What Single Bodily Weakness Causes Virtually Every Dis-ease on the Planet?
And There's a 95% Chance Have this Problem Right Now
Did you know that about 90% of so-called dis-eases can be caused by a single factor before you are aware of any problems in your body?
If this one thing goes wrong in your body it can end up being the root cause of most every other dis-ease you end up getting in your life.
Fix this one problem (that I estimate over 95% of adult Americans have) and your likelihood of getting new dis-eases goes down dramatically. And you most definitely can fix this problem. Thousands of people already have. I had to heal myself of this problem way back in 2015.
In my next post I am going to give you full instructions to make a potent healing tonic that will help you to repair this root cause of dis-ease problem. And the great news is that it's easy to make and with ingredients that are commonly available in most countries around the world. Plus it has many other healing and anti-aging properties.
But before I can share that with you, I need to make you understand what this root cause of dis-ease actually is.
I've discussed this many times before in recent years. So maybe you've guessed it by now.
Drum roll please...
The major root cause dis-ease that ends up causing most other dis-eases over time is actually kidney dis-ease. Most everyone in the "civilized" world is suffering from kidney dis-ease but they have no clue that they do.
And going to doctors to get it diagnosed won't help. That is because doctors only let you know when you have kidney problems when things have gotten far out of hand and you are close to the point of total kidney failure. But kidney problems start long before you get to the stage of kidney failure.
True kidney dis-ease or a lack of proper kidney filtration happens way before you will get any negative test results about your kidneys. And that is because the basic healthy range given for your creatinine score (which has to do with kidney health) already starts off in the danger zone.
YES, according to Dr. Robert Morse if you have a "low" creatinine score of .4 your kidneys are almost certain not going to be filtering properly.
"Anything above .5 is starting to get bad. .7 is bad.
.8 is big time trouble."
And .8 is in the low end of the so-called "healthy" range as you'll see below.
In the United States (at least from one lab) their "healthy" range is from 0.76 - 1.27. That means that their healthy range is already way into the danger zone in terms of the kidneys not being able to filter. Anyone who gets a healthy score here is almost certainly not filtering and already has kidney dis-ease.
And I have had all sorts of clients of mine have a creatinine score well within the "healthy" range yet their kidneys were absolutely not filtering.
In fact, when I have my clients, friends and family members do a simple at home test to see if their kidneys are filtering about 95% of them initially fail. Just like I did in 2015.
And keep in mind my clients are generally much more health conscious than the average person.
Dr. Morse reports the same thing with his clients. Even most of the children he is dealing with these days already have kidneys that are not filtering. Most children inherit so much genetic weakness from their parents that their kidneys are not filtering from the time of birth. My daughter and her brother both had kidneys that were not filtering at a young age.
This means that the dis-ease process is now starting from birth for most children in cultures that are similar here to the United States in terms of diet and "medicine". And unfortunately our deadly diet and lifestyle is spreading all around the world.
The good news is that it is very easy to test if your kidneys are filtering or not.
* How to Test if Your Kidneys are Filtering Properly:
If your kidneys are working properly at filtering out toxins you should be able to see evidence of this in your urine each day. You should be passing particles, sediment or your urine should be very cloudy.
This is regardless of the color of the urine. You can have yellow, clear, reddish (for instance if you ate beets) or even dark urine. Yet regardless of the color if it is translucent or you don't see any clouds or particles it means you are not filtering out acids, chemicals and toxins that should be removed daily from your body.
If you see lots of particles or cloudiness this means that your kidneys are properly eliminating the waste from your 100 trillion or so cells.
Each of your cells eats and poops just like you do. It’s their poop or waste products that should be removed by your kidneys. Even if you eat the healthiest diet possible which is the Raw Complete Diet that I teach you will still be suffering from the dis-ease process if your kidneys are not filtering.
If you don't see these particles it means you are storing these acids and toxins in your body because your kidneys are too clogged and or damaged to eliminate these toxins.
This clogging of the kidneys is the root cause of most other dis-eases you can name.
If these acids and toxins can't get out it means your body is going to have to store these acids inside the body. The body has many different ways to protect itself from these acids including storing the toxins in fat cells or coating the toxins in mucus. But eventually these toxins will start to hit vital organs, glands and or bodily systems.
Which eventually leads to your cells being burned and destroyed by these acids. This means that any organ in the body can be destroyed by these acids that can't escape. And I would say the majority of adults who eat a common Western style of diet will have clogged kidneys or the "Root Cause Dis-ease".
Imagine, I was a raw foodist of 14 years and even my kidneys were clogged. That doesn't bode well for people who eat a toxic diet. Not to mention that kidneys can become clogged simply from breathing in highly polluted air for a long enough time.
This method of clogging the kidneys happened to me due to living on the Big Island of Hawaii for several years. What most people don't realize is the air there was quite toxic because of the daily eruptions of the Kilauea volcano. I believe my kidneys were filtering properly before I started living in Hawaii.
* What Ailments Can Happen as a Result of Clogged Kidneys?
Just about any illness or named dis-ease.
For instance, a clogging of the kidneys can cause dementia, brain and eye dis-eases, heart dis-ease, cancers, IBS, lupus, fibromyalgia, ulcers, arthritis, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, hair loss or baldness and most other so called diseases in any part of the body.
For when the kidneys lose their filtering function it eventually leads to the acidic breakdown of endocrine glands (like the adrenal, thyroid and pituitary glands for instance) and potentially any other gland, organ or bodily system like the liver or heart. And as these organs and glands weaken they start causing other dis-eases. But the original cause was actually kidney dis-ease because the clogged and weakened kidneys led to and caused the eventual damage of the other organs.
This is why attaining high level kidney filtration is CRUCIAL to being able to heal the body.
Hence most dis-eases originate from clogged, damaged and or weakened kidneys. Clogged kidneys are the root cause of the majority of illnesses humans face today.
Another similarly bad or root cause for diseases is a clogged colon or constipation or mucoid plaque. If you're not having at least 2 or 3 large bowel movements per day it means you are storing your own feces inside your colon. This causes all sorts of dis-ease as well but is a topic for another day.
* Kidney Filtration Test Instructions:
Mainly you just need to urinate (pee) into a clear glass jar (a medium to large mason jar is good) in the morning before you've eaten. Your urine can be any color but it should be cloudy or you can visibly see lots of particles in it.
NOTE: Not every single urination will necessarily be cloudy or particle rich even if your kidneys are filtering properly. Though the urine should be cloudy most of the day once your kidneys are filtering at a high level. I have been testing my urine all day long for years.
However, It may not be cloudy if you've just consumed a lot of fluids and or juicy fruit like a watermelon and it is causing you to urinate frequently.
Also I may have had a very cloudy urination into the jar in the morning but later on I add a couple of urinations into the same jar that came after a high water content meal of juicy fruit, then those urinations may completely remove the visible particles or cloudiness.
This can visually remove the particles even if you let it sit overnight. I think the high fluid urinations somehow change the urine chemically and what particles were visible earlier in the day are hidden in solution or are much harder to see.
So please realize there is some nuance to testing your urine for filtration. If you don't do a lot of testing you may think that you are not filtering when indeed you might be if you tested your urine at the right time.
As for me, I would say that at this point at least 75% of my urinations throughout the day are visibly cloudy or particle rich.
NOTE2: I used to find that my urine gets more cloudy after my first urination (by the 2nd and or 3rd urination) in the morning and or during breakfast. In fact, in the first urination often I didn't seem to have much if any cloudiness. But by the 2nd and 3rd urination it almost always showed cloudiness.
I don't usually eat for at least 3 or 4 hours after waking up. So during that time I pee into a glass jar and usually it looks quite cloudy. With no way to see through the very cloudy or even milky urine mixture.
However, these days it looks like my kidney filtration has improved even more... so even my first urination in the morning is now always cloudy.
Yet back in 2015 after having been 100% raw for 14 years already my kidneys were NOT filtering. Back then my urine had barely any particles or cloudiness to it at any time of the day. So this lack of kidney filtration is something that most definitely can be healed.
These days after the urine has settled down for two or three hours I can start to see thick white particles that settle to the bottom of the urine. If I shake the jar it looks like a snow globe.
OK then, you now know the problem and how to test if you have it.
In my next post I will share with you a potent method I have personally used to heal this lack of kidney filtration. You will get the entire formula so that you can make it at home any time you wish.
Have you tested your kidneys for filtration? If so what were your results? Or did you have a lack of kidney filtration but then were able to fix it? Let me know in the comments section.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
All info I can find on this associates some sort of health problem with cloudy urine. Can you provide any reference links that state otherwise?