This is my belated Christmas gift to you. It’s a simple new technique I recently learned that has awesome power and is producing amazing results for me. And I want to share it with you.
Yes, I know this sounds crazy and like a fairy tale. And it's not my normal topic of healing, herbs, raw nutrition or fitness.
But I assure you it is true and something I have been successfully doing for a little over a month now. In fact, I have done it thousands of times in the past 35+ years. However, this time is different.
In fact, my first ability to do this started happening way back in the late summer of 1987 when I was just 20 years old.
However, most of the time in the years past I did not do it as consistently as I have been doing it lately. And my results over the past month or so have been out of this world.
Recently, I mentioned to a close friend how I had been "Blinded by the Light". The inner light I was seeing was the most bright, powerful and intense ever. Which is a sign to me that I am making great spiritual progress. (Thank you Manfred Mann for your great song. Though most of the lyrics I don't like but I do love anywhere they're singing about THE LIGHT in that song.)
So, YES... you can actually get angels and ascended masters to help you manifest your most important goals and help you solve your biggest problems and fears. But there are certain conditions that you must follow.
It's not as simple as asking for 3 wishes from a genie. There are certain rules you must follow to get the angels to help guide and smooth out your life at a high level.
No doubt, you've already had much angelic help all throughout your life already but you may not have been aware where this help has been coming from. Or thinking that it was all coming directly from your own mind, thoughts and actions.
Anyways, one rule is that you don't necessarily ask for the specific things you want, okay? This is not like the typical Law of Attraction stuff where you focus on imagining the thing you want in your life and then it magically appears. And in most cases (for whatever reason) it doesn't appear.
But the Law of Attraction does actually work if you use it correctly. But going after material things “directly” is not the best use of your time and overall growth as a Divine being.
In fact, you don't want to consciously try to manifest anything except Divine Love and Divinity in general. Instead you're going to want to be of service to a higher cause. A spiritual cause if you will.
Giving fuels the Soul.
So this means that the other thing you need to do is you have to serve the angels and God. Serve the cause of Divine Love and Light and they will automatically serve you out of sheer gratitude.
The angels will serve you and they will help you to solve each and every problem you have in life better than you could have ever imagined those problems being solved. This is because they have a much higher view of your life. They can see your potential future timelines.
They also know your spiritual mission in detail. Hence, they can guide your life much better than you can simply by using your very limited human intelligence which only sees a few drops of the ocean when you really need to see and understand the whole ocean.
So, in order to do that, in order for you to get them to solve your problems, you have to work for them, or you have to work for God or the Divine. All this means is that you have to work for the highest good of yourself and everyone around you.
And so if you do something like that, and the way to do that is to get yourself into the higher planes of consciousness where pure Divine love, Divine light and the Divine Sound Current exist. I'll show you how to do that in a minute.
In case you forgot, the Divine Sound Current is the being who I call DS or Divine Sound. I am in communication with him, God and many other angelic beings daily.
And just so you know, there is a mighty being who controls all of the Suns in this Universe and is in charge of God's Divine Light. He/she/it or this Divine Light is also in charge of the wisdom of the Universe. He is a repository of the true Holy Scriptures or Divine Truths of this multiverse.
And there is another powerful Divine being who is this Divine Love. All three of them have been my gurus in past lives and in this current life. It is possible to communicate with all of them. Even if you don't immediately hear back from them they will hear all of your thoughts and every word you say. For their consciousness is omnipresent and virtually infinite.
-- How To Get Into the Higher Planes of Divine Consciousness and Bliss --
Believe it or not, IMAGINATION is the KEY to unlocking these inner worlds or planes of bliss consciousness.
The way you do it is by simply focusing on Divine things like God, angels, ascended masters, Divine Love, Light and Sound.
Focus on the Divine Light coming down and flooding your body in your imagination. Imagine that you're already in Heaven and you're just experiencing all this Divinity, all this love, unconditional love, bliss pouring out of you.
Everything you see is Heavenly. Everything is Divine. Things work perfectly and smoothly.
No one gets injured. No one gets old. No one goes hungry in Heaven.
Everything is in perfect Divine order. It is beauty, mountains, and skies, and you can fly. But you do this all in your imagination. The key to accessing the higher worlds is consciousness and your imagination.
Think from Satisfaction (as Neville Goddard taught)
Act is if you are in Heaven NOW. Think and feel FROM Heaven. Even if you don’t have much of an understanding what Heaven might be like. Just imagine and feel it the best you currently can.
And the longer you focus your imagination on being in Heaven, and you can also imagine that Heavenly state being brought into your physical body. So you imagine this Divine love pulsing and flowing like a river through every cell in your body. And you can imagine, you can feel or see this Divine light penetrating all of your cells and purifying you and raising your consciousness so that you are lifted into the kind of consciousness that the angels have.
And so when you get into these higher planes you automatically start working as an angel, yourself, like what a lot of people call the Light Workers, when you start using your imagination, getting in contact with this Divine Light, this Divine Love, and this Divine Sound.
Also, all of those I just mentioned (Divine Light, Sound and Love) are the Divinity Trinity. And if you do this kind of imagining in your free time, when you're exercising, when you're cleaning the house, doing the dishes, maybe even making dinner. Or when you're going out for a walk or run, anytime that you have free time, where you don't have to mentally concentrate on a task, you can serve the angels and get into the Divine Light.
The more and longer you do this the more God and your angel team will start giving you the most amazing life possible. Your whole life will change for the better if you start doing this. And as your life improves, you improve the lives of those around you automatically.
Also you will start to feel this power building up inside of you. If you do this often enough, I recommend trying at least 20 minutes to a half hour to an hour per day or more, but in your free time, just with your eyes open. You can do this with a closed eye meditation too. There's many ways to lift yourself into Divine Consciousness. The big key is your INTENT.
You can add mantras to it like Om for instance. Using mantras connects you to Divinity via DS or the Divine Sound Current. And mantras are extremely powerful spiritual tools.
“What if I’m a Christian?”
You can imagine if you're a Christian, for instance, that you're talking with Jesus or Jeshua, and that you visualize (or feel) him in your imagination as Divine as possible. You don’t have to just visualize if you feel you aren’t good at visualizing. You can also try to feel the presence of Jesus or Jeshua.
Just as I wrote this I felt his majestic Divine presence. I didn’t see him as a body, I felt him and perceived his light and boy did it feel good.
Whatever you think Divinity is, even if what you think of Divinity is a bit off, it doesn't matter. It is your intention to lift yourself into the higher realms that counts.
Because the angels will start to give you ideas to start to give you visions of what true Divine consciousness is, what true Divinity is, what true Divine love is, what true peace and bliss is from the Heavenly planes. They will start to show you as long as you put in the effort with your active imagination to whatever you think is Heaven.
You imagine and or feel that unconditional love just flowing through you. And eventually, you will start getting into this higher and higher consciousness, you will start to get lifted up, you will feel it, you will start to feel it if you do this a lot.
Given enough time you will start to feel like you have this heavy weight of Divine power that's flowing through you. In your consciousness you will be able to feel this power as a sense of weight or heaviness. It's not a sadness but a sense of intense power that you can feel as a weight of mightiness.
And you may start to see light, inner light, white lights, blue pinpricks of light, different lights, stars or hear inner sounds and or ringing in your ears. There's all sorts of phenomena possible. You may even see some of these angels, or ascended masters or spiritual gurus like Jesus, Buddha and Krishna appearing before you. And they will serve you if you genuinely serve the Higher Cause of Divinity.
And if your body is in a healthy enough state you may feel an incredible sense of Divine Love and or bliss. Then you’ll know for sure that you have entered into Heaven.
Let God Run Your Life
If you serve the Divine, if you hand over your life, control of your life to God then you are letting God take responsibility for your life. God will run your life much better than you can.
If you prefer, just talk directly to God. It just may be a bit hard to try and visualize the infinite consciousness that is God. Often it helps to have a being that's in a human body so that you can easily visualize a body, but that is still Divine like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Elijah, Lao Tzu and Kabir.
And or more modern spiritual gurus that attained very high spiritual states of consciousness like the deathless guru Babaji, Paramhansa Yogananda, Ananda Moyi Ma, Sai Baba of Shirdi, Baba Lokenath, Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Swami Vivekananda and many others like them
You can speak with them and ask them for their advice. Just by talking with them in your imagination you are bringing their Divine vibrations into your consciousness whether you feel it or not. Also read their books or books written about them to uplift your spiritual vibrations.
The more you serve the Divine, the more the angels will look out for and after your wordly affairs, they'll start making everything start working more smoothly and magically in your life. They'll help you with your finances, they'll help you with your health, they'll help you with relationships, they'll help you to defeat your deepest fears and the most seemingly unsolvable problems.
You'll get ideas for books to read, and so on and so forth. And solutions to problems will just start coming to you seemingly out of the blue. And sometimes a lot of these things will just work out without you even having to do anything, just things will start to happen automatically. Things that you didn't conscsiously plan at all.
So that's what happens. If you serve the angels, if you serve God, if you serve the higher consciousness, you don't need to say, I want a new car, or I want a new Mercedes Benz, or I want a new Cadillac, or I'd like to have a four-bedroom house in Toledo, Ohio, or something like that. You don't have to do all that.
Don't ask for anything specific.
Don’t try to get something, instead try to give something. By giving freely of Divinity you receive more blessings than you can imagine.
Simply ask to be allowed to serve the Divine. To serve the Divine is the greatest reward in itself. To serve the Divine cause brings you BLISS! So why not do it just for the fun of it?
The idea is to spread the LIGHT and JOY wherever you go, even when you're food shopping. I do this all the time when I go shopping.
I'm constantly meditating while I'm shopping and while I'm driving to go shopping. This is with my eyes open, and I'm actively visualizing and feeling.
The Key to Getting Into the Light is Using ACTIVE Imagination
I am NOT listening to music or podcasts while I do this. That would make me to passive to be able to access the LIGHT.
I'm actively using my imagination. You got to use your ACTIVE imagination, actively visualizing and creating. You get into this LIGHT by CREATING it in your imagination. But trust me, it is a real thing that exists outside of your imagination. But the imagination is the BRIDGE to reaching it.
And wow, does that lift up my vibrations, and I feel so much joy and greater attunement to Divinity. And so the more that you do this kind of thing, the more the angels and of course God want to serve you, and want to help you, and you open yourself up to getting this kind of guidance.
In essence, you transform yourself into an angel in a physical body.
And that my friend, is how you get angels to grant you wishes so that you can live your best life possible.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Nature Healer - Creator of the N.A.T. Heal All - Clean Cell System
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 57-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 23-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. If you enjoyed and benefited from using this simple system for getting the angels and God to grant you your wishes then you may want to go even deeper into how to do this with a group of like minded people.
I plan on holding a free class this coming Sunday, January 5, 2025 at 2pm Eastern or New York City time and you even more tips and ideas for getting life assistance from the angels and God.
Yes, it will be absolutely free and it is going to be a blast. I have some really cool surprises waiting for you that I think you will find quite entertaining as well as enlightening at the same time.
Just by attending the meeting you will be lifting up your consciousness to higher vibrations because of the topic itself and we will be inviting God, your guardian angels and spirit guides plus the ascended masters and the Divine Trinity (Divine Light, Sound and Love) into the meeting with us.
We’ll also do a special meditation to open up and strengthen the 7 main chakras in your body that connect you with the higher planes of consciousness.
And I will teach you a very important tip about mantras that will improve your results from using them.
So if you'd like to attend this life improving and bliss generating event (yes it is 100% free) then just send me a quick message via email to support ( at ) superbeing ( dot ) com or reply to this email. As soon as I get a chance I will email you back with the information on how to attend.
3 weird coincidences that make me appreciate this post:
1.). I recently began reading Neville Goddard.
2.) I have recently been visiting with my elderly mother who owns a Mercedes but she has lost the ability to drive it so I have been driving her around in it. I don't find it to be that great of a car and would never wish to own one after this experience. It's a giant gas hog and constantly has things going wrong with it.
3.) I was born in Toledo, Ohio
A nice uplifting article thank you Roger. As challenging as recent past events have been and still are somewhat, I must say I've been receiving some amazing and out of the blue unexpected blessings. I seek God's guidance every day nowadays, unless I happen to forget. Then one can get off track, which reminds who we forgot about. Most of the world has, but it seems to be changing rapidly. Though many are clutching tightly to the world they used to know, often with perilous results from what I've seen. Considering what you've said I'm thinking to incorporate imagination into prayers for these people, imagining possible outcomes for them they might like. I believe animals have the ability to imagine, but it is a gift to a much greater degree in humans that is one of the things that differentiates us to a great extent. Wishing you and any readers a great 2025!