Is it possible that EVERYTHING you've been taught about the cause of diabetes is wrong?
Below I'm going to include some videos that are science based and backed by many studies. (Though I am not the biggest fan of studies knowing how often the data is intentionally corrupted to decide a certain outcome ahead of time.)
I am especially intrigued by the second video from Vegsource and Dr. John McDougall on the healing effects of white rice and white sugar on Type 2 Diabetes.
About the first video.
I've got an eye opening video to share with you today.
It's really funny that most mainstream nutritionists just assume that eating sugar causes diabetes. This has irked me for decades now. That is the mantra you hear everywhere these days.
But is there any scientific proof that this widespread belief is actually true? So far I've never seen the proof, only the completely unsubstantiated claims. They just ASS-ume it to be true.
And on the other hand virtually no one believes that eating meat could cause diabetes. Especially since it contains no sugar or carbohydrates.
Yet it has been known for at least 50 years that eating meat, chicken, pork etc. substantially raises insulin levels. In fact, beef raises insulin levels almost as much as pure glucose. It's not just eating sugar that raises insulin levels. Yet thin people on high carb vegetarian diets are the least likely to ever get diabetes.
Also meat is generally high in fat. And the more fat in your bloodstream (yes even raw vegetarian fats) the more insulin is needed for insulin to be able to do its job. Fat in your diet and on your body actually block insulin from working properly and requires your body to produce a lot more insulin and hence causes insulin resistance.
Fat causes insulin resistance.
This video by a PhD researcher is an intelligent look at a number of studies on the topic of whether eating meat might make you more likely to get diabetes. I think you'll find it fascinating.
Plus she makes several key distinctions that most nutritionists completely overlook.
She also talks about what could happen when you mix carbs or sugar with a high fat meal. Yet the sugar is always blamed for any and all health problems.
Diabetes Caused by Meat, and Prevented by Eating Sugar?! | What the Health Claim
At the very least this points to a strong correlation with people who eat meat having a much larger chance of getting diabetes.
But I think with the further videos I provide it will be quite evident that eating meat does indeed lead a high percentage of people to eventually becoming diabetic.
This short second video is going to totally blow your mind. Some of the topics discussed.
Pure white sugar actually improves insuline sensitivity. Researcher John D. Brunsell M.D. took type 2 diabetics and fed them a diet of 45% and also 85% white sugar. Every aspect of their diabetes improved. This was published in 1971 in the New England Journal of Medicine. Improved Glucose Tolerance with High Carbohydrate Feeding in Mild Diabetes
Way back in the 1920’s a scientist named Percival Himsworth, figured out that fat severely inhibits insulin. In essence excess fat in the diet creates insulin resistance. (NOTE: This is true with plant based fats as well “not just from meat” like olive oil, avocados etc, they also interfere with insulin’s ability to transport nutrients to the cells. High fat forces the body to secrete extra insulin to get the job done. This is why I have recommended a lower fat Raw Food Diet for over two decades.) I personally suffered the consequences of eating a high fat raw diet by getting a a systemic overgrowth of candida albicans. Going low fat raw healed most of that problem.
Fed diabetics a diet of white rice, table sugar, fruit and juice and found that it often cured type 2 diabetes. Walter Kempner, MD – Founder of the Rice Diet did this way back in the 1940s and 50s.
In a recent study type 1 diabetics fed a diet high in white sugar and as a result they decreased their insulin level intake.
Cure Type 2 Diabetes With Sugar & White Rice - Dr. McDougall
This third video goes into the many possible reasons that eating meat is known to increase your chances of developing blood sugar metabolism diseases such as diabetes.
Why Is Meat a Risk Factor for Diabetes?
This fourth video looks at the fact that the people promoting the keto, paleo and carnivore diets often do so because they believe eating carbs leads to high insulin levels? But are they unknowingly being hypocritical?
Paleo Diets May Negate the Benefits of Exercise
I could put several more videos in here that would blow your mind. But let's just keep it to these for now so that you are more likely to watch them all.
The bottom line… If you want to beat type 2 diabetes the evidence clearly shows that you should increase your intake of carbohydrates (even refined white sugar) and dramatically decrease your fat consumption.
For type 2 diabetics I would suggest 10% of less of your daily calories should be coming from fat or oil. (And I don’t recommend the use of any oils at all in the diet.) And your carbs should be 80 to 85% of your daily caloric intake.
Also it is obvious based on the evidence and common sense that humans are not omnivores and definitely not carnivores. Yes we can eat such a diet but doing so leads to all sorts of dis-eases in the long run.
Our truly wild primate cousins like chimpanzees and bonobos barely eat any meat and they don't have to go to the doctor for a checkup every six months. They naturally eat a super nutrient dense high carbohydrate and low fat diet.
My guess is that truly wild primates (that are not fed by humans) have close to a zero percent chance of ever getting diabetes or heart disease for that matter.
What do you think?
Have you improved diabetes by going on a high carb vegetarian or a vegan diet? Or have you healed other blood sugar metabolism problems (like candida albicans overgrowth) with a low fat and high carb vegetarian, vegan or raw vegan diet?
Let me know in the comments. And you’ll want to hurry because I have a very special gift for the first 5 people to leave a comment to this post. Details on that gift in the P.S. below.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. The first five people to leave me intelligent comments to this post will get this gift below from me sent to them via email. Normally this would be exclusive info for my Substack premium members.
I have something brand new to share with you today. I'm really excited about this and have been using it myself to great effect for the past week.
To start with and how it is directly related to this post. This herb is known for lowering high blood sugar levels. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.
This single herb is one of the most potent antibiotic, antimicrobial and antiparasitic herbs ever. It has a LONG history of creating remarkable healing results.
It easily destroys candida albicans. It's fantastic for removing large parasites like flukes and worms from the digestive tract.
In fact, it is so potent that many people have to use it in tiny amounts at first because it so easily produces a die off reaction.
Yes, you can use this single herb alone to kill large and mircoscopic parasites like bacteria, fungus and yeasts. You don't need an expensive herbal formula with 5 or 10 different herbs in it when just this one will likely do the job.
Start taking this at the first sign of a cold or flu and you will should be able to beat it easily.
But get this, it also is great for rebuilding the enamel on your teeth. I'm already feeling the effects of using it for that purpose in just a few days.
The big problem with other kinds of antibiotic herbs is that they tend to taste terrible. But this herb and or tincture has a very mild and pleasant taste. This means you are much more likely to use it regularly instead of being disgusted like you would with most other antibiotic type of herbs.
Plus the other really cool thing about this herb is that it is loaded with plant based iodine. It is great for people who have any kind of thyroid disease beyond just the iodine content.
I have seen a number of testimonials of people having great results at healing their thyroids with this herb. Good for hyperthyroidism, hypothroidism, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis to Grave's Disease.
It also strengthens the immune system.
It strengthens the bones due to its high mineral content and calcium. (Remember if it's good for your tooth enamel it is also good for your bones.)
It also helps to get stuck lymphatic system fluids moving and unstuck.
Plus it increases oxygenation of the blood cells.
And it's very inexpensive. At the moment a 2 ounce bottle of this in a tincture is only $12.50. I will show you the trusted, high quality and yet inexpensive brand to get.
Remember, the first five people to leave me an intelligent comment to this post will get this information sent to their email address within about 24 hours or so of you making the comment.
I’m 77 6’2” 168 lbs . Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2005. For the last 5 1/2 years I’ve eaten low fat whole food plant based. No sugar, oil, salt added.
My A1c 5.6 to 5.7 done every 3 months. Cholesterol is 120 LDL 54 I don’t eat before 10am or after 7pm. I wake 1.5 miles a day. Hope this inspires you to give it a try. It works. It’s a habit to adaopt. No problem Be happy and healthy
Thanks for the post! I am very excited to get to using this special herb for the benefits you described. I hope it does work for myself like it has for others. Many blessings to you and all your readers and followers!