19 Overwhelming PROOFS: Raw Food is Our Natural Diet
This proves once and for all that a nutritionally complete vegetarian Raw Food Diet IS the diet that humans were designed to eat.
These are some questions and or comments from a long time customer in regard to my latest post:
When you combine the information in that post and this one you start to see very clearly that raw foods of fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, roots and shoots must be our natural diet.
I myself had many of the same questions and doubts. In fact, I even had some low level of doubt even until as recent as 2020.
I don’t say this to brag, I feel EXTREMELY FORTUNATE to have been given the information I received from Divine Source (DS) as I’ll explain further below. There is hardly anyone on the planet (probably no one else) that has been able to gain true clarity on what our ideal diet really is from just about every angle like I have.
Yes some raw foodists get it to an extent. But for instance, why is it that many raw foodists need to supplement with vitamin B12. Does that mean we were designed to eat at least a certain amount of meat?
Well I now know exactly what is going on with regards to that thanks to DS explaining it to me. I will explain further down in this article why that happens.
These are the kinds of doubts that can plague people. Even if it is the best diet around and they feel amazing on it, it still can seem at times that maybe just maybe there’s something you don’t know or that somehow it is wrong.
But there is so much I have been very fortunate to learn from Divine Source (DS) that I now know EXACTLY what diet humans were designed to eat. I know every reason why sometimes it appears not to be perfect but why in actuality it is.
I know it from my conversations with DS and my own personal experiences over the last 21.5 years of eating a 99.9% Raw Food Diet. And even more so since implementing what I have learned from DS in 2020. For my health has improved leaps and bounds in that time.
But I also know it from working with my raw food mentoring clients as well.
DS filled in the missing gaps in my knowledge so that I could share it for the benefit of the world.
And I must say that DS was absolutely emphatic on this issue. He told me to never let anyone try to convince me that the Raw Food Diet (done properly or Raw Complete) isn’t our natural diet. He drilled that home BIG TIME to me PERSONALLY and with a iron fist. He wanted me to have the faith and knowingness (that he had) that what I was teaching about the Raw Food Diet was TRUTH. But he also answered all of my questions about this so that I had the knowledge to back up my common sense and experiental based faith.
The thing is… he actually knows this with 100% certainty.
He has knowledge and wisdom no human can possibly possess.
Because he works intimately with God. And he’s been around and conscious likely for billions of years without break. He’s not like your typical human Soul. He’s always aware. His level of knowledge and experience is unimaginable.
On top of that he is omnipresent and a genius of the highest caliber. He has immense wisdom and power that is incomprehensible to the human mind.
He can see into and medically scan any human body and tell you what is causing the particular disease or health problem. And he can do it faster and better than any doctor on Earth could do it.
He’s been around since the time of Jesus and way before. He even told us a lot about Jesus and what he was like. I have an audio of that conversation. Maybe in the future I’ll post a transcript of it. It is absolutely fascinating and I must say Jesus was 100% the real deal in terms of being a spiritual giant.
Below you’re going to get clarity to questions about the Raw Diet you may have too or have had at some point in your journey.
So she made some points and then you will see my response to her points. For the purpose of this article and my readers I have gone much more in depth than in my original reply to her.
Hi Roger,
Thank you so much for answering my question. It is all very interesting especially that video you posted. In fact all your posts I find very informative. But everyone that has diet info out there has info to support their way of eating and how to do their kind of diets.
Did you read the full post on: Does Eating a 1lb of White Sugar Daily Cause Diabetes?
Reasons 1 & 2:
(The two questions from the end of the above post.)
Especially the end of my post. If you ask some common sense based questions the truth becomes apparent. Please go back and read the last section and truly ask yourself those two questions because the answers to those common sense questions will blow away many of your current doubts.
Because in truth, the arguments for keto, high fat or carnivore diets for humans don’t actually make sense when you analze them from the right perspective or perspectives.
Unfortunately common sense and logic is a rare commodity amongst humans these days. Hopefully this reply will make things a LOT clearer for you.
And I can't help but notice how beautiful these men and women, who have been on the keto, carnivore and lion diets for years, look. And how many of them cured many ills that they had. Its amazing.
Reason 3:
I have not noticed that at all. Yes there may be some who are younger who look good but that is only because they are relatively young.
For instance, there are plenty of body builders who look great (if you like that kind of look) when they are young. But they very often die young and have major health problems later in life because of their use of so many steroids and other performance enhancing drugs plus a high protein cooked food diet.
In my personal experience usually people who are on carnivore or keto diets are still overweight. Just less fat than they once were but still overweight. Hardly ever have I seen a properly lean keto diet person if they were once quite overweight. Yes there are exceptions but that is the general trend I have noticed over the last 25 years or so.
I remember a friend of mine thinking his keto diet was so great. Yes he lost some weight but for years after he was still at least 40 pounds overweight. I’ve seen this over and over with people I have met. They lose some weight but never do they ever get to be as lean as I am. They’re usually still quite overweight.
The king of high fat / low carb diets was Dr. Robert Atkins and he died quite overweight. In fact, at his death at 72 years of age he was 258 pounds but only 6 feet tall. I am 3 inches taller than Atkins and my heaviest weight ever was 180 pounds. These days I usually weigh less than 165 and am fairly muscular.
That means he was 78 pounds heavier than my heaviest weight while being three inches shorter which would have made him obese. And yet he was constantly preaching about the weight loss benefits of his diet. I used to listen to him on the radio. He had his own show for a number of years on WOR in New York. (For most of my life I used to live in New Jersey but these days Arizona is my home.)
Reason 4:
(BTW, You see how the high fat and high protein authors get all the media coverage? And notice that you will rarely see coverage on people promoting a high fruit and vegetables based Raw Food Diet or Live Food Diet.
Cooked meat, fish and grains is what our hidden controllers want you to eat and so that is why these diets have so much popularity in mainstream culture.)
Reason 5:
Before that I actually bought one of Dr. Atkins books and tried his diet for a few days. But obviously that didn’t work out for me. At the time I was not trying to lose weight. I was hoping a diet could help me with my depression at the time. No diet I tried even came close to relieving me of depression like the Raw Food Diet did.
What about fat Sally Fallon of the Weston A. Price Foundation and who promotes a meat heavy diet too?
NOTE: I am not attacking Sally personally but I am pointing out her fattening diet recomendations. Her system clearly does not work for her.
I can’t even find any pictures of her from the last five years. I wouldn’t doubt that she got fatter and sicker. It’s not good for business if the author of multiple books on diet and nutrition is overweight. In the past I have seen pictures of her where she looked much fatter. But I can’t find them anymore.
The man next to her is thin but she is not. You can see it in her fatronaut arms, thick waist and her fat face. If she was eating raw and also healed herself she would be 30 pounds or more lighter.
Here’s another image of her where overweightness is more clear.
Plus she has all sorts of signs of cooked food damage in her body.
Reason 6:
The thinnest authors are almost never the keto authors but the vegetarian and vegan authors. Yes, they still eat cooked food but they are much closer to getting it right than the fat and sickly keto authors.
Look up these famous vegan/vegetarian authors, researchers and doctors. They’re all thin.
Michael Clapper
T. Colin Campbell
Neal Barnard
John A. McDougall
Caldwell Esselstyn
Michael Greger
Joel Fuhrman
Reason 7:
The truth is that those people following keto and carnivore diets may be a dramatic improvement over the SADD (Standard American Death Diet) so their health will of course improve. But this does not mean that this is the best way to eat. It's simply an improvement over their former horrific diet.
No diet that is cooked can be an ideal diet as I will prove below with the antioxidant and phytonutrient equation.
Reason 8:
There is not an animal in nature that cooks their food. Yet humans cook their food and they are by far the sickest animal on the planet. Followed closely by our pets that we also feed cooked food to.
Are you starting to see a pattern?
Reason 9:
And I'm sorry but anyone who is eating a meat diet (and cooked foods in general) is lowering their vibrations tremendously. The ultimate happiness and spiritual diet is a properly done Raw Food Diet as I teach. Case closed. No other diet can compare.
See the orange juice test below to prove my point. And of course you can prove this to yourself by eating only raw foods for 24 hours or so.
And what I teach is the ONLY diet and healing system that actually stops the aging process. No cooked food diet can do this because of the high levels of oxidants created by the cooking process.
Reason 10, 11 and 12:
(Oxidants, antioxidants and phytochemicals)
Cell oxidation due to oxidants is a proven cause of aging. And a Raw Food Diet has much less oxidants than any other diet (damaging chemicals) combined with being the highest diet by far in protective antioxidants and other phytochemicals. Which makes it the best diet for staying young and healthy.
Each cooked keto or carnivore or high fat diet meal is aging you because of the damage from oxidants ripping tiny holes in your cells and your DNA. And since meat and dairy have very low antioxidant levels you get a double whammy in the aging department. Because you have nothing to put out the fire from all of the oxidants you are ingesting. You need antioxidants to neutralize damage from oxidants.
I have seen antioxidant level tests done on people in the past. People who took lots of antioxidant supplments had much lower antioxidant levels in their bodies than people who ate a 100% Raw Food Diet. The Raw Complete Diet that I teach will give you the absolute highest levels of healing and anti-aging antioxidants and phytonutrients than any other diet on the planet.
The Antioxidant & Phytochemical Equation:
Cooked food is high in oxidants + low antioxidants + low in phytonutrients = rapid cellular damage, accelerated aging, disease, overweight, chronic fatigue and depression
Raw Food Diet of fruits and vegetables is very low in oxidants + super high in antioxidants & phytonutrients = youthful, happy, glowing, energetic, slim and healthy body
- Phytonutrients otherwise known as phytochemicals are substances found in most all plants (fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, roots, tree bark, nuts, seeds, onions etc.) which are beneficial to human health and help prevent various diseases. Science has cataloged more than 25,000 phytonutrients of which you will get a lot less if you exclude raw fruit, cook your vegetables and if you eat a carnivore, keto or high fat diet. As meat is lacking in antioxidants and phytonutrients.
Of course, the SAD diet will also have a horrible antioxidant & phytonutrient equation. Even a cooked vegan or vegetarian diet cannot compare to supreme healing antioxidant and phytonutrient power of a Raw Complete Diet.
NOTE: Phytonutrients can also act as antioxidants.
NOTE 2: Cooking damages antioxidants and phytonutrients
Reason 13:
But then the damage is much greater even than that because these animal based high protein diets are highly acid ash forming. Yes they are acidic and will damage the digestive tract over time.
Divine Source (DS) told us that the worst thing for the digestive tract was meat and dairy. And based on all of the incredible healing his advice has given to me, I tend to believe him.
I guess I'll just have to leave it as: Not all diets work for all people.
Reason 14:
This is not exactly true. The Raw Food Diet "would" work for every single person on this planet if they were healthy. But what happens is people have so much damage from generations of eating cooked food that sometimes they cannot thrive on all raw foods at first for a number of reasons. Most of which can be reversed. Though some people have troubles because they have had surgeries removing large chunks of their colon for instance.
Reason 15:
Most people have tremendous damage to their digestive tracts from a lifetime of eating cooked food. Plus whatever gland and organ weaknesses they inherited at birth from their parents.
So, if their adrenal glands are highly weakened or exhausted then eating fruit can cause them blood sugar swings at first. Healthy adrenals means a healthy blood sugar metabolism.
Reason 16:
Also if their kidneys are not filtering properly and they have arthritis for instance and they start to eat fruit they can get more pain than they had before. Why? Because the fruit loosens up the toxins for removal. But if the kidneys cannot release the toxins and acids from the body then the pain (caused by acids) will simply be moved from one part of the body to another. So things actually feel worse for the person.
The fruit was trying to help the body move the lymphatic fluid but if the kidneys are blocked it doesn't matter what you do. The acids will stay in the body and destroy the cells. Either that or try to escape through your third kidney the skin in the form of rashes and other skin problems.
Reason 17:
If you want to understand what acids do to the cells then simply pour some battery acid on your hands or your arm. That is NOT going to be a pleasant experience. Most people these days are actually burning from the inside out which is causing the large majority of diseases these days.
I would bet that most of the keto, carnivore and high fat diet authors are also burning from the inside out because their diets are VERY bad for the kidneys. A high protein diet is well known to be severely damaging to the kidneys. This has been known by the mainstream medical profession for decades.
Doctors generally tell their dialysis patients to stay away from high protein foods.
So for some people they will have to heal their kidneys and adrenal glands a bit before they are able to handle their natural raw fruit and vegetable based diet.
I have tried vegetarianism, veganism, raw, keto and carnivore. Raw and carnivore were the easiest to do, but I'm still searching for that diet that works for me.
Please use your common sense. Just think deeply. Read the end of my article as I have stated before and you will be able to prove it to yourself.
Soon I will be putting together an article on all of the many ways my body has healed and gotten younger in the last three years. What you will see I think is going to blow your mind.
There is a correct answer to what our natural diet actually is. Just look to nature and use your common sense and the truth will suddenly become apparent.
Most of the arguments to promote ketogenic type of diets don’t actually make sense if you compare it to the results of eating a properly constructed high carb raw vegetarian diet.
I will look for your diet on your website.
The only place right now to get full details on my system and how to do Raw Complete in a delicious way is my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) group.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
Thanks Roger for all your info,
Glad to help.
Many years ago in my early days of trying to go raw I was confused about this stuff just like you. But I have found multiple ways to gain full clarity on this issue. Some of it is because I have some intuitive channels open in my body. I can see and feel the light that comes from eating raw fruit.
Most people can feel this by doing the orange juice test.
All you need to do is compare pasteurized orange juice in the carton with the taste and feel of fresh squeezed orange juice.
I’m sure if you’ve had fresh squeezed OJ (just that minute squeezed) so that you will know what I am talking about if you go back and remember your experience.
There simply is no comparison. The fresh squeezed is tingly and full of life energy. And it even tastes better. The pasteurized orange juice is dead. You can feel this as you drink them.
Reason 18:
Another reason is 21 years experience on eating a 99.9% Raw Food Diet. I’ve seen life changing benefits to eating all raw. However, later on I started having some problems. But I found out the problem was not with the Raw Food Diet itself but that I wasn’t getting enough of a few basic nutrients for years on end. Once I fixed that issue with Raw Complete everything started improving for the better.
And then I can tell by what is promoted in the media. Whatever is promoted in the maistream media is what the Medical Mafia (the people behind the bolognavirus scam) want you to believe. And what they want is to have everyone eating meat and cooked food. But that is because it destroys and weakens the body and even our spiritual connection to our higher self and God.
There is a truth about this out there. There is a diet we were designed to eat. It's not just what works for some. There is a diet that works for ALL healthy humans. And the truth is that most humans these days are born very unhealthy with all sorts of sub optimal glands and organs as a baby.
We are getting genetically weaker and weaker in each new generation as the food supply becomes more and more toxic. And that is not accidental either. Our puppet masters want us weak, docile and sick. They have doctored cooked food with chemicals and hormones to make it much more damaging than say cooked food was about 100 years ago in the 1920s.
Unhealthy people unfortunately can have severe detox issues if they eat too high a percentage of raw fruits and vegetables at first. So they would have to go gradually and work with someone like me one on one who knows what they are doing.
There are multiple ways to lower the severity of detox issues by using the right herbs. There can also be parasite issues that can cause all sorts of pain as well when the body starts to starve them out by going 100% raw. But that can all be remedied quite easily as I know the most potent anti-parasite herbs imaginable.
Reason 19:
Oops I almost forgot to explain the vitamin B12 issue as DS taught it to us.
The first thing to note is that DS said the B12 in animal foods are the equivalent of getting a B12 supplement at the dollar store. In other words it’s a very low quality form of vitamin B12.
Next it is a fact proven by science that humans already produce vitamin B12 in their guts. According to DS the problem is our lack of ability to absorb that naturally occuring B12.
Why do so many humans have problems absorbing B12? Because we have severely damaged our digestive tracts with decades of eating high protein diets and cooked food in general.
Once you heal your digestive tract like you will learn how to do with an inexpensive but miracle digestive tract healing herb in your first day of LEN membership, then you may find that you don’t need to take B12 supplements anymore. Because then you start to absorb the B12 (and many other nutrients) created by bacteria in your colon the way Nature designed.
Here’s where to find out more about my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) group.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
OK I hope these many reasons give you the motivation to go raw and or to continue doing so.
If you enjoyed this post then please do hit the like and share buttons. This is a way to spread this extremely important message to this world that is suffering in pain needlessly based on the rampant lies about nutrition in our mainstream media, schools, colleges and universities.
And can you please leave a comment and or question of your experiences with eating raw foods versus cooked food? I’d love to here from you.
Plus if you have questions or further doubts please post them in the comments. This will give me further things to write about.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
Wow! You have so much good information on our natural raw food diet. I know I can testify to many of these facts and benefits through my own personal experience. The Soul knows deep down what is true, and that is raw food is the best diet for humans. Thanks for all you have done in putting this article together!
Thanks for that article Roger, especially the picture of Sally Fallon, that alone was an eye opener. I am going to reconsider the raw food diet. I did do a partly raw diet for about 2 years, mainly adding lots of bananas and cherries and blueberries and pineapple in 2 huge smoothies per day, and it took a while but my sugar cravings for garbage sugar eventually really eased up, and I stopped having pulled muscles, and aches and pains. However, I did get sucked back into the "fruit is as bad as sugar B.S." and stopped all the fruit mostly, and I certainly dont feel any better. Also the whole vibration thing, like how can something dead like meat have high vibes!? And what you said about the media is so true too, and I should have known better, as I know that if the media pushes it, its a lie. There is a lady out there, Annette Larson I believe is her name, she is 80 now, and looks 35, and raw since 35. Anyway thanks for the reminder, I needed that!! Im excited to go out and buy all my favorite fruit to start back on my smoothies. Thanks again!! Cindy