Why did this LEN member quit the Raw Food Diet?
What is the number one best way to heal heart disease? How can you heal bipolar disorder?
I had a LEN (my Light Energy Nutrition group) Member quit the Raw Food Diet for a couple of seemingly common sense reasons. But did he make the best decision for himself?
Well I’ll let him say it in his own words.
Roger, I'm sorry to say this, but I'm no longer interested in eating a raw food diet anymore. You said that eating cheap raw is difficult. And you also said that traveling with a 100% raw diet is difficult depending on where I'm going. This is exactly the reason why this isn't right for me. Especially in Japan. The cost of fruits and vegetables are way too ridiculously expensive there. So therefore, I would like to cancel my membership. This isn't to disappoint you or anything like that. I'm just being very honest.
Firstly it’s important to note that this nice young man asked me a million questions both before he was a member and when he was a member. And then again after canceling his membership. I think asking lots of questions is great. But there can come a time when asking questions actually slows down your progress.
There is something far more important to success with anything in life than asking questions.
In fact, I had answered his question about the expenses involved in a Raw Food Diet many months ago. He seemed to have forgotten my extensive answers to his questions. Because I answered the questions about “expense” long before he joined LEN a second time.
I doubt he would have even joined again had he remembered the answers I already gave him.
Not surprisingly he told me one of his health issues is a poor memory. So keep that in mind. (And yes you can dramatically improve the memory with herbs like ginkgo biloba leaf.) LEN members will soon learn about all the herbs I have used to dramatically improve my memory and mental function.
And in one of his previous emails he told me he was suffering with bipolar disorder. I tell you these things to help you understand that he has some major health issues already at a young age and that you would think that his health at this point should naturally be a very high priority in his life.
NOTE: In my reply to him I also include some tips as to what organs of the body need to be healed when you have bipolar disorder. And yes it is easily healable by going Raw Complete and taking the right herbs.
The question then… is eating Raw Food Diet expensive or is it the most incredibly valuable diet for the money out there? I'm going to go in depth on that as well with lots of examples.
TRIGGER WARNING: This article may be an extreme wakeup call for many of my readers. I am sharing the blunt truth as I have experienced it. Some of my less experienced readers may get offended at hearing the TRUTH.
Below you’re going to see two of my replies to his emails. I went into great detail and realized my answer to him would be valuable for all of my readers that are interested in achieving radiant health and perpetual youthfulness.
However, before I show you those replies I want to address this young man directly.
Dear A.
I suggest that you actually try eating 100% raw for one month. Instead of spending hours formulating new questions and learning things intellectually, why don’t you learn by doing?
Because I believe that if you had real world experience eating raw you could better relate to what I’m sharing with you in my reply. You will learn a lot more by actually going raw (even if just a temporary a two week or 30 day experiment) than by asking me 100 questions.
And by eating raw foods your body will tell you how powerful they really are. For many people eating 100% raw foods can be a dramatic life changing moment. But you will never know unless you try.
Even just eating 50% raw can improve your life overnight. As doing that took away my living nightmare depression of 6.5 years. Yes just 50% raw took away my depression in less than 24 hours way back in 1996. And going 100% raw made me even happier than I had ever been in my entire life. It’s all about the high vibrations and happiness energy coming from raw fruits and vegetables.
NOTE: I have added lots of important extra details to this reply that was not in my original reply to him to really dig home the points so that you can better FEEL it and SEE it.
I'll again include his email and then after my reply.
Roger, I'm sorry to say this, but I'm no longer interested in eating a raw food diet anymore. You said that eating cheap raw is difficult. And you also said that traveling with a 100% raw diet is difficult depending on where I'm going. This is exactly the reason why this isn't right for me. Especially in Japan. The cost of fruits and vegetables are way too ridiculously expensive there. So therefore, I would like to cancel my membership. This isn't to disappoint you or anything like that. I'm just being very honest.
Roger Reply:
No problem, you can cancel.
But are your priorities currently matching what you want most out of life?
Is travel more important to you than your happiness, health, physical appearance and potential to earn a great income and do what you love?
If you continue to eat cooked food your health will only get worse day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year. This will cost you a ton of money and misery in the future. You will suffer just like everyone else who eats cooked food. It will make you get old, ugly and likely overweight if you eat cooked food. Or maybe you’re already overweight as so many people are these days due to the cell, organ and DNA destroying powers of cooked food.
I don’t know if you realize this but old age for people who eat a cooked diet is one visit to a doctor after another. It’s a state of constant disease and a never ending stream of health problems. And the prescription drugs doctors give their patients only make their health worse.
Heck, even as a child I went to the doctor often with health problems. For most people the older they get the more often they visit the doctor. Old age is not about just getting gray hair and wrinkles, it is about an extreme state of pain and weakening of the body down to the level of their DNA.
Things that can absolutely be avoided if you practice the what I teach my LEN members. In fact, eating a Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet in itself can stop or dramatically slow down the aging process. But 99.9% of people will also need to put in extra work to heal their kidneys, adrenal glands, their overall endocrine system and their lymphatic system by taking herbs and doing detox protocols if they want to truly stop and reverse the aging process.
This is because people are so incredibly damaged and weakened from a lifetime of eating acidic cell destroying cooked food and due to inheriting genetic weaknesses from their parents and grand parents. Most of which were caused by eating cooked food.
I live in a town with loads of senior citizens. And every day that I go out in public I see how cooked food has destroyed these people's lives and they have zero awareness of the simple cause of their self-destruction. In fact, they are addicted to their punisher.
Do you know how much it costs to have heart disease or cancer? I think the medical expenses of the average cancer patient is around $100,000 and then they die anyway. Talk about an expensive diet.
You can’t only factor in the cost of the food. There are TONS of expensive consequences as a result of eating cooked food.
Your first heart attack which often comes with zero warning and you could be dead. Apparently 12% of people die from their first heart attack. Eating raw is the simple way to totally avoid heart disease and or to heal it once you’ve got it. It’s by far the best diet for people with heart disease. Much better even than a cooked vegan diet.
How much would you pay to be rid of arthritis if you end up getting it in your 50s and 60s? I had arthritis in my 20s and got rid of it entirely by going 100% raw. I’m 55.5 years old now and have ZERO signs of arthritis.
Had I continued to eat cooked food my joints would have been severely swollen and mishapen by now and I wouldn’t even be able to run anymore. Likely exercise of any kind even walking would be painful at this point where I still eating cooked food.
I know for 100% sure I would be looking and feeling at least 20 years older than I do now.
For me eating raw has been infinitely valuable and youth preserving. Aging is optional.
This is the reality of aging for people who eat cooked food. Eating cooked food is like dooming yourself to a life of needless pain, ugliness and Hell on multiple levels.
If you want to go to hell then just eat cooked food and you’ll quickly get there. Not to mention that drinking alcohol and taking drugs will take you to hell too.
Of course, I think you mentioned you have bipolar disorder. That is related to damage from eating cooked food. Especially damage to the adrenal glands and the thyroid/parathyroid glands.
Most so called mental disorders are actually weakness in the endocrine system which all of those glands I just mentioned are a part of. It usually has nothing to do with just a problem in your thinking or emotions. It’s simply a result of your endocrine system being weakened enough to affect your state of mental and emotional well being. And going raw by itself should help that quite a bit.
Remember all I had to do was to go 50% raw in 1996 and my depression and panic attacks of 6.5 years where gone almost instantly. The depression was destroying my life. Raw foods were my savior.
Though I was a relatively young 29 years old then and never injured myself further by taking prescription antidepressants. Yes, studies have shown that antidepressants can damage the brain. People who take antidepressants find it takes longer to heal once switching to a Raw Food Diet.
Simply by eating lots of raw fruit I entered into a higher and more blissful state of consciousness after my first raw meal.
Though it's almost certain you will need or benefit from taking some herbs to be able to fully heal rebuild the endocrine system. Certainly continuing to do what caused the problem (like eating cooked food for instance) won't make it better.
So would you travel to Japan while having bipolar disorder and a poor memory or would you rather spend that travel money first healing yourself? Because just getting to Japan is going to be very expensive. What point is there to travel if you are too unhealthy to enjoy it?
And as a result of continuing to eat cooked food you will never experience the state of cellular bliss and inner light that can only come from the high happiness and light frequencies of raw fruit. You told me how interested you were to learn about God. Well eating raw foods makes it a lot easier to make that contact.
Yes, eating 100% raw makes it much easier to connect to your higher self. I myself and MANY other raw foodists I know have experienced this. It makes your body more electrically conductive to receive spiritual energies, light and bliss. In fact, raw foods like fruits are loaded with happiness light energy that is 100% destroyed if you eat them after they have been cooked.
To prove this to yourself simply compare the feeling of drinking fresh squeezed orange juice versus pasteurized OJ in the cartons. There is a huge difference in the energy, tingliness and feeling of drinking the fresh squeezed versus the cooked OJ.
The choice of course is yours.
But there are many ways to lower the costs of eating raw.
However the costs of eating cooked food are much higher than you may realize.
I'm 55 years old and have not been to a doctor in 27 years. Imagine how much money I saved myself. But even better, I saved myself the cost of how miserable my life would have been had I continued eating cooked food. I have avoided so many health problems and diseases it's not even funny. And looking and feeling 20+ years younger than my chronological age and being slimmer than my college days is a fantastic benefit as well.
You can't beat the laws of Nature and the laws of health. If you eat cooked food you will pay with dire consequences. That is 100% unavoidable and unescapable fact. I see the incredible damage people are needlessly suffering each time I go shopping. Grotesque, distorted and painful bodies.
I love to travel too. But my health takes precedence over travel. So if travel made it impossible to eat raw foods at most I would make it a VERY short trip. But otherwise I would avoid that travel entirely.
And yet I have lived in Panama, Mexico and Hawaii all while on a Raw Food Diet. I have also traveled to Canada while staying 100% raw. I also stayed 100% raw on a trip across the United States. And you can go to all 50 US states and Puerto Rico and easily stay 100% raw. Yes there are even raw foodists in Alaska. So travel is quite possible but not all places, especially remote islands have enough raw foods available. Probably you could do it in 80% or more of the civilized countries of the world.
Someday in the future we will have antigravity spacecraft technology made available to the public so that you can get to Japan from New York in 30 minutes. You could travel anywhere you want for the day and then come back home and eat at home.
This technology already exists. Our secret space programs have been using it for decades. Hopefully that information will become more widely known and then humanity can benefit from the incredible technologies that have been hidden from us.
So please ponder what I'm telling you and quickly take action because as a cooked foodist it's hard for you to realize the incredible damage you do to yourself on a daily basis by eating cooked food. I promise you it is destroying your life and your potential for success and happiness.
Yes cooked food severely limits your potential for overall success in life too. How can you be successful if your body only works at 50% of its capacity? There is a whole world of higher consciousness that is not accessible to people who still eat cooked food. Talk about a lack of travel ability. It’s the travel to inner kingdoms of bliss and wisdom that is barred to most cooked food eaters.
Yes cooked food itself makes your inner world darker and a much more limited range of experiences and emotions. It makes you more angry and harder to control your emotions.
Going raw is a life changing and improving opportunity. While cooked food is doing oxidative and acidic damage to your cells, glands, organs and DNA with each bite of it you take. Plus when you eat cooked food you are literally building your body with damaged building materials and the wrong materials as well.
It's like a factory that builds rubber tires but only has burnt wood as the building material. It's not gonna be rubber tires if you only have burnt wood to make them with. Same as the body won't have properly functioning cells if it doesn't have the right building materials for the cells.
This is what happens when you feed a body stuff that doesn't belong in the body. And hence the body has to make due with what it has and it starts building these ill functioning monster cells that the body’s immune system does not recognize. This is what causes autoimmune diseases. Your body’s innate intelligence does not recognize these monster cells and it attacks them as enemy invaders.
Cooked food is the aging, ugliness, obesity, disease, depression and self-destruction diet.
While raw food is the youth, beauty and bliss diet.
You're at a major crossroads in your destiny. If you make the wrong choice it could be extremely expensive.
Client Reply:
Well, I'm sorry, but if the raw food diet is not cheap and if I can't travel well as a raw foodist, then I guess LEN Mentoring isn't right for me. I am NOT spending a lot of money on food! I think I'm better off being a breatharian.
Roger Reply:
Yes, of course, being a breatharian is the ultimate and of course, free. But then again how to actually do it. It's not practical to assume you can ever expect to achieve the ability to be a breatharian. So that really isn't an option for 99.999% of people. There are a number of people who have died in the process of trying to become breatharians.
And I think you didn't at all grasp what I was writing in my previous reply.
In truth the Raw Food Diet is the cheapest diet by far when you factor in all the causes of expense in your life. It's not just the cost of food you need to think about.
For instance, in my case I had depression for 6.5 years starting my graduating year in college. That was 6.5 years of living Hell and loneliness. But the first day I went just 50% raw, my depression went away completely. Do you know how much depression was ruining my financial and social life?
What is the cost of depression versus bliss? My depression was actually handicapping my career. I was getting fired from jobs and or not getting promoted or getting much less work due to my depression. I was constantly miserable and wanted to die. I couldn’t even be happy spending time with my friends when my depression was at its worst because I was in such a constant state of emotional misery.
So by eating raw I was able to earn a lot more money because I was no longer living in constant fear. And eventually I was able to get into my current career doing what I love for a living by helping people to get happy, healthy and youthful because of it.
I got and continue to get a ton of value out of having switched to eating Light Energy Nutrition or a Raw Food Diet. Much more than I ever spent in terms of money. I mean for me it is delicious food, the Fountain of Youth and a happiness drug all at the same time. Though it is absolutely vital that you do this correctly to get the best anti-aging results as I teach to LEN members. Unfortunately, most people who do the raw diet do it wrong because most of the books teaching the raw diet teach it wrong.
So it's not just about the price of food but also the lost opportunities that happen to people who live a lifetime of eating cooked food.
I feel so sorry for the people who eat cooked food because although they may have a cheaper diet… eating it day in and day out actually puts them in Hell. As a 21 year raw foodist and a raw food teacher with thousands of students I know this to be 100% true.
And as I said there are ways to bring the costs down of eating raw foods dramatically. For one it is not necessary to eat 100% organic. Better by far for your health to eat all raw conventional foods than to eat cooked organic food. Though there are several other techniques for reducing your overall costs as well.
Also the costs of raw produce can vary dramatically based on where you live. For instance I paid the most for my produce in Hawaii and then New Jersey. But the cheapest my raw food costs have been is in Arizona. (Though Panama and Mexico where even cheaper.)
And if you can't right away afford to go 100% raw then you should at least try 50 to 80% of your diet raw to get you going in the right direction. Even that can be a life altering improvement.
Anyways I show you these things so that maybe you can see what I am talking about and come to a realization of how incredibly valuable God's happiness foods really are.
Whether you work with me or not is not why I’m taking so much extra time to respond to you. I'm taking extra time to try and help you because I know the immense suffering that comes from a lifetime of cooked food eating. Once you get into eating raw it's like having a lucid dream and stepping into a much brighter and better Universe than your current life on Earth.
A Super Important Extra Point:
Raw food is not just for youth, beauty and bliss but it is the only diet that also enhances your spirituality. Good luck trying to uplift your consciousness while eating rotting animal carcass on a Keto or Carnivore Diet.
That is the official diet that our puppet masters in the governments around the world want us to eat because it makes us sick, weak, depressed and die much younger and hence much easier to control. That is why it is constantly promoted in the mainstream press, on Youtube and social media while the Raw Food Diet is suppressed. There is a demonic reason you constantly hear about the so called “benefits” of a Keto or high protein and high rotting carcass diet.
There is actual Divine Light and Happiness Energy in raw fruits and vegetables. It is THE SPIRITUAL DIET. There is no cooked diet or meat based diet that can possibly claim that.
Even eating a vegetarian rice and beans diet or cheap dollar store diet keeps you locked in a very low and hellish state of vibratory consciousness. Though a cooked vegetarian diet is better than a keto diet by far.
And no amount of intermittent fasting can overcome the damage from eating cooked foods after your fast is over.
To have your happiest and best life possible there is no other choice but to eat a Raw Complete or Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet.
I would love to hear your experience and insights in the comments section below. So many people over the years have experienced the bliss that raw foods can bring. It would be great if you could share your experiences.
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Divinity Enforcer
Raw Medicine Man
The Youth Guru & 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"
P.S. If you want to take your life to the ultimate levels of bliss, beauty and potential then I suggest you check out how LEN membership can revolutionize your life.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
For many years I did not believe going raw was a good decision. I was addicted to the cooked food culture, whether I knew it or not. I was slowly getting bigger around the belly, even with as much intense exercise I was doing.
I tried many different things, and along that path eventually came raw food. Roger called me out on my addictions, and I told him I would do 3 days secretly, and see what I felt. It was like a weight lifting off me. I felt so good those 3 days, that I decided to eat 100% raw permanently. It's so important to experiment in life, otherwise you're there wondering how good it could be, or second guessing yourself. The evil of this world will make you second guess good decisions, because it gives them power over us all with fear they create. Going raw is as simple as making the decision, then go get some groceries and pick out a few meals. You take back your power. It's as simple as that.
It costs so much more to eat cooked food, you don't even know! I'm more productive and valuable at work, I play with my daughter more because I have more energy, and I haven't gone to one doctor. My life quality has gone up many times as a result.
I pay medical claims for a living, and its not just the cost of treating cancer, but all the other drugs and expensive diagnostic testing they make you go through. You end up paying thousands every year, and keep getting sicker, waste more time and precious life energy. Then eventually you have a big health event, either a heart attack, sepsis, cancer, and you're stuck at a much lower quality of life permanently.
Eating a raw food diet is cheap compared to the alternative, and it's not even close!
Hello Roger,
Very interesting article. But isn't eating lots of fruits, juices and carbs loading you up with a ton of sugar? I don't want to get diabetes. And what about all the fiber? I'm reading a book called:
"Fiber Menace" and he makes a good case against fiber saying it can cause small tears in intestines among other things. There are so many opinions about everything out there that it can make you crazy just trying to figure things out. Eve