I Made an Incredible Discovery 2-Days Ago
Loads of Life Saving & Improving TRUTH Inside + My Opinion on the Carnivore Diet
(NOTE: There is a little bit of something valuable for every kind of person on my email list in this post. If one topic doesn’t interest you then keep on scrolling down. I’m pretty sure you are going to be fascinated with what you find. What I am saying is don’t sell this post short by a quick glance. There is so much more useful info on a variety of topics than you can imagine right now.)
(NOTE 2: This turned out to be an extremely long post. But long because it includes a ton of useful info. Hence I have edited it since I first put it out to include a table of contents just below this for quick reference and or to be able to quickly skip to the sections that interests you most by clicking on that particular heading.)
Table of Contents:
Story About the Incredible Discovery I Recently Made
A Great Video on the Power of Mantras
What is the value of TRUTH you may be wondering?
How to KNOW for Sure What the Real Diet for Humans Actually Is
My Opinion on the Carnivore Diet
Study Showing Most Children and Teenagers Already Developing Atherosclerosis
How to Quickly Produce Atherosclerosis in Rabbits and Monkeys
* The Importance of Being Able to Detect Conmen and Conwomen *
The Spiritual Giant in a Famous Pop Music Group
The Vibrations of Some of the Main Stars of “Happy Days” and “Laverne and Shirley”
What are the Vibrations of Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David?
* Diet and Nutrition CON Men and Women *
A Couple of the Good Guys of Nutrition
An Example of a Bad Guy (and Disinformation Agent) in Nutrition
* What About Authors Who Write About the Deep State and Government Conspiracies? *
* Exciting New Information is Coming Your Way *
Story About the Incredible Discovery I Recently Made
A couple of days ago in the morning I was doing what turned out to be a long spiritual exercise or meditation.
And during that meditation, as usual, I got into the higher planes of consciousness and I quickly felt the presence of Divine Love and Light.
Then with a blaze of insight I started to realize something incredibly important about something new I had been doing in recent months. I realized that for the last 6 months or so I had been tapping into a source of the highest power and truth possible on a daily basis.
And if you are sensitive to picking up vibrations you should be able to feel and sense this uplifting LIGHT POWER simply by reading this post for it is filled with liberating Divine Light Energy.
This new thing is a power beam of Divine Wisdom that drip feeds me truth. I don't get it all at once but it gradually comes to me day after day.
However, it was only recently that I realized it was a way to infuse the HIGHEST truths from our Creator directly into my consciousness. A way to easily get into higher and higher states of consciousness and to help me to continue to detect the many lies that are constantly being told here on Earth to humanity.
One super cool thing that has been happening to me as a result is that I am gradually becoming much more empathic. Which means I am more able to consciously detect the vibrations and or the feelings of people and things. As well as being able to detect the distinct vibrations of many of my incorporeal spiritual guides. And this is such an extremely valuable skill to have for multiple reasons.
Out of nowhere I have become an Empath.
That is really exciting as my ability to communicate with my spiritual guides and guardian angels is getting stronger too.
What is the Secret?
So are you ready to learn what the secret is?
This is it - It’s the power of chanting highly charged mantras and understanding what mantras really are. You need to especially understand or realize this principle…
“The mantra (the sound itself) is the guru or the saint.”
“The mantra is the deity.”
By chanting the mantra it is like having the presence of the guru, God or deity that you are chanting right there with you.
I just happened to have discovered a super powerful mantra that is specific to me. It is not something I can share.
But even just chanting the well known Om or Aum you will tap into a dynamic spiritual power. I have been using mantras for decades already but this new mantra is just taking things to a higher level for me.
If you are Christian you could also very effectively use the name of my dear friend JESUS as your mantra. There are hundreds of powerful mantras that you can use.
When I was a member of Eckankar decades ago we used to chant the word HU all of the time. And that was also a potent mantra that most definitely got me into the higher planes of consciousness.
You can also chant AH as a great mantra to use. There are books and all sorts of videos on the topic that can give you more ideas.
Another powerful mantra is…
Om Nama Shivaya
A Great Video on the Power of Mantras
A great video I watched recently that was really helpful on this topic was this one. This is where I learned the concept that “the mantra is the guru and the guru is the mantra.”
Hinduism For Beginners - Shiva, Mantras, Sadana, Meditation & More | Swami Purnachaitanya | TRS 401
What is the value of TRUTH you may be wondering?
Well just about everything that is important or of consequence in life. For most people are unknowingly ruining their happiness and quality of life because of the many lies they have been tricked into believing and following.
Knowing the truth about something can completely change the direction of your life for the better.
The vast majority of people are unconsciously violating many laws of Nature and hence paying the severe consequences.
At the very least most humans are living extremely shortened lifetimes full of needless disease and suffering.
How to KNOW for Sure What the Real Diet for Humans Actually Is
Hence, an important example of TRUTH is knowing what the real diet of humans actually is. Not just believing it but KNOWING it.
DS, who is one of my Divine Mentors (He is an ancient Soul who is the Divine Sound Current that pulses through all of Creation) strongly emphasized to me what the real human diet was in the late summer of 2020. And he knows the real truth about this and virtually everything else about life here on Earth because he works directly with the Creator of this multiverse.
And I have seen tons of other evidence in the form of studies and the experiences of my students, friends, family and myself that has led me to believe that the Raw Complete Diet, as I teach it, is the intended diet of humanity. It's a diet high in raw fruits, vegetables, herbs and other raw foods and that is high in carbohydrates and low in fat and protein.
My Opinion on the Carnivore Diet
It really cracks me up how many people out there think that a Carnivore Diet is the real diet of humanity. These people are simply asleep and have not done their nutritional homework. In so many ways humans are nothing like carnivores and our health is quickly damaged by eating animal foods regularly.
Evidenced by this since most children in the United States where this study was done eat animal foods...
Study Showing Most Children and Teenagers Already Developing Atherosclerosis
Most ominous were the results reported by the 1992 Bogalusa Heart Study, which studied autopsies performed on children killed in accidental deaths. The study confirmed the existence of fatty plaques and streaks (the beginning of atherosclerosis) in most children and teenagers!16
Fuhrman, Joel. Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss (pp. 21-22). Little, Brown and Company. Kindle Edition.
(NOTE: I no longer specifically promote Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Although he has a ton of great information in some of his books and especially "Eat to Live". He has been found to do a number of questionable things regarding the claims about his diet, supplements etc. Let's just say his vibrations are not on the positive side.)
Plus, I can tell simply from the vibrations of the words 'Carnivore Diet' that it is not the right diet for humans. Yes the name itself gives it away to someone who can accurately detect vibrations. But this is only in relation to it being the supposed correct diet for humans.
For true carnivores like cats, a carnivore diet is what is right for their biological design and it keeps them healthy. But it should be common sense that we are NOTHING like cats or other carnivores in terms of our biology, physiology and the design of our digestive system.
Would you actually salivate at the idea of killing a rabbit with your bare hands and ripping it’s fur open with your teeth and getting to and chewing the flesh, blood and guts and just devouring it raw? Does that sound like a gourmet meal to you?
A true carnivore or omnivore would love that. To humans that is repulsive.
That right there should be an obvious clue.
How stupid and brainwashed humanity has become.
How to Quickly Produce Atherosclerosis in Rabbits and Monkeys
This little section below from cardiology expert Dr. William C. Roberts will further prove my point. Dr. Roberts has proven that LDL cholesterol is the single cause of coronary artery disease.
"Facts and principles learned at the 39th Annual Williamsburg Conference on Heart Disease"
Dr. Roberts was the Executive Director of Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute and long-time Editor in Chief of the American Journal of Cardiology. He spent over 50 years investigating Coronary Artery Disease.
Atherosclerosis is easily produced experimentally:
1) Atherosclerosis is easily produced experimentally in herbivores (monkeys, rabbits) by giving them diets containing large quantities of cholesterol (egg yolks) or saturated fat (animal fat). Indeed, atherosclerosis is one of the easiest diseases to produce experimentally, but the recipient must be an herbivore.
It is not possible to produce atherosclerosis in carnivores (tigers, lions, dogs, etc.). In contrast, it is not possible to produce atherosclerosis simply by raising a rabbit's blood pressure or blowing cigarette smoke in its face for an entire lifetime.
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3603726/
Isn't that interesting that carnivorous cats and omnivorous dogs (they are not true carnivores) cannot get atherosclerosis no matter how much animal fat you feed them. But herbivores like rabbits and frugivores (a subset of herbivores) or the monkees in this case, will quickly get atherosclerosis from being fed lots of animal fat.
So if humans that eat meat have all sorts of problems with heart disease and excessive cholesterol does that not prove that humans are not DESIGNED to eat meat?
The Starvation Diet
Another HUGE problem with the Carnivore Diet is that it is a starvation diet because it is extremely nutrient deficient. It is deficient in literally thousands of health protecting nutrients including:
Hundreds of thousands of phytonutrients that only come from plants (phyto means PLANT - Hence the less plant foods you eat the less phytonutrients you are getting.)
Thousands of antioxidants that only come from plants
Fiber - As there is no fiber in meat or dairy
Carbohydrates - As the obvious goal of these keto style diets is to limit carbohydrates and that is a HUGE mistake for human health. Carbohydrates are the cleanest burning fuel for the human body.
Life, Light or Happiness Energy - There is none of this vitally important energy in any cooked foods whether on a meat, vegetarian or vegan cooked food diet.
Check out my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) group for full details on eating the real human diet while adoring what you eat plus how to reverse and stop the so-called aging process permanently.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) = PermaYouth
This is why Dr. Atkins sold so many different supplements because his low carb and high animal food based diet was and still is extremely nutrient deficient and he knew it.
But it is also super dangerous because it is super high in fat and protein and cholesterol. At the very least high animal protein diets are known to be damaging to the kidneys, heart and a huge risk factor for diabetes and cancers of all kinds.
Another major fault of the Carnivore Diet is that it is an acid based diet instead of alkaline like our natural diet is. Animal meat and dairy are acidic ash foods. This is also very damaging to the body and especially damaging to the digestive tract. These acids burn the digestive tract. Hence the high incidence of colon cancer in meat eaters.
Plus animal foods and especially dairy are very mucus forming. The truth is that humans are not designed to eat animal foods. If we were, we wouldn't produce mucus after eating them.
And one thing these Carnivore Diet promoters never tell you is that in study after study the longest lived people are the ones who eat the most fruits and vegetables. And that meat eaters are at a much higher risk of early death than vegetarians.
Yes, I know I got sidetracked in this post. But the Carnivore Diet is just a horrible diet and it will absolutely destroy your health even if you feel some initial health improvements from eating carnivore. Certainly it's an improvement over the Death Diet but in the long run the carnivore and similar ketogenic diets will destroy the health and shorten the lifespan of the people eating these diets.
And that is because humans were not designed to eat meat in the first place. We can eat it but it will result in many different health problems.
* The Importance of Being Able to Detect Conmen and Conwomen *
Truth is also knowing who are the good and who are the bad people on this planet. This is something 98% of humans screw up on regularly.
Many humans these days have started to realize that our governments are lying to us big time. They eventually realize this but then they start following leaders in this field who they think are fighting evil but instead are paid disinformation agents. Hence, the semi awakened humans are still being deceived by the bad guys big time.
And during the last year as I have continued working on my spiritual growth I have been getting more sensitive to picking up the TRUE vibrations of people regardless of how friendly their outer appearance may seem. And now I can look at pictures and or watch videos and usually I can tell you if that person is a good guy or a bad guy due to the vibrations I pick up without even thinking about it.
It's not something I think about or analyze. I am simply feeling their vibrations. It's super important to not just be a pollyanna and believe that everyone is kind and loving. That is simply not true. The majority of people (around 75%) on this planet currently lean toward the side of evil. It's vitally important to know if you are dealing with someone who has evil intentions or positive ones.
The majority of people on this planet (even many awakened ones) are falling for one scam after another. Even written history itself is a massive scam. Much of the history we were taught in public school is simply propaganda put out by our governments to control us.
The Spiritual Giant in a Famous Pop Music Group
In any case... sometimes I get really lucky and I detect the vibrations of a spiritual giant. Oftentimes these spiritual giants have no clue who they really are. They are in disguise even to themselves.
Like when I discovered that one of the female lead singers of ABBA, is a super powerful angelic kind of being. I saw the most amazing spiritual vision of her that gave me incredible bliss. Now what is absolutely crazy is that I got that vision and experience of hers on the exact day that they released two new songs for the first time in close to 40 years. That was September 2, 2021.
I have just posted that old email to Substack so you can read it now. It is well worth your time in reading it. It is also a very high vibration post.
Mighty Angel Discovered in a Famous Pop Music Group
Much later on I found out that she and I have been friends and or family members in a number of past lives.
Why How Attractive Someone Looks or How Friendly They Seem to Be Outwardly, Does Not Give an Accurate Picture of Their True Vibrations
What is interesting is that I may like someone for certain reasons but their vibrations may not be good at all. I may have liked a person or a TV show from childhood but only to learn quite recently that the main stars of the show that I really liked were really bad guys in real life.
The Vibrations of Some of the Main Stars of “Happy Days” and “Laverne and Shirley”
Yesterday for instance, I started vibrationally assessing some of the people associated with the very famous "Happy Days" TV show from the 1970s and 80s. Unfortunately the main stars behind that show who I looked up and analyzed were not good people. Some of them had really horrible vibrations the more I checked them out.
And that was a bit surprising to me. Based on their TV personas and seemingly friendly personalities I would have never have guessed it.
I only looked into about 5 of them including the creator of the show and some people associated with "Laverne and Shirley". But unfortunately, they all had negative vibrations.
I used to regularly watch both of these shows back in the 70s. Back then I didn't know anything about vibrations. I was just a regular brainwashed child like most everyone else.
Quite frankly it's rare for a Hollyweird star not to have negative vibrations due to how corrupt and Satanic Hollyweird is. But there are some high Souls who have gotten through the cracks of the Satanic system.
What are the Vibrations of Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David?
One for instance, is the great comedian Jerry Seinfeld. He and (initially surprising to me) Larry David (they're the creators of Seinfeld) are both very high Souls as far as I can tell. In fact, I just got a great feeling of JOY and saw white light as soon as I started writing about them. This is another example of how much more sensitive I have become to detecting vibrations recently.
However, two of the four main stars or lead actors of Seinfeld are bad guys or evil people. Which means they have in one way or another sold their souls to the devil or to evil in general. So you've got two good guys (when I say good guys or bad guys they could be male or female). You know one of them is Jerry Seinfeld. But which of the other three is the good guy? Once you figure that out then you know who the bad guys are too.
I suggest you try to detect all of their vibrations on your own. What you can do is look up pictures of each actor (Jerry Seinfeld, Michael Richards, Jason Alexander and Julia Louis-Dreyfus) in your favorite search engine and spend a few minutes just looking at these pictures. What do you start to feel by looking at those pictures?
I'd love to hear what you FELT or didn't feel. And you can have a different opinion than mine. Please feel free to share your findings in the comments section below. It would be lots of fun to hear your take.
Just realize that most people are not that good at being able to accurately detect the vibrations of other people. Yet everyone has objective overall positive, negative and or more neutral vibrations that will be detected the same way by people who are empathic.
What I am trying to say is that if one person feels a person is positive and another feels this person is negative that both of those opinions cannot be right at the same time. People have distinct vibrations that are like a spiritual fingerprint which identifies them vibrationally.
Of course, over time their vibrations can improve or unfortunately even get worse. Hence, no one is limited to staying in their current state of consciousness.
* Diet and Nutrition CON Men and Women *
I can now easily tell you who is a conman and who is one of the good guys. And then I often ask DS for confirmation and more details about the people I have analyzed.
This goes for nutrition "experts" as well.
And there are far more con men and women in the field of nutrition than good guys. Virtually everything you hear about nutrition is wrong. But there are some good guys out there too even if they don't have all the pieces of the puzzle right. But they have good hearts and are working for the welfare of humanity and not to just line their own pockets.
A Couple of the Good Guys of Nutrition
An example of one of the good guys is Dr. Peter Rogers who I have mentioned in a previous post. He's doing great work but still has some misconceptions that are holding him back. Another good guy vibrationally speaking is Dr. Robert Morse whom I have mentioned many times in the past.
But the conmen are everywhere. So having the ability to detect someone's true vibrations is incredibly valuable.
An Example of a Bad Guy (and Disinformation Agent) in Nutrition
Just today for instance, I was given a video in my Youtube feed from this guy Dr. Anthony Chaffee who is a no plant nutrition or carnivore advocate. I started watching his video but didn't feel the best vibrations. So then I decided to check his pictures out to get a more accurate assessment of his true vibrations. I wanted to be more sure of what I was getting.
At first I didn't feel anything bad. In fact, at first I felt somewhat pleasant vibrations. Sometimes I don't feel the person's true vibrations right away. I have to look for a minute or two. But then after a minute or so I started to feel the negative vibrations getting stronger and stronger. It felt just like when I was watching the video.
I also asked DS about him. When I asked if he was a paid disinformation agent I got a most emphatic YES answer. And he is likely using PEDs as well or performance enhancing drugs.
* What About Authors Who Write About the Deep State and Government Conspiracies? *
Even many of the conspiracy types of authors or experts or Youtube influencers in this field are bad guys too. And that is a topic I know is true since I started studying the true power structures of the planet starting way back in 1979. However, there are plenty of bad guys out there who are muddying the waters regarding accurate information on the real conspiracies happening on Earth. They are paid disinformation agents of the Satanic Banksters who are the secret rulers of many of the countries on this planet.
DS’s Opinion on Qanon
For instance, Qanon is one of those psyops and disinformation agents. And this psyop is actually run by the same people who secretly rule the planet and who control mainstream media as well. They know they need to mislead the ever larger group of people who strongly distrust their governments. So they made this Qanon thing specifically for those people.
DS revealed this information to us about Qanon in 2020. My father on the other side told us the same thing about Qanon.
And I had long before determined on my own before I knew DS that it was a bunch of lies. Of course, they will throw some truth in there too to keep their audience believing them.
But the Qanon stuff is pure garbage. It's designed to make the more awake people passive and thinking that they don't have to do anything. They want to make you passive so that they can continue to rule the planet forever. That is why they pay to have tons of disinformation agents out there.
Anyways, this post got way longer than I intended.
* Exciting New Information is Coming Your Way *
I also wanted to let you know that I have an epic new post that I am about to send you. I have been working on it almost daily for like a week. It's about a specific Star Trek - (The original series) episode and aging. There is a whole bunch of useful information for you in that post.
It's a whole lot of fun with breakthrough information you won't get anywhere else. I think you're going to really enjoy it.
And if you enjoyed or benefitted from this post please do subscribe, like and share it with your friends.
It just takes a few seconds for you to do but helps me to keep bringing you breakthrough information like this more often.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger David Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 56-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
Another excellent post, Roger. I had read somewhere several years ago that "universe" stood for one verse or one sound hence, uni-verse. I could be wrong, but after giving it some thought I think some mantras vibrate the pineal gland which in turn activates it to induce the enlightenment effect in some people.
I've been reading up on angels and archangels lately and have learned that it is recommended to intone the names in a lower voice similar to the chanting done in Tibetan Buddhism. It is supposedly a more effective way to communicate with the angels.
As far as the carnivore diet is concerned, I really resonated with a vegetarian advocate recently who stated that animals and creatures don't willingly approach their hunters to be killed or happily lay down to be killed and be eaten. All animals and creatures do everything possible to preserve their lives and avoid any danger. They fight against both human and animal hunters to stay alive. So, that made common sense to me as another reason why not to eat animal flesh. Besides, once in a while one hears about meat and vegetable contamination like salmonella or some other disease in produce.
I have been largely vegan since 2010 eating the once in a blue moon fish sandwich and on rare occasions, salmon. But I am always cognizant that much of the seafood is high in mercury and other contaminants present in the oceans and rivers.
I also grew up listening to Abba's beautiful songs. Their sound is truly unique.
I resonate with Mario's comment and can also sense similar vibes from those same actors.
I've learned that many actors have suffered less than favorable upbringing or experiences and have managed to find a coping mechanism through acting and other forms of entertainment and have hidden their true colors quite well. Subsequently, they've been able to fool the audience and their fans as well. Like a recent revelation about Tina Turner I watched TV personality Judge Joe Brown who claimed Tina was actually pretty rough around the edges when she started in music and fought often with husband Ike. Judge Brown revealed she actually ran a prostitution ring during her early days, and claimed Ike was actually a good kindhearted person dealing with a few demons of his own who had been demonized by the media for several reasons.
Many entertainers have been and are currently involved in Satanism, wicca, and other demonic practices. The child trafficking news has made it pretty obvious in recent years who participated and may be behind it all.
I've been able to pick up on paid disinfo agents in nutrition like Professor Bart Kay guy who goes against any raw food promoting individuals. Many of them just can't hide their true colors even when they try to. I can look at a few of the leaders in the banking industry as well and can quickly tell it's not a good group. Their eyes give them away.
I recently picked up on negative vibes about Qanon as well. Recently, I've read several posters commenting about the group being disinfo agents and up to no good.
Whenever you have time, Roger, I'd like to know your opinion on the company LifeWave which sells a line of non-transdermal anti-aging patches utilizing the science of phototherapy. I learned about them many years ago from another raw food advocate named Peter Ragnar. Sorry for such a lengthy comment. But your post activated some thoughts I had for a while.
Take good care.
Hi Roger! I'm happy to find out Jerry Seinfeld is a good guy, as well as his creative partner, Larry David. As of the remaining three leads from Seinfeld, before looking at photos and wikipedia pages, I was pretty sure that Jason Alexander must (surprisingly) be the good guy. Now I am not so sure, but I still pick him. Michael Richards and Julia Louis-Dreyfus seem to give me some repressed anger vibes, which I don't really much get from Jason Alexander. As much as I love Kramer, Michael Richards doesn't give me particular positive vibes, plus the wikipedia page says he's a freemason. Julia Louis-Dreyfus gave me standard Hollywood vibes, I don't want to sound too harsh, but the standard Hollywood vibes are something like "I have no problem eating children if that will get me ahead in life" vibes, though I also felt confused by some sadness I felt in her. Jason Alexander, on the other hand, in spite of the horrible (but funny) personality of his George character, doesn't give me the vibe that he is capable of visceral hate, he seems to me to mean well. I might be totally wrong though, so I'm very curious what you think is the truth.