How to Stop a Heart Attack or Stroke in 60-Seconds or Less
This is a very quick and easy way to save the life of anyone having a heart attack, cardiac arrhythmia or stroke.
I'm about to reveal to you a secret that could save your life or that of a loved one or even a friend or just a passerby. But first a little background information before I tell you how to do this for yourself.
According to the CDC in 2021... Every 33 seconds someone in the United States dies from cardiovascular disease. And over 695,000 people died from heart disease. That is 1 out of every 5 deaths in the United States. Cardiovascular disease is by far the biggest killer of Americans. Cardiovascular disease is not just heart disease but also includes strokes which is the fifth leading cause of death in the US.
I'm sure the statistics are similar in many of the western nations of the world.
Blocked arteries lead to death and disease of all kinds. It also leads to malnutrition and poor oxygen absorption because nutrients are delivered through the blood.
However... Did you know that the vast majority of deaths from heart attacks and strokes are completely avoidable by simply taking a common herb/spice in the right way?
And even if you don't take this herb at all, you can still stop a heart attack or stroke with it in less than 60-seconds. Thousands of people have already discovered this nifty little secret and they lived to survive after a heart attack or stroke.
How does this herb work?
By giving you an almost instant super boost to your circulation. It dilates the blood vessels and it also makes the blood thinner which dramatically increases circulation. It has been scientifically proven to decrease platelet stickiness in the blood. In less than 60-seconds after taking it you will have dramatically improved the circulation throughout your whole body.
The crazy thing that most people have no clue about is that in most cases heart attacks and strokes can be stopped in 30 to 60 seconds and hence you can easily prevent any long term damage, death and disability. And in most cases you can even avoid going to the emergency room and save thousands of dollars on medical expenses.
Thousands of people die each year from a heart attack or stroke because the ambulance could not get there quickly enough to save them.
This should be HUGE news on TV and yet all you hear is crickets.
This has worked for hundreds if not thousands of people over the last 70 years just from the case studies of a number of different herbalists and naturopathic doctors who have used it. And it works 99% of the time when done right. Let's just say you have to be in super bad shape for this not to save your life. Most people with heart disease could be saved if they took this herb at the first sign of a heart attack.
In fact, this herb is so potent I even know of three people who had died (their hearts stopped beating) but this herb quickly brought them back to life. It works like a natural defibrillator.
The medical system knows of this magical herb but they never use it or officially endorse it. It is never used in an ambulance or in the emergency room. You really have to wonder why. Maybe because if they recommended this herb it would cut their workload and income in half.
You have to wonder why on TV and social media there aren't public service announcements about taking this herb if you are having a heart attack or stroke.
Your doctor has absolutely nothing anywhere as good to offer as this herb.
Each year this herb could save the lives of over 800,000 people in the United States alone between deaths from heart attacks and strokes. Yet most doctors will never tell you about it. But they will prescribe prescription drugs that have all sorts of deadly side effects and that don't heal you at all. Their drugs just mask symptoms but never deal with the true cause of the problem.
Looks to me like the medical system doesn't actually want to heal you.
What do you think?
I Want You to Heal
Well I do want you to heal and you're going to learn exactly what to do in the next minute or two. And it's really easy to do.
This knowledge could save your life or that of a loved one or even a friend or neighbor.
The herb or spice in this case is cayenne pepper. Yes, cayenne pepper can and will give you an instant and dramatic circulation boost and save your life.
Key Ingredient:
Capsaicin - It reduces platelet stickiness. And it is what causes the sensation of heat when taking it.
Though there are many other vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients contributing to the enormous healing power of cayenne and other hot peppers.
Side Effects: Hardly any. The only problem is that it can burn a little bit. But this is not long lasting unless you really overdo it.
How to take it:
Two Techniques:
1. Mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon of red cayenne pepper or the hottest pepper powder you can find in a cup of water and drink it down. Works a bit better if the water is warm. But in an emergency it is far better to take the hot pepper immediately in room temperature water to stop any further damage from a heart attack or stroke.
2. Mix 5 to 10 dropperfuls off the hottest cayenne tincture in a glass of water and drink it down rapidly.
NOTE: By mixing it in water it will burn much less.
You should feel your symptoms abating within 30 to 60 seconds. And you likely just saved your life and avoided an expensive and potentially dangerous trip to the emergency room.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. Now it turns out that cayenne pepper can do a whole lot more for you than stopping strokes or heart attacks which is amazing in and of itself. However, that is only the very tip of the iceberg.
Cayenne is also an herbal potentiator. It makes other herbs more powerful and does so both when taken internally and externally. It is one of the most versatile herbs you will ever find. Especially when properly combined with other herbs.
Here's what it can do for you by itself and combined with other herbs...
"Instant Circulation - Stop Heart Attacks, Strokes & Internal and External Bleeding Almost Instantly - Excellent for High or Low Blood Pressure - Heart Disease - Cardiac Arrest - Myocarditis - Pericarditis - Angina - Arrhythmias - Atherosclerosis - Congestive Heart Failure - Tachycardia - Palpitations - High Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Fats - Pollen Based Allergies - Great for Improving Digestion and Bile Production - IBS - Chronic Indigestion - Hemorrhoids - Constipation - Dementia - Memory Loss - Tinnitus - Gangrene - Cataracts - Macular Degeneration - Glaucoma - Detached Retinas - Blindness - Weak Eyesight - Frostbite - Cancers of all kinds, Tumors, Stops Colds, Flu and Sore Throats - Increased Energy - Appetite Suppressor - Great Pain Reliever Including Arthritis Pain - Toothaches - Cold Hands & Feet and More"
Plus rapidly heal damage from strokes. Alzheimer's patients get their memory back in 3 to 10 days. Prevent the need for amputation for diabetics and gangrene. And way more.
But honestly, most people who use cayenne medicinally will never get these kinds of amazing results.
The problem is that the majority of folks taking cayenne are making big mistakes in how they take their cayenne. This tends to drop the healing power of cayenne by about 90%. And to add insult to injury they have no clue how it can help them in so many other ways.
Go here to learn how to unlock the full healing power of the Master Key Herb and avoid the mistakes that most people who take cayenne make.