Fight the Globalist’s plan for world domination. Watch Turfseer’s music video THE GREAT RESET. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-video-release-the-great-reset

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The Dalai Lama always seemed weird to me too, I'm happy you have clarified things for me.

It's a bit baffling that someone supporting globalist lies can actually be a good guy, makes me wonder what it really means to be good.

Anyway, I've been watching a lot of news lately, and the infuriating lies took a toll on me, so now I try to avoid it as much as possible. I know we are supposed to love our enemies also, but it is so hard to love someone still being in the middle of committing a great crime with no remorse. However anger is only hurting myself, so I think it might be vital for me to learn to at least ignore what is happening around me. I would love to learn how to get long-lasting positive feelings and be less judgmental. I feel like I'm missing a great lesson from all that is happening, but can't quite put my finger on what that lesson is.

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