All info I can find on this associates some sort of health problem with cloudy urine. Can you provide any reference links that state otherwise?

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Aloha Greg,

This is another instance where I disagree with the general medical consensus. And I have lots of good reasons to believe that based on my own experience and research.

I also just responded via email to someone who had a similar question. So I will post my reply below.


I don't know the technicalities of what particles are too large or not. Kidneys are a very advanced bit of technology and have many ways of actually filtering that I believe scientists admit they don't fully understand.

But I do know the medical system doesn't know a thing about kidney filtration in terms of seeing particles in the urine. They think that is a bad thing when it is just the opposite. And this is why so many people are so sick these days.

Yes you do want to see tiny and or seemingly larger particles in the urine. The exact size I have no idea of. I know for sure my health improved directly as a result of my urine starting to show clouds and particles in it. I used to be really sensitive to bad air from living in Hawaii (due to constant volcanic eruptions) and this lasted for several years after moving out of Hawaii. But when I got my kidneys to filter again eventually I stopped being so hypersensitive to even the lowest levels of bad air. And in fact, I am able to handle very toxic air now without getting headaches.

I've seen the urine of many people when they finally achieved kidney filtration. This is a widespread phenomena.

And many thousands of Dr. Morse's patients have only started to really heal themselves when they started seeing these particles in the urine.

I'm sure that healthy kidneys can eliminate large particles that shouldn't be in the body while still not eliminating needed things the body likes to recycle like amino acids.

I have on a few occasions seen some relatively long and stringy things being eliminated in my urine.

So this is something in which I disagree with typical medical opinion. Though I bet there are times when people who have chronic kidney disease where they could be eliminating large particles and it's not a good thing.

However, in general I have a lot of experience with this and I have ZERO doubt that you want to be seeing lots of cloudiness and particles in your urine on a daily basis.

My health overall has gotten way better since I started getting kidney filtration. And many of my clients and Dr. Morse's clients have noticed the same thing once they finally healed and unclogged their kidneys enough to attain kidney filtration.

Take care,


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