3 weird coincidences that make me appreciate this post:

1.). I recently began reading Neville Goddard.

2.) I have recently been visiting with my elderly mother who owns a Mercedes but she has lost the ability to drive it so I have been driving her around in it. I don't find it to be that great of a car and would never wish to own one after this experience. It's a giant gas hog and constantly has things going wrong with it.

3.) I was born in Toledo, Ohio

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Wow, it's weird how I just wanted to write "Toledo, Ohio instead of saying another place like Hawaii or maybe Beverly Hills. I considered to switch it to other places but chose to stick with the more everyday place of Toledo, Ohio.

Maybe the angels consciously arranged this synchronicity for you through what I wrote.

And enjoy Neville. I started reading his writings way back in 1987. He wrote a great book called "The Law and the Promise". This post is more about "The Promise" than "The Law."

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And now you mention "Hawaii" which is where I am at right now visiting my mother! Ummmm, what's going on? Think I will reread this post.

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It seems the angels have something in store for you. Glad you were able to make all 4 of those connections.

I used to live in Hawaii about a decade ago. I would NOT recommend living on the Big Island of Hawaii as the air quality is really bad with Kilauea erupting. Not sure if it's back to erupting daily again. But that place will kill your lungs.

The only people who will realize how powerful this post is the are the people who put the technique I shared to use.

What I am also going to do is to share the video I saw a little over a month ago that gave me the idea to do this.

"The Lazy Way to Manifest"


Also, if your psychic or empathic senses are somewhat open (chakras like your crown center, third eye, heart center etc), you should notice that this post itself has incredibly high vibrations. Or you may realize that you feel really good after reading this post but don't know why.

I had a lot of help from my angel friends in writing this. So not only my own vibrations but the vibrations of many angels and highly evolved spiritual beings. and ascended masters. As I call on many angelic like beings to assist me daily including the Divine Trinity of beings who are the LIGHT, LOVE and SOUND of GOD.

Again, if you can detect vibrations you should feel rather good vibrations from the two saints I included pictures of in this post. Of course, they're most definitely not the only saints or ascended masters but I know for sure that both of them are high Souls and true saints because I have been able to feel their high vibrations on numerous occassions.. And both of them are part of the angel team that is guiding my life.

Unfortunately, there are a number of fake gurus out there who profess to be saints but are nothing but tricksters. Like a SAD Guru who is very popular these days on Youtube.

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A nice uplifting article thank you Roger. As challenging as recent past events have been and still are somewhat, I must say I've been receiving some amazing and out of the blue unexpected blessings. I seek God's guidance every day nowadays, unless I happen to forget. Then one can get off track, which reminds who we forgot about. Most of the world has, but it seems to be changing rapidly. Though many are clutching tightly to the world they used to know, often with perilous results from what I've seen. Considering what you've said I'm thinking to incorporate imagination into prayers for these people, imagining possible outcomes for them they might like. I believe animals have the ability to imagine, but it is a gift to a much greater degree in humans that is one of the things that differentiates us to a great extent. Wishing you and any readers a great 2025!

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Absolutely beautiful post Roger, so much light in what you write! It is very true also. When I actively connect with the Divine, everything feels perfect, no matter what the situation is. Thank you for going into detail so that we can all be reminded to practice this connection. Many blissings!

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Thanks Roger, your discourse is a wonderful insight to share on this auspicious occasion. Truly a gift that should resonate with so many souls as we step in to the unfolding presence of eternity. While I have personally sought & touched upon the subject matter at hand in a little more than a cursory manner, I truly appreciate your genuine & enlightening words of advice. I will endeavour to savour & practise this Angelic wisdom. Peace from the heart. Namaste.

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Glad you enjoyed the discourse Peter. I wish you all the best in your endeavors to reach into and experience the higher planes of Divine consciousness. And maybe you'll meet a few angels along the way as you liberate yourself.

You already have a guardian angel and a spirit guide. They're just waiting for you to find them. They are real and they are there helping all the time even if you have no awareness of them now.

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Happy New Year! This is beautiful, Roger! I feel the powerfully blissful and loving energy emanating from it. It certainly feels like a transmission from a divine source through you. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I'm sure others will find so much value in it as much as I did. I will be combining it with my Instant Divine Assistance practices I learned from a gentleman named Benjamin Bernstein which he says he downloaded during a 2 day Ayahuasca ceremony in upstate New York, and decided to share it with others as well. Looking forward to your class this Sunday.

Many continued blessings and abundance to you and yours in the new year and always. 🙏🏼

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Happy New Year to you David.

Glad you were able to pick up on the vibes of this post. If you would like to join the call on Sunday then please email me with that request at support ( at ) superbeing ( dot ) com.

Also for your future reference and everyone else who read this... as this is important to know.

Regarding taking ayahuasca. Please know that it is quite damaging to the physical and astral bodies. And it actually retards true spiritual growth dramatically. Plus it leaves the user much more open to astral entity attachments. These attachments mean you are being influenced to do bad things that you would not normally do by lower vibration astral entities. They'll make you want to do drugs and not eat raw food etc.

It's a very similar effect as with marijuana or dope and with drinking alcohol.

DS is very much against the use of ayahuasca. He tolds us about its negative impact back in 2020.

There are many ganja (marijuana) swamis in India. Or at least there were back in the late 1960s and 70s. But these people have very little spiritual development. This according to Sri M. author of "Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master (A Yogi's Autobiography)" who had lots of experience with them and with real gurus including the immortal Babaji of "Autobiography of a Yogi."

There simply is no need to take hallucingens when there are many techniques available to open your spiritual senses (chakras etc.) up naturally and in a healthful manner. I'll be teaching and we'll be doing at least one of those methods this coming Sunday. Hope to see you there.

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Thanks for the heads up on Ayahuasca and other such hallucinogens. Also alcohol is in the "spirits" category. Although, I do occasionally drink some wine but not often.

If I recall, some years ago I had watched a report or perhaps a documentary on how marijuana and other drugs were introduced to the public at large as a domestic psyop operation which culminated in events like Woodstock and the eventual proliferation of drug use and abuse, illegal sales, killings, and the "war on drugs", all of which have ruined countless lives for decades. I'm not sure if there is any legitimacy to that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

I agree, achieving a "natural high" is the way to go.

Thanks again, Roger. Will be sending an email.

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