slugs when you pour salt on them. They die from burning and dehydration when you coat them with salt. If you were to put salt in your eye that would burn like crazy too. Same burning pain happens when you pour salt on an open wound.
And this is why you don't drink seawater because if you did you would die of dehydration due to the high salt content of the water.
More evidence of its corrosiveness is the rust that happens on cars in areas where they get a lot of snow and a lot of salt gets put on the roads to melt the snow and ice. Those cars get rusty a lot faster than cars and warm climates that don't have this kind of wintry weather. And even cars that are parked near the ocean rust much faster simply by being exposed to the moist salty air.
Of course, you know we need the electrolyte mineral sodium from plant sources like celery but salt in the form of NaCl is something we have zero need of. I have not consumed salt for many years but I do intentionally consume plenty of sodium from organic raw food plant sources.
DS said even eating small amounts of salt is damaging to the kidneys.
Think about it like this. The kidneys have to excrete the salt from your body as it is a poison. And salt is corrosive and hence damaging to the cells like acid even though it may have a neutral pH of 7. That means it could damage the kidneys while the kidneys try to eliminate this poison through your urine. It would be similar to passing battery acid through the delicate filtering membranes of the kidneys. That is definitely going to damage the kidneys. As well as your bladder and urethra.
I asked DS if the kidneys are eliminating the salt in the same crystal or rock like form as when it was originally consumed. He said yes. Apparently the body does not convert it into something less damaging before it is eliminated. I don't know if that's totally true but that is what I've been getting after asking DS multiple times. I'd love to hear your perspective about this in the comments.
And contrary to the beliefs of nutritionists and doctors everywhere, your body never puts salt into the bloodstream. DS told me that if a teaspoon of salt was directly injected into the veins of the average human that they would die within 5 minutes. Salt is eliminated through the lymphatic system not through the blood system.
DS has told me many times that mainstream science is 100% wrong on the idea that toxins are put into the blood to be eliminated through the kidneys.
If you think about it it makes no sense at all. Below I'll describe my reasons for thinking like this.
The kidneys not only filter blood they also filter lymphatic fluid. That actually makes way more sense than having all of your toxins being eliminated through your bloodstream.
Imagine putting your s*** right next to your food on the dinner plate. That would be disgusting. No one would want to eat anymore.
Well that's almost an exact analogy of what would be happening if your body were to eliminate toxins (or s***) through the blood.
The toxins of your body can be highly acidic and or corrosive and would destroy your very narrow range of alkaline pH that must be kept at all times in the blood. Just a small move to the more acidic pH range for the blood would put you into a coma and then kill you.
This is why the blood is not the place where the body eliminates toxins. It would be absolute insanity for the body to put toxins into your bloodstream. There's just no need to do that.
So it makes zero sense to be pumping toxins into the blood when you have a lymphatic system designed to handle doing that. Remember that approximately 25% of the fluids in the body are blood and the other 75% is your lymphatic fluid. Lymph fluid reaches every cell in the body just like your blood does.
The lymphatic system is designed to handle acids and toxins because it is a more viscous fluid that can help to neutralize these toxins and poisons as they are passing through your lymphatic system before they hit the kidneys.
We also have bacteria in the lymph nodes that help to break down extreme acids to a less acidic pH before they are passed through the kidneys for elimination.
Either way corrosive salt or NaCl is damaging to any cell it comes in contact with. Hence the body prefers to eliminate it as quickly as possible. However, if the kidneys aren't filtering properly that salt could end up staying longer in the kidneys and hence doing more damage to the kidneys.
And if the kidneys are really clogged it may not be able to eliminate the salt at all. Hence, the cell burning salt can remain in the body for years if not decades to come. Though it most definitely can be eliminated via your third kidney which is your skin.
And I know that salt is highly corrosive to the cells for a fact because when I have eaten at raw food restaurants that added a lot of salt to their recipes, I have felt like I was burning inside afterwards for several hours and even into the next day. Yes, the body of a regular salt eater creates protective mechanisms so that there is less damage from the salt. But since I don't eat salt on a regular basis, I don't have those protective mechanisms and I can feel the salt burning me on the inside.
Also after a meal with salt, my eyeballs always bulge like they want to explode. And my raw food mentor told me he experienced the exact same thing multiple times after we went out to raw food restaurants. And many other raw foodists have told me they had the same experience as well. Several of my ex raw foodist girlfriends have also experienced the exact same thing
And according to DS, people with kidneys that are not filtering properly are experiencing more damage from salt because it takes longer to eliminate that salt, if it can be eliminated at all. And yes that salt can end up being trapped in the body and causing extensive cellular damage.
Remember salt is extremely corrosive.
I also found out something else that is very interesting and super controversial. DS said that salt or sodium chloride is never broken down into sodium and chloride in the body. It stays in its same form as the molecule of NaCl until it is eliminated. Apparently you could eat all the salt you want but the body will never convert it to sodium. Hence, someone who relies on salt as their main source of sodium can become very sodium deficient.
Again, I have noticed this non-conversion of salt in the body as I felt it burning me as it is passing through me for elimination via my lymphatic fluid and system for at least 16 hours.
DS says that most Americans are sodium deficient even though they eat a ton of salt.
This is another reason why the celery juice craze caught on so much in recent years. People are just not getting enough sodium in their diet through plant sources that are actually absorbable by the human body. So when they start juicing celery like crazy it is very helpful for improving their health since they are generally sodium deficient.
According to DS, even half a teaspoon a day of salt is damaging to the kidneys.
So if you are serious about wanting to achieve kidney filtration then I think it would be best to finally give up salt for good.
So did some of the things I said here in this post ruffle your feathers? I'd love to hear your opinion either positive or negative, in the comments.
Maybe you have some good evidence contradicting one or more of the things I said and or what DS told me.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. Of course, giving up salt isn't easy. As it is fairly addictive. I used to be a salt addict myself. But it only took me a few days to feel like I was fine without eating salt anymore after going cold turkey way back in early 2002. I have generally been salt free ever since. Minus going to raw restaurants or eating other people's recipes at raw potluck events.
The key to easily beating salt addiction is to have raw recipes that are loaded with so much savory flavor that you totally forget about salt.
A little over a month ago I created a super simple new recipe that is mouth watering, addictive and nutrient rich. The cool thing is it only requires three inexpensive and common ingredients and takes only about 5 minutes to make. And of course, it doesn't contain any salt but it does contain organic sodium which is a good thing.
Here's what a couple of my clients who have tried it out have said about it.
Definitely my kind of meal: 3 simple ingredients
Totally delicious. Very filling, too.
Fantastic! Thanks, Roger!
Deb Hart
This simple recipe is addictively delicious! It tasted better on every spoonful. Next thing I know, my mixer was completely cleaned out, and I was full. It's tasty, cheap, nutritious, and filling. I'm excited to play around with the possible variants of this recipe. Thanks Roger!
Jake Wall
You can get the full recipe here by joining my Substack premium membership.
Very valuable article, Roger, I thank you for it. I did some analysis a few years ago, and according to it and some of your previous articles, my kidneys are kind of toast, even though I don't eat a lot of meat. I also don't eat a lot of salt, but it seems that no salt would be a lot better.
I have been told that our bodies are about 80% salt water and that if we don't have water with proper salt such as Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt that, when we drink pure water, this water sucks sodium out of our bodies to make it into salty water,. which should be about one third the concentration of seawater. Yes, table salt is just sodium chloride and is definitely toxic. Much cheaper than raw salt which has all the minerals we need in proper balance but table salt is highly toxic.
What do you think?