Recently I have been struggling with so many daily self-improvement and spiritual activities, plus watering plants and feeding birds and other wild animals here in the hot and dry Arizona desert, that I have been struggling to get my work done.
So I decided to stop my morning exercise routines until I could get a lot more writing and or business related work done first. Then if I had time left over I would exercise. But usually by later in the day I had much less desire to exercise than in my physical peak performance hours in the morning. Hence, I have been doing a lot less exercise and getting weaker by the day.
And that was really bothering me because I love to exercise and to feel all of the healing oxygen coursing through my veins.
Luckily, I recently came up with a workable solution kindof by accident. Yet, at first I didn't think it would do much good. Reason being... It was a LOT quicker and easier than my previous workouts.
I decided to do a workout that would last 5-minutes maximum. I realized that a mini-workout like that would not distract me from my business activities. I could certainly afford 5 minutes of time even during my peak performance hours. That was short enough not to throw me off course.
In fact, the longest this particular Pushup Blaster Workout lasted was just 4 minutes and 3 seconds on the first day. And even getting it to 4:03 seemed like a huge effort. The first day was a struggle even at just 4 minutes. I was definitely out of shape in the push-up department because my push-up workouts have been very sporadic recently.
But I committed to doing this short workout daily for at least the next 30-days. And today was the fifth day and the time for the workout was only 3 minutes and 46 seconds. In fact, yesterday it was the shortest so far at 3:39.
What I'm noticing is that I am getting tremendous improvements in my push up endurance and yet I am doing a super easy and fun 4 minute or less workout.
Imagine how much stronger I'd be if I could do this same four minute workout in three minutes instead of four? My ability to do way more push-ups in a row (which is my end goal) would go up through the roof. Yet at that point my workout would be over a minute shorter than the first workout of 4:03.
Weird how you can keep on getting stronger yet spend less and less time exercising.
So just realize that even a workout that lasts just one minute but is done daily can lead to tremendous fitness gains.
For instance, you could just commit to doing 30 bodyweight squats in a row per day. The first day it might take you 90 seconds or longer to complete. As you get stronger you can do those 30 squats in a minute. And as you advance to doing your squats like a sprint, you may be able to do 30 body weight squats in 45 to 50 seconds or even faster if you have short legs.
Then once you get really fast with 30 in a row you could switch to doing 40 in a row for a couple of weeks. But don't move on until it feels fun. Then maybe two weeks to a month after that you're doing 50 in a row per day. Your leg strength and running speed will improve tremendously and yet your workout lasts just a minute to 90 seconds or so.
And guess what? Today I did just that. I did only 30 body weight squats in a row later in the day. (NOTE: I am used to doing workouts with a LOT more than just 30 bodyweight squats. But compared to doing nothing this is very beneficial.)
I did it just before lunch. And the only reason I even thought to do it was because I was already contemplating writing this Magic Idea post. I figured I could start my lunch a minute later. No big deal right? Hardly any time lost in my busy day.
So I got in 30 squats in a little less than a minute where previously I would have done none. Thirty a day compared to zero per day is infinitely better for my strength, endurance and muscle growth.
And I also applied this five minute principle to doing my Holy Grail Anti-Aging Fitness System (HGAFS). I planned on only doing 5 minutes but I ended up doing 6 minutes. And after I finish writing this post I will likely do another 5 minutes of that.
So now I'm getting in my workouts in very little time and getting my work done too.
Just realize that mini-workouts if done daily can produce incredible gains in fitness compared to doing nothing.
Of course, you can apply this to just about any other area of self-discipline in your own life. For instance, you could commit to doing just 5-minutes of house cleaning per day. Or just five minutes of writing or five minutes of meditation.
Please let me know in the comments if this idea inspired you to start your own daily mini-workout. Or maybe you've already tried doing something similar. Please share in the comments.
Coming up in my next post: I have something super exciting to share with you.
How would you like to learn the 3 word formula that heals most all illnesses, diseases and maladies?
This formula is so powerful it will heal and already has healed, at least 99% of the diseases out there.
Of course, part of the issue is realizing that the idea of disease is a totally false concept created to distract us by the Medical Mafia. Diseases are all diagnosed via SYMPTOMS. But the symptoms are NEVER the cause of the so-called dis-ease.
Anyways, most ALL disease and healing can be boiled down to just three key words. And you're going to discover this Heal All secret real soon. It's so simple it's going to blow yer mind.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Nature Healer - N.A.T. Cure Founder
Healing Modalities: Rapid Healing Foods, Herbology, PeeTox & Detox, Nutrient Complete Nutrition, Healercise, Root Cause Dis-Ease Detection and Healing Guidance from DS the Ultimate Healer.
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 57-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"