What 3 Words Unlock the Secret to Healing 98% of All Diseases?
This is something most doctors, herbalists, alternative healers and naturpaths are clueless about
I believe this be one of my best posts ever. It is absolutly epic and entertaining as well. By thoroughly studying and acting upon the principles inside, it could save your life or that of a loved one.
Knowledge of TRUTH gives you incredible power.
I think you’re gonna love the breakthrough video on “The Great Lymphatic System.” Until you watch that video you probably won’t have any clue what causes most dis-eases here on Earth.
It is an absolute must watch if you want to understand the simplicity of healing just about anything. Just an amazing video that was very cleverly put together by one of the greatest living healers on planet Earth.
And I feel that video was Divinely inspired.
This is going to clear up so much confusion about healing. This is something your doctor definitely doesn’t want you to know about.
Also, I highly recommend you read this post from start to finish to get the full effect. There are tons of gold healing nuggets in here.
However, it is quite long and hence I have put in a handy Table of Contents to make it easier to navigate through the different sections when you go back through it later on.
Take your time with this as I believe it’s going to be well worth your while.
Table of Contents
“What 3 Words Unlock the Secret to Healing 98% of All Diseases?”
Exposing the Fake Disease System
Why Inflammation Doesn’t Cause Any Diseases?
How Did This NAT Heal All Formula Come About?
1. My Raw Food Diet Experience:
4. DS (Who is actually the Divine Sound Current of or our Universe)
Below is a list of the top dis-ease based killers in the United States in 2019.
And now for the three magic words that HEAL ALL:
1. Nutrients: And or a lack of nutrients
2. Acids - Get the acids out or prepare to burn baby burn.
“What 3 Words Unlock the Secret to Healing 98% of All Diseases?”
Did you know that you can boil down healing virtually all dis-ease conditions into a three word formula? This all encompassing formula is something I have recently pieced together after over 22 years of helping people improve their nutrition and more recently in helping them heal via detox and herbal methods as well.
What you are about to learn today is the equivalent of Einstein's Unified Field theory but applied to healing diseases. It's going to show you the root causes of at least 98% of the diseases out there. It’s only when you understand the root cause that you can actually start to eradicate the problem.
And in truth, there are only a handful of causes to the thousands of dis-eases that doctors have named.
Exposing the Fake Disease System
NOTE: The whole Medical Mafia disease creation system is fake and misleading. It's based on suppressing or palliatiating symptoms rather than dealing with the actual CAUSE of the problem.
For instance, is Alzheimer's a specific disease? Not at all if you understand the cause. It's not some separate disease entity that is mysteriously making you brain dead, killing your memory and eventually paralyzing and killing you.
Alzheimer's is caused by brain cells and nerves being burned by acids. It's also caused by poor brain circulation due to these acids causing a dramatic increase in cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is used by the body to prevent acids from burning the cells. Eventually this body protection turns into a problem itself because it will clog the arteries and fine capillaries in the brain. This leads to brain cell starvation via a lack of oxygen and nutrients and hence they start dying off.
In short, Alzheimer's is not some unknown disease, it is ACIDOSIS in the brain.
What doctors call a disease is really just acids and toxins damaging a particular part of the body. But the cause is almost always the same - ACIDOSIS.
Alzheimer's, cancer and heart disease are not separate diseases. For they are all caused by the same thing - acids burning the cells and toxins poisoning those same cells. It's just LOCALIZED acids burning the cells which cause all sorts of different symptoms.
But the real problem is always the same - ACIDOSIS!
This is why medical diagnosis is such a scam. Their diseases are mostly the same thing over and over again. Though there are definite levels of progression or the amount of acidosis in the body.
Show me a 90 year old that has great circulation throughout the entire body, good kidney filtration, an unblocked lymphatic system and elimination through the bowels with no mucoid plaque build-up and is eating a Nutrient Complete and Low Fat Raw Food Diet and they will NEVER have Alzheimer's. Nor will this person have any other dis-eases unless he or she already had those dis-eases in the past.
The cause of disease is rather simple actually. The problem is doctors live in a world of delusion devoid of nature and common sense. Yes, the whole medical model of disease is completely deluded and dangerous to your well being.
And this acid damage is the cause of most diseases. Though definitely not all as we will see below.
Why Inflammation Doesn’t Cause Any Diseases?
It’s funny how these days the medical profession blame so many diseases on inflammation. They are almost right but yet also misleading us at the same time.
Unlike medical doctors and other lower level healers, I don't blame INFLAMMATION for causing any disease. That is simply wrong as I'm about to demonstrate below.
Because inflammation is a symptom, it is not a cause. Inflammation is caused by another force and yet to the wallygag doctors it's a complete mystery as to what causes inflammation.
Maybe it's because they don't study nutrition nor do they have any clue what the true human diet really is.
Also, understanding the root cause of disease is very bad business for doctors. Just as true healing and prevention is toxic for their profit margins.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
Upton Sinclair
The quote above is why most doctors never figure out the true cause of the majority of diseases. It would destroy their endless gravy train if they did. They make a ton more money by palliating symptoms with expensive and super toxic drugs that you have to take for the rest of your life. In most cases, doctors will never heal you of disease.
Doctors should be called Poisoners and it would be a much more accurate name.
In reality, they don't want to heal you. True healing is bad for repeat business. Then you wouldn't need to buy their expensive drugs every month.
The best they can do is try to make you feel better and reduce some of the symptoms.
But their drugs ALWAYS have toxic side attacks on your health. And this is yet another way they make more money from you. They give you a drug to fight the symptoms and as a result you get sicker due to introducing more toxins and acids into your body from these artificial drugs and vaca-cines.
Their drugs and vaca-cines ALWAYS poison you and cause more dis-ease. And soon you will come back to the doctor because you have more symptoms. If you continue the cycle, you keep on taking more and more drugs until your body can't take it anymore, burns from the inside out and you die.
You can't poison yourself to health.
Yet billions of people are doing that daily by taking acidic and toxin laden prescription drugs that have ZERO true healing power.
This is foolishness of the highest order.
So... what actually causes inflammation in the body?
Answer: ACID
If you spilled sulfuric acid on your hand it would hurt like crazy, burn and inflame your skin. And yes you will experience severe inflammation. But the inflammation is the effect and the sulfuric acid is the cause.
Same thing if you touch a hot stove and burn your hand. You will get inflammation but only because you burned your hand first. The inflammation always has a cause.
So why talk about inflammation rather than the cause of inflammation? Because this way the Poisoners can continue to OBSCURE the real cause of dis-ease and continue to suck you dry of all your money while they are poisoning you to an early death.
And ACID is one of the main causes of the disease process as you are about to learn below. There are only two sides to chemistry as Dr. Robert Morse, who is also a chemist, often states. It's either acid or alkaline (plus neutral at a 7 pH).
Realize that every fluid, cell and substance in your body is either alkaline or acid. There is no other choice in chemistry. It's one or the other. This is really important to get in your head and understand.
And the blood can NEVER be acidic. An alkaline 7.4 pH is the ideal pH range for your blood. If your blood were to go just a bit below 7.35 pH which is still on the alkaline side, you would soon go into a coma within a few minutes and then die. Remember your chemistry. Everything above 7 is alkaline and everything below 7 is acid.
It is the lymphatic system in the body which handles the acid side of chemistry. Not your blood. This is something all mainstream doctors are absolutely clueless about.
It is excess acids that are trapped in the extracellular (and later intracellular) fluids of the body that BURN and DAMAGE the cells, glands, organs and systems of the body and that are the real cause of the inflammation that can happen anywhere in the body.
Inflammation doesn't just show up for no reason. It is caused by acidic and toxic substances in the body.
It is acid ripping apart your cells that causes most of the disease people suffer with in Western cultures these days. And unfortunately, most of my readers, whether they know it or not, are already burning inside from these TRAPPED ACIDS.
Even as a 14 year raw foodist back in 2015, I was burning from those acids inside of me. This was back when I realized my kidneys were not filtering properly. We'll get more into that later.
It turns out kidneys can lose proper filtration from very bad air quality as well as poor nutrition. So even though I was eating 100% raw my kidneys stopped filtering as I was living on the Big Island of Hawaii and the air there was super toxic from the VOG and the daily volcanic eruptions of Kilauea.
Right this moment you are almost certainly on fire internally and that is because the majority of adults have major lymphatic system stagnation and clogging due to decades of poor nutrition and massive exposure to toxins in the food, air and environment. Unless you have been my student or Heal All client and healed your kidneys and cleaned out your colon you are very likely experiencing daily cellular damage to your body via acid burning.
Unfortunately, many raw foodists who are eating the natural human diet are still burning inside. Not from their current diet but because they didn't heal their organs of elimination simply by switching to a Raw Food Diet. Usually you have to do more than just going raw if you really want to deep heal the body.
Going on a Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet can heal many things but usually it won't heal everything by itself. You're still going to need to repair and rejuvenate the glands, organs and bodily systems that you damaged in your cooked food eating days.
Anyways, I am getting ahead of myself.
I want to introduce you to the N.A.T. Heal All Formula.
* How Did This NAT Heal All Formula Come About? *
The NAT Heal All Formula is a synthesis of healing knowledge I have gained ever since I read my first book on nutrition "Rapid Healing Foods" in 1980 or so. But there are a handful of healers and experiences that have contributed most to this knowledge.
* The Four Major Influences *
1. My Raw Food Diet Experience:
A huge influence on the development of the NAT Heal All Formula is my personal experience with eating a 99.9% Raw Food Diet now for close to 23 years. Eating raw is totally transformative and healing to the physical body. There is no other diet on Earth that even comes close to the healing power of raw fruits, vegetables, roots, nuts and seeds, herbs etc. Yes, eating raw will dissolve tumors and cysts and has healed many other maladies and diseases on its own.
And a diet of raw fruits and vegetables is the absolute best for detoxing the body. Yet it builds the body and muscle too. It's not just for detox as some people mistakenly think.
For me, going just 50% raw way back in 1996 took away 6.5 years of depression in less than 24 hours. At the time that was one of the greatest miracles of my life. It took me instantly out of Hell and made my life worth living again.
There simply is no cooked food diet that could possibly achieve the overall healing results that the natural or real human diet can achieve. By being raw all this time and eventually creating my Raw Complete or nutrient complete system of eating raw, I have learned things about healing that people on a cooked food diet including healers will never learn or grasp.
This is not to say that everyone who I work with has to go 100% raw. It depends on your level of health and your desire to heal. Not everyone is even in a good enough state of health to eat their natural diet. The detox would be too painful because their organs of elimination are blocked.
Yes, people can heal on the right kind of cooked vegan diet. And that is most definitely an option I use when working with my Heal All clients.
2. Dr. Robert Morse:
One of the main influencers of this system is most definitely Dr. Robert Morse who is a true Naturopathic Doctor (not like most naturopaths trained in schools run by the Medical Mafia), master herbalist, iridologist and a trained biochemist as well. Dr. Morse has revolutionized and advanced the field of Naturopathy and natural healing by at least 100 years by his many breakthroughs. I first started studying him sometime in 2012 and I got his book "The Detox Miracle Sourcebook" that year.
Dr. Morse recommends a Raw Food Diet for healing along with herbs and numerous detox methods. Specifically he recommends fruits, berries and melons along with salads at dinnertime.
Though he does not stick to eating 100% raw. I believe that is because he never figured out how to do 100% raw correctly as he believes in a mostly fruit based or fruitarian diet and doesn't understand we need to eat a LOT more greens nor does he understand the concept of Raw Complete. Unfortunately, you can see the cooked food damage to his body that he is suffering from as a result of his inability to stay 100% raw or even close to it.
His understanding of how blockages in the lymphatic system cause diseases everywhere in the body is totally breakthrough. There simply is no other major healer on Earth (unless he or she was a student of Dr. Morse) that understands this critically important healing concept. Though I also gained this knowledge from my angelic healing guide DS. And DS confirmed back in 2020 that Dr. Morse is absolutely correct about his lymphatic system dis-ease theory and that Dr. Morse is indeed one of the greatest living healers on planet Earth.
And here is how we can figure out if he is a good healer or not.
By his results.
He has had many thousands of seemingly miraculous healings with his clients in his over 40 years of practice.
Here are just some of the things healed from his testimonials website. And I know he has a lot more healings than the ones listed.
Addison's disease
Adrenal fatigue
bone regeneration
brain tumors
cancerous lymph nodes
candida albicans overgrowth
chronic constipation
chronic fatigue
circulation: 100% occlusion in the right carotid artery and 85% in the left.
Cirrhosis of the liver (extreme)
facial paralysis
female pattern hair loss
graves' disease
hair regrowth (bald spots); 20+ years of insomnia; stopped medication (klonopin)
hair regrowth (receding hairline)
heart palpitations
heartburn chronic
high blood pressure
high blood sugar,
high cholesterol
hormonal imbalances
ibs or irritable bowel syndrome
interstitial cystitis
low sex drive
lower leg tumor removal by the body not surgery
multiple sclerosis
neurological regeneration
overweight - lost 65 pownds etc.
Parathyroid hormone and calcium levels normalized
rheumatoid arthritis
stage 3 triple negative breast cancer reversed
stage 4 breast cancer
stroke recovery
trigeminal neuralgia
type 2 diabetes
yeast infections
I HIGHLY recommend you watch his video from 2011 on "The Great Lymphatic System." I don't agree with all of his conclusions but the general theory is absolutely spot on. If you don't understand the function and purpose of the lymphatic system you simply will not understand the root cause of most diseases. This is information you probably have not seen anywhere else.
Did you know that there is way more lymph fluid in the body than blood. It's something like 75% lymph fluid to 25% blood in terms of the interstitial fluids. The lymphatic system is connected to every single cell in the body.
It has to be because it is the system that removes the toxins that each of your 100 trillion or so cells expel after they eat. For each of your cells have to eat and eliminate just as you do. All of your cells need to pee and poop and if your doorways of elimination are blocked then those acidic wastes start building up in your body and start burning you.
And realize that the lymphatic system is also a major part of your immune system.
The body doesn't actually put acidic toxins into the blood. That would be very dangerous because it would lower the pH of the blood and kill you within minutes. Instead they are put into the body system that is designed to easily handle acids and toxins and that is the lymphatic system. And then those toxins get put directly into the kidneys for removal.
Unlike mainstream science I have learned from Dr. Morse and DS has definitely confirmed this, that the kidneys not only filter the blood but they also filter the lymphatic system fluids.
And I would have had no idea that even though I was on a Raw Food Diet for over 14 years at the time that my kidneys were not filtering properly if it wasn't for Dr. Morse. Now thanks to Dr. Morse my kidneys are filtering fantastically and my urine looks almost like milk because it is filled with acidic particles from cellular waste products.
Dr. Morse was the one who invented the concept of VISUAL kidney filtration that you can test simply by peeing in a clear jar in the morning hours. Or if your kidneys are filtering super well then you will see kidney filtration in at least 80% of your urinations throughout the day like I do.
This is a vitally important breakthrough because most adults (and most children these days) are peeing out clear urine devoid of any particles. The color of your urine does not tell you if you are filtering. It's the cloudiness and or particles that will tell you that you are eliminating toxins well.
This means most adults are actually storing acids in their bodies instead of eliminating them. Most of the Western world is fully into the dis-ease process because they can never detox properly due to damaged kidneys and adrenal glands.
I also HIGHLY recommend you watch this EXCELLENT short video by a student of Dr. Morse on the importance of kidney filtration and how to attain it.
KIDNEY FILTRATION - IMPORTANT! Public Domain Video - Mark James Gordon - Student of Dr. Robert Morse
3. Dr. Richard Schulze:
I believe Dr. Schulze is a naturopath but definitely a master herbalist who studied under the famous herbalist and healer Dr. John R. Christopher. And he is certified in a number of different bodywork or massage techniques as well.
Dr. Schulze got hundreds of absolutely amazing healings when he was running his stealth herbal healing clinic in Los Angeles for about 20 years ending in the 1990s.
He also understands the importance of extreme detox in order to heal the body. You can't just heal with herbs or diet changes. You also have to get the toxins out. And he sure did that with his clients using a number of different and many times EXTREME detox techniques.
Though from what I have read from him and seen in his videos he does not quite have the understanding of the lymphatic system that Dr. Morse has. Nor does he understand the concept of achieving kidney filtration.
A number of the extreme detox techniques he uses like the Cold Sheet Treatment, would not be necessary if he simply got his clients kidneys to filter out toxins properly through the kidneys. Yes he has a kidney detox kit but often that is not enough of a program to restore kidney filtration.
But in terms of deathbed kind of healing results Dr. Schulze also had incredible results with his clients and in healing himself. He also recommends a vegetarian diet, along with juicing and or raw foods for healing. Though he does not eat a full raw food diet himself.
4. DS (Who is actually the Divine Sound Current of or our Universe)
Publicly I used to call DS Divine Source but in reality he is the Universal Sound Current or the Divine Sound Current. In some Indian religions they talk about the Light and Sound of God. He is in charge of the SOUND or the WORD of God part of it.
By the way, my friend and also my guru in past lives Surya (the Sun God) is in charge of the Divine Light throughout this entire Universe. And as the Divine Light he is also in charge of Divine Wisdom.
In my experience studying under many different healers DS is the best healer by far I have ever come in contact with. This is because he knows Divine Truth and our human healers often struggle to get to the deepest truths even in terms of healing due to how difficult it is to perceive truth here on this Earth plane at this time.
Realize that my angelic mentor DS who is not alive in a physical body (in case you are confused) has many advantages over us mere mortals which gives him superior knowledge. He is a Divine being that works directly with God in governing the Divine Sound, speech, languages etc. of the Universe. But he is also a master healer and herbalist as well.
Let me tell you, I felt incredibly lucky to be given access to DS's knowledge. Later on I found out why DS specifically chose to contact me.
The reason was because of my own deep connection to the Divine Source in past lives. All throughout my life I have been told my all sorts of highly intuitive people (starting around when I was 13 when I was not very spiritually focused at all) that I was a spiritual master in past lives. But it is only in the last year or two that I have been finding out about many of my past lives.
For instance, in past lives I have been a spiritual guru MANY times and have even founded more than one major religion here on Earth.
I have also been a healer in multiple lifetimes that I am aware of. At least one of those healers is so famous that virtually everyone in the English speaking world knows who he was.
Yes, I am an angelic being who chose to incarnate in a physical body on Earth to spiritually uplift humanity. I also recently found out that I truly am a Divinity Enforcer as I have written in my signature file for several years already. That was something I intuitively felt about myself before and I found out in that last year or so that it was 100% true.
And I am working on strengthening that Divinity Enforcer ability as I go along. For as you can see times are very chaotic here on Earth. We need a lot more Divine Light flowing in to purify the planet and humanity.
And one of the best ways to do that is to improve your health and the state of your body by aligning with Nature. Because the Light, Sound and Love of God must flow through your physical body. Raw fruits and vegetables help you to have a greater connection with this Divine Light and Joy.
In any case, there are some people who know me who might vehemently disagree about me being on the spiritual side LOL. I suppose that is psychological projection on their parts.
And sure, I have not been a saint all of my life. I have made plenty of mistakes. There are many things I regret having done. I never claimed to be perfect. Unlike my father LOL.
Having been brought up in a family without religion turned me into a selfish and materialistic boy and young man. I've had to unlearn so many things from my childhood. It's been a very long process of removing the negative habits I learned from materialistic parents and a materialistic society.
But after 38 years of spiritual development I finally know my real Soul identity now and things are turning to a much more holy vibration as I stay in frequent contact with many of the highest consciousness Divine beings in existence like DS, Surya, Krishna and Yeshua (Jesus) and the greatest of them all God on a daily basis.
I first got into verbal contact with DS in the late spring of 2020 via my empathic and highly psychic girlfriend at the time. She had incredibly accurate psychic medium abilities. Which means she was able to speak to Souls who were no longer alive (had died) here on Earth. She could clearly hear what they were saying through her clairaudient abilities. But she could also see and feel their communications. So she produced amazingly good results as a psychic medium.
This all started with her communicating with my father who had recently passed away or translated (as we used to say when I was a member of Eckankar decades ago) in 2020. We had hundreds of data points my father communicated to her that could only have been known by my father. It was definitely my father she was communicating with. I have zero doubt about that.
I myself even saw my father in his home in a brief visioni after he had already translated or passed on the first morning we got there to settle his estate.
Basically my ex and I would do a spiritual exercise together and then she would feel the presence of DS. She would go into a trance and DS would talk through her. I have many hours of audio recordings of me asking him questions about healing, nutrition, spiritual topics, geopolitics and other important truths of all kinds. The truths he told us were mind blowing.
The intelligence he revealed was way beyond anything my ex girlfriend knew on her own. And quite frankly he is the best healer I have ever encountered. When you're not limited by a physical body and have the intelligence of like a thousand humans or more at a time and you can analyze any human body on Earth with spiritual x-ray precision, you start to learn a few things about true healing. Not to mention that DS has been continuously conscious for billions of years.
And DS most definitely knows the real diet humans were designed to eat. And it is precisely as I teach it in my Raw Complete or Nutrient Complete System that I give full details to my LEN members. DS made sure to really emphasize this with me in one of our conversations in the summer of 2020.
The healing advice from DS saved me from continuing to suffer extreme misery from ulcers. Just one herb recommendation and two months later I never got an ulcer again.
While Dr. Morse and Dr. Schulze are some of the most successful healers on the planet they just can't possibly see and know what DS can see from his high state of spiritual consciousness. DS is filled with wisdom and exists in the highest states of consciousness. He is beyond the archangels in his spiritual attainment.
Unfortunately, after my girlfriend and I parted ways I no longer had a way to get detailed information from DS. Yes I had other ways of contacting him but it’s not like I was able to ask him questions and get detailed verbal answers like I used to get. I was frequently able to feel his Divine Presence or vibration for instance.
Luckily in January of 2023 I found a way to get back in touch with DS. Not yet quite at the level that my ex girlfriend was able to achieve. But I am in daily communication with DS again and the communications seem to be mostly accurate. Though I still get mistakes from time to time.
However, I have access to his guidance again. And am super excited about that. I am learning so much about true healing by asking him questions daily.
I'm in the process of expanding and improving my mediumship abilities so that I will be able to get way more healing information directly from DS in the near future.
OK then, those were the four main sources of knowledge that allowed me to develop this NAT Heal All Formula from. But there were many others as well.
Below we'll get into detail about what the NAT Heal All Formula is.
But first a little more preparatory information.
Most people go through life believing there is no cure for the disease they have. But in most cases, that just isn't true at all.
Do you have an illness or disease you've been suffering with for more than a decade? I assure you that in most all cases it is quite curable. I've seen so many people heal things that doctors believe are 100% incurable that it is mind blowing.
Did you know that all of these diseases listed below have been healed thousands of times via natural methods? These methods include but are not limited to proper nutrition, herbs, juicing and detox methods that are part of the unifying NAT Heal All Formula.
Below is a list of the top dis-ease based killers in the United States in 2019.
Heart disease
Chronic lower respiratory diseases like chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and COPD
Alzheimer's disease
Kidney disease
And based on my experience, I would say 98% or more of all maladies or misnamed "diseases" are healable by this NAT Heal Formula which I am about to share with you.
When you fully understand and apply just these three words to your healing process you can HEAL ALL. Or to be on the safe side, I would say at least 98% of all illnesses humans suffer from.
As simple as it is, hardly anyone gets it. Most medical doctors don't get this at all. They think good health is so much more complex and difficult to fathom. But actually it is super easy to understand.
So... Are you ready to learn these three words?
First I'll give you the acronym - N.A.T. which is short for NATURAL. I love how that worked out.
And now for the three magic words that HEAL ALL:
N - Nutrients
A - Acids
T - Toxins
So let me explain why understanding these three words is the key to conquering most every so-called disease on Earth.
1. Nutrients: And or a lack of nutrients
When I am speaking in terms of nutrients it's not only micronutrients like vitamins and minerals but also fiber, water, antioxidants etc.
And another level of nutrients that is vitally important to healing are the macronutrients which are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These are the nutrients that have calories in them. If you get these macronutrient percentages wrong it's going to start causing all sorts of health problems. Even if you eat a full Raw Food Diet but get the macronutrient percentages wrong, you are going to cause yourself some major health problems.
Many thousands of people have healed on their deathbeds or when their doctors told them they were incurable simply by changing the macronutrients percentages in their diet. Dr. Walter Kempner and his vegetarian Rice Diet has thousands of fully documented cures of healing the sickest of the sick primarily by lowering their fat and protein levels to about 5% or lower each.
Dr. Kempner started with people who had chronic kidney disease. This was before the days of dialysis. And he was very successful in keeping his kidney patients alive with his diet. And this diet by the way, cured virtually every person who had type 2 diabetes who came to his clinic. And chronic hypertension and heart disease for that matter. Plus many of his patients shed 100 pownds or more.
Everyone knows that there are nutrient deficiency diseases like rickets (lack of vitamin D) and scurvy (lack of vitamin C). But there are loads of other health problems including gland and organ failure caused by poor nutrition.
Poor nutrition can even damage your digestive tract and hence your ability to absorb nutrients. And even if you switched to a nutrient complete diet, you would still not be absorbing all of the nutrients in your great diet. And as a result your cells will start breaking down and the disease process kicks in because your cells are starving of important nutrients.
In order for all the cells in your body and organs like your kidneys, adrenal glands, liver and heart to work properly, they must be getting ALL of the nutrients they need to replicate healthy cells. And this is why eating nutrient complete is such a key component to healing diseases.
Realize that nutrients are not just coming from food (ideally raw vegetarian foods) but also from herbs. There are gazillions of different phytochemicals in herbs that you won't find in standard fruits and vegetables. Plant nutrients like terpenes, saponins, polyphenols, alkaloids etc. that have scientifically documented healing powers.
Some of these herbs are super potent antibiotics and antiparasitics. And most of them are way safer to use than prescription antibiotics. I covered one such herb in this previous post...
This Potent Antiparasitic & Antibiotic Herb Could Save Your Life
This means that NUTRIENTS cover two other causes of disease besides nutrients which are GERMS and PARASITES. While germs do not cause most diseases like the Medical Mafia would love for you to believe, they certainly can cause a number of them. One of which is the common cold or the flu. And parasites can cause all sorts of problems as well.
Years ago I proved via one of my posts that even if you eat a super healthy Raw Food Diet you can still catch a cold. And that is because parasitic bacteria do indeed cause colds and the flu. Yes, if your immune system is very strong you may not fall victim to the parasitic bacteria. But they are still the actual cause of colds and the flu. It's not just the internal terrain as many Natural Hygienists believe.
And there are other nutrients including oxygen and sunlight. So I'm sure most people agree that if you want to heal and be healthy you need to eat a nutrient complete diet. Something unfortunately, most raw foodists do not do. Eating Raw Complete is something I teach in detail for my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) members.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
But what most people have no clue about is that the BIGGEST cause of dis-ease in our modern world is not nutrient deficiencies or even germs or parasites. The main cause of the deterioration of humanity in this era is TRAPPED ACIDS in the body.
2. Acids - Get the acids out or prepare to burn baby burn.
In my estimation, about 70% of dis-ease is caused by the breakdown of cells, glands, organs and bodily systems due to acids trapped in various places in the body. I have written about this many times before. Hence, I won't go into full details on this now.
The key is to understand that in most human adults (and most children these days) their doorways of elimination of these acids are shut or partially blocked.
Their bowels are constipated and clogged. This leads to the storage of feces in the body instead of their daily removal. This results in bowel outpockets or diverticulosis and diverticulitis filled with decades old dried and acidic feces.
And add to that the controversial topic of mucoid plaque. Which I have confirmed with DS and through my own experience and that of others as being quite a real phenomenon.
You should be pooping about 3 times a day. Many people only poop once every three days. Where then is the poop going?
If the poop doesn't go out it must still be in the body. It has to be stored somewhere if it's not being eliminated. That means you are storing acids, toxins and poisons in your colon. And due to a cooked food diet and to eating keto and carnivore diets people are having more constipation than ever.
Your lymphatic system is your garbage and acidsd disposal system. And if your lymphatic system starts to get clogged and or very sluggish (as in virtually all adults) then the disease process starts to kick in.
The main organ of elimination of the lymphatic system is your kidneys. And virtually all of the healing clients I work with initially have kidneys that are not filtering toxins out properly. This means that most average and even health minded adults are actually burning from the inside out.
You may be on fire with acid and don't even know it. That is why you are sick.
If your urine does not look milky or full of particles when peeing into a clear glass jar, then those acidic particles are being stored in your body instead of being eliminated. Yes, I know this goes against mainstream medical theory. I recently wrote a detailed post about why they are wrong which you can read here:
"I Made a Mistake Regarding Cloudy Urine"
And just remember it is most definitely against the financial interests of doctors to let their patients know that their kidneys are causing most of the diseases that doctors make money treating. I think I'll put this quote in again as it is so important to understand.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
Upton Sinclair
Your kidneys are responsible for filtering out the ACIDS and TOXINS from your body. They also filter out the acidic waste products of cellular metabolism.
Your cells eat and poop just like you do. If your kidneys are not filtering properly then the waste from your 100 trillion cells gets trapped in the body and starts to damage and breakdown your cells.
And this is regardless of how clean your diet is. If your kidneys are not filtering then you are going to be storing acids and toxins and it's going to do severe damage to your overall health. Plus it is a major cause of the aging process.
Now acids and toxins can also be eliminated through your third kidney which is your skin. But for ideal health you really want to get those kidneys constantly spewing out toxins into your urine. Otherwise those acids tend to get stored in the body and over time they start damaging your DNA and breaking down cells and body systems causing virtually every disease you have ever heard of.
3. Toxins - There are thousands of chemicals in processed foods, drugs, cosmetics, air etc. that are extremely harmful to the body.
This is especially so in the United States. Here in the US they allow just about every deadly chemical you can think of. In Europe many of these chemicals are banned. And many animal foods that people regularly eat here in the USA are banned from being imported to Europe and other countries around the world because they are known to be so toxic.
The average Western diet has become loaded with toxins and chemicals that don't belong in the human body. For instance, a chemical like atrazine. You can take atrazine and put it in the water where frogs live and it will actually turn male frogs into females.
And there are many other chemicals in the "food" supply that severely alter hormone levels. All sorts of people are struggling with issues of estrogen dominance due to the exposure to so many estrogenic chemicals in typical cooked foods (especially SOY by the way) but also in many other ways.
Is it any wonder so many people are confused about their gender these days? The hormones of most adults are severely out of whack. And that is also a huge hidden cause of the phat ass epidemic on the planet. And this is all caused intentionally by the food manufacturers adding toxic chemicals into the foods they sell.
There are also many toxins in non-organic or so-called conventional foods. And quite frankly even toxins in organic foods. As they still use pesticides in organic foods.
NOTE: Many of these toxins are also acids but not all of them are. So it was important to include it as a separate category in this NAT Heal All Formula.
These three words NUTRIENTS, ACIDS and TOXINS are responsible for at least 98% (if not more) of the diseases humans face.
If you get the acids and toxins out while getting the right nutrients in (including nutrients found only in herbs) you will be able to heal most any dis-ease imaginable.
Herbs have nutrients in them that help to regenerate and heal specific organs in the body better than just about anything else.
And that, my fine feathered friend, is the NAT Heal All Formula.
Yes there are other factors to healing including getting lots of sleep. But I think you will see that the three word NAT formula covers just about everything.
Healing is really as simple as that when you look at it from the 5,000 foot overview level.
Most everyone you know is internally ON FIRE. I'd say that about 99% of adults in the United States are actually on fire and burning from the inside out to a greater or lesser extent.
Not only is it because they usually eat a highly acid forming diet. Meat and dairy are highly acid forming "foods". But also because of the blockages in their garbage disposal system which is their lymphatic system which I already discussed above.
Most adults have been accumulating acids in their bodies for decades already. Cleaning out the bowels and healing the kidneys so that they can remove toxins again is vital to healing. Then on top of that you will need to regenerate or heal the organs that have been damaged by these acids and toxins.
And that comes from eating a good diet but much more so from healing with herbs. I found out the hard way that just going on a Raw Food Diet did not heal all of my previous decades of cooked food damage. It is a great first step, but you still need to heal the kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, liver, gallbladder etc. before you will fully heal.
And that healing is going to come via nutrients and detox. It's as simple as that.
Get the acids and toxins out and the alkaline healing nutrients in and then expect the healing miracles to begin.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Nature Healer - N.A.T. Heal All Formula
Via Rapid Healing Foods, Herbology, PeeTox & Detox Methods, Nutrient Complete Nutrition, Healercise, Root Cause Dis-Ease Detection and Healing Guidance from DS the Ultimate Healer.
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 57-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"