Hi Roger! I'm happy to find out Jerry Seinfeld is a good guy, as well as his creative partner, Larry David. As of the remaining three leads from Seinfeld, before looking at photos and wikipedia pages, I was pretty sure that Jason Alexander must (surprisingly) be the good guy. Now I am not so sure, but I still pick him. Michael Richards and Julia Louis-Dreyfus seem to give me some repressed anger vibes, which I don't really much get from Jason Alexander. As much as I love Kramer, Michael Richards doesn't give me particular positive vibes, plus the wikipedia page says he's a freemason. Julia Louis-Dreyfus gave me standard Hollywood vibes, I don't want to sound too harsh, but the standard Hollywood vibes are something like "I have no problem eating children if that will get me ahead in life" vibes, though I also felt confused by some sadness I felt in her. Jason Alexander, on the other hand, in spite of the horrible (but funny) personality of his George character, doesn't give me the vibe that he is capable of visceral hate, he seems to me to mean well. I might be totally wrong though, so I'm very curious what you think is the truth.

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Thank you very much for posting your thoughts on this Mario. I would like to get other people to comment on what they felt before I post my own vibrational findings.

This should be very interesting.

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Another excellent post, Roger. I had read somewhere several years ago that "universe" stood for one verse or one sound hence, uni-verse. I could be wrong, but after giving it some thought I think some mantras vibrate the pineal gland which in turn activates it to induce the enlightenment effect in some people.

I've been reading up on angels and archangels lately and have learned that it is recommended to intone the names in a lower voice similar to the chanting done in Tibetan Buddhism. It is supposedly a more effective way to communicate with the angels.

As far as the carnivore diet is concerned, I really resonated with a vegetarian advocate recently who stated that animals and creatures don't willingly approach their hunters to be killed or happily lay down to be killed and be eaten. All animals and creatures do everything possible to preserve their lives and avoid any danger. They fight against both human and animal hunters to stay alive. So, that made common sense to me as another reason why not to eat animal flesh. Besides, once in a while one hears about meat and vegetable contamination like salmonella or some other disease in produce.

I have been largely vegan since 2010 eating the once in a blue moon fish sandwich and on rare occasions, salmon. But I am always cognizant that much of the seafood is high in mercury and other contaminants present in the oceans and rivers.

I also grew up listening to Abba's beautiful songs. Their sound is truly unique.

I resonate with Mario's comment and can also sense similar vibes from those same actors.

I've learned that many actors have suffered less than favorable upbringing or experiences and have managed to find a coping mechanism through acting and other forms of entertainment and have hidden their true colors quite well. Subsequently, they've been able to fool the audience and their fans as well. Like a recent revelation about Tina Turner I watched TV personality Judge Joe Brown who claimed Tina was actually pretty rough around the edges when she started in music and fought often with husband Ike. Judge Brown revealed she actually ran a prostitution ring during her early days, and claimed Ike was actually a good kindhearted person dealing with a few demons of his own who had been demonized by the media for several reasons.

Many entertainers have been and are currently involved in Satanism, wicca, and other demonic practices. The child trafficking news has made it pretty obvious in recent years who participated and may be behind it all.

I've been able to pick up on paid disinfo agents in nutrition like Professor Bart Kay guy who goes against any raw food promoting individuals. Many of them just can't hide their true colors even when they try to. I can look at a few of the leaders in the banking industry as well and can quickly tell it's not a good group. Their eyes give them away.

I recently picked up on negative vibes about Qanon as well. Recently, I've read several posters commenting about the group being disinfo agents and up to no good.

Whenever you have time, Roger, I'd like to know your opinion on the company LifeWave which sells a line of non-transdermal anti-aging patches utilizing the science of phototherapy. I learned about them many years ago from another raw food advocate named Peter Ragnar. Sorry for such a lengthy comment. But your post activated some thoughts I had for a while.

Take good care.

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Thank you very much for your long and detailed comment David. Just what I like to see.

I am checking into the LifeWave company and patches.

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I have known about Peter Ragnar for a long time. I have a couple of his books. At the time I really enjoyed one of them "The Awesome Science of Luck."

I can say for sure that I do NOT approve of his approach to eating raw foods. That is if he still even eating his high fat and fruit phobic version of the raw diet.

Unfortunately, upon feeling his vibrations just now, I did not get a good feeling. I asked DS and he said he is one of the bad guys. I strongly suspect he exaggerates if not lies about many of the stories and claims in his books and courses. And that would be a major reason as to why I am getting negative vibrations from him.

I also got negative vibrations from the LifeWave company. And DS does not recommend their patches and he believes the people running that company are bad guys too.

Not to mention that Peter talks all the time about his longevity secrets but now he looks like a typical old man or senior citizen.

I also asked DS about his "Science of Luck" book and DS told me that there are many lies in that book.

In short, I do not think that Peter Ragnar or the LifeWave company should be trusted.

But of course, you will have to decide that for yourself. See if you can get a true read on his vibrations or not. Honestly, this is a difficult thing for most people to accurately do. You really need to develop your empathic and spiritual abilities because most undeveloped people will get false readings.

And I can very much relate to those false readings as I used to be very easily fooled by people with smiling faces but an evil agenda overall.

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Yes, I too noticed Peter looking older as the years went by. It's interesting the negative vibes you get from him as I always wondered why he was no longer associated with the Roaring Lion Company. I often visited the site and one day I noticed that all the materials he sold on it were no longer available.

I own 3 of his books, including Science of Luck, and Magic Man From Mystic Mountain written by one of his students. Magic Man does contain some fantastical stories.

I once spoke to his ex-partner in the company, Tony Balistreri, sometime after to inquire about one his products and to ask about Peter, and he sounded disappointed in Peter. He related they had split up due to Peter's current wife and her control over business decisions and other things.

Strangely, I had not gotten any negative vibes about Peter but I was getting some vague negatives ones from his wife. He appears to be humble and soft spoken in his videos. But then again, as you stated, it's hard to pick up on some things if one hasn't developed those discerning faculties fully.

Thank you for your and DS's thoughts on Lifewave. I had ordered their product, the Energy Enhancer patches, when they were first available and did feel a steady surge of energy while wearing them. Then they became cost prohibitive to keep buying them for a 30 day supply.

It is sad that so much evil exists in the world. I guess it's due to the principle of duality present in this dense earth plane.

I'm reminded of David Icke who wrote about the controlling families and their thirst for power over humanity among other things and the descendent bloodlines in control today.

What are you thoughts on The Anunnaki? I've known about them for a couple of years now and have been watching videos on them by Billy Carson.

Would be interested to know your thoughts on David, Billy, and what vibes you get on him and also actor Terrence Howard. Terrence has been making the rounds on social media lately for his supposed discoveries about the current math and science models which he claims are completely false including the platonic solids theory.

I've heard it mentioned that we're now in the year of revelation and abundance.

Have a great one.

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Thanks for another great and useful comment. I think you'd be interested in the comments in the last post I did. https://rogerhaeske.substack.com/p/poll-can-you-detect-seinfeld-actors/comments#comment-57314327

You said: “He appears to be humble and soft spoken in his videos.”

I agree on that point based on the couple of video/audios I listened to him in today. But that is NOT the way you pick up on someone's vibrations. That is an outer method of analysis which does NOT tell you the true vibrations of the person. It's a con man's job to make you believe him or her. If they're good at it they will fake these things that makes you believe in what they are saying.

Now I must say when I listened to that video podcast I was not able to accurately pick up his vibrations or that of the interviewer. For me at this time I am much better when I get to spend a minute or two looking at the pictures of the person.

I have an empathic friend that all I need to do is say the name of a person and then he can start tuning in and learning all sorts of stuff about this person. Much more than just is he or she positive or negative.

It was disconcerting at the time to find people or leaders I liked only for my friend to tell me that this person had negative vibrations. But he turned out to be right. One example is Ron Paul. He's an example of controlled opposition. And his son Rand Paul as well is not to be trusted. Even though I stand for a lot of the principles they supposedly stand for.

I do much better at picking up vibrations after I do my chakra cleaning and energizing exercise.

You can't accurately figure out the person's true vibrations by analyzing their outer actions. You just need to be able to feel it without even thinking about it. You should be able to feel things in your body related to the person. Sometimes I will feel presssure on my chest or on my throat. There are many ways these feellings can express themselves in my body.

As for David Icke. I have analyzed his vibrations several times in the past and a bit surprisingly to me, I found out he was one of the good guys. Hence, he's NOT a paid disinformation agent and he's really trying to help awaken humanity to the true dangers that we are facing.

Unlike Alex Jones who is one of the bad guys and a paid disinformation agent. Yes I have confirmed the findings on both of them with DS. Long ago I saw a video of Alex Jones at a Libertarian rally and he was trying to shut them down. Which is exactly the opposite of his freedom persona. The people there who knew what Alex Jones were shocked because they believed he was one of them. But he very openly betrayed them.

That is how I came to know long ago that Alex Jones is a disinfo agent. But later I had that confirmed through being able to feel his negative vibrations and by asking DS about him.

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Ok. Wow. I felt Ron and Rand were for the people and stood for good things.

I watched Rand question the origins of the lab leak, arm jab, and the Dr. behind it all, in the Senate hearings, and accepted much of what he stated he uncovered. He's been trying to get to the very bottom of the whole thing and get some sort of confession from the Dr. and several others involved.

I just think he's kind of powerless to do much else at this point. But I am surprised to learn he and his dad are not of good spirits or deeds.

Alex, on the other hand, would say things I could agree with. But something kept telling me he might actually be on a different mission than what he's portraying. His rapid and loud talking gave off actor vibes and his views were over the top.

He was also allegedly sued for speaking about the purpose of mass shootings as false flags and how the victims were actors. I'm surprised they let him testify on his own behalf as he mentioned the Epstein incident during his televised trial.

I agree on your David Icke assessment.

I'm aware that certain individuals speak some truths mixed with lies. But it is hard to tell what is actually in someone's heart and what mission they're on. I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt and letting their actions speak for them.

But there also individuals who are out to straight up scam people for whatever undisclosed reasons.

Since I haven't fully developed my BS detector, I tend to question and research things before making decisions which could affect me in a bad way later on down the road.

Looking forward to your next post.

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Thanks for sharing Davd. This is the reason why we need people who are empathic or at least extremely good at doing research.

You as so many millions of others are being fooled because you haven't gone quite deep enough into your research. This is a very common problem and why so many people who are actively searching for the truth still get fooled.

I actually donated to the Ron Paul campaign many years ago. But later I started doing some more outer world research on him and I had to come to the conclusion that he was actually working for the bad guys. I won't get into the details of that research here except to say that both he and Rand are medical doctors and just being a doctor automatically puts you into the NWO system. Though not all doctors are bad guys. But there is more to it.

Rand always seems to be doing good work but he will only go so far. He'll only get as deep as his masters allow him.

But with Rand and the lab leak issue you have more evidence that he is trying to mislead and or doesn't know any better anyway. The whole lab leak theory is nonsense. Viruses are harmless and are simply dead parts of a cell. They're just cellular waste products. There never was a special virus that attacked humanity during the bolognavirus nonsense.

It was just the common cold or flu. Cold and the flu are caused by parasitic bacteria and not viruses. This whole idea of viruses causing disease is a scam they started with the Spanish Flu scare from 1918-20. And you see why this virus theory of harm is so helpful for them. They almost got themselves a world government based on this FEAR of something that is harmless.

Through the power of the media they made people fear a virus that was non harmful. And made many people so fearful that they were begging for a vaca-cine. That was the true danger that came later.

The whole thing was a show that was preplanned for over two decades. I'm not sure if I recall correctly but I think DS told us in the summer of 2020 that they had been planning this bolognavirus event since 1998. And in the summer of 2020 DS already told us that the government was planning to find a way to make taking the jabs mandatory. I suppose losing your job as many thousands of people were faced with that problem is pretty close to making it mandatory.

The lab leak theory is designed to throw off the conspiracy theorists amongst us. It's also designed to continue the perpetration of the fear of viruses themselves.

Through my studies of Jon Rappoport I realized that they have tried many times to make deadly viruses and disease to spread through humanity. But they always failed. Their best way of actually killing people is to poison them with chemicals or other toxins and then blame it on a virus.

Rand Paul could be going MUCH deeper on this bolognavirus stuff. There is all sorts of data being withheld by the CDC, FDA and or other governmental organizations related to this issue that would instantly prove that the bolognavirus injections were killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of people in the United States alone. But he will only go as deep into this issue as his masters allow him. He is controlled opposition.

And focusing attention on the lab leak issue is just a red herring designed to mislead attention from the real problem.

Believe what you wish about whomever. Just know that not only can I now detect vibrations but I have done a lot of outer world research on a vast amount of topics related to these things. Which allows me to see deeper on these issues than most people who don't have this training. I first started learning about these true conspiracies (not just theories) back in 1979 when I read the book "None Dare Call It a Conspiracy."

I have been studying these issues on and off for over 40 years. But also because of my specialized knowledge on true nutrition I have been able to go much deeper and see the deception that most cannot see.

For instance, do you know that the whole AIDS issue is a total scam. There is no virus that caused the destruction of the immune system of the people who supposedly got infected by this virus. There are many high level scientists who will attest to this like Peter H. Duesberg and his book "Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS" and he had another book on this topic "Inventing the AIDS Virus". And there were many other prominent scientists who questioned AIDS including nobel prize winning scientists Dr. Kary Mullis who intented the PCR test that was also used to test if you had the bolognavirus.

Conviently he died in the summer of 2019. He would have been an extremely vocal rejector of using his PCR test to try and determine any disease. As he had already done that extensively for other so called diseases including AIDS.

Kary Mullis explains why his PCR test is not a diagnostic test


When you go really deeply into these topics you start to realize that a lot of the people you thought were good guys turn out to be working for the bad guys. And can be discovered simply from doing enough outer world research. If you also have the ability to detect vibrations you can confirm this on a different level.

Anyways I have been spending way too much time on this comment. I've got to run. But I hope it helps someone reading it in the future to start to figure out that there are many disinfo agents and people who are controlled opposition in our governments.

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Good day, Roger

As you probably are aware, the star of "Super Size Me" Morgan Spurlock, passed away at 53 years young. What a shame. I remember watching his documentary and praised it for shedding light on the long term detrimental effects of fast food consumption like MickeyD's. I'm sure he had much more going on in his system than he was aware of after that documentary.

Have a great week.

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Thank you David, I was not aware of his passing.

I watched his Super Size Me documentary many years ago. I was already a raw foodist by then. So his results were not surprising to me. But I did think it was good information for the general public.

It is sad that he passed so young. Not sure if you know but he was a strong proponent of the bolognavirus vaca-cine. He was fully vaca-cinated. And he was warned against taking it by his friend but he ignored her.

Too bad he didn't make a documentary regarding what happens to someone who takes all of the bolognavirus vaca-cinations. More than likely this was a contributer to, if not a major cause of his the mistakenly labeled dis-ease called cancer.

Obviously he was not very well educated when it comes how to live a truly healthful life. Virtually no raw foodist for instance would ever take those vaca-cines voluntarily.

Supposedly he was taking chemotherapy. So obviously he had no idea how useless (actually super dangerous) doing that is, nor the true cause of so-called cancer. These chemotherapy drugs are actually known to be POTENT carcinogens. So how idiotic to give someone who has cancer something that is known to cause cancer.

The only thing chemotherapy can do is make a cancer far worse. He should have known that. I already knew that with a very strong conviction 40 years ago as a teenager. I am shocked that so many people still believe in chemotherapy.

Unfortunately, humanity has been really dumbed down in so many ways due to the dark forces that secretly rule this planet, the media, the medical and the educational systems.

But I also checked on Morgan's vibrations. And unfortunately I did not get good vibrations from Morgan. He was not the most evil guy but he was on the side of the bad guys in terms of vibrations. Which of course is not that hard to do when you are involved in Hollyweird culture as much as he was.

Now that he is on the other side he has the chance to see the truth about the vaca-cines and hence he may now know how incredibly wrong he was in taking them. But some people can go to the other side and live a life almost identical to their one on Earth and they will continue to believe the lies they believed on Earth.

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I kind of had that feeling that he had taken the jab. Despite what his diet may have been after the documentary, he didn't appear to be very unhealthy.

There are so many folks alive and well despite their unhealthy food choices. So, I'm not surprised.

It figures something else was up.

Have a good one.

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