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Youtube is a modern wonder. A source of endless information and entertainment.
But my use of it had unknowingly been stunting my life.
For instance, several years ago I got this wireless bluetooth speaker and connected it to my smartphone. And what I started doing was listening to slash watching videos on that phone while I made each of my meals.
Now that was great. I was either picking up some new information or getting entertained in some way.
The wonders of technology.
In fact, much of my day had been converted into picking up more and more information. I became an information hog. Constantly, watching or reading stuff on the Internet.
But that came with a HUGE problem.
You'd think having all this information at your fingertips would be a good thing. And in many ways it is a good thing.
However, this constant barage of info caused a severe problem.
The problem was that it made me constantly PASSIVE.
Just constantly listening or watching.
This is a problem for most people these days. People being constantly glued to their phones. Too busy to even enjoy Nature when they go out for a run or a walk.
And what I recently discovered is that if you want to take your life to super levels of accomplishment and joy you should be doing a lot of CREATING instead of passively acquiring information all of the time.
In my last post I spoke about this in depth, so I won't go over all the details here. I highly recommend you check it out. It got a lot of great comments and reviews.
So a little over a month ago I made a change to be a lot more active in the use of my imagination. Instead of constantly acquiring information I was creating a new and high vibration reality for myself in my imagination.
Instead of listening to videos I was spending more and more time using what I call "The Law of Creation". The goal was to make my outer world match the vibrations of the higher planes of consiousness. In other words, I am creating a Heaven on Earth.
So I have been imagining, feeling and hence creating just that for 20 minutes or a half hour or sometimes hours at a time.
And instead of listening to videos while I exercise I’m actively creating a new reality for myself in my imagination.
I found a great way to get into the higher planes of consciousness while exercising. That is turning out to a be a real time saver and I will share that technique at the free event I mention at the end of this post.
And you know what?
This has totally transformed my life.
It has opened me up to a much higher level of angelic guidance in my life. So many improvements have come to my life in a very short time.
So many synchronicities too. It’s mind boggeling.
Plus I’m getting all sorts of real world solutions to problems that have plagued me for a very long time.
And its all because I am CREATING a Divine Order in my life by infusing my imagination with Divinity.
So in a very real sense, this new change produced the reality of Angels granting my wishes as I spoke about in the last post.
Well I am super excited to share that tomorrow or Sunday, January, 5, 2025 at 2pm Eastern or New York City time, I'll be holding an absolutely phree group class that will show you how to do this too.
This could be a major turning point in your life.
"Livestream Event: How to Infuse Divine Power & Angelic Guidance Into Your Life"
I've got a bunch of entertaining and I believe, enlightening things to share with you tomorrow. Plus, I'm going to be doing some stuff I've never done before on a livestream that I think you’ll really enjoy.
This is not going to be just another boring information acquiring event. You will get to CREATE too while you're having a blast.
So if you'd like to attend then please reply back to this email or send an email requesting access to support ( at ) superbeing ( dot ) com soon and I'll send you the login info. If you wait until the last minute I will likely be too busy with doing the class to respond to you.
Remember this event is phree of charge. No strings attached.
It’s my belated Christmas gift to you.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Nature Healer - Creator of the N.A.T. Heal All - Clean Cell System
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 57-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 23-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
Yes I would like to attend, Eve Hamner