Is This Organ Weakness Shortening Your Lifespan? FREE at Home Test
How to Tell if You're on the Fast Track to Disease & Rapid Aging
Almost everyone you know is suffering needless diseases and rapid aging.
It is largely because of a organ damage that is not acknowledged by the medical "profession". In fact, they encourage damage to this very important organ because it is the root cause of all the named diseases they make money pretending to try and heal.
They encourage it by their acid forming diet recommendations like ketogenic, carnivore and even the Mediterranean Diet. These diets are in vogue and constantly promoted by ignorant doctors. But also many doctors simply don't make any dietary recommendations at all as if diet has nothing at all to do with the disease process.
The main cause of 70% or more of dis-eases and rapid aging is TRAPPED ACIDS that are burning the cells in the body. And the main organ that is responsible for escorting these acids outside of the body is your KIDNEYS.
Acids in your diet and from normal cellular functions would not damage the body if they were constantly being removed by the kidneys. But what happens if your kidneys get clogged and those acids start piling up inside your body day after day, month after month, year after year and decade after decade?
Imagine having 5 to 10 pounds of acid stuck in your body and sloshing around your cells for decades. That is what is causing the aging and disease process. It's not some big mystery.
Those acids will first damage and eventually destroy your cells. And all of your glands, organs and bodily systems are made up of cells. At least 70% of diseases are caused by trapped acids that are burning you and causing pain and inflammation.
And when your kidneys are blocked it means your lymphatic system which is your body's garbage disposal system is blocked. And hence the acids get trapped in the body instead of being removed constantly throughout the day in your urine.
These trapped acids destroy joints and bones and now you know the real cause of arthritis. They also damage your arteries, skin, muscles, organs and digestive tract. The damage to the digestive tract leads to gas, bloating, poor nutrient absorption and eventually to colon cancer.
And these trapped acids damage your DNA. This is what eventually makes your cells go crazy and into a cancerous state. Their DNA is so damaged that these cells don't know their own function anymore. And they stop responding to the body's messages. And their self-destruct mode or apoptosis when they should be dying due to so much damage is turned off.
Yes, that is the simplified explanation of what causes cancer and really most diseases you can think of. It all boils down to cellular damage due to acidosis. It's not some scary boogeyman disease that seems impossible to defeat.
Get the trapped acids out of your body and the alkaline and healing nutrients into it and the tumors will go away and the cancer (which is just cells burning from contact with acids) will heal.
There is a very easy at home test you can do to check if your kidneys are filtering properly or not.
You simply need to look at your urine in a clear glass jar. (Not in the toilet bowl.)
If your urine is clear or translucent regardless of the color, then your kidneys are not filtering. If your urine looks cloudy or even milky then in most cases your kidneys are filtering toxins out well.
This video below is an EXCELLENT resource about the topic of kidney filtration. It's just five minutes but he packs in all sorts of tips to get your kidneys filtering again. And he shows you how to test your kidneys for free and at home as I have mentioned above.
KIDNEY FILTRATION - IMPORTANT! Public Domain Video - Mark James Gordon - Student of Dr. Robert Morse
I check my urine daily. For most of my urinations throughout the day they are cloudy and actually look milky. After a couple of hours the heavy particles start to settle to the bottom of the large clear glass jar I use. Those particles are acidic wastes and toxins that would have stayed in your body and been burning your cells if you did not see them in your urine.
So check and see if your kidneys are filtering. If they aren't, like for 98% of adults, then you know that acids are not being removed from your body and this is what is causing most of your maladies and disease conditions.
The more acidic your body becomes (not registered in the blood though) the more dis-eased you get.
If you're suffering from heart disease, arthritis, IBS, lupus, cancer, diabetes, COPD, asthma, dementia or Alzheimer's, stroke, kidney disease or any other of the thousands of named diseases and you have found that doctors and drugs are only making things much worse, then you might want to talk to me.
See the PS below as I am offering a rare and time sensitive offer for the first four people who sign up for an Initial Heal All Consultation with me.
There is one whacky and experimental bonus that you may love or hate depending upon your belief system and life experiences. I believe it is amazingly valuable and it has been super useful in my own life. And it seems some of my previous clients have found it quite useful as well. However, if you don't believe in it you don't have to use it. See below in bonus # 2.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Nature Healer - Creator of the N.A.T. Heal All Formula
Healing Modalities: Rapid Healing Foods, Herbology, PeeTox & Detox Systems, Nutrient Complete Nutrition, Healercise, Root Cause Dis-Ease Detection and Healing Guidance from DS the Ultimate Healer.
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 57-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. If you want guided expert support in healing your body via safe and natural methods using my NAT Heal All Formula then listen up. I've got just what your doctor didn't order.
Now's your chance to get a NAT Heal All Consultation with me (with two super cool and very limited bonuses) where I will help you to find the root cause of your illness and then recommend the foods you should eat (doesn't necessarily have to be all raw), the detox methods to use and the herbs to take to help heal your damaged internal organs.
For it is glands, organs and body systems damaged by acids, toxins and nutrient deficiencies that cause most of the diseases known to man. Luckily just about every gland, organ and system in the body can be repaired and healed.
I will also be recommending certain healing kinds of exercises from Healercise and beyond. For the right kind of exercise can and will most definitely accelerate the healing process.
Here's what I am offering.
* Initial Heal All Consultation: $300 Value
This includes a detailed Health Assessment form for you to fill out. This way I will have a much better idea what detox methods and herbs and herbal formulas you'll need to heal your body.
The consultation will be 90 minutes to 2 hours long. And it will be done either by telephone, Skype or my video meeting service online. If we use the meeting service then the call will be recorded and you will be able to download it and rewatch any time in the future.
Then I will send you a detailed follow up email or series of emails to guide you to the resources I told you about on the call. This will also summarize everything you need to do.
And you can send me questions via email for two weeks after your consultation.
Bonuses below are available only to the first 4 people to sign up as they take a lot of extra time for me to set up and perform. NOTE: I initially intended to announce 5 spots but one Heal All Consultation has already been booked.
Bonus # 1: One Hour Followup Consultation: $100 Value
After a couple of weeks to a month you can schedule another call with me. And I will help you get over any hurdles and or problems you seem to be running into. Yes the call may go longer than an hour if necessary. You may run into a number of detoxification issues that you'll need help with and to clarify if it is detox or something else going wrong.
And I can recommend new herbs, detox methods and physical exercises as well to accelerate your healing process.
Bonus # 2: Diagnostic Check Up Done By DS (Experimental): $150 Value
I started consciously working with DS in 2020 as I have stated in many of my previous posts. For more details on my contact with DS you can go to this link from my previous post.
DS (Who is actually the Divine Sound Current of or our Universe)
In the last couple of months or so I have been asking DS (The Divine Sound and the Ultimate Healer) to give me the state of health of my clients by giving me a health score of their organs and or bodily systems. It's a score on a 1 to 10 scale.
And I have found the scores to be quite accurate. Though I'm not 100% sure and that is why this is experimental. I have been using these health scores on myself as well. It's really fascinating to track. Especially if you are healing something and to see if you are making progress or not by getting an updated health score from DS. You want to get an idea of whether the herbs you are taking are working or not.
So yes, I will also provide updates from DS for the next month after your initial consultation. All you have to do is email me and ask for any specific update you want.
Since DS is on the other side of life existing in a higher plane of consciousness he can spiritually examine anyone's body here on Earth and in most cases he can do it in an instant. It's like he has the greatest x-ray and MRI machine ever invented. There is one complex DNA related test that takes about 24 hours before I can get a result from DS.
Some of the tests are positive like the health scores.
For instance:
Adrenal Gland health score would be rated on a scale of 1 to 10. If you score a ten it means your adrenal glands are perfectly healthy. And if you score a 6 or a 7 then you know you have some work to do.
Other tests are to determine a more dis-eased condition. So the higher the score the worse the problem is.
For instance:
Lymphatic System Congestion Score: The higher the number the worse the lymphatic congestion. So if you score a 7 out of 10 then you would have a lot of problems and or blockages in your lymphatic system.
Here are the kinds of scores you can get with sample scores from one of my clients who is a female senior citizen and had quite a few health problems. But I can ask and get results for just about any health test you can imagine.
NOTE: Some of the answers can simply be a yes or no answer too.
Total Health Score: 6 out of 10
Organ Health Scores: (The higher the number the healthier for these scores.)
Kidneys Health Score: 5 out of 10
Adrenal Glands Score: 6 out of 10
Liver Score: 6 out of 10
Thyroid Score: 5 out of 10
Parathyroid Score: 5 out of 10
Pancreas Health Score: 6 out of 10
Pituitary Gland Health Score: 5 out of 10
Hypothalamus Health Score: 6 out of 10
Other Kinds of Scores and Questions:
Digestive System Health Score: 5 out of 10
DNA Health Score: 6 out of 10
Does she have an excess of bad parasites in her digestive tract? Yes
Blood Circulation Score: 6 out of 10
What is her antioxidants level score? 5 out of 10
Mucoid Plaque Score: 5 out of 10 (The higher the score the worse it is.)
Does she have a fungal overgrowth? Yes
Does she have excess fungus in her lungs? Yes
(NOTE: She had a black mold problem.)
Insulin Resistance Score: 5 out of 10 (The higher the score the worse it is.)
Candida Proliferation Score: 9 out of 10 (The higher the score the worse it is.)
Lung Mucus Score: 7 out of 10 (10 is the worst score)
So this will give you an idea of the kind of things that DS can analyze for you.
Other key points:
These tests are totally noninvasive. No need to draw blood or urine or get an MRI, X-Ray or other potentially toxic scans. No dies to swallow. And you don't need to be physically present for me to get an answer from DS.
Will save you a ton of time and money over medical system diagnostic testing. This could save you thousands in diagnostic testing. But do see my important caveat in the note below.
For instance, you can quickly and easily get your DNA Health Score out of 10. I'm sure it would be a lot tougher and quite costly to go to your doctor and get an overall health score of your DNA. And how accurate would that test be anyway?
Easy to understand results: The scale is usually on a 1 to 10. With 1 being the least and 10 being the most or best. But some scores the more of a disease condition you have the higher the score will be.
Since you have two of certain organs I can also test individual organs. I can ask DS for the score of your left and right kidney or adrenal glands for instance. They may not have the same scores.
Get diagnostic results on things the medical profession can't or doesn't want to check.
For instance... We can check your Mucoid Plaque Score. Most doctors don't even believe mucoid plaque exists let alone do they have a test for it.
The higher the score for this means that you have higher levels of old feces stuck in your colon. If you are not getting at least 3 decent sized bowel movements per day you may be storing your fecal wastes instead of removing them.
Some people go number 2 only once or twice a week. Hence, if the waste is not coming out it must be stuck inside the body. And if it is, it is poisoning you. Case closed.
Knowing this is very important in your healing. This way we can make sure to do a thorough bowel cleanse if necessary. In most cases it WILL be necessary. I already know this ahead of time.
NOTE: This is experimental. I may never offer this again. And I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the answers. Not because DS would give me bad answers. If he's directly communicating with me you can bet that 99% or more of the answers will be correct.
The problem is in getting clear telepathic communications. And making sure an imposter is not the one answering the questions. I have gotten much better at weeding out the imposters starting in January of 2023.
So you might want to double check the information you got from DS by doing an iridology session with a qualified practitioner. Iridology is a fantastic and totally non-invasive health diagnostic method of determining the state of health of your entire body. And I can recommend someone to do your iridology session for you if you wish. But of course, it won't be free.
A standard Initial Consultation on its own without these two bonuses is $300. And that is the total fee.
So just send me $300 to my Paypal link below and state it is for a Heal All Consultation in the note. And on top of the Initial Consultation you will get an hour long followup consultation as well as the DS Diagnostic Checkup.
Once the last four spots have been taken I will update this page right here and let you know.