Excellent article Roger, very much appreciated, I have always avoided excess sodium, without knowing why, and have always read the sodium amount on food packages (you can do that here in Canada, I don't know about other countries) and sometimes the amount is shocking. I looked up NaCi on the google, no big deal, and then I looked up "salt poisoning" on Wikipedia. Incredible symptoms !! I recommend every one to do that .

March 11, 1984 - July 21, 2022

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I have been told that our bodies are about 80% salt water and that if we don't have water with proper salt such as Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt that, when we drink pure water, this water sucks sodium out of our bodies to make it into salty water,. which should be about one third the concentration of seawater. Yes, table salt is just sodium chloride and is definitely toxic. Much cheaper than raw salt which has all the minerals we need in proper balance but table salt is highly toxic.

What do you think?

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Thank you for replying Tim.

I believe what you have been told about the body being 80% saltwater is incorrect. Our bodies don't have a need for salt, they have a need for sodium. I haven't eaten salt as part of my daily diet in over two decades. And I have zero symptoms of sodium deficiency. But I absolutely do monitor my sodium (not salt) intake on a daily basis.

Also the body will absorb very little in terms of minerals if any from salt. The body absorbs minerals best through organic or plant sources. I believe this is a scientifically proven fact.

Why eat a corrosive cellular poison in order to get a little bit of minerals? It makes no sense to me. You can get all the minerals you need from raw plant Foods as I do on a daily basis. Getting enough sodium into your diet is part of my Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet system. 

Himalayan or Celtic salt is about 95% as damaging as regular table salt. If I were to eat any of those salts which I have in the past in raw food recipes I would feel burning throughout my body. Hence they are still corrosive to the cells and therefore poisonous.

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Very valuable article, Roger, I thank you for it. I did some analysis a few years ago, and according to it and some of your previous articles, my kidneys are kind of toast, even though I don't eat a lot of meat. I also don't eat a lot of salt, but it seems that no salt would be a lot better.

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There are many factors that can clog and damage the kidneys. Even polluted air can very much clog your kidneys. Certainly cooked food in general is going to damage the kidneys and any acid ash foods. Especially meat and dairy. Also high protein foods like beans are rather acidic as well and can damage the kidneys.

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Yes, my city has one of the worst pollution in Europe. I do eat cooked food, but not fried, just boiled. I have given up on most dairy a long time ago, and more recently yoghurt too. I wouldn't have thought that beans can be bad for the kidneys, especially since they are shaped like a kidney, that's good to know.

I did rely a lot lately on eating honey with home-made bread, I know it's not ideal, but at least it's high in carbs and low on protein and fat. I wish I could eat more strawberry, but it is not to be found all year and also rather expensive. But I guess I could eat more apples, those are always to be found in the house.

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